The Day

I Never Knew You Existed (AKA Existence)

MiYoung's POV

*ding dong*

"oh he's here, thanks SoYoung, you remember what I told you right"

"yup!! And no problemo! Byes have fun" she says and smiles. I grab my purse and head out the door.

"ready?" he says smiling at me, omo.

"yup, ok let's go oppa!" I say and locked the door.

We arrive, at the movie theatre. It is now 10:59.. I think I should text him.

"Jiyong, sorry something came up. I hope you have fun with SoYoung! - MiYoung"

"ok I got the tickets here I'll hold the popcorn." Taemin says as he carefully takes the box of popcorn away from me.  "lets go in now?"

"ok" I say smiling as if nothing's wrong and follows him.

I wonder what he's doing now..



-On the phone-

"SoYoung, can you do me a favor?"

"depends on what it is" 

" see, Ji- I mean Taemin asked me to go to the movies with-"

"OMG!! MiYoung!! I told you he-"

"SOYOUNG let me finish.. so he asked me but before that, Jiyong asked to go to the amusement park with him and.."

"*hears heavy breathing*"

"O_O uh, BUT I think I'm going to go with Taemin.... SO I was wondering if you'd like to go with Jiyon-"



"REally MiYoung? of course I'd like go to with him... heheheeeeee.... Thank you!!  you're the best."

"ahh.. thank you?"

"this is going to be great!!! you and Taemin and me and... Auhhh!!!"

"ok.. calm down.. so come to my house tomorrow ok?"


"because I told Jiyong earlier that I would go with him but it's actually you.. so you can give him a surprise!" I hope she-

"YAY!! I want to give him a surprise too! Ok bye! I'll come tomorrow morning~"

-Hangs up-

Ok now I gotta call Taemin...


"Taemin, yeah I can go now!" I said trying to be happy.

"really!? But how come all of a sudden, an hour ago you said..."

"well after you hung up, something came up so Jiyong can't go. And I can go with you now!" I lied.

"Yay! Ok I'll come at 10AM"

-next day, which is currently this morning-

"ok so if Jiyong asks, just say something came up. He'll come at 11AM."


"uhm.. Yeah the door will lock automatically when you close it, remember to close the door when you leave! And try not to eat all of my food, he'll buy lunch anyways or whatever"

"okk!!" she says smiling on the other line, thinking about her day with Jiyong.

End of flashback


No One's POV

"Yay omg I'm so excited!! Ohh its one minute before 11AM ottokee~" SoYoung thinks to herself.

*ding dong* Jiyong rings the doorbell all happy about the day. Then he receives the text that you sent him and reads it. 

"Ohh, so does that mean she's not home?" he says to himself then SoYoung opens the door.

"ahh... Annyeonhaseyo, Jiyong-shi" SoYoung says shyly.

"Annyeong.." Jiyong says with a fake smile, saddened that MiYoung basically ditched him and replaced herrself with SoYoung.

"So.. did you eat yet?" Jiyong asks, SoYoung nods that she hasn't eaten yet. "did you?" she asks back

"Aniyo, Hm......  what do you want to eat then?" he asks again as they walk to the elevator. He didn't eat because he wanted to eat with MiYoung, so he starved himself!?!!! D=

"......... It doesn't matter... " SoYoung asks nervously.

"Ok then, we'll just see what there is while walking." Jiyong says. He doesn't feel that comfortable when he's with SoYoung as he is with MiYoung, talking. But at least he's trying to talk....right?



"yah, stop eating so fast, the popcorn is almost gone and the movie just started" MiYoung whispers to Taemin.

"you're just eating to slow" Taemin teases. "I'll go get more later when we're done-"

"when we're done? you mean when you're done... >_>" she whispers again trying not to bother other people who's watching the movie.

A few minutes pass.

"huh? I'll go get more popcorn" Taemin says getting out of the seat.

How ya doing?

GD: Where are you?!

Me: .....

GD: I thought you said you'll come and now you ditch me?! You meanie..

Me: Sorry. I wanted to go but something came up.

GD: something important?

