Clash Of The Half-Breeds


Jay and Eunju made their way into the city all dressed in black ready for battle. The night sky is cloudless and not even a single star has showed up as if it cowered for an upcoming affliction. Streets are empty while the humans remained in slumber leaving stray cats and rodents enjoy freedom. The weather just got colder that smoke comes out of their mouth as they breathe. Eunju’s daggers are properly stacked in a holster behind her back and another pair on each of her boots. Jay walked with hands on his jackets keeping an eye out for a possible ambush.

Just as they were about to reach a corner, Jay noticed some people following them. “Sis, we got company.” and she nodded. They walked slower and when the footprints became louder, they turned and faced them. Jay took his fighting stance while Eunju grabbed two daggers from her back twirling it in her fingers and gripped the handle as she took her stance. The silhouettes that followed them became clearer when it passed a light post. Jay got annoyed when he saw fourteen boys walking calmly towards them.

“What the !?” Jay hissed as he straightened up.

“Hyung, we can’t let you go to Plutus on your own.” Sunggyu blurted.

“Yeah! We can help you!” Zico added.

“It’s not your decision to make. Go back to where you belong! You don’t know what you’re getting yourselves into!” Jay continued walking and so did Eunju but Block B and Infinite followed them. She then decided to move back to the boys and opt for a negotiation. “Look guys. I know you mean us well but it’s dangerous out there. Believe me… I was shot for a reason. So please!”

Woohyun suddenly walked up to her cupping her face. “Eunju-ah, we may not be the strongest fighter with faster reflexes but we have enough strength and speed to lend a hand.”

“It’s not about that oppa. I know how much y’all wanna help us and we truly appreciate it, but I can never forgive myself if something happens to one of you.” said Eunju while looking at them.

“Nothing will happen. We promise!” said Bbomb.

Eunju let out a sigh of defeat. “Okay. I’ll talk to my brother. But you have to listen to him no matter what, araseo?” and they all nodded in agreement. She ran back to Jay who kept on walking nearing Plutus’ warehouse. After a couple of pleadings with a mix of aegyo, her brother finally agreed. They reached the front of the warehouse hiding behind a stall right across it.

“Sis, we’re gonna have to make a jump to the roof and take out all ten guards. Throw them at the traps to trigger all of it.” and faced the boys. “Jiho! Sunggyu! Once I give you the signal, you guys destroy the perimeter fence and make your way in.”

“Got it!” said Zico while tightening his gloves.

“Neh!” Sunggyu added.

“Ready sis?” asked Jay.

“Let’s do this!”

Just as she was about to jump, Zico grabbed her wrist. “Be careful!” and she smiled back. Eunju took her brother’s hand as she jump and landed perfectly at the middle of the roof. They both moved with the speed of light taking out each of the heavily armed men and as they try to fire their weapons, they were already caught in the traps enduring a slow and painful death. Jay gave the signal to the leaders and Block B used their strength in destroying the fences like scissor’s cutting through paper while Infinite managed to dodge the remaining traps with their fast reflexes.

Eunju and Jay watched them from the roof wreaking havoc in the entrance of the warehouse. “Oppa, something’s not right.”

“What do you mean?”

“They are causing too much distraction and neither of Plutus’ men has made a move.”

Jay looked around but chose to ignore her warning. “They’re just waiting for the perfect time to attack. Keep your guard up! Stay here and watch our backs!” and she nodded. Jay left her behind taking out the remaining guards that stood in the exit by dodging bullets and snapping their necks. He slowly made his way in but was surprised to see an empty warehouse right before his eyes. The lights were all lit and not even a single strand of hair can be found on the floor. It seemed like the place has been vacated purposely turning it into a battle cage. Kai stood in the middle with feet apart waiting to get some beating from Jay. “Wassup brotha! Long time, no see!” he greeted.

“So it’s true after all. Who would’ve thought that you would become a heartless criminal?”

“Hyung, miahnada. I had no choice.”

Jay walked calmly towards him but cracking his knuckles on the way. “No choice my ! Where’s my sister?”

“She’s safe. Don’t worry. Just give us time and we’ll return her back.”

“Excuse me? My sister is not a toy that you can borrow and return any time you want. Mother er!” He suddenly lunged on Kai pinning him to the ground. “Where is Eunmi?” he hissed.

“I’m sorry hyung…”

“Then you leave me no choice!” Jay was about to punch him with full force when in a snap of Kai’s fingers, all the lights went off and Eunju knew right away that Kai is inside. “I knew it!” she mumbled. He shoved Jay off of him and crawled to the ceiling gaining vantage point while his eyes turned red giving him night vision. “Hyung, I don’t wanna fight you.”

“Show yourself! Don’t cower in darkness, you piece of !”

Jay quickly stood and took his time to feel his surroundings. Every move, scent, and touch will be Kai’s weakness. He jumped on Jay and would strike him as he pass by crawling his way around. “Hyung, we can do this all day, y’know.”

“Don’t worry we have all the time in the world!” Jay took his beating intentionally to study his movements and patterns while crashing against the walls. Eunju noticed there fight getting intense as it became louder and unbearable. “Oppa…”

Just as she was about to bore a hole through the roof to make her way in, a guy suddenly appeared across her. “Woah, easy there missy! Those boys are having fun, let’s have our own shall we?” says a raspy and smooth voice. He is scrawny and lean with a wide section at the side of his head is shaved and the other is draped by longer locks that met his ear. His sagging pants match the black wife beaters revealing tattoos on his shoulders and arms making Eunju wonder why he seemed to be unfazed with such thin clothing at a cold weather. As she stood from her spot, the guy opened his palm showing a fireball. “! Half-breed!”

