Competition - part 1

Forgotten; Dating a superstar

"How did you know i was there?" Baekhee mumbled, her hand intwined with Kai's. "Our minds are connected~" He smirked at you, *pfft. sure.* You glanced at the EXO-K Members. "There would be trouble if you guys were seen punching a guy y'know.." she mumbled worriedly, casting an uncertain glance at the boys. They howled with laughter. "We're too cool to get caught. Besides, he deserved it!" Sehun grumbled, "How dare he touch you like that, i'll whoop his !" D.O Pumped his fists in the air.

Baekhee stiffled a grin, "where are we heading to now?" The boys looked at each other, "Private club?" Chanyeol piped, "why not?" Kai smirked, "Baekhee hasn't seen our usual hangout yet has she?" He smirked at you, and tugged your waist. "Come along, baby"


Baekhee stepped out of her room in a black sequinned dress, black tights and killer heels. It wasn't revealing, neither was it conservative. But it brought out your soft curves. Your bouncy curls rested on shoulders and you had applied light make up. 

The six boys were resting on your couch, looking at the tv boredly. "Hyung, she's taking forever~" Sehun mumbled, as he rested his head on Kai's shoulder. "Ladies will be ladies~" Suho mumbled understandingly, flipping through the channels. 

"She wanted to come back just to get changed, pfft ! I'm y in anything, or nothing." Baekhyun smirked, earning a whack from Chanyeol. "What, stupid derp faced monster."

"Oppassss~" You stuck out your tongue playfully, and stepped down the stairs carefully. "All hail the queen." D.O Guffawed, checking you out.

Kai kicked him lightly, "Yah, stop looking at her like that dokyungsoo she's my property." You blushed furiously, and looked away, "What, i'm not anyones property.."
"CAN WE GO NOWWW~" Sehun whined, tugging your arm. "Arrasso, arrasso, Let's go~" The seven of you headed out, "Why didn't you guys wear any hats or glasses?" You mumbled, fixing Kai's hair. "Private club honey." Baekhyun winked at you, but Kai tugged you away before he could you again. 

"behave." He growled, and Baekhyun chuckled. "That ain't supposed to be the way you treat your hyung~" 

"We're here!" D.O Shrieked, hopping off the van. He flashed the bouncer some pass and they stepped to the sides, letting the six of you in.

"Ah, EXO-K, we have reserved a VIP room for you!" the manager ushered you guys in, and you stared at the walls. They were lined with pictures of EXO-K, and other groups like Girls Generation, Super Junior and EXO-M. "Who are they?" you raised your voice, so that Kai could hear you over the loud music. "Ah, i'll explain later." He pulled you into the VIP area, and ordered some drinks. "Six vodkas, one apple juice," Sehun smirked at the waitress, and she took their orders. "Yah, i can't drink?!" You shot him a look.

"heh, Kai wouldn't want you to, i bet." Chanyeol snickered, and Kai shot him a look. "so, who is girls generation and EXO-M?" you asked, and they gawked at you. "Seriously? You haven't heard of ANY of them? Super Junior?" Baekhyun raised a brow, and the others shot you weird looks. "Am i supposed to?"

"No, you just need to know us." Kai winked, "But i'll tell you anyway. Super Junior and Girls Generation are our sunbaes, reallyyyy talented bunch." He said thoughtfully. "EXO-M, is the other sub-group of EXO. Together, we form EXO." He continued, taking sips from his drink. "Can all of you guys dance well?" You stared at your apple juice, refusing to drink it. "We'll show you what we're made of." D.O Smirked, leading all of you to the dance floor. 

All of their bodies moved to the beat, and they carried out each movement with such grace and perfection, but your eyes were glued to Kai. He danced so effortlessly, like it was nothing to him. "Maybe i should audition for SM too." You smirked, and hopped around, doing kiddy movements. "how did you guys get to be vips anyway?" you shouted over the blasting music. "Sm artistes." Suho shrugged, "We get privileges."


everyone stopped to see SHINee striding in to the club. "J-JONGHYUN?!" You gasped, quickly turning away, but he had already seen you. "SHINee's IN THE HOUSE!" Key shouted, and headed off to find some girls. "How are they here? They get a VIP room too?!" Kai stiffened, shooting lazer beams at the dino. 

Minho stepped up to EXO-K, who gathered in a bunch in front of you defensively. "What are you doing here?" D.O Snarled, "If you didn't know, We're SM's Newest Trainees, but we're SO good, we already formed our own group. Lee Soo Man didn't even have to do anything." Taemin's chest swelled with pride, and he waved at you cutely, "Hey Baekhee!" You bit your lip and looked down at your feet. *I can't say hi, EXO-K Would rip my mouth off.* 

You could tell things were going to get messy.

Tension was growing between the two groups that were having a stare-competition. "ALRIGHT HOOBAES BREAK IT UP ALREADY!" Siwon interveened, and stepped between the two groups. "at least he has some sense," You sighed, looking at him greatfully.

"Move, don''t hoard the dance floor." Taemin frowned at Sehun. 

Sehun glared at him scornfully, and scooted over unwillingly. "you think you're that cute? NO. You ugly punk!" he spat, unhappy that SHINee was invading their territory.

"have respect for your hyung." TAEMIN smirked, and swept past sehun, purposely hitting into his shoulder. *THAT BASTARD!* Sehun was infuriated. Kai ignored everyone and continued dancing to impress you, when Taemin stepped slyly inbetween you and Kai, showing off his moves. "Get out of the way, punk!" Kai shoved him, and he fell back into Jonghyun's arms. You looked guiltily at Taemin, but didn't say anything. 

Siwon stepped in again, and grabbed the mic. "EVERYONE LISTEN UP!" He announced. The music stopped, and everyone, including EXO, SHINee and you turned to look at him. 

"Since EXO-K and SHINee cannot stop their childish bickering, i have come up with a competition. This will have 3 parts. Vocals, Aegyo, and lastly, Dance. The winner, of course, will get to go on a date with Yoon Baekhee." The spotlight shone on you, and Kai looked at him, horrified. 

"SHE WILL NOT BE GOING ON DATES WITH ANYONE!" Kai roared, but Suho and D.O Quickly clamped his mouth shut, "We can't let the public know you're dating! Pabo!" Chanyeol whacked kai, and he glared back.

"SHALL WE START THE COMPETITION~?" Siwon hollered, and the crowd went wild.

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Kai <3
OMG! Jonghyun likes her right?
illlusionist #4
New reader here!You mentioned that this is a sequel right? sorry to say that I didn't read your first story,But I love this story. Please update soon.Lookig forward to your next update!!
Ah, i realized chapter 3, 7 and 8 were unpublished :p sorry for inconvenience caused :/
I love this :3
And lastly; I want to thank my beloved readers who are willing to continue supporting me and this fic :') means a lot to me :p lublub. Lots of stress from school recently, so bear with me please~ (:
fida0704 #8
Its okay. I'll wait for your story to continue :) keep up the goodwork, *hwaiting*
JTHY36 #9