Me: if it wasn't important I would of came, so do you think it is important?

GD: I dont know.

Me: What are you doing?

GD: Spying on your friends.

Me: what??

GD: Jiyong and SoYoung.

Me: Ohh. SoYoung's probably super happy right?

GD: I guess so, but Jiyong looks a bit bored.

Me: Huh? why? how? I thought he's the one who wanted to go.

GD:.... ah I don't know. what are YOU doing?

Me: .... Oh sorry I got to go talk to you later! bye. Have fun!

GD: NOO!! Fine. Bye. Meanie

*sigh* sorry.

"Mm, the popcorn is so good." Taemin says sitting.

"Yeah I can tell, you've been eating it non-stop"

"It's too good, I can't resist it."

"whatever just be quiet, let's watch the movie." MiYoung said realizing they shouldn't be talking during the movie. Then she just sorta jumped because her phone vibrated. I'm supposed to be used to it vibrating when someone texts or calls but I still get a little scared at random times. she thought to herself.


-Back to the amusement park-

"hmm. why isn't she replying to my text?" SoYoung whispered to herself. "oh yeah, she's watching a movie with Taeminieee, ahaa, MiYoung.... ^_^"

"huh? you said something SoYoung?" Jiyong asked after hearing MiYoung's name.

"Oh I was just wondering why Mi- eh... nevermind." Oops SoYoung thought to herself.

"No tell me." Jiyong says smiling which made SoYoung faint inside.

"Ahh.. aniyo... Ouh~ let's go over there" SoYoung said dragging Jiyong to this random ride.

5minutes later.

"Finally she texted back." SoYoung thought to herself as she reads the text message. From MiYoung: 'Sorry still watching movie, so you having fun?'

'Omg yes, Jiyong won this giant teddy bear for me~ hehe *kisses teddy weddy*' SoYoung texted back

From: MiYoung ' ugh O_O alright then? now your saliva is all over it.. ewwie. gtg bye, ttyl'


- Almost end of movie-

Taemin yawns and stretches. And yes there is no more popcorn, he basically ate it all. While he stretched his arms you felt uncomfortable. 'If he seriously is going to do that lame thing where guys stretch and put their arm over the girl's shoulder, Seriously.... I know how to flip people. SERIOUSLY I do. Although I don't go to classes for martial arts, ANYMORE, I still remember the moves. I mentally practice them in my head in case I forget'   MiYoung thought to herself, and thankfully he didn't put his arm over your shoulder.

After the movie finished you two left the theatre. "so, what made you suddenly change your mind and come with me?" Taemin asked with a smile.

"Why you don't want me to come?" MiYoung replied as a joke.

"Ugh. NO! I wanted you to come." he said hoping there wouldn't be any misunderstandings.

"Ohh~ you wanTED, past tense"

"What?! ........ " Taemin doesn't know what to say now.

"Aihh~ I was just kidding" MiYoung said with a smile.

"No but really, what made you change you mind though? Or is it because I'm better than Jiyong" he winked.

"Hahaha, sure." MiYoung said and then thought about what Taemin just said, with some flashbacks.

"You hungry?"

"now that you mention it, a little."

"me too, what do you want to eat?"

"Seriously? but you just ate all that popcorn."

"........ just be happy I'm treating you."

"Really?? Hehehe, how much money do you have?"

"What? Why? You're going to steal all my money now?"

"Aniyo! I'm trying to SAVE your money..... if I know how much money you have, then I'll know what to eat and what to NOT eat."

"HM..... sure...." he said with a suspicious look.

"Ah, whatever let's go eat....." MiYoung said thinking but the only thing she could think of was Korean BBQ!!! "let's just eat tteokbokki, OH And I want bubble tea" she says smiling.

"ahh~  is that your girlfriend?" the ajumma who served the ttoekbokki said to Taemin. "you two look cute together" she says looking at MiYoung who's ready to eat already.

"Huh? A-" MiYoung wanted to say something but Taemin cut her off. "Kamsahamnida. Let's go" he said grabbing MiYoung's hand.

