Let Me Be Your Umbrella

Before you start reading this chapter : chapter 7 is about you and apink at the cafe, this chapter is about luhan and exo-k at the cafe..its the same time but i wrote it into two chapters. ENJOY *bows* ^^

Apink-Bubibu :



Luhan entered the cafe with Exo-K. Their loud voices attracted the people in the cafe. 

Once he entered the cafe, he saw you and Apink chatted and laughed with each other. 

He looked at you since he entered the cafe until they found a table for them.

As expected, he got your glared in return. 

He keep looking without any smile on his face but only an innocent face, more like staring than looking. Making you felt uneasy.

*Uneasy with my stares? I can read your mind!* He turned his face from you and smirked.

The waitress took their orders.

He looked at you again and noticed that you tried to pretend like you didn't care.

Meanwhile, he could see that most of the girls were looking at them and taking pictures with their phones.

In return, Suho, Baekhyun,Chanyeol, D.O, Kai and Sehun gave them their brightest smile.

He nudged Sehun, "Who are you guys actually?"

D.O looked at Luhan with his 'O_O' eyes in disbelief.

"Did you just asked 'who are us?' ?" Suho asked back.

They laughed crazily.

Chanyeol patted Sehun shoulder. "You didn't tell your cousin about us?" They tried to stop laughing.

Sehun shook his head. "Maybe i forgot to tell, sorry" he chuckled.

Luhan hit Sehun's head slowly and made an angry face.

They laughed. 

"Okay okay..Enough of that!" Suho cleared his throat, "One, two, three" He counted. 

"WE ARE ONE! WE ARE EXO-K!" All of them shouted in union. "I thought we already introduced ourselves to you this morning" Suho added and sighed.

"Ah..right, I know that 'we are one..Exo-K...bla bla bla'. But what I want to know is why the people look likes they adore you guys so much." Luhan bit his bottom lip.

"We do dances and sing at the school. We are known for our singing and dancing skills." Sehun stated.

"And see that girls?" Baekhyun pointed at you and Apink. Luhan nodded. "Same goes to them. They do dance and sing at the school too and they are known for their singing and dancing skills too." He added.

Luhan nodded, "Thats why girls are crazy for you guys and boys are crazy for Apink?" 

"Exactly!" Chanyeol said loudly.

Some girls come to them asking to capture some pictures with them.

*Artists much!* Luhan thought.

When everyone is taking picture, Luhan looked at you again. *She can dance and sing too?* He asked his heart.

Kai who sit beside Luhan whispered at Luhan. "Hyung, you like her, aren't you?"

Luhan turned his face from you to look at Kai, "Uh?"

Kai whispered to Luhan's ear again, "I got you hyung." He chuckled.

Luhan bit his bottom lip "im...not.." he said slowly.

Kai chuckled. "your face has turned red hyung. There is no point to deny."

Luhan hit Kai's head. "Close your mouth!" 

Kai laughed. "Luhan hyung is shy."

"What are you guys doing?" D.O asked. "Whispering to each other , hiting each other." He added.

When Sehun heard the word 'hit', he looked at Kai, "You hit my hyung?"

"Not me, your cousin is the one who hit my head" Kai stated.

All of them laughed.

After the girls who took pictures with them were gone, they continued with their drinks.

"Anyway Luhan, can you dance or sing too?" Baekhyun asked. "If yes, we would like you to join us." He added and smiled.

"Yeah yeah..We would like to have a new member." Suho added.

Sehun smiled. "Luhan hyung, he can dance and sing very well. Right hyung?" He looked at Luhan.

"Im..not so good. But I can, a little." Luhan stated.

"The birth of Exo new humble prince, Luhan! Welcome to Exo!" Suho said.

"One, two, three." Suho counted again.

"WE ARE ONE!" They shouted in union and laughed.


A bit longer than other chapter..thanks for reading *bows*

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Heyinpiniteu #1
Chapter 18: naww they look cute tgt
Chapter 18: Update soon :)
Chapter 18: Please, update soon~ ^^
SungHyoBin #4
Hmm~ Necklace?
SungHyoBin #5
It's okay. Pls tell us what the papers are though in the future chapters :D
SungHyoBin #6
Luhan..u kissed her O.O
awww.. so sad
nice story xDD
xXxCatsLoverxXx #9
Luhan is very sweet! It just makes me like him more :)
SungHyoBin #10
Oww~ they're getting quite close . :D And even made promises OMG <3