First date - Amusement park

Let Me Be Your Umbrella

Yoseob (Beast) & Eunji (Apink) - Love Day


You and Luhan arrived at the amusement park after around 5 minutes taxi ride.

"Do you want to play or have a ride on anything?" He asked.

Looking at the crowd, you shook your head, "I don't think so. If you want to play or have a ride on anything, just go alone."

He smiled, "You are going out with me. If I do things alone, its not called as a date."

"Its your fault, you chose a wrong person to go on a date with you."

Chuckled, he hold your hand, "Lets just have a walk around here then, observing people." 

You followed him entered a souvenir shop.

All the souvenirs caught your eyes but as always, you didn't show your amazement.

He picked a headband of a crown replica and put it on you. "Pretty, like a real princess." He bowed, "Anything for you my princess."

You take off the headband and put it back at it place.

He chuckled at your action. You walked around the shop and a cute pink phone strap caught your eyes. You take the strap and have a closer look.

"Cute right?" He stand beside you. You quickly put the strap back into place, "No its not. Its pink and too girly."

"Whats wrong with 'girly'? You are a girl too."

You ignored him and walked out the shop.

He chuckled and walked out the shop after you. He grabbed your hand and walked to an empty wooden bench in the amusement park.

"Stay here." He ordered.

You looked at the people around you. Lots of couples and families are having fun there. 

A family of husband and wife along with around 3 years old kid  caught your attention. Without realizing it, you smiled at the kid's acts.

"That kid made you smile?" Your smiles faded away. You don't know since when Luhan was sitting next to you. Maybe you are too engrossed by the kid. 

He shoved an ice cream to you. "Ice cream?" He smiled.

You took the ice cream from him and started to the ice cream.

"You know what girlfriend? You should smile more. Smiles, makes you look prettier." He said, his ice cream while his eyes still on the kid.

You smirked by his word, his words sounds funny to you. "Sweet talker!" You mumbled.

His eyes didn't move a bit from the kid, "Want to know another thing? A fake smile and laugh can hide million tears, million suffers."

You stopped your ice cream and looked at him, "What did you mean?"

He turned his head to you and smiled. "Figure it out by yourself." He then turned his head back to the kid.

"How can your korean been so good? You speak like a native." *Maybe I should dig a bit about him and his life.*

"My father is a Chinese, my mom is a Korean. My cousin is Korean, my uncle and aunt are Korean." He stated directly.

"I heard that you stay with Sehun's family because they can finance you....because your family in China couldn't support your needs for your studies."

He chuckled, "Yes, my family in China is very poor. But, I didn't came to Korea because I want uncle and aunt finance me or support my studies. Where did you heard that?"

"Actually, I just made them up. No one told me that your family in China is poor. So now, I know one of your secret!" 

He looked at you surprisingly, "Are you...a mind reader?"

"No way! Im a normal person." You chuckled.

"You are even cuter when you laughed." He smiled.

You looked away, your face blushed. "Stop being a sweet talker! It won't work on me!"

He laughed, "I already worked on you."

You snorted angrily.

"Want to know my other secret? even that my family is poor. I have a guardian too." He continued.

"Guardian? Like Chorong unnie?" You asked disbelief. 

He shook his head, "My guardian didn't get any paid. My guardian devoted all her affection towards me. A very angel-like guardian."

"What kind of guardian like that? Guardian work for money!" You said in order to go against his statement. Your viewpoint for guardian is all guardian work for money, they aren't working sincerely.

He grins, "Not only people who take care of someone for money is called guardian. My grandmother is my guardian."

You rolled your eyes, "Grandmother, is not included as guardian." "Wait, grandmother?* "Where is your parents?" You asked.

"My parents are far from me." He grinned. "Far yet so close." He added.


He nodded and smiled. "Lets stop talking bout this. Want to see something amazing?"

*He hate his parents too? Parents always forgot their children for work!* "What is so amazing?"

He grabbed his bag and took out a rubik's cube. He shoved you the rubik's cube, "Scramble it."

You looked at him weirdly and took the rubik's cube from him. you started to swing every layers and sides of the rubik's cube. Done scrambled the rubik's cube, you gave it back to him.

"Look properly, I'll solve this within one minute!" He nodded confidently.

"Impossible! People take a week and even a year to solve it!" 

"Just look properly." He started to play with the rubik's cube. You look at his hands gestures. *His fast but its still impossible to solve it within a minute.* You trusted what your heart said.

WIthin a minute, he gave you the rubik's cube. "Done! Look, amazing right?" He titled his head proudly.

You took the rubik's cube and looked carefully at it. *Unbelievable*

"Uhh..everyone can solve this within a minute." You don't want to lose.

He chuckled, "Really? Then try."

You looked at the rubik's cube and started to turn, and spin the rubik's cube.

He looked at you and laughed. He took the rubik's cube back from you, "In this world, not everything you can do. By the way, its just need some trick. One day, I'll show you how to solve it."

You looked at him. "Promise?"

He nodded and chuckled, *Sometimes you acted like a kid!* He got up from the bench and pull out his hand.

"Where to now?" You asked.

"Grab something to eat? Aren't you hungry?"

You took his hand and he gave you his biggest smile.


Meanwhile, Naeun, Yookyung, Namjoo and Hayoung were not far from you and Luhan. Giving their best in observing.

"I think he's sweet." Naeun stuffed a lollipop into .

Namjoo and Hayoung nodded, "He hold Haerannie hand." Namjoo squeezed.

"and treat her ice cream." Hayoung added.

"Shh." Yookyung signed them to keep quiet. "We still don't know his real plan yet!"

"Yookyungie unnie is very determined!" Hayoung pouted.


I'll try my best to improve my writing skills *bows*

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Heyinpiniteu #1
Chapter 18: naww they look cute tgt
Chapter 18: Update soon :)
Chapter 18: Please, update soon~ ^^
SungHyoBin #4
Hmm~ Necklace?
SungHyoBin #5
It's okay. Pls tell us what the papers are though in the future chapters :D
SungHyoBin #6
Luhan..u kissed her O.O
awww.. so sad
nice story xDD
xXxCatsLoverxXx #9
Luhan is very sweet! It just makes me like him more :)
SungHyoBin #10
Oww~ they're getting quite close . :D And even made promises OMG <3