

AN: Well.. here is chapter 3, so I won't forgot what I'd planned :)


At first Jonghyun didn't notice Key. But as he looked around, he noticed the small boy curled up near the door. Only the thin rags from the floor provided him some heat. Jonghyun immediately regretted his previous actions. And as he looked at Key, he could feel his heart broke again and again. Key's lips were blue and his skin was deadly pale, but his face was flushed. His whole body was shivering. His ears twitch slightly when Jonghyun had walked into the room and his eyes lit up.

'You're here..' he whispered and stood up shakily. Jonghyun looked at him, confused. They boy looked like he would collapse in any second, but he still took a few, shaky steps towards his master. Then he started falling. He closed his eyes, awaiting the sharp pain from the fall, but it didn't come. Warm arms had wrapped themselves around him, and he was pulled into their gently embrace. The familiar smell calmed Key down, but his whole body was shaking. He had a fever, and Jonghyun could feel that it was a high one 'Of course I am. I think I've told you to come and find me to tell me your answer. ' the elder looked at the weak boy in his arms. Key shook his head and looked up at Jonghyun with confusion evident in his eyes.' you told me to stay here and decide. And that you'd be back.. 'he whispered, his teeth clattering as he was still really cold. Jonhyun shook his head in disbelief. 'Oh god, you thought you had to stay here..' he mumbled, not really to Key, but to himself. He picked the boy up easily, but before leaving the room, he stopped in the door for a moment. 'So, what is your answer, Key? ' he asked the boy he was holding, some hope hiding in his voice. 'I want to live like a perfect.. ' Key whispered and coughed weakly. Jonghyun smiled sadly. 'I am sorry for leaving you there.. ' he said as he walked to his own room. He kicked the door open and sat Key on the king-sized bed. Touching his forehead, he frowned. 'You have a high fever. ' he stated. Key sighed and his ears flattened to his head sadly. 'S..sorry.. ' he mumbled. 'No, you shouldn't be sorry. And don't worry, you'll be fine soon. ' he said and petted Key's head gently. 'Rest, Ok?' he asked. Key nodded and closed his eyes. Jonghyun smiled softly and went to his bathroom. He grabbed a bowl and a small towel. He put the bowl under the tap and poured some cold water into it. He walked out to Key again. Key didn't seem to be sleeping. His whole body was shaking still, and he was still tangled in the dirty rags. Sighing, Jonghyun lifted  Key up gently and sat down, sitting him on his lap. The boy looked at him with fear in his eyes, letting out a weak whimper. 'Shh, it's OK..' Jonghyun soothed him and pulled the rags off Key. It took some time, since he was sweating from his fever and he was still moving away in fear when his 'master' would touch him. When he was finally done, Jonghyun set Key down and not caring if he was dirty, he covered him up with his finest blanket. After that, he placed the bowl and towel on the bedside table and wetted the towel, placing it on Key's forehead. Key gasped and let out a small whimper again. He trashed around, trying to get away. 'Shh, Key.. This is just helping you..' Jonhyun whispered soothingly. Key nodded slightly and closed his eyes. Jonghyun wasn't sure how cat-demons reacted to the pills he had, so he didn't want to give them to Key.

After an hour though, Key's condition had started to make Jonghyun worried. He was lying very still and his chest was rising and descending very slowly. Jonghyun took off the towel of Key's forehead and waited some time, then he touched it again. He gasped. Key's fever hadn't went done as he had expected, but it went up. Grabbing a thermometer, he stuck it in Key's mouth, earning a small growl. Even if Key was distressed, this made Jonghyun less worried, at least he was responding to the outside world. After he waited some time, he pulled it out and stared at the numbers. Key's fever was really high. So high that his life was in danger. But he knew, that taking Key to the hospital would risk his life more. Since Mistakes were 'replaceable', the doctors in the hospital would have just hurt him, or worse. Suddenly, Key let out a painful whimper. He seemed to be in a lot of pain. He looked at Jonghyun, his eyes clouded by his high fever. ' me..' he begged weakly. Jonghyun knew that without medication, he would die. So he ran to where he kept them and searched for them. He was really worried about the boy. He quickly got a glass of water, and sat Key up. The other looked at him wearily. 'Swallow these, Key.. 'Jonghyun commanded. Key nodded slightly as the pills were held in front of his lips. He parted his dry lips and Jonghyun helped to get them into his mouth. He swallowed painfully and drank the water his 'master' had held out for him. Key was still shaking as Jonghyun laid him down, and tucked him in again. 'You'll be fine soon.. 'the elder smiled, and ruffled Key's hair. Key glared at him weakly, but playfully. 'Will you stay? ' he asked softly. 'Of course.. 'Jonghyun said. He lay next to Key, and as the younger boy fell asleep, he stared at his peaceful sleeping face. He still didn't know what his flaw was.. He seemed so perfect..

He fell asleep thinking about Key. He hoped that the boy would feel better in a few days..

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Even though I'm not in Italy right now, I don't know when I'll update cause right now I'm not sure on how to continue this T.T


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saijang #1
Chapter 16: please update this story soon. . . . this is different from the other stories that i have read
Jesminda90 #2
It would be Nice when you continue this Story. I really like your Storys :D and this One is Sweet like oure other Storys :)
Chapter 16: omg im glad i caught up this was really good especially the fluffy parts, so please update soon, but only when you can and if i do become inpatient i will definitely read your other fics^^
BabyKey #4
Chapter 16: seriously, that women need to die! how dare she hurt my key! curse you cathy!

i love the story ! update soon ~ i realize you haven't update in month =3= update soon?
BabyKey #5
Chapter 6: whoa o.o that nasty maid need to disappear a.s.a.p! u hate her!
Dubuu12 #6
Just started reading today. Gahh, this story is too cute! :3
SO Cute and Fluffy!!!!!!! >< love this! can key be any cuter? :D i just wanna squeeze him to bits thanks for updating hope you feel better
hi new reader here i totally love this i love a cute adorable key thanks for the awesomness XD
GwenT95 #9
O.o I Really like the plot and the story is well written can't wait for more kittybum~