A Date to Cry About

As Confused


A.N Ok, first thing’s first, sorry. Aha…no really, sorry. The things I do for drama. Anyway, enjoy it…at least…maybe. Ok…well…see you at the end of the chapter~

P.S Don’t hate me….


Wu Fan’s POV

It was too early to be awake, but I was. I was on the balcony watching the sun rise. I sigh as I lean on the railing, my head between my arms. I shake my head at the thought of him.

“You ok?” Someone asks from behind me. I stand straight and turn to see Joonmyun. I shrug as I lean on the railing again. Joonmyun walks out onto the balcony and sits on one of the chairs.

“You look so happy.” Joonmyun says. I smile.

“I do, don’t I?” I ask. Joonmyun sighs.

“What’s bothering you?” He asks.

“I don’t know what you mean.” I say. He sighs again.

“Really, are you sure you don’t? Sighing every ten seconds and keeping clear of everyone since we got back, you don’t know what I mean?” He asks.

“So, just tell me what’s up.” He says.

“There’s nothing to tell.” I say. He shrugs and gets up before leaving. I sigh.


I finish getting ready and leave the bathroom, Minseok smiles to me before he enters. I walk into the kitchen and eat quickly before leaving the house. I walk onto the warming sand and look at the early surfers. I shrug as I sit down on the sand.

“I’m the biggest idiot in the world.” I say to myself. I agree with myself.

“I shouldn’t care so much. It’s not like I had him and he slipped away, I set them up.” I say. I shake my head.


Minseok’s POV A.N I like using him too much, leave me be…aha…

I walk out to see Wu Fan talking to himself on the beach. I shake my head as I walk over to him, I stand just behind him but he hasn’t noticed.

“How can I be a leader? I’m an idiot…it’s not like I can just leave the group because I stuffed up. I’m screwed, forever screwed if I don’t get my feelings in check.” He says. I blink at the back of his head. What in the world?

“But what happens when they break up and either of them turn to me?” He sighs.

“…everything is screwed. I really shouldn’t have done that with Baekhyun.” He says. I blink again.

“Argh, if I do anything I’ll hurt them all.” He sighs. I kick sand at him and he looks to me, his eyes going wide. I sit next to him.

“Talking to yourself in public like this, people will think you’re insane.” I say. Wu Fan shrugs.

“I am insane.” He says. I nod.

“You probably are.” I say as I pat his shoulder. He smiles.

“How much of that did you hear?” He asks.

“From you asking yourself how you’re a leader to just then.” I say.

“So…how screwed am I?” He asks. I shrug.

“I don’t know. Also, what did you do with Baekhyun?” I ask.

“Just…you know.” He says. I shake my head. He pulls a face and my eyes go wide. I blink a few times.

“You had with Baekhyun?” I ask. His hand claps over my mouth.

“Yah shut it.” He says. I nod. He pulls his hand away and nods.

 “I…don’t even want to know what brought it on, or why.” I say.

“There was a lot of alcohol involved.” He says. I close my eyes.

“I said I didn’t want to know what brought it on.” I sigh. I open my eyes.

“Sorry.” He murmurs.

“You aren’t saying you’re screwed because of that though, are you?” I ask. He doesn’t answer and I sigh.

“Great, this has something to do with Kyungsoo and Chanyeol, right?” I ask. He doesn’t answer again.

“You’re screwed.” I say. He nods.

“Yeah, I know. I’m overly screwed and I can’t do anything about it because I’m the one that got them together.” He says in an almost whisper.

“I’m not that good in comforting people that look like you, but would you like a hug?” I ask. He just nods and hugs on me. This is so weird. I pat his back awkwardly.

“Would you like to get ice cream?” I ask. He laughs. (R.A.N aka random author’s note: I wanted to hear a sad song whilst writing this. You know what came on? Two Moons….so…pft yeah. Just wanted to tell you all that.)

We walk out of the ice cream parlour with our ice creams. The girl inside screamed when we entered, and I think she blew an ear drum.

“So, when you’re sad, should I give you steamed buns?” Wu Fan asks.

“Just give me food.” I say. He smiles. There are younger people around this part of the town we’re in, which can be good and bad. Soon people are following us.

“This is so weird.” I sigh. Wu Fan nods.

“Let’s run for it.” He says as he finishes his ice cream. I nod as I finish mine and we go off running.


We walk into the house laughing, it’s almost lunch time.

