Moving In

I Never Knew You Existed (AKA Existence)

MiYoung's POV

"s-so.... I'm moving into his house?!" I looked outside the car. We were right in front of his house. Ohhh myyy gawddd..

I got out of the car and saw people coming in and out with boxes. I kept turning my head to the right. Left. Right. Left.. Do I seriously have this much stuff?

I walked into the house.. Woah. I looked around. Hm, something smells good. I walked to wherever it was coming from. I saw a door slightly opened and peeked through it. Omo, there's a lot of food. I think I ended up in the dining room.

Hmm, I guess I'll wait until they call me? I turned back around heading to.. I don't know where. Just somewhere.

"ouf" I bumped into someone. "Mianhe." I bowed a little without even looking at the person. I'll just turn around once I walk away to see who it was.

"Miyoung?" that voice sounded-

"Oh Jiyong."

"how'd you get here?" he asked me.

"I smelt food.."

"No, I meant HERE. Like my house?"

"OH, I thought you knew?"


"MiYoung!" my eomma called out.

"Oh, hello Jiyong. MiYoung, your appa and I as well with Jiyong's parents are going to a business trip for a while."

"Eung. But what do I do now?" I asked.

"Jiyong, would you just give her a tour around here?" she asked him.

"Alright Mrs. Kim."

"But there's still food... when are you leaving?" I asked.

"We'll just leave after dinner."



"So this is MY room?" I asked Jiyong.

"Yes. Apparently-"

"Omo. ITS SOO FLUFFAY!!" I hugged the giant teddy bear on the bed and punched it a couple of times.

"haha. Glad you like it." he came and sat on the other side of the bed.

"so where's your room?" I asked him as I squished the bear's head.

"Next door." he said.

"what a coincidence haha."


"what's wrong?" I asked him.

"Nothing. Just bored." he said.

"k... well....................................... uh....." yeah this is getting boring.

"Oh yeah, where did those people go?"

"they said that when we are inside the house, they would leave us alone. Only follow us when we are outside."

"ah..." I nodded my head and played with the teddy bear's head then it fell down to Jiyong's back.


"Dinner is ready"

-After dinner-

"hmmmmmm.." I looked out the window as they drove off. It was dark outside too.

I walked and sat back on the couch. Jiyong was just flipping channels on the TV.

"I'm bored." I layed my head on his shoulder. "do we have any homework?"


"Wanna watch a movie?" he asked and got up.

It got cold a bit since it was night time. There was only one maid that was still awake.

Jiyong asked her to get us a blanket and she did.

I sat there as Jiyong wrapped the blanket over me and then himself.

I started to fall asleep when the movie was about to end. Then felt Jiyong move. I opened my eyes.

"oh, sorry for waking you up."

"it's ok." I looked at the screen and there were credits rolling. I turned around and the maid fell asleep too.

Were you awake the whole time?  I asked him trying to not wake the maid up. She must be tired.

GD: yeh...

Me: Oh. Ok. I'm going to go upstairs.

He turned off the TV. Then the maid woke up by herself and walked to her room.


"Good night." Jiyong said and turned off the light for me.

"Good night." I yawned and closed my eyes. I heard him close the door, walk to his room, and close his door.


Jiyong's POV

My sleep was interupted by a loud noise. It was raining outside. I could hear thunder every few seconds and then saw lightening.

I tried falling back asleep and ignoring it, but couldn't.

MiYoung: .... Ji.....?

Me: yeah?

MiYoung: did hear that...?

Me: yeah, it's raining outside.

"BAM-BAM~!" the thunder went again.

MiYoung: AH... >_<

Can.. can you come here....?? I- I'm scared........

Me: Alright.

I got off my bed and went to her room. I opened the door and saw her curled up in a ball.

"You alright?" I sat beside her.

"Hmmm.." she hugged me tightly.

"haha, It rained before when you were living by youself. You're still scared?" I felt happy on the inside though..

"I-I dunno. I used to fall asleep easily even when it was raining but then this time I couldn't."

Then there was thunder again.

"AH." she tightened.

"ah~ I won't be able to breathe." I said.

"Oh, sorry." she let go and fell back onto her bed. But she was still holding my hand though.

We both stared out the window and saw the lightening. The thunder wasn't as loud anymore. I got up.

"Wait, don't go..." she held onto my hand. ".in case......."

"alright then." I sat back on the bed.

"... or nevermind. You seem tired." she said.

" No I'm- *yawns*"

"see.. it's ok then. You need your sleep." she continued.

"I'll just sleep here?" I layed on the bed.


"you ok with that?" I asked.

"I-I guess.."


MiYoung's POV

I couldn't really fall asleep with him beside me... but... we were going to get married anyways?

I faced my back to him and continued to try to sleep. It has been 10 minutes already. I felt him hug me from behind.

".. Ji?" I looked back. His eyes were closed. He was already sleeping. I could hear him snore a bit. Haha. ^^

I guess this is his way of sleeping?

Soon I fell asleep too.



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Chin555 #1
Chapter 38: sequel plzzz
Chapter 38: I read this in 1 shot... THIS IS AWSWOME! Touched my heart!:3 Plus.. Can you write a sequel? PLEAAAASE!
when i 1st read this i was like -_-'|| cause my korean name is Miyoung... anyway Awesome story!!
bana_hottest_elf_vip #4
i read this recently and i started to like GD oppa again <3 thank you ^^
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwhhhhhhhh!!!!!<br />
Adorable~~~~<br />
Unnieee~~~~ you're a wonderful writer~~ ^^<br />
Aw so cute! Love it! ^_^
AiAddict #7
it's end? it's end?! Aaaaa I really love it >_<<br />
I'm glad that Mi and Ji got together :D <br />
Good Jobb!
BleachMyStrawberry #8
amazing story, it was a really good read. great work!
yummiliciouslove #9
T^T its the end already?!?!?! Awwwwh T0T *cry* <br />
Oh well.. I like how yOu wrapped up the story though [: it's a really nice ending ^-^