Mysterious Luhan

Let Me Be Your Umbrella

Juniel- my first june


As Luhan reached home that night, he took a peek at his aunt and uncle, Mr and Mrs Oh in the living room.

"I'm back." he accosted.

Mr and Mrs Oh turned their head at him, "Oh, you are back!"

He bowed his head a bit and took a seat in front of the couple.

"Were you having fun today my dear Luhan?" Mrs Oh asked.

He smiled and nodded his head, "I guess so." 

"Have you had your dinner yet?" She asked again, concerned.

He nodded his head, "Already had them aunt."

She nodded her head in satisfaction.

"I told you yeobo, there is no need to worry about Luhan. He's big enough to take care of himself." Mr Oh looked t his wife and laughed.

Mrs Oh bit her lower lip, "I'm just worried if he would get trouble since he haven't been for two years already." She defensed.

Luhan looked at his uncle and aunt.

He got up from his seat and walked to his aunt. Slowly, he wrapped his hand around her neck from the back, "Aunt, I'm big enough. I'm no longer a boy. I'm a man now. I know you'll never stop thinking me as a kid." He giggled.

She smiled and patted his hand around her neck, "The way you acted, just like now, always made me think that you are still a kid. You are always a kid to me. Remember Luhannie, I had never thought you as my nephew, you are my son, just like Sehun!" 

He pulled his hand off and nodded his head.

Mr Oh just smiled witnessing how intimate an aunt and nephew bond.

"I better have a rest now." Luhan said as he grabbed his bag.

The couple nodded their head as approval. 

He smiled and bowed his head at them.

"Today is so tiring~~~~~" He cooed as he walked upstair to the room.

The couple smiled and shook their head, "He had changed a lot." 

"Isn't that a good thing for him?" Mr Oh asked chuckled.

Mrs Oh smiled faded away, "It is.But, sometime I just couldn't help myself to think that he might kept all that to himself..that he don't want to show it to others. You know...hiding them with fake smile..." 

Mr Oh sighed, "You are thinking too much yeobo. All we can do is support him in everything. Making him feels that he's not alone. Seeing him happy will make us happy. Am I right?" He interwined his fingers with his wife fingers.

She nodded her head slowly, "Oppa and Unnie is so lucky to have a son like Luhan. Unfortunately, they can watch her son grown up to be a very good son." She let out a heavy sigh.

Mr Oh tighten his hand holding his wife hand. He smiled, giving some strength. 


Luhan knocked the door before entering the room. He turned the doorknob and open the door a bit. *Is he asleep?*

He let his head into the room peeking on Sehun. 

BUKKK! A pillow hit his head. "Ouch!" He whined.

"OH SEHUN!" He called in a formal way.

Sehun laughed at Luhan, "Why are you peeking like that?" He turned his head at Luhan as he was lying on his bed.

Luhan took the pillow and threw it at Sehun slowly making it easier for Sehun to catch it, "I thought you were asleep."

"Not yet, it is still early though. And I'm going to have a test tomorrow." He showed a book in his hand. "How's your date with Haeran?" He added.

"Sometimes she's cold, sometimes she couldn't stop to show her true self." Luhan put his bag at the edge of his bed and threw himself onto the bed. He put his hand under his head as a pillow and looked up at the ceiling.

Sehun flipped the book's page and looked at his cousin, "Hyung!" 


"Do you think she is really like you thought she is?" 

"What did you mean?" Luhan asked back as his eyes were still staring at the ceiling.

"I really think you can bring her true self out and show them to others?" He sked, stuttered and unsure.

"People should know, she is not that mean, cold and heartless. People should understand her condition." 

Sehun nodded understood, "Oh, hyung!"

"Hmm?" He answered hummed. Maybe because it was a tiring day for him.

"Before I forget," Sehun got up from his bed and went to his drawer. He took out something from the drwer and walked towards Luhan. He shoved him pieces of papers.

Luhan got up and sit on his bed, "What is that?"

"Just take them. I hope i'm helping." He shoved the papers to him again.

Luhan took the papers and his eyes widen by looking at the papers one by one.

"Sehun-ah! Thank you very much! You are helping!" He grinned. 

Sehun smiled. He could see glitters in his cousin's eyes. *Thats all I can help you hyung.* He took his book and continued studying.

Sometimes, his eyes peeking on Luhan looking at the papers one by one.

Luhan looked throughout the papers carefully not to missed anything. His can't take his eyes off the papers. He took a pencil from his pencil case and a notebook. He looked throughout the papers multiple of times and took notes at some things.

Slowly, he took out a necklace with a star shaped locket hidden by his collar and hold it tightly, *I can do this!* He tried to convinced himself. *All I need now is more evidences!*

Sehun peeked at Luhan and shook his head, *You are so mysterious hyung.*



Sorry for not updating for a long time..I'm busy with school and stuff! ><
Hope you enjoy reading *bows*



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Heyinpiniteu #1
Chapter 18: naww they look cute tgt
Chapter 18: Update soon :)
Chapter 18: Please, update soon~ ^^
SungHyoBin #4
Hmm~ Necklace?
SungHyoBin #5
It's okay. Pls tell us what the papers are though in the future chapters :D
SungHyoBin #6
Luhan..u kissed her O.O
awww.. so sad
nice story xDD
xXxCatsLoverxXx #9
Luhan is very sweet! It just makes me like him more :)
SungHyoBin #10
Oww~ they're getting quite close . :D And even made promises OMG <3