"What? But Taemin we're not even dating, why'd yo-" then Taemin suddenly stopped speed walking with MiYoung.

"MiYoung, let's just let thing's how they are now ok?" Taemin says smiling.

"What....?" MiYoung asked confused then Taemin ignored her and just kept on walking while holding her hand. Yes, her HAND.

What does he mean by that?? MiYoung thought.


Jiyong's POV

*sigh* this could of been more fun with MiYoung. SoYoung's alright but ...... whatever. Too bad she's busy. >_>
     I wonder what she's doing.

"Jiyong? If your tired we can leave... if you want...." SoYoung said quietly.

"no, its ok. what else do you want to do?" I asked her.

"hm..... I don't know, what else is there to do?" she said looking at the giant teddy bear. I feel like going home, but I don't want to be rude. And then her phone rang.

"Sorry, Jiyong, can you hold this for a while?" she said giving me the teddy bear.

"hello?"      "OH Miyoung."   she whispered something and then started walking a little farther from me, I can only hear a tiny little bit of what she's saying. I don't think I should eavesdrop so I just sat on a bench.

- Away from Jiyong, on the phone. -
 M= MiYoung.                    S= SoYoung.

M: so how's your... date  with Jiyong?

S: Going good I guess, but he looks a little tired.

M: ohh.

S: yeah, So how's you and Taemin??

M: Alright I guess.

S: what are you doing right now?

M: Oh hehe, I just ate ttoekbokki, and I have bubble tea~

S: I want bubble tea too~!! and where's Taemin?

M: Eh. I need to go to the washroom, I think I drank too much.

S: Haha.

M: ok talk to you later. Bye

S: Hm. Ok, Bye.

- hangs up-

I guess she's done talking to whoever that was. She started walking closer to me and grabbed the teddy bear.

"Uhm... Jiyong? I think we should go now" SoYoung said.

"Oh." weird, I wonder what made her say that.

"they're closing early today appearently."

"Ohhh.. really?" I honestly never knew that. Yes I can go ho- oh wait, I have to bring her home too. AND WE LIVE IN THE SAME APPARTMENT BUILDING!


MiYoung's POV

We walked ALL The way back to my apartment. Wow WALKING, and now my legs feel tired. T_T  I wonder if he's tired as well, we basically walked all day and sorta took the bus. Ok I'm at the front of my apartment now, just the building. It's like, 2PM, wow, already?

"Ok, I'll go now.. Thank you Taemin. Bye" I said sorta smiling while waving and slowly walked backwards.

"K, bye" he said then I turned around and continued walking.

"MiYoung?" he said a few seconds later which made me stop and turned around.


"Can I ask you something?" he said coming closer.

"Well you already did." I said.

"Eh? O_O" wow, he seriously doesn't get it?

".....aeh, just kidding, go on."

"......... uhm.. well I'm not expecting you to answer right away...... but....." I see him sorta blushing and looking down at the floor and scratching the back of his neck. If I'm not wrong, I think this is a typical scene wher-

"can.... I mean... ugh...... will... you be.... my girlfriend?" he stuttered.



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Chin555 #1
Chapter 38: sequel plzzz
Chapter 38: I read this in 1 shot... THIS IS AWSWOME! Touched my heart!:3 Plus.. Can you write a sequel? PLEAAAASE!
when i 1st read this i was like -_-'|| cause my korean name is Miyoung... anyway Awesome story!!
bana_hottest_elf_vip #4
i read this recently and i started to like GD oppa again <3 thank you ^^
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwhhhhhhhh!!!!!<br />
Adorable~~~~<br />
Unnieee~~~~ you're a wonderful writer~~ ^^<br />
Aw so cute! Love it! ^_^
AiAddict #7
it's end? it's end?! Aaaaa I really love it >_<<br />
I'm glad that Mi and Ji got together :D <br />
Good Jobb!
BleachMyStrawberry #8
amazing story, it was a really good read. great work!
yummiliciouslove #9
T^T its the end already?!?!?! Awwwwh T0T *cry* <br />
Oh well.. I like how yOu wrapped up the story though [: it's a really nice ending ^-^