The Confession

Until You're Mine
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DongHae’s POV


            Hyuk Jae and his friends walk up to Sooyoung and me; I smile at them and say, “Well, I should go now. Night.” I waved and just turned when Hyuk Jae grabs my arm and pulls me to his side. I pout and rub my arm; Aish, he’s never been so rough.

            I look at him, “What was that for?”

            “I need to talk to you.” He mutters.

            My eyes widen. He wants to talk. To me?! Is this good…bad?! I don’t know but my heart is pounding like crazy!!!

            “Go inside, Soo.” He tells her, she nods and runs off.

            “Well goodnight.” KyuHyun and HeeChul walk off.

            I stare at Hyuk Jae, “What’s wrong?” he didn’t look at me; he stared at the ground with a thoughtful expression. “Did I do something wrong?”  I ask softly, afraid to know if I did. Why does he look a little mad at me? I mean, he seems upset, but is it because of me? I pout. I hope not.

            He looks at me and slowly exhales, “How did you find SooYoung?”

            I half shrug, “Driving around…I found her randomly.”

            He an eyebrow, “And why do you help me again…is it because you like her?”

            Eh? My heart drops and I shake my head quickly, “No no, I don’t like her that way.”


            “Then what?” I frown. What is he asking me?

            “Why do you always do things for me? Everywhere I go, you’re there. Every morning you bring me breakfast and most nights you yell out your window a goodnight to me. You….you do so many things for me and I don’t understand why.”

            I stay quiet. I was beginning to feel really nervous. I think I know where this is going.

            “Tell me why.”

            I stare at the ground and chew on my lower lip.

            “DongHae…look at me.” He wasn’t being mean or nice or ANYTHING which is why I wasn’t sure how to react. What is he thinking?! His face showed no emotion.

            I look up and stare into his eyes. “What are you asking?”

            “Why do you give me so much attention?”

            I inhale deeply then exhale slowly; I stare at him and say confidently, “Because I’m in love with you.”

            He froze, then slowly exhales and shakes his head; he stares at the ground, “I had no idea.” He says softly. “SO you did all those things….” He stares at me and shakes his head, “Were you waiting for something in return?!” He asks harshly.

            I shake my head and felt really hurt, “No I wouldn’t do that to you. I just wanted you to be happy.”

            He frowns, “Happy? You just brought back my runaway girlfriend and you’re telling me you did it because you want me to be happy?” He stared at me like I’m crazy; he slowly shakes his head, confused.

            I nod, “Everything I do for you is so you can be happy.” I nod once, “That’s all I want.”

            He scratches the back of his head and frowns, “How long has it been since this crush of yours started?”

            Crush…? I pout. “Remember when we were six….and I saved you from drowning?”

            He slightly tilts his head and shakes his head slowly, “No.”

            I frown, “Well since I was six.”

            His eyes widen, “Holy !” He covers his mouth in disbelief and paces around the grass.

            “It’s not a crush.” I mutter and cross my arms.

            “DongHae…I never once thought that you would feel this way…and I’m sorry if I ever gave you any…hope.”

            I stare at him confused.

            He exhales, “I’m straight, DongHae, I could never be with you.”

            I place my hand in front of my heart; I think I felt a slight pinch. I sniffle and nod, “I know…I never once thought you would, I just- I want to be close to you…as friends is fine by me,” I nod slowly and felt tears coming but I forced them away. I gulp when he stares at me sadly. I try to control my breathing but I felt it getting harder and harder to breathe.

            “I’m not sure that would be a good idea.” He says softly.

            I bite my lower lip and closed my eyes. Oh god, don’t cry. I force a nod, “Whatever makes you happy.”

            “Goodnight.” His voice drifts off; I peek under my lashes and see him walking to his house.

            I felt my vision becoming blinded with tears so I turned and headed home but was pulled back by someone; I sniffle and stare at Sooyoung. She stares at me, “All this time…I thought you did all this because you were into me.” She wipes my unfallen tears and smiles sadly. “I didn’t know you were gay.”

            I frown, “I’m not.”

            She makes a face, “But you just said you’re in love with Hyuk Jae.”

            I sniffle and calmed myself down, “I don’t know why you all make a big deal about love and s. I didn’t fall in love with him because of what he has; I fell in love with him as a person, so I could care less what he was born with.” I exhale slowly. “I don’t consider myself homoual. I don’t consider myself heteroual…I consider myself nothing”

            She stares at me and slightly smiles, “So what you’re saying is…if he was born a girl…you’d still-”

            “I’d still love him.” I finished for her.

            She stays quiet and smiles at me sweetly, “I’m sorry…”

            Tears slowly fell from my eyes but still I smiles at her; I nod, “It’s ok…I saw this coming.” I half shrug and smile sweetly through my tears. “Goodnight, SooYoung. Sweet dreams.” I walk off and head inside my house; once I was inside I slowly make my way up stairs and into my room. I slowly change into my pajamas then sit in my bed; I sniffle and tears continued to fall as I continued to hear his words over and over again.



             He exhales, “I’m straight, DongHae, I could never be with you.”

            I sniffle. I’m sorry I was born with the wrong s, Hyuk Jae- I’m sorry that I can’t change myself to please you. More tears fell from my eyes and I buried my head in my hands and continued to cry heavily.    

            I heard footsteps and felt six arms wrap around me and hold me as I continued to cry. I sniffle and hug the body closest to me and bury my head in their shoulder.

            “It’s ok…” She whispers. “Don’t cry, Hae. Everything will be ok.” It was Sohee. S

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Chapter 34: Fast fwd...?
Chapter 1: So...some high schools are actually like that?
Chapter 42: can't say I expected this ending. it seems a little rushed, but now that I see you have a sequel prepared along with another version that's told from Hyukjae's POV, I'm suddenly super understanding of why this is the case :D

also, I want to say that really love how pure you write donghae. he's childish, but he can get serious. he isn't stupid or immature, he's responsible and caring. he's just a good soul; sweet and kind and deserving of love, and I loved seeing Hyukjae slowly falling for him. thank goodness it wasn't borderline instantaneous; you really made them work for each other's love ♥️ also turning sooyoung around was just a huge bonus in my book; thank you for not turning characters into mindless villains who are horrible without a tangible reason ♡

I'm not a fan of exo and I honestly know nothing about the members either, but you honestly got me caring about kai! I could tell early on that he probably harbored feelings for donghae... it was genuinely sad to see him struggling so badly with himself ;-; I'm just glad he didn't die tbh!

this was such a sweet story. thank you for writing this! can't wait to check out the other version and the sequel :) ♡
Chapter 12: finally, he confesses!! but if course that's when hyunbin appears too OTL
Chapter 1: A great beginning!
can't wait to see what this fic has in store. :D
Chapter 2: Donghae is really adorable. Eunhyuk is dreamy as always
EunhaeStan86 #7
Chapter 13: It's not a surprise it's EXO-K
I love how detailed and un-rushed this story it. Awesome!
I'm gonna read this now
Chapter 43: Just finished re-reading this story for the nth times, truly one of the best ❤️ Thank you so much for writing this story! ❤️❤️