School Festival Practices

Let Me Be Your Umbrella


Boyfriend - One Day


You woke up from your sleep and tried to open your eyes and looked up at the clock, “Still early,” you mumbled. You got up from your bed and do some stretching You shivered and rubbed your palms together to produce some heat, “Oh God! It’s chilling”

Suddenly, you remembered the time when Luhan put on his blazer on you.

You could feel the blood rushed up to your face. You shook your head multiple time to shove away the image of Luhan that keep playing on in your mind.

Remembered the incident you and your father fight, you ran to the mirror and looked at your face reflected on the mirror. You looked at your eyes carefully and touched the circle around them , “Damn! My eyes is horrible!”

Slowly, you turned the doorknob and ran downstairs straight to the kitchen.

You didn’t even bother to care for the weird looks from the maids. They freeze when you suddenly showed up yourself at the kitchen early in the morning.

You opened the fridge and took out an ice pack. You ran back upstairs to your room. Carefully, you applied the ice pack on your eyes to avoid your swollen eyes from being too obvious at others look.

After half an hour applying the ice pack on your eyes, you got ready for school. As usual, by the time you were preparing for school, you heard the knock on the door.

“Come in,” You shouted as you were tying up your hair at the mirror.

Chorong came in with a paper bag in her hand.

You glanced at her and sighed, “Just throw it into the dustbin.”

She looked at you, “Agashi, maybe I’m not at the place to say this to you but… maybe you should forgive your father,”

You turned your head and glared at her, “Listen carefully unnie! HE . IS . NOT . MY. FATHER!”

You grabbed your bag and other school stuffs and left her confounded.


As you and Chorong reached school, you realized that you had forgot to bring Luhan’s blazer along with you, “Damn!” You slapped your forehead.

“What’s wrong agashi?” Chorong asked worriedly.

You looked at her, “Uh, it’s nothing.”

Naeun, Yookyung and Namjoo walked towards you and Chorong, “We’ve waited for you!”

“Why didn’t you guys went to class first?”

“The upcoming school festival is around the corner. We had decided to skip this morning class for practice and the teacher had gave us their permission. Do you forgot it?” Yookyung explained to make things clear.

You hit your head slowly, *Yah pabo! What’s wrong with you today?!* You scolded yourself for forgetting the plan you and the other girls had planned for the school festival.

Naeun, Yookyung and Namjoo shook their head slowly, “Let’s go to the auditorium now.” Chorong ordered.

“Eunji unnie, Bomi unnie and Hayoungie were there waiting for us.” Namjoo added.

“And Exo-K are going to join us too,” Naeun turned to add.

“WHAT?!” You asked. The way you asked made the others and the people around you shocked as you sounded like you were shouting at them.

“Calm down Haerannie! What’s wrong with you?” Naeun patted your shoulder slowly intended to make you calm yourself.

“They are joining us because the teachers gave them permission to skip today classes too.” Yookyung explained more.

*Dear God, what should I tell him about his blazer?!* The thought gone deep into your mind. You felt like to hit your head onto any wall at the time.

“Just ignore Luhan if you want to,” Chorong tried to convince.

Sighing, you walked with them to the auditorium.


You, Chorong, Naeun, Yookyung and Namjoo entered the auditorium and saw the guys with Eunji, Bomi and Hayoung chatted with each other while waiting for the four of you.

Chanyeol gestured the four of you to join them. The four of you walked towards them.

You tried to look for Luhan between them but you couldn’t find him.

Sehun noticed that you were looking for Luhan,so he gestured his head to the back. You looked far at the back, at one of the seat in the auditorium.

He didn’t even bothered to mind the things around him. What he did was only focusing right on the papers and his notebook where he wrote things on it.

He was so focused and his look was so serious. It’s the first time you saw his serious look. As long as you knew him, he was a guy who always put a smile everytime at everyone.

“Whenever you saw him like that, an advice from me, don’t disturb him.” Sehun spoke slowly for just only you and him could hear.

You glanced at Luhan, *This is so not you.*

“Okay guys! Let’s practice! We’ll start first. Then Apink,”Suho clapped his hand to gather his teammates.

The boys walked up onto the stage.

“You know what is the most awesome things today?” D.O asked suddenly.

All of the people inside the auditorium looked at him, “We can skip class?” Namjoo asked back.

D.O  shook his head, “We get to skip this morning test!” He answered.

“Right! I had studied my brain out last night.” Sehun complaint.

Suho chuckled and ordered, “Let’s just start practice now and play later.”

The boys started to practice their performance.

You glanced at Luhan who doesn’t join the practice again, *Why didn’t he laugh or smile like he always did*

He was totally into the things he was doing. He pulled out the locket inside his uniform’s collar and put the necklace off.

He hold one end of the necklace and swung the necklace in front of him like he was hypnotizing himself.

After the necklace oscillated ten times he grabbed the necklace and smirked.

You peeked at his antics weirdly.

“There is something weird with him right?” Yookyung whispered. She was observing him all this long too when she noticed that he didn’t join the boys practicing.

You shrugged.

He put on the necklace back and looked up at you. Grabbed his bag, he walked towards you and the girls seats.

He put on his biggest smile at you, “I noticed that you were looking at me just now.” He whispered.

You pretended to ignore him and concentrated at the Exo-K practice.

He chuckled at your action and took a seat next to you.

*The Luhan is back!*

He shove you your handkerchief, “Here!”

You glanced at him, “I…. left your blazer at home. I’ll return them back to you tomorrow. I promise!”

“Are you trying to keep my blazer in purpose?” He teased.

You rolled your eyes, “NO . WAY!”

He chuckled again, “Do you like the gift I gave you last night? Have you done the rubix cube?” He asked excitedly.

“I don’t like pink and…. Nope! I haven’t finish them.” You answered.

“We are done! Apink’s turn to practice!” Suho called out.

You stood up and walked up onto the stage and prepared yourself on the piano.

Exo-K took their turn to sit and watch the girls practicing.

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Heyinpiniteu #1
Chapter 18: naww they look cute tgt
Chapter 18: Update soon :)
Chapter 18: Please, update soon~ ^^
SungHyoBin #4
Hmm~ Necklace?
SungHyoBin #5
It's okay. Pls tell us what the papers are though in the future chapters :D
SungHyoBin #6
Luhan..u kissed her O.O
awww.. so sad
nice story xDD
xXxCatsLoverxXx #9
Luhan is very sweet! It just makes me like him more :)
SungHyoBin #10
Oww~ they're getting quite close . :D And even made promises OMG <3