Do Kyungsoo.

Forgotten; Dating a superstar

The light pitter patter sounds of raindrops woke Baekhee up, and she sat up, rubbing her eyes. "ah, i have a date with Kyungsoo oppa today.. aish.. Kai must be raging." She mumbled, crawling out to the bathroom. Baekhee checked her phone for messages, 

3 new text messages.

From: Jonghyun

I DESERVE TO GO ON A DATE WITH YOU. please please. it's not fair. i will smack Siwon. what a stupid competition. and i heard sehun got a date even though he didn't win. What about me!

You rolled your eyes, checking the next message. 

From : Kai Baby <3

yoonbaekhee i demand you stay with me and not go out with anyone. especially taemin. and i will tackle that punk kyungsoo and sehun if they dare do anything to you, i swear. >:(((

You chuckled, and typed in a quick reply. "Aww, someone's jealous. *Smirk*"  the next message was from Kyungsoo.

From: D.O Oppa!

Baekhee, do wear something sporty today ! :D No dresses please ! I'll fetch you from your house at 9am!

Baekhee quickly replied him and pick out a red tank top with stretchy shorts. She put on her sports shoes and pulled her hair up into a high bun, leaving her fringe down. "I bet Kyungsoo oppa will do something fun today ! He's always full of surprises," She chuckled to herself, sipping her warm milk.

Ding Dong!

Baekhee opened the door, and D.O Stood there, flashing her a toothy grin. "Morning Baekhee ah." He chuckled, and took her hand. "Where are we going?" You looked at him, and he smiled at you slyly, "You'll see!"

He drove you to an outdoor arena. "PAINTBALL!" You shrieked, running towards the counter. D.O Smirked, satisfied with your reaction. "I rented out the whole place so there wouldn't be fans" He mumbled nonchalantly, paying the lady for the suits and gun rental. "omo, really?" You strapped on the equipment and clutched onto your gun tightly. 

"But, we only have two people!" Baekhee thought aloud, "How, what are we going to do kyungsoo oppa?"

D.O looked up at her, "Why do you always call me that? Everyone calls me D.O. and, we can have one-on-one"  "Well, that's your name isn't it." Baekhee gave him an eyesmile and dashed into the arena. D.O 's heart fluttered, staring at her with his alien-large eyes. "Y-yah! WAIT FOR ME!" He laughed, joining you in the arena. 

For a girl, he had to admit you were good. "Not bad," He smirked at Baekhee, "I expected you to be afraid of the guns. But look at you, dashing around trying to kill me with that !"

Baekhee stuck out her tongue, and wobbled around in the heavy armour. The helmet was really big, and made her lose her balance. "WOAHH!" She toppled slightly, and shot 4 shots unknowingly.



D.O Looked at his crotch area, horrified. "BWOHHH YAHH!" He screamed. Baekhee doubled over laughing, looking at his multi-coloured pants. "Nice one baekhee, good job." She applauded herself, stiff guffawing away.

The two of them went to change right after that, but Baekhee snapped afew shots of Kyungsoo and his colourful crotch area pants. "YAH! STOP IT!" He tried grabbing it from her, but lost his balance and the two of them went toppling down, Kyungsoo on top of her. Their faces were just centimetres apart, and Baekhee froze.

D.O Stared at her with his wide eyes, and his gaze traveled down to her soft, pink lips. *ANIYA. She's dating Kai.* He shook the thought away, and quickly scrambled up, mumbling. "I, uh. changed. you.. meet you later." He said cutely and dashed off to the men's changing room. The tips of Baekhee's ears were red, and  she quickly washed up. "wh-what was that.." She blinked, scrubbing off the paint remnants on her arm.

The two of them met up again, awkward silence filling the air. "ah, let's.. go for lunch." D.O broke the silence, leading you to his car. "We should come again.. It would be fun with the other EXO members." Baekhee added thoughtfully. Then, an idea popped into Kyungsoo's head. "NO, PAINTBALL, EXO-K VS SHINEE!" He thought gleefully, rubbing his hands together. "We'll beat them easily!" You laughed at his competitiveness, as you pulled out your phone.

"I DEMAND YOU COME BACK NOW. Where are you? Are you with D.O? What are you doing?" Kai texted Baekhee furiously, as she chuckled, replying.

"I'm with kyungsoo oppa. and we're having fun. No i'm not going to go back, and we just had paintball. We're off for lunch now at Hart's restaurant!" 

Kai froze when he saw her reply. "Hart's restaurant? THAT'S FOR COUPLES! RAGEEEEE" he shrieked, and pulled on his coat. "I'm going after that punk."


