A Day In The Life


Morning came and Thanos with his wife prepare for a mission to Japan. They have been out of the country a lot of times and living there not-so normal children all by themselves is just a walk in the park. Jay becomes the head of the household while Eunju takes the role of a mother. She cooks for them, cleans the mansion, and tucks Eunmi to bed every night and Jay helps his sister’s train every morning and does errands that were left by his parents. They made a pact that no one will tell that they use their powers every time their parents are away making it easier for them to do their chores.

The siblings sent their parents off and stood by the main door. Eunmi rested her head on Jay’s shoulder while he carried her since she is still half asleep and Eunju stood beside him who kept on yawning.

“Jay, take care of your sisters, araseo? You know what to do if something comes up.” said his father.

“Ye appa!”

“Eunju-ah, as much as possible, stay away from the city and don’t give your brother a headache.”

“Ye appa!” she replied followed by a yawn.

Their parents kissed each one of them and sprinted out of the mansion dodging every trap on the way. Eunju made her way to the kitchen to prepare breakfast while Jay went back to the living room and gently lowered his sister on the couch.

“Yo sis, holla at me when you’re done. I’ll just make a few rounds outside.” and she waved the ladle to him in agreement.

As a morning habit, Jay would check every trap he and Thanos set up around the premises. Although the mansion is located in an isolated part of the mountains, some unfortunate soul might end up getting caught and would never survive to tell. From deep pitfalls with sharp spikes on the ground, to wire traps that if triggered, spears with poisoned tips comes raining down on the target, and snares specifically designed to close on the neck or torso which closes the trachea, and fractures the spinal column.

This day is just any other day since the traps are empty. “Hopefully tomorrow…” Jay remarked.

“Oppa, breakfast is ready!” Eunju’s voice rang through the forest.

Jay sprinted back and woke Eunmi from her sleep. The smell of pancakes, eggs, and bacons made his tummy snarl and started to eat after taking his seat.

“This is so good sis! Komawo!” he beamed after shoving a large portion in his mouth.

“No biggie oppa but you’ll have to eat slowly or you’ll choke… Eunmi-ah, here’s your milk. Finish it all up!”

“Neh…” the maknae croaked.

“Any plans today?” Jay asked his sisters.

“Same… Training in the morning and play the rest of the day.” said Eunju.

“Ya! Both of you are prohibited to go near the city. You can do anything but not that!” he pointed his fork to them.

“Nah, we’re not planning to go back there anyway. I’m not ready to meet them again…” Eunju pressed her lips together after realizing she was about to spill the encounter they had last night but Jay already noticed.

“Tell me what happened?” he asked with a straight face.

“Ermm… It was nothing actually… We just bumped into them…” Eunju stuttered and forced a smile.

Eunmi knew her brother is troubled and could not stop from worrying while watching him.

“Eunmi-ah, stop it. It bothers me and you know I don’t like it when you do that on me.” he complained.

“Miahne… But you don’t have to worry. Nothing serious happened and unnie managed to escape without a trace.”

“Okay… But no more going to the circus, araseo?

“Neh…” said the girls.

The day is bright and the weather is breezy yet calm. They went out of the mansion after breakfast and sprinted deeper into the forest stopping in front of a meadow. A tract of low land covered with coarse grass and the trees around it seemed like an octagon ring, served as training grounds for the siblings. Eunmi started skipping to her usual spot which is by a cliff for some yoga and meditation while Eunju and Jay took there fighting stances for a few rounds of kick boxing.

“I’ll go easy on you sis! I promise!” Jay taunted.

“Ha! Ha! The last time you said that I woke up the next day with a fractured rib.”

“It wasn’t my fault. You just forgot to dodge.”

“Whatever! I’ll get you this time!”

“Come and get me, little sister!”

They sprinted towards each other and started throwing punches and kicks. Given that one is a half-breed and another is a specially trained Flash, the battle is not like an ordinary fight you watch in pay-per-view. One single punch from Eunju sends Jay flying and if she is not fast enough to evade his shots, she could end up sleeping for another twenty four hours although half-breeds are the only one who is capable of healing faster depending on the injury.

Eunju managed to survive the fight with just a torn lip, a broken nose and twisted ankle while Jay ended up leaning against a tree trunk sleeping. She smirked at the sight of him and grabbed the daggers in a holster that was attached on her back. By controlling her breathing and choosing a specific point on a target, she can either kill them right away or render a slow and torturous death. She stood in the middle of the field, closed her eyes and gripped the handle. With a snap of her wrist, she swiftly throws the dagger into a tree with full force splitting it in half revealing the target behind it.

Eunmi suddenly appeared behind, praising her sister. “Good job unnie! That is so cool!”

“Thanks. Don’t worry, I’ll teach you when the time comes.”

“Yes! And why is Jay oppa sleeping?”

“He took a beating from me.” The sisters laughed and he finally woke up.

Jay sprinted to them and grappled both his sisters to the ground. “Ya! Kwon Eunju! I’ll get you for what you did!”

“Bring it!”

“Oppa, why do you have to take me down as well?” Eunmi complained.

“I just want to play with you.” he chuckled.

The siblings wrestled each other and played around like teenagers do. Eunmi gets to enjoy it the most since she is more flexible and agile than them without using their powers. After a few rounds in a game of tag, they decided to call it a day and head back home.

“You two should take it easy next time when you fight…” said Eunmi.

“Wae yo?” Jay asked.

“This place was breathtaking when we got here and now that we’re leaving, it seems like a tornado dropped by. Poor trees.” she sighed.

“Oops…” Eunju blurted.

“Let’s race home. Whoever comes in last will wash the dishes until mom and dad comes back.” Jay added.

“Deal!” the girls retorted.

They crouched and he started to count. “Hana… Dul… Set!”

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GD's special appearance. Kekeke. I have nothing against him, it's just that his dragonball ink fits the story... ^^


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I really like your story~!!!but I'm to scared to find out what might happen in the sequel!!!I don't know why but I always hate sequels!i think it's because I know the main WILL get hurt and the ones around the main WILL get hurt too~!!!ahshi~!!!sorry for complaining to you~!!!
14 streak #2
Chapter 21: Waaaaa i really like the superhuman theme!!!!!! >.<
JwalkerzAnna #3
Chapter 21: wow i actually don't like things like taht superhuman etc. but i loved ur story good job i'm going to read the second part tomorrow love ur story
Chapter 21: YAY..! Leggo...! To the sequel..! *woohoo*
demixsmile #5
UNNIEEE!!! omaiing god i love you!!! i usually dont like stories like this but this was ing awesome!!
Shiiiit!!! Omygod I can't wait!!!! Shiiit!!!! I need to read the sequel ASAP! Infinite,BlockB and Kai???? Freakin bomb! Loved it! Second favorite story after Before the dawn. Actually it's equal since it's not the same theme but still loved it! When I read the first paragraph stating she was dead I was like: Yeah right! Dead my ! She's a main for pitty sakes! I'm happy you decide to make a sequel!
Haneull #8
Woohoo! That was some awesome Fic! I can't wait for the sequel!