She slowly stepped backwards and swiftly getting two daggers from her back. “Who are you?” she asked. He slowly turned to show his dragonball imprint on his nape. “G-Dragon is the name baby girl!”

“Nice to meet you but I don’t have time to fight you. I’m just here to get my sister back!”

GD suddenly appeared in front of Eunju holding her chin up. “Ahh. So you’re the one Jongin is talking about. Not bad at all!” He leaned closer smelling her neck but he smirk when he knew a dagger has been pointed at his crotch right when he made his move. “Fiesty, I like!”

“Get your ing hands off  me!” she hissed. GD moved back hurling a fireball at her but Eunju back flipped to dodge it. She retaliated by throwing a dagger on his thigh targeting the femoral artery. He pulled it out tossing the dagger away followed by fireballs all heading towards her direction. Zico saw the roof rapidly getting on fire while watching Eunju fight what seemed to be a shadow from his spot. “Eunju-ah, you need to get outta there!” he yelled but she didn’t hear him. She took her jacket off as it caught on fire realizing as well that the roof could give in with so much fire around them. She jumped landing on the entrance and just as the boys tried to help her, GD created a ring of fire around her and jumped to join her.

“Eunju-ah!” Hoya yelled.

“Hyung! We gotta help her!” said Myungsoo to Sunggyu who tried to make a run for it but failed.

“Seems like you got yourself some bodyguards!” GD smirked.

“Seems like you got yourself some bodyshots!” Eunju blurted pointing the holes in GD’s body caused by her daggers.

“Half-breeds heal remember?”

“Oh I know…” she said with sarcasm but smiled for she knew her shots will drain all his energy.

She was about to grab another dagger from her back but the holster is empty so she took the last two from her ankle. “I guess I’ll have to do this the hard way then!” Eunju sprinted towards him and initiated a hand to hand combat. GD’s body is burning up that with her every contact, she gets burned and all the boys could do is watch helplessly.

Jay and Kai are severely battered but still continued fighting however, Jay finally managed to pin him down. “Where the is Eunmi? Tell me!!!”

“I’m really sorry hyung. I can’t tell you?”

“Wae? WAEEE???” he yelled after he grabbed his collar and shaking him frantically.

“They got my mom…” Kai stuttered.

“Are you playing with me, huh? I’ve known you since we were in the orphanage, you don’t ing have one!”

“Plutus found her and kept her away from me. They will hurt my mom if I won’t work for him. I’m really sorry hyung. I had no choice!”

“Damn it Jongin!” Jay released him and sat on the ground.

“Hyung, you know that I’m not capable of hurting other people especially those who I love. Seeing Eunju again that night almost made me give up but I have to!” he cried.

Jay stood rubbing his forehead leaving Kai crying on his knees when they heard a loud banging noise from the outside reflecting a huge fire. “! Gdragon!” said Kai. He quickly stood and started running out but Jay stopped him. “Who’s Gdragon?”

“A half-breed and Pyrokinetic!” They both ran out the warehouse and saw Eunju lying on the ground inside a ring of fire.

“How can we stop him?” Jay questioned Kai.

“We can’t! He’s the one controlling the flames and Eunju should fight him.”

“She can barely stand. We gotta do something!”

Jay started to pace trying to figure a way out for his sister while Kai talked to GD. “Hyung! Let’s leave this place. Plutus might be looking for us!”

“I don’t think so. He probably doesn’t even know where we are. I’m still having fun with your bestfriend.” he stuttered as he is weakened.

Block B and Infinite darted their eyes to Kai when they knew what he meant to her. “Hyung! Leave her alone. That’s enough!”

“No way bro! She’s mine tonight!” GD shook his head as dizziness is kicking in.

Kai raged at his words clenching his fist and tried to run through the flame but GD intensified it throwing Kai a few meters back burning his arm. Eunju stood up limping and sprinted towards GD pinning him to the ground. “Let’s go for a trip then!” She endured the heat from his body and jumped with all her strength landing on the coast and pitched him to the sea. “You need to cool off, !” she said and passed out.

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GD's special appearance. Kekeke. I have nothing against him, it's just that his dragonball ink fits the story... ^^


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I really like your story~!!!but I'm to scared to find out what might happen in the sequel!!!I don't know why but I always hate sequels!i think it's because I know the main WILL get hurt and the ones around the main WILL get hurt too~!!!ahshi~!!!sorry for complaining to you~!!!
14 streak #2
Chapter 21: Waaaaa i really like the superhuman theme!!!!!! >.<
JwalkerzAnna #3
Chapter 21: wow i actually don't like things like taht superhuman etc. but i loved ur story good job i'm going to read the second part tomorrow love ur story
Chapter 21: YAY..! Leggo...! To the sequel..! *woohoo*
demixsmile #5
UNNIEEE!!! omaiing god i love you!!! i usually dont like stories like this but this was ing awesome!!
Shiiiit!!! Omygod I can't wait!!!! Shiiit!!!! I need to read the sequel ASAP! Infinite,BlockB and Kai???? Freakin bomb! Loved it! Second favorite story after Before the dawn. Actually it's equal since it's not the same theme but still loved it! When I read the first paragraph stating she was dead I was like: Yeah right! Dead my ! She's a main for pitty sakes! I'm happy you decide to make a sequel!
Haneull #8
Woohoo! That was some awesome Fic! I can't wait for the sequel!