"One salmon, one beef, two vegetables and one lover's platter? And two watermelon juices?" The waitress repeated their order, and D.O nodded, pushing up his glasses. "You eat alot for a girl." He commented dryly, as Samantha puffed her cheeks. "Yah. i'm a growing girl and i need my nutrition !" She patted her belly, smiling. D.O Eyed, her chortling at her cute actions. "We're lucky they still have the lover's platter. The last time EXO came as a team, they ran out. High in demand i guess." He mumbled thoughtfully.

The large spread soon arrived, and the two of them shot a selca before eating. D.O chuckled, setting it as his wallpaper. "I'm so handsome." He smirked, looking up at Baekhee, who was busy poking at the weird dish.

"Yeah right. anyway, what's this?" She mumbled. "Lovers platter? Well. It's basically all the seafood, put together to form a mountain. The two figurines on top are supposed to be the couple." He commented, looking at it. "Such a funny dish." She blabbered, stabbing a prawn and eating it. "but it's good. so nevermind." She smiled syly, and continued eating.

D.O Shook his head, chuckling at her, when he noticed the man sitting diagonally across their table, in a white tee and casual three-quarter shorts. He had a had and large shades, covering his eyes. *No doubt, that's Kai. What is  doing here now.. spying?!* D.O snickered, rolling her eyes.

Baekhee looked up at him "What's so funny?" "Your boyfriend's spying on us." He smiled, and looked at you. "I'll go confront hi- no. Let's.. make him.. jealous." You rubbed your hands gleefully. D.O Raised an eyebrow at you. "Jealous?" An evil grin spread acros his face. "I like that."

Baekhee stabbed a piece of meat, and held it out. "Try this! It's really good!" She fed D.O, making it as obvious as possible. Kai stiffened, choking on his iced lemon tea. *They share utensils? she's FEEDING HIM?!* He raged mentally. "Do Kyungsoo you're going down, friend or not." He glared daggers at them, watching them share the lover's platter together. *I'M SUPPOSED TO BE EATING THAT WITH HER! NOT YOU! PUNK!* Kai gulped down the last bit of his drink and called for the fourth refill, as the waitress stared at him oddly.

D.O stood up after the meal, and helf his hand out. Without hesitating, Baekhee placed her hand in his, and they walked off, leaving Kai behind, who was shaking in anger. *YOON BAEKHEE I'LL GIVE YOU A MILLION HICKEYS THE NEXT TIME* Kai glared at the empty table diagonally across him now.


"nice one!" Baekhee and D.O High fived each other, getting into the car. Kyungsoo dropped her back at her house, and Baekhee turned to face him, "Thank you oppa! I had fun today !" Baekhee gave D.O A hug, and headed back into her house. D.O made sure she was safely back in her home, before driving off. *Ah, i wish we culd do that everyday.* He laid back, a smile lingering on his lips.

Baekhee stepped out of the shower, stretching her arms. "Ahh~ That was fun!" She gleamed, combing her hair. "I'm sure it was." Baekhee froze, and turned around. Kai was sitting by her window, shooting his laser beams at her. 

Baekhee smirked, "duh, you had no idea." she playfully sank into her bed. "We played paintball, he even rented out the entire place! And we had-" "I know."

Kai interrupted her, and hovered over Baekhee, placing one arm on either sides of her. "Naughty." She smirked, "I knew you'd see that. Jealous?" Kai froze. "You-you did it on purpose?"

Baekhee smiled to him sweetly, "That's up to your imagination~" She winked and slipped away. "Y-YAH! GET YOUR BACK HERE!" Kai howled, chasing after her. He dashed down the stairs after her, and pinned both her arms above her head on the wall. "Deja vu?" He smirked, as Baekhee froze. *Crap. not again*

Kai smirked, and swooped down to her neck, giving her two purple bruises on each side of her neck. "What a masterpiece, it's symmetrical." He his lips coyly, and grabbed his coat. "My work here is done~ Meet me at the dorm tomorrow at 12 noon!" He swung his coat over his shoulder, pushed up his shades and left swiftly.


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Kai <3
OMG! Jonghyun likes her right?
illlusionist #4
New reader here!You mentioned that this is a sequel right? sorry to say that I didn't read your first story,But I love this story. Please update soon.Lookig forward to your next update!!
Ah, i realized chapter 3, 7 and 8 were unpublished :p sorry for inconvenience caused :/
I love this :3
And lastly; I want to thank my beloved readers who are willing to continue supporting me and this fic :') means a lot to me :p lublub. Lots of stress from school recently, so bear with me please~ (:
fida0704 #8
Its okay. I'll wait for your story to continue :) keep up the goodwork, *hwaiting*
JTHY36 #9