“You didn’t have to do that.” I say as I laugh. Wu Fan shrugs.

“Have fun on your date?” Jongin asks as we pass the living room. We backtrack and look to him. He grins at us.

“Aw, you two look cute together.” He says. Wu Fan sighs and walks over to him, flicks his forehead and smiles.

“Better looking couple than any you’d be in, so shut it.” He says.

“There are pictures.” Jongin says as he holds up his phone. Wu Fan reads aloud.

“Two members of EXO’s subunit EXO-M were spotted in Tri-Walk this morning, the leader Kris and member Xiumin.” He reads. He looks to me.

“Witnesses say they looked very friendly to each other and talked in Korean a lot and Kris smiled…heaps.” He says.

“Read the comments.” Jongin says.

“I saw them, and they looked so cute together! Krismin is real, fighting.” He reads. I blink at him.

“Kris….Min…” I say. My eyes go wide.

“Krismin, oh God.” I say. Wu Fan shoots me a look.

“What? You don’t like being in a couple with me?” He asks. I laugh. Jongin takes the phone from him.

“I swear they look the best together out of all other ships. Why don’t they just go public? I wonder if they’re really dating. I wish them the best. I hope they’re real. I wonder what Tao and Chen think about this, or are they dating? I wonder what they do alone.” Jongin reads. I blink.

“Oh, here’s a new one. I’m going to kill them both, bring them here right now. Oh wait, that was a message from Joonmyun.” Jongin says with a smile. I sigh.

We stand in front of Joonmyun in the living room turned mini office so Joonmyun could lecture us with everyone outside the room.

“There are so many comments about you two being a couple; it’s just…so…weird. You two aren’t secretly dating, right?” He asks.

“Joonmyun, I’m dating Jongdae.” I say. He nods.

“Yes, right. But why were you two at Tri-Walk?” He asks. I look to Wu Fan. He sighs.

“I wanted ice cream.” He says. Joonmyun blinks.

“You never want ice cream; don’t try to pull bull with me.” He says. I hear the others talk quietly about Joonmyun saying bull.

“Ok, Minseok wanted ice cream.” Wu Fan says.

“And I still don’t believe you.” Joonmyun says. I sigh.

“I wanted to talk to him about something, ok? Something personal and I didn’t want the rest of you being nosy about it.” I say. Joonmyun looks to me and blinks. I can tell he’s reading my face.

“So…you wanted to talk privately?” He asks. I nod.

“Ok. Also, if you two ever pull any fan service together, I’ll kick you both.” He says before standing and walking away. I breathe out.

“You could’ve said that before.” Wu Fan says. I look to him and shrug.

“But if I did, Joonmyun would have never said bull.” I say. Wu Fan shakes his head.


Wu Fan’s POV

I follow after an overly hyper Baekhyun around the house. I sigh when he stops in front of the door to our room. He turns to me and grins.

“Hyung, change into something…nice.” He says. I look down to what I’m wearing, simple clothes, jeans and a T-shirt. I sigh.

“But leave your hair like that. I like your hair like it is.” He says.

“And why is that?” I ask. He shrugs.

“I like your forehead, ok, now go change and shut up.” He murmurs.

“You are so weird.” I say before I walk around him and into the room.

I sigh at my clothes.

“Nice clothes, nice clothes, right…” I sigh. I take a breath before I leave the room and go to Luhan’s. I knock on the door and it opens.

“What is it?” Luhan asks in Mandarin. I smile to him.

“You smiling at me like that, it’s scary.” He says. I stop smiling.

“Help me get dressed for my date with Baekhyun.” I say. Luhan grins.

“Ok, fine.” He says with a nod.

I blink at Luhan and he stares at me.

“Just. Wear. The. Clothes.” He says. I look at the clothes he holds and shakes my head. He sighs.

“Wu Fan, WEAR THE CLOTHES!” He shouts. I squirm like a child.

“But Luhaaaaannnnnnnnn…” I whine. His face turns to disgust.

“I have no idea what you did just then, but it was horrible and you should never do it again.” He says. I sigh and nod.

“Sorry.” I say. He shrugs.

“Wear the clothes and look half decent.” He says as he holds the clothes out to me. I sigh and take them. Luhan smiles and leaves the room. I get dressed and shrug in the clothes, not that bad. I leave the room and find Baekhyun in the living room. He sees me and stands before blinking.

“Who dressed you?” He asks.

“What?” I ask. He smiles.

