The Truth Comes out

Until You're Mine
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I exhaled deeply and was shaking in my sapphire blue cap and gown; I had already walked through the stage, flipped my tassel but I still felt like this was unreal. I don’t feel grown up!

Graduation made me cry, deeply and terribly; I hugged all of my friends and wished them the best for their future. I sniffle and hug SooYoung and Taeyeon tightly, “I’ll miss you” I choke out and they were crying as well as they whispered sweet words like ‘I love you’ or ‘You’re the best friend ever, Hae’. I kiss their heads and then was dragged away by teachers; they kept going on and on about how they know I’ll do great in life. Luckily, Kibum saves me and hugs me tightly, “We’ll still see each other, right?” He says, slightly squeezing me.

          I nod and hug him tightly, “I’ll always be there for you” I whisper and he smiles and pecks my head. “We’ll talk soon, k?” He flashes me his killer smile and I smile big and nod.

          We walk off and I smile big when I see Hyukjae with Heechul and KyuHuyun. I wrap my arms around him and smile at his friends, “Sorry…am I interrupting?” Hyukkie pecks my head and hugs me tightly and whispers, “Of course not” before he pecks my lips. I smile at him and Heechul and KyuHyun muttered a ‘bye’ then walk away.

          I smile sadly at Hyukjae “I have to tell you something Hyukkie…” I hesitated but he just smiles, scoops me in his arms and carries me to his car. “I have a surprise for you” He says happily and I instantly pout when he sets me down.


          He nods and we step inside his car, “Hyukkie….I have to tell you something first,”

          “Hae tell me later! I want us to have dinner together and then *links his hand with mine* give you your surprise. You’re gonna love it!” he grins happily.

          I chew on my lower lip and slowly nod, “Kay…I’ll tell you later then…where me going to eat?” I smile sweetly at him and he starts the car and winks at me.

          “You’ll see” he drives off and I just stare at the road, lost in thought. How am I going to tell Hyukkie that I got accepted to a school that’s far away? I twirl my fingers together nervously and begin to feel depressed…I cant be separated from Hyukkie, not after loving him for so long and finally getting the chance to be with him. I can’t. I can always refuse to go to that school.

          He parks the car and I start giggling when I see where he brought me, “You brought me to the seafood restaurant I work at!” I grin and we step out of the car; throwing our gown in the back seat of his car. He quickly takes my hand in his and smiles at me sweetly.

          “Well don’t you love seafood?”

          I grin and nod.

          We step inside the restaurant and quickly sit down and someone hands us our menus. I thank them when they walk off and stare at the list of options. “Don’t worry about the price, k baby?” He says sweetly and I feel my heart swell up. I smile at him and someone comes up to us and takes our order.

          We link our hands together and I whisper, “I thought you didn’t like seafood?” I frown and he just shrugs.

          “I’ll be fine…Oh and DongHae…?” He smirks and I just stare at him and say, “What?” he leans in close and whispers “You look so handsome today” he says sweetly and I smile big; I bet I was blushing as red as a tomato.

          “T-Thank you” I stutter and felt my heart racing.

          He pouts cutely, “You haven’t sang for me”

          I stare at him, “Yes I have! Member the musical!”

          “Well, I mean, again” Hyukjae smiles big. “Come on, I love your voice.” He pouts again and I giggle. “Won’t you sing for me?”

          “L-Later Hyukkie” I look around nervously and smile at him “When we get home I’ll sing for you, promise” I smile big and he grins and nods.

          The waiter comes with our food and we start eating quietly but then I begin to feed Hyukkie my shrimp and he slowly ate it even though I guessed he hated how it tasted. I smile at him, “Isnt this yummy?” I tease and he just mutters a sarcastic “Oh, yea.”

          He smiles sweetly and we finish our food then he pays and we head out to his car, “That was yummy! Thank you Hyukkie” I say happily and wrap my arm around his waist as we walk towards his car.

          He pecks my head and wraps his arm around me, “I’m glad you liked it now…you ready for your gift?” He grins and opens the car door for me. I chew on my lip and stare at him.

          “I’m nervous.” I say honestly and he chuckles.

          “Good.” He smirks and walks off; he slowly steps into the car and we both put on our seat belts.


          Once we got to his house, I noticed he seemed really excited for my surprise. Wonder what it is…maybe its another song! I grinned and he took me up to his room; I sat on his bed “okay! I’m ready!!!” I felt giddy and excited to see what he had in store for me, I was nearly shaking; my feet kept tapping the ground.

          Hyukjae sits beside me and grins, “Excited?” he teases and I nod happily. He leans close and whispers, “Do you love me?”

          I stare at him and smile big; slowly nodding.

          “How much?”

          “A lot!” I grin and get close to him “It’s hard to really explain Hyukkie” He grins and pecks my lips sweetly. I wrap my arms around him and sit on his lap

“Well…you know I love you and I wanted something that we could both have…and share” he grins and I just stare at him, confused.

“Hyukkie please, just tell me the surprise! The suspense is killing me!” I wail, I nearly kick my feet around and he starts chuckling.

          “You’re so cute” He pecks my forehead and whispers “ok…ready?” he grins and I nod.

          “You sure?” He teases and I pout.

          ‘YES!” I start shaking my shoulder around and he laughs at my distress. “Not funny!” I pout.

          “I think you should convince me” He purses his lips and half chuckles when I frown and kiss him

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Chapter 34: Fast fwd...?
Chapter 1: So...some high schools are actually like that?
Chapter 42: can't say I expected this ending. it seems a little rushed, but now that I see you have a sequel prepared along with another version that's told from Hyukjae's POV, I'm suddenly super understanding of why this is the case :D

also, I want to say that really love how pure you write donghae. he's childish, but he can get serious. he isn't stupid or immature, he's responsible and caring. he's just a good soul; sweet and kind and deserving of love, and I loved seeing Hyukjae slowly falling for him. thank goodness it wasn't borderline instantaneous; you really made them work for each other's love ♥️ also turning sooyoung around was just a huge bonus in my book; thank you for not turning characters into mindless villains who are horrible without a tangible reason ♡

I'm not a fan of exo and I honestly know nothing about the members either, but you honestly got me caring about kai! I could tell early on that he probably harbored feelings for donghae... it was genuinely sad to see him struggling so badly with himself ;-; I'm just glad he didn't die tbh!

this was such a sweet story. thank you for writing this! can't wait to check out the other version and the sequel :) ♡
Chapter 12: finally, he confesses!! but if course that's when hyunbin appears too OTL
Chapter 1: A great beginning!
can't wait to see what this fic has in store. :D
Chapter 2: Donghae is really adorable. Eunhyuk is dreamy as always
EunhaeStan86 #7
Chapter 13: It's not a surprise it's EXO-K
I love how detailed and un-rushed this story it. Awesome!
I'm gonna read this now
Chapter 43: Just finished re-reading this story for the nth times, truly one of the best ❤️ Thank you so much for writing this story! ❤️❤️