
Until You're Mine
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DongHae’s POV


            HyukJae seemed really amused, he was smiling really big, “Well I should go now…”

            I frown, and without thinking I stutter out the question, “C-Can I have a goodnight hug?” even though I was shaking with nerves I still smiled sweetly because usually when I did HyukJae smiles back, making my heart swell up.

            The air around us was still, no sound was heard other than the beats of my heart, but of course he couldn’t hear my heart beats.

            “Yea.” He says in a soft voice and takes a step towards me.

            I look at him, dazed as I stare into his eyes, and before I could process anything, my arms were arm him, linked to him like a missing puzzle piece. He hugged me back sweetly, but he didn’t hold me as tightly as I was holding him. For twelve years I was satisfied with a simple smile, and now that I have had the opportunity to hold him I feel like I can die happily now. I’m not selfish, so I couldn’t ask for anything more than this embrace. My face was hurting from how big I was smiling; I was resting my head on his shoulder and I couldn’t help but realize how strong he is, he has nice muscles. I nearly melted in his arms, but sadly we ended up pulling apart.

            He smiles sweetly and whispers, “Goodnight.” He takes steps back and waves.

            “Night.” I whisper under my breath and wave back at him. I slowly make my way inside my house and nearly fall from how happy I was. I stumble my way past the living room and to the stairs; I probably had the stupidest smile on my face because I was still really out of it! I felt so dazed, lost in the arms of Hyuk Jae even from far away.

I make my way into my room and didn’t even notice the six eyes that were watching me walk to the window. I looked out and smiled big when I saw the light go on in Hyukkie’s room.

            “I think he’s on drugs…” Henry whispers to the girls.

            “Sily Hen Hen, cant you see!? Hyuk jae is his drug!” Amber laughs.

            SoHee giggles, “I think he is seriously out of it…can he not hear us?!” She mutters to them.

            They all shrug and continue to watch me, but I wasn’t really there, my mind was somewhere else with a certain brunette that stole my heart at the age of six. I smile big when Hyuk Jae looks out his window. I wave and grin, “Goodnight Hyuk Jae!”

            He smiles sweetly and waves back, “Night DongHae.” He says softly then walks off, to his bed I assume.

            I just back up with the biggest smile on my face. I was squelling with joy as I jumped on my bed and hugged my pillows tightly so I wouldn’t scream from excitement.

            “You ok?” My siblings gather around me and stare at me.

            Huh? When did they get in here? I frown and stare at them, “What are you guys doing here?” I sit up and stare at them.

            Henry giggles and shakes his head, “WE SAW YOU!!!! Monkey and Fishy sitting

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the comments are so sweet! Thanks everyone :')


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Chapter 34: Fast fwd...?
Chapter 1: So...some high schools are actually like that?
Chapter 42: can't say I expected this ending. it seems a little rushed, but now that I see you have a sequel prepared along with another version that's told from Hyukjae's POV, I'm suddenly super understanding of why this is the case :D

also, I want to say that really love how pure you write donghae. he's childish, but he can get serious. he isn't stupid or immature, he's responsible and caring. he's just a good soul; sweet and kind and deserving of love, and I loved seeing Hyukjae slowly falling for him. thank goodness it wasn't borderline instantaneous; you really made them work for each other's love ♥️ also turning sooyoung around was just a huge bonus in my book; thank you for not turning characters into mindless villains who are horrible without a tangible reason ♡

I'm not a fan of exo and I honestly know nothing about the members either, but you honestly got me caring about kai! I could tell early on that he probably harbored feelings for donghae... it was genuinely sad to see him struggling so badly with himself ;-; I'm just glad he didn't die tbh!

this was such a sweet story. thank you for writing this! can't wait to check out the other version and the sequel :) ♡
Chapter 12: finally, he confesses!! but if course that's when hyunbin appears too OTL
Chapter 1: A great beginning!
can't wait to see what this fic has in store. :D
Chapter 2: Donghae is really adorable. Eunhyuk is dreamy as always
EunhaeStan86 #7
Chapter 13: It's not a surprise it's EXO-K
I love how detailed and un-rushed this story it. Awesome!
I'm gonna read this now
Chapter 43: Just finished re-reading this story for the nth times, truly one of the best ❤️ Thank you so much for writing this story! ❤️❤️