“Did Luhan dress you?” He asks. I blink at him.

“He did! Luhan dressed you, that’s why you look good.” He says.

“I can dress myself.” I say as I point at Baekhyun.

“Yeah sure you can. For a homeless person. Let’s go.” He says before I can say another word. The others laugh.

“It’s not funny.” I say as I point at them and follow after Baekhyun.


We walk around Tri-Walk. Or, I follow Baekhyun around as he goes into shops and looks at things like a little girl at a doll shop.

“Hyung, do you like cake?” He asks. I shrug.

“I like cake, but I’m not as much as a cake lover as someone in our group.” I say. He laughs and nods. I’m pulled along the street. By the time Baekhyun has settled down, it’s getting dark.

“Baekhyun, I’m hungry. Can we eat now?” I ask. He turns to me and nods. He points to one of the cafés on the street. We walk over to it and enter. It’s dimly lit and looks romantic. We sit down and get menus.

We order and sit there waiting. Baekhyun is staring at me. I sigh.

“What?” I ask.

“Just daydreaming about your forehead.” He says. I laugh.

“Would you like me to leave you two alone?” I ask.

“If you would.” He says. I shake my head.


Kyungsoo’s POV

Everyone’s eyes are glued on the screen of the TV; I wasn’t even looking at the TV. I was staring at Chanyeol’s ears. I don’t know what he did, but his hair looked fluffy and soft and just…crazy and I could see his ears perfectly. I keep staring even when Jongin nudges me. I ignore him but after the fifth nudge I groan and look to him.

“What?” I whisper to him.

“Why are you staring at Chanyeol so weirdly? You’re freaking me out.” He asks. I smile.

“His ears! look at his ears!” I whisper as I shake him. I pushes me off of him.

“Yah, have you turned into one of those crazy fan girls?” He asks. I nod.

“Yes, I have Jongin. But if you saw his ears, you would fan girl all over the floor.” I say. He sighs and leans forward slightly, looking at Chanyeol’s ears. He leans back and looks at me.

“Ok, so he has cute ears, but stop being so damn giddy about it.” He says. I grin.

“I can’t help myself.” I say.

“Oh lord, you are so weird.” He says as he rubs his temples and looks away. I smile and look back to Chanyeol; he’s smiling that creepy smile I like too much. He looks at me.

“I can hear you.” He says. I shrug.

“That was the point.” I say back.

“Yah you two, shut it. Some of us want to watch the TV, not you two. If you want private time, you have a room.” Jongin says. The others laugh. I whack him over the head.

“Don’t mind if we do.” Chanyeol says as he lifts me up and walks us to the room.


Wu Fan’s POV

We walk slowly to a bench and sit. There are people still out, more teenagers and young adults fill the street.

“I’m so tired.” Baekhyun says as he leans on me. I look down to him.

“You know what will happen if people recognize us and take a picture of us, right?” I ask. He nods.

“Joonmyun will explode again.” He says quietly. He sounds sad. I turn so that I’m facing him and he looks at me. He’s trying not to pout, but he is.

“What’s with the face?” I ask. He shake his head and smiles but his lips are trembling he looks like he’s about to cry. I look around, but no one’s looking at us at all, they’re either flirting or becoming drunk. I look back to Baekhyun; he’s looks at his hands as he sighs.

“I knew this would be stupid.” He says. I blink at him.

“I already knew you didn’t like me.” He says. I swallow nervously.

“It’s not that hard to tell that you don’t like me the way I like you. And I’m an idiot.” He says, his voice wavering.

“I’m sorry. For making you dress up and come out here with me. I’m sorry for being an idiot and doing this. I knew you liked Kyungsoo.” He says. I can see tears roll down his cheek and it feels like my heart just stopped.

“I’m such an idiot.” He whispers. He didn’t look at me as he stood.

“Baekhyun…” I say. He shakes his head and walk away. After a few minutes I stand. I walk slowly back to the house, even though it’ll take a while to get there, I still walk.

It’s late when I get back. The house is almost silent; people are talking in the living room. I walk over and stand in the doorway. The room goes silent as they look at me. Luhan stands and slaps me, and I let him.

“What did you do to Baekhyun?” He asks. I blink at him. I lean in, making Luhan take a step back.

“What did I do? I broke his heart.” I say. Luhan slaps me again.

“What is wrong with you?” He asks. I smile.

