
Forgotten; Dating a superstar

Baekhee woke up in the middle of the night at 4am, sweat trickling down her forehead. *Why is it so hot..* She mumbled, the humid air choking her. "Aish.." Her eyes popped open as she stared at the black smoke billowing in from her living room. "omo, fire!" She shrieked, as she plastered herself to the ground, crawling down the steps. She coughed violently, as she clutched onto her phone, dialing for the police. 

She clicked the phone off as she looked into the kitchen, where the flames were coming from. *How did a fire start here?* She choked. She was about to leave when she spotted the outlines of a figure. "Who's there..?" There was no reply. "Are you okay? I'll come over to help.." She coughed again, eyes tearing from the black smoke.

"n..noo.. escape now.. leave me.." The man choked, as he fell to the ground. Baekhee recognised the voice anywhere. "KAI!" She shrieked, as all hell broke loose. She ignored the smoke and the flames, and rushed over to him. He was laying on the ground, half unconcious in a limp position. "Oh god, oppa, please don't do this to me, wake up." She shook him violently, tears dripping onto his face. "Ungh!" She pulled his body out of the house slowly, careful not to hurt him. Baekhee wobbled, as she pulled him to safety. Her back was scratched badly, long streaks of blood soaked her white shirt red, and her hair was tangled, some burnt at the ends. Baekhee had cuts all over her legs, and a broken glass shard had lodged itself in her stomach. 

She ignored all her injuries, and patted Kai's back, and he choked, sputtering. "fire.. baekhee. someone.. help.." He mumbled groggily, and looked up. "B-Baekhee?" She pulled him into a tight hug, "You're safe now, oppa." She coughed, as a trail of blood flowed down the corners of , and dropped to the ground unconcious. "BAEKHEE? BAEKHEE AH!" Kai shook her violently, as he watched the fire fighters spray water at huge mess. The whole place was chaos. 

"Hyung!" Kai looked up, and all the members of EXO-K had rushed to them, the moment they got the news. "help.. help baekhee.." Kai choked, as tears rolled down his cheeks. Suho froze, and got the paramedics to take the both of them away. "What happened.. they were fine this evening, i mean. I dropped Baekhee home, and everything was fine then.." D.O coughed, watching his dongsaeng and Baekhee getting wheeled off.

Suho slung his arm around his shoulders, comforting him. "Don't worry, they will be fine. The only problem is to find out how the fire started, and.. make sure Lee Soo Man or the Fans hear about this. Things would get out of hand if they found out Kai was at Baekhee's house in the middle of the night." He tapped his chin, deep in thought. Sehun, Baekhyun and Chanyeol just sat solemnly in the bus on the way to the hospital. "Why do we have so many problems.." Chanyeol muttered, hiding his face in his hands.


Kai shuffled to Baekhee's hospital bed, as she lay there calmly. There were bruises and cuts everywhere on her body, from trying to save him. Despite having so many injuries, she still smiled at Kai, as if nothing was wrong. "Oppa, are you okay?" She touched his arm worriedly, and coughed. Kai just bit his lip, staring at her. "What were you thinking Baekhee ah.. I told you ! I TOLD YOU TO LEAVE ME!" Kai screamed at her, tears falling for the nth time, as she flinched away. "Look at you.." He collapsed on the ground, running his hand through his messy hair. 

"I'm sorry.. it's all my fault.. I went to your house, wanting to sleepover at about 3.45 to give you a surprise. But then.. there was that oil burner.. and.. and the curtains just.. it. it. caught the fire.. it." Baekhee choked back a sob, as she watched Kai on the ground, so helpless. "It's okay, we're fine now aren't we?" She leaned down slowly, and cupped his face. "I could never leave you back there. If going back meant i would die, i would die together with you, no regrets." She whispered painfully, as the wounds on her back threatened to burst open again any moment. Kai stood up and propped her back into a comfortable position. "Rest well baekhee ah.." he mumbled, kissing her lips softly.

"Excuse me, is this Yoon Baekhee and Kim Jongin ? We would like to ask you a few questions." The police officer took down the details of the incident and left.

"I forgot to blow out the fire from the candle in the burner i guess. i'm sorry i ruined our date today.." Baekhee bit her lip, but Kai shushed her. "No matter. focus on getting well now, we will go on dates every day in future." He smiled at her warmly. The rest of EXO-K entered the room, all of them crowding around you, looking at you worredly.

"Baekhee ah, do you want anything to drink? Eat?" "Baekhee what happened?" "Are you alright now?" The room buzzed with all the questions, and Sehun clutched onto your waist, whining. "BAEKHEE AH DON'T DIE!" He wailed, sobbing uncontrollably. Baekhee groaned from the pressure he was exerting on her body. "Get off her!" Baekhyun pulled him off, and Sehun wiped his tears,, apologising. You chuckled, "Yah guys, i'm not dying. you make it sound like i'm on my death bed!" Everyone looked at you solemnly, the crazy girl who could still smile and joke around when she was in that state.

"Baekhee ah~" Everyone stiffened, at looked at the door. Jonghyun stood there, the rest of SHINee trailing behind him. "Ahh, dongsaeng ah are you okay~" Taemin gasped cutely, as he rushed to your side. Sehun growled at him, "Yah." Taemin ignored him and continued fussing over you.

Kai stiffened at the sight of Jonghyun. "How did you know we were here?" He growled, eyeing him. "Well~ News spread fast don't you think? There were pictures of you entering Baekhee's house in the middle of the night all over the net. Some fan was stalking you apparently. Lee Soo Man must be raging." He snickered, looking triumphantly at Kai.

"What..?" Kai choked, *Lee Soo Man found out?* EXO-K stiffened, as Suho pulled out his ringing phone. He turned pale at th caller id. "uh, excuse me.." He left the room swiftly, as Baekhyun and Kai left with him.

"See the trouble you caused them?" Jonghyun smirked, as he carassed your cheek. Sehun growled and smacked his hand away, and you shot Jonghyun a deadly glare. "Get away, bastard." Jonghyun folded his arms, "feisty. exactly why you should be coming to me, i mean, if you really love Kai and EXO you wouldn't be hurting them like this, besides. I'm a trainee, so no one would care if i had a girlfriend now." He smirked at you, "So, come find me when you're ready~ I might be a trainee, but i could help EXO get out of this mess. FYI." He blew a raspberry at you and left, Shinee right after him. Sehun grasped your hand. "Don't. you're not causing us any problems Baekhee ah, please. Let us handle this," He pleaded with you, but your mind was clouded with thoughts of dragging EXO down. 

"i..i don't know.." You hid under the covers, deep in thought. "miahne oppa.. i want to be alone now.." Sehun choked back a sob, and slowly turned to go with the rest of the EXO members. "Don't do this to us Baekhee."

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Kai <3
OMG! Jonghyun likes her right?
illlusionist #4
New reader here!You mentioned that this is a sequel right? sorry to say that I didn't read your first story,But I love this story. Please update soon.Lookig forward to your next update!!
Ah, i realized chapter 3, 7 and 8 were unpublished :p sorry for inconvenience caused :/
I love this :3
And lastly; I want to thank my beloved readers who are willing to continue supporting me and this fic :') means a lot to me :p lublub. Lots of stress from school recently, so bear with me please~ (:
fida0704 #8
Its okay. I'll wait for your story to continue :) keep up the goodwork, *hwaiting*
JTHY36 #9