


.. I don't have much time since I am leaving in less than an hour, but here's a preview of the next chapter, (or a very very short chapter as you wAN: Wellish to see it :PP)

I'll be back in a week, love you all~ x3333333333


Key sighed as he listened to his mother's explanation.

'I was young when it started. Your father and I had fallen in love when we were in about 11th grade. We were both Perfects, and just plainly teens. I had you a few years later. We were happy for years.. But then a man came. He hurt your father, making him a Mistake..'

​Key gasped silently. His father wasn't a Mistake, no, he couldn't be..

'He took you, baby and raised you.. Unwell, I think. Only because in the end, he could sell you. I had to fake my death with the help of the fugitives, to be able to be with your father. We were planning to take you as well, but then He noticed it. And he threatened us. If we tried to even write to you, he would kill you...'

​The woman was sobbing now. Key's eyes were full of tears as well. He just couldn't believe this.. Jonghyun pulled Key close, and hugged him tightly. 'It's OK now, Bummie.. You'll have your family back soon..' he smiled, but Key was still crying. He had lived in a lie since he was small. .He just couldn't believe it.




AN: This is just a preview, I guess but.. Yeah, I'm leaving soon and I don't exactly have the time..




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Even though I'm not in Italy right now, I don't know when I'll update cause right now I'm not sure on how to continue this T.T


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saijang #1
Chapter 16: please update this story soon. . . . this is different from the other stories that i have read
Jesminda90 #2
It would be Nice when you continue this Story. I really like your Storys :D and this One is Sweet like oure other Storys :)
Chapter 16: omg im glad i caught up this was really good especially the fluffy parts, so please update soon, but only when you can and if i do become inpatient i will definitely read your other fics^^
BabyKey #4
Chapter 16: seriously, that women need to die! how dare she hurt my key! curse you cathy!

i love the story ! update soon ~ i realize you haven't update in month =3= update soon?
BabyKey #5
Chapter 6: whoa o.o that nasty maid need to disappear a.s.a.p! u hate her!
Dubuu12 #6
Just started reading today. Gahh, this story is too cute! :3
SO Cute and Fluffy!!!!!!! >< love this! can key be any cuter? :D i just wanna squeeze him to bits thanks for updating hope you feel better
hi new reader here i totally love this i love a cute adorable key thanks for the awesomness XD
GwenT95 #9
O.o I Really like the plot and the story is well written can't wait for more kittybum~