

AN: Here is the next chapter.. please comment x333 Or I'll be sad.. T.T


 'Have you really done this, Key?' Jonghyun asked, his tone showing how disappointed he was, Key whimpered, he knew that even if he sleepwalked, he wouldn't do anything like this, but nodded. 'I am sorry, I was really bored..' he whispered, looking at the floor. Jonghyun sighed and looked at the maids. 'What is  the damage?' Jonghyun asked, Key sighed softly, not understanding why anyone would do that and say it was him. 'Most of your rooms had been destroyed like this, Master. The furniture, everything.' the 'scared' maid answered. 'Key, I want you to clean everything up, I will order the new furniture. 'Jongyhun commanded and Key nodded sadly. The maids looked at their master in confusion. 'Aren't you going to punish him, Master? ' Cathy asked. 'Cleaning up is his punishment, nobody can help him. 'The master said and the maids nodded. As they walked out of the room, Jonghyun turned back to Key. 'Why did you lie?' he asked, grabbing the younger's chin gently. ' I.. it's obvious that they don't like me. If I said that it was them, I would get into more trouble. 'Key said and started picking up the trash. Jonghyun sighed. 'You can do this, right? ' he asked. Key nodded. 'I can, don't worry. But don't tell them that you know. Act like you are really mad at me. ' he said and his master nodded. Of course, the maids were unaware of the fact that Jonghyun treated Key like a Perfect-as he should have been treated by everyone. So Key cleaned up everything in the house. He left the music room to be the last. As he entered the room, he closed the door and broke out in tears. 'What have I done to deserve this, mom?' he asked himself as he cleaned the piano and sniffed. He knew that he had to be strong. He had cleaned everything, but many hours had passed since he had started. He felt sore everywhere and his clothes were really dirty. He could barely see from his tears and the exhaustion he felt from cleaning the mansion. But he saved as Jonghyun was walking to his room as well. He steadied Key and led him towards the bed. 'Are you Ok?' he asked gently. Key nodded weakly. 'Just tired. I cleaned everything.. 'he whispered. Joghyun smiled ad ruffled his hair gently. 'Thank you. I am proud of you.' he smiled as Key blushed deeply. ' Now, take a shower and go to bed quickly.' he scratched Key's ear gently. The boy nodded, yawning widely. He stood up slowly and walked to the bathroom sluggishly. He took a quick shower, but once in his life he had enjoyed the water as it calmed his aching muscles. He smiled to himself, knowing that Jonghyun was proud of him. As he pulled on some pajamas, he touched his ears. His left ear had hurt when Jongyhun had scratched it. Wincing, he noticed that it was bleeding slightly. He must have hurt it when he was cleaning and hadn't noticed it since his whole body had hurt. Sighing, he wiped the blood off and washed his hands. He walked back to the room, Jonghyun was already lying on the bed. He patted the place next to him and Key crawled there, smiling at him. 'What happened to your ear?' Jongyhun asked suddenly.' I think I've hurt it a bit, but it's nothing serious.' Key smiled and yawned. Jonghyun sighed. 'Come here..' he mumbled and pulled Key close to him, hugging him from the behind. Key blushed deeply, his head was on the other's chest, he could hear his heartbeat, the sound making him even sleepier. Key yawned and snuggled into the covers that were put on him. Jonhyun smiled and Key's hair gently, careful of his hurt ears. 'Sleep well..' he whispered.

 Jonghyun fell asleep soon as well, holding Key protectively. He didn't hear that someone ran off on their tiptoes, rolling her eyes. Her plan hadn't worked, Jonghyun had discovered her intentions. So she sighed and worked on another plan. A more cruel one..

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Even though I'm not in Italy right now, I don't know when I'll update cause right now I'm not sure on how to continue this T.T


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saijang #1
Chapter 16: please update this story soon. . . . this is different from the other stories that i have read
Jesminda90 #2
It would be Nice when you continue this Story. I really like your Storys :D and this One is Sweet like oure other Storys :)
Chapter 16: omg im glad i caught up this was really good especially the fluffy parts, so please update soon, but only when you can and if i do become inpatient i will definitely read your other fics^^
BabyKey #4
Chapter 16: seriously, that women need to die! how dare she hurt my key! curse you cathy!

i love the story ! update soon ~ i realize you haven't update in month =3= update soon?
BabyKey #5
Chapter 6: whoa o.o that nasty maid need to disappear a.s.a.p! u hate her!
Dubuu12 #6
Just started reading today. Gahh, this story is too cute! :3
SO Cute and Fluffy!!!!!!! >< love this! can key be any cuter? :D i just wanna squeeze him to bits thanks for updating hope you feel better
hi new reader here i totally love this i love a cute adorable key thanks for the awesomness XD
GwenT95 #9
O.o I Really like the plot and the story is well written can't wait for more kittybum~