Based on my observation

Let Me Be Your Umbrella

Apink-April 19th


After the short recess, they all went back to their classes.

Before the next class start, Luhan looked at his classmates. Chanyeol, Baekhyun and Suho busy playing games. Eunji and Bomi chatted with some other classmates and the others were chatting among them.

He noticed Chorong sitting at her desk reading and writing something on a piece of paper.

He looked around the class again and then he looked back at Chorong. "She's different from others." He thought.

He took his book and slowly walked towards Chorong desk. He knocked her desk slowly with his finger.

Noticing Luhan's presence, she looked up. "Am I disturbing?" 

She smiled and shook her head. "What can I help you?" She asked.

Luhan showed his book and.. "I....don't understand this. Would you mind to explain this to me?" he pretended to ask for help to start a conversation with her. 

Chorong looked at Luhan's book and smiled. "Sure!"

Luhan dragged his chair and sit at her desk, facing her. 

The other classmates looked at them.

Chanyeol nudged Suho and Baekhyun. "What is he trying to do?" He whispered.

Suho and Baekhyun shrugged and continued with the games.

Eunji looked at Bomi. "That new guy is interested in Chorong?" Eunji whispered. Bomi chuckled. "How can a handsome guy like him will interested in a guardian like her?" Bomi replied whispering. Both of them laughed.

"Why are the people looking at us?" Luhan asked Chorong.

Chorong smiled. "Cause you are talking to me Luhan-sshi" She looked back at the book.

Luhan looked at Chorong. "Eh? What did you mean?"

She tilted her head. "Lets just continue neh?"

He nodded awkwardly. "O-kay"

She explained the things Luhan asked excellently and Luhan listen intently even that the truth that he already understand.

She looked at Luhan. "Understand?" Luhan smiled and nodded instantly. "Thanks!"

She smiled.

Luhan get up from his sit and about to going back to his place but then he sit in front of Chorong again.

"Err...Chorong-ah, can I ask you something?" He rub the back of his neck.

"What is it?"

"Haeran....She's not that bad right? I mean..the real her is not like the last time at the cafe right?"

"Eh? Why did you ask?"

He smiled awkwardly. "I..just want to know."

"What did you think of her?" she asked back.

He rub the back of his neck again. "Err...she just want some attention...I think."

"Why did you think like that?" She asked again.

"Its just..based on my observation..?" He chuckled.

She smiled. "Go back to your place. The class may start in any minute." She commanded.

He smiled back "Thanks again" He dragged his chair back to his desk. *I knew it! There is no way a sweet girl would turn to be a scary girl without a reason.* He bit his lip.


Does this chapter helped? >__<
nope? *bows* OTL
BTW, I hope you can listen to the song( the link i gave) when reading ^^

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Heyinpiniteu #1
Chapter 18: naww they look cute tgt
Chapter 18: Update soon :)
Chapter 18: Please, update soon~ ^^
SungHyoBin #4
Hmm~ Necklace?
SungHyoBin #5
It's okay. Pls tell us what the papers are though in the future chapters :D
SungHyoBin #6
Luhan..u kissed her O.O
awww.. so sad
nice story xDD
xXxCatsLoverxXx #9
Luhan is very sweet! It just makes me like him more :)
SungHyoBin #10
Oww~ they're getting quite close . :D And even made promises OMG <3