“I’m sick of talking to you.” I say. He goes to slap me again and Chanyeol stops him. I look to him and leave the room. I walk into the bathroom.

“What happened?” Chanyeol asks as he closes the bathroom door.

“You heard what happened.” I say.

“You want me to punch you?” He asks. I nod.

“Well I’m not going to. Tell me what happened. I asked him but he’s a sobbing mess and won’t leave my bed.” He says.

“I didn’t say anything to him. He talked, he said he knew.” I say.

“Knew what?” Chanyeol asks.

“What do you think?” I ask. He thinks for a moment before nodding.

“I’d like it very much if you’d yell or hit me or something instead of being so nice.” I say. Chanyeol smiles.

“I’m a nice person.” He says.

“And very modest.” I say.

“Chanyeol, should this hurt so much?” I ask. His eyes go wide as tears roll down my cheeks. I turn around and wipe them away.

“Y-yah…it’s not the end of the world.” He says.

“Then why does it feel like this?” I ask. Chanyeol laughs, I turn around, not caring about the tears.

“Why are you laughing?” I ask.

“You’re an idiot.” He says as he laughs. I blink at him.

“You seriously don’t know? Wow…” He says.

“What?” I ask. He shrugs.

“You aren’t going to tell me?” I ask. He nods with smile. He leaves the bathroom.

“He’s torturing me.” I say.


A.N………..so……..I’m not done yet. Pft. Yes I seriously just did that.


Chanyeol’s POV

 I shake my head as I’m walking back to the living room.

“Where’s Wu Fan?” Joonmyun asks. I grin at him.

“In the bathroom, crying.” I say. The others all look at me with wide eyes. I nod and they leave, except Kyungsoo. I walk over and sit next to him.

“You aren’t going to go see him crying?” I ask. He shakes his head and leans onto me. I smile. His arms wrap around my waist and I can’t help but grin creepily. It would be perfect if he called me hyung right now.

“Hyung, I’m tired.” Kyungsoo whispers. My eyes go wide and I look down to his head.

“Kyungsoo, can you read minds?” I ask. He shakes his head. I smile devilishly and stand before pulling Kyungsoo up and carrying him to our room, the others give us weird looks on the way.


A.N Ok, now I’m done. Ok, so a little side note…thingo. The ears thing, Chanyeol’s ears, I like them. Don’t judge. I just find them adorable…I already know I’m weird, shush. The making Kris cry…yeah…would you want to see him cry? No…oh well. You have that image in your head now anyway. My job is done. It’s not exactly that evil…I guess. But I feel like I just threw away Baekhyun’s heart. That, that’s a little evil, also, Kris seems a little dumb in this.

I was wondering though, did anyone want more on the other couples? At all? Or can I just keep ruining Chansoo and whatever you wanna call Baekhyun and Kris? Yes? No? Maybe? Gucci? Cake? I don’t know.

Roll like a buffalo and don’t kill me~

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Chapter 7: it's very very.. confusing to read, but it was nice!
Chapter 16: I finished reading this in one night. Good job, author-nim! Even though it is kind of confusing, I enjoyed reading this very much. It's hilarious and sweet at the same time. I can imagine how chaos it will be when they are together. Thank you for this story! :)
Chapter 16: Ohgawd!!! This was some really bumpy journey! I absolutely love it and all these weird shipping! Who would have thought of Tao and lay or Joonmyun and Kai? Gosh! Love this!!!! I absolutely love all the hints and such! Love triangles FTW! HHahahaha but seriously, I thought Kyungsoo was crushing on Chanyeol and the start and not Baekie! Caught me off guard there for a while!
Awesome story!!! *throws hearts*
pamperedcat #4
Chapter 16: And I am DONE. I love you and your weird ships my queen.
Japanda #5
Great Story i love your diff weir otps!! <3
pink #6
Thank you this story was interesting you rock
inlieuof #7
Thank you for this story! I liked the ending!! So happppy :)
@inlieuof I don't really know, I don't usually add twists to my stories, and I also ship Chansoo (why I'm writing it), but there could be twist and there might not be.
I don't know how to reply on here...so haha
@d_dfml Thank you for commenting, also about Yixing and Tao not being greasy, you never know. I am evil.
inlieuof #9
I love this story because it has ChanSoo and you are on of the few writers that writes about them! I ship this couple so badly! If you are ending this soon, are you the kind of writer that adds some twist at the end? And if so, do you go for the good/bad shocking ending? Thank you for this entertaining story.