Luhan's secret

Let Me Be Your Umbrella

You were writing something on your book when someone hand sticked a post-it-note on your desk.  *What the…* You lifted your face to take a look on who on earth stick that post-it-note on your desk.

Sehun! “Luhan hyung left a note for you.” He said and then walked to his set which just two seat behind you.

You took the post-it-note and read what was written in there.

Dear Princess,

Wait for after school.
In the school’s auditorium

Sincerely, boyfriend :)

*What did he want?* You put the post-it-note in your pencil case. It will be bad if anyone see it.


Right after school, you went to the auditorium. Chorong were waiting outside the auditorium while the others were home.

You walked to Luhan whose sitting at the piano.

“Why do you wanted to see me here?” You asked bluntly.

He smiled at you and patted the seat beside you, gestured you to sit beside him. You followed his demands.

“I had listened to your piano. Now, it’s my turn to let you listen to my piano.” He set his finger on the board.

He started to play, a song that is very failliar to your ear.

Eventhough it was a lullaby, you were mesmerized by his fingers movement.*Perfect! He must be a pianist all along.* The thought just came to your mind. The song that came out from the piano hypnotized you.

Once he finished his playing, you clapped your hands, unwittingly.

He stood up and bows as he was a famous pianist who just finished his performance.

“How is it?” He raised his eyebrow.

“Well, good… but, that was a children song.” You blurted out.

He chuckled. “I don’t know other songs that children song.” He spoked out, honestly.

Surprised, you looked at him. “I thought you are a pro. Just look at your fingers movement just now. There is no way you are an amatur.”

“Playing children song doesn’t make someone an amatur right?” He asked with a smile.


“I played piano when I was four and I stopped to play the piano when I was six. But, consider yourself lucky, I played the piano again, for you.” He chuckled.

You rolled your eyes. “You are lying.” You blurted out.

“I’m not.” He denied.

“You said you stopped playing when you were six, but you can still play this now, like a pro.”

“My mom was a piano teacher back then.” He stated.

You turned your face at him. *No wonder.*

“But when I was six, my parents were killed right in front of me. I was scared of piano since that.” You looked at him in disbelief. *What did he just said?* He get up from his seat and pulled your hand. “Lets go home now. Chorong must be waiting for you now.” He added. There was no smile in his face.

You wanted to ask more, but it seemed like he doesn’t want to tell you more.


Firstly, I'm truly sorry for not updating for a very looooooooooooong time.
I'm struggling with school and the upcoming most important exam.
But looking at the subs and comments made me want to update this.

Secondly, thanks for those who still reading this. 

Enjoy reading :)

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Heyinpiniteu #1
Chapter 18: naww they look cute tgt
Chapter 18: Update soon :)
Chapter 18: Please, update soon~ ^^
SungHyoBin #4
Hmm~ Necklace?
SungHyoBin #5
It's okay. Pls tell us what the papers are though in the future chapters :D
SungHyoBin #6
Luhan..u kissed her O.O
awww.. so sad
nice story xDD
xXxCatsLoverxXx #9
Luhan is very sweet! It just makes me like him more :)
SungHyoBin #10
Oww~ they're getting quite close . :D And even made promises OMG <3