Lee Soo Man's Wrath ?

Forgotten; Dating a superstar


Kai stood protectively over Baekhee, "I'll handle it from here, leave." He growled at Jonghyun, as he backed off, snarling. "Yoon Baekhee, i give you one more chance before i blow your cover as my cousin." You bit your lip, contemplating if you should go over, but Kai squeezed your hand again in assurance. "Don't." He whispered, and you nodded slowly. "neh." Jonghyun glared at you, 'Don't come crawling to me again when you need me," He spat, and stalked off. 

"What are you going to about Lee Soo Man?" Baekhee mumbled, massaging her temples. "I'm sure everything will be fine. There is a solution to every problem, as long as you're with me, i believe everything will be fine." Kai muttered, as he motioned you to follow him to his car. 


"Come in" The same, deep voice called through the door and you and Kai stepped in. "So what is this about, i just received a call from that dino that he isn't really your cousin." Lee Soo Man eyed you, and you replied before Kai could. "I'm sorry. I'm not. But i know things will be hard for you guys, explaining to the fans and media. What if i work as a maid for EXO? Just like last time, if you remember. For free." You offered, as Kai stared at you, his jaw dropped. "m-maid?!" He gasped, "Just, don't make me wear that maid outfit."

Lee Soo Man Chuckled deeply, "I like you. First time someone has dared to even give me a solution. most of the times when i step in, the artistes just break up, but you're stronger than i thought. I like that, and i like your idea. Go ahead with it." He nodded approvingy, as he tapped his chin. "You ay take your leave, if you need anything, just ask EXO's manager, he will get it for you." He added, and the two of you left.

Kai pulled you to his chest and gave you a tight hug, "Ah~ My baby's so smart, brave girl i see." you could feel his smile against your head. "But of course, i'm fabulous." You smirked, and looked up at him, "Let's tell the EXO boys." Kai grinned at you and nodded in agreement.


"YOU GUYS ARE ALLOWED TO DATE?" sehun stared at you, eyes wide. Baekhyun hugged you, and secretly your cheek when Kai wasn't looking. "Meow~"

Sehun was next, and he cuddled you for a while, "It's been so long since we spent some quality time together. I remember the times before we debuted, we spent every single day together" He smiled lightly, gazing at you. "It's still the same. nothing changed." You added dryly, a smirk playing on your lips. "I'm working as EXO's maid from now on." Sehun's eyes bulged, and he gulped, "Wha- maid?" You nodded smirking at him. "Im fabulous."

Sehun gave you a toothy grin, and ran off to tell the others as you strode into Kai's room. He was laying on his bed, finally getting some decent sleep after his insomnia every night. You lay beside him, just staring at his sharp features. "So handsome." you whispered to yourself, smiling like a fool.  Kai's eyes popped open, "i know right. I'm such a charmer." He grinned at you, as you flushed red. "I-I.." Kai pulled you into a kiss before you could say anything, and ended the conversation.

"Idiot." You stuck out your tongue at him, as you turned over.

"I told you this handsome man of yours would take care of everything."

"Yeah yeah."

"What are you supposed to say?"

"........ i love you."


a/n: HEY GUYS, it ended T.T worst fic ever LOL super short ! :/ sorry, something came up at home, and i'll probably be going on hiatus from now, Mosy likely, i mean it this time LOL. But thank you all for tolerating my crappy chapters throughout the fic ! I already started on another one, featuring EXO again, and Teen Top, but i won't be publishing it yet, so stay tuned :p Love you all <3

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Kai <3
OMG! Jonghyun likes her right?
illlusionist #4
New reader here!You mentioned that this is a sequel right? sorry to say that I didn't read your first story,But I love this story. Please update soon.Lookig forward to your next update!!
Ah, i realized chapter 3, 7 and 8 were unpublished :p sorry for inconvenience caused :/
I love this :3
And lastly; I want to thank my beloved readers who are willing to continue supporting me and this fic :') means a lot to me :p lublub. Lots of stress from school recently, so bear with me please~ (:
fida0704 #8
Its okay. I'll wait for your story to continue :) keep up the goodwork, *hwaiting*
JTHY36 #9