You Want To Play What Game Now?




Chapter 8 – You Want To Play What Game Now?

"Okay, so what game do you want to play Tae?" Bella asked the younger boy sitting to her right on the floor.

"Ah, you guys still have your PS3's right?" Taemin said looking over at Leeteuk for an answer.

"Of course we do! How else would we cure boredom when we don't have anything to do? No….wait, don't answer that." He said laughing. "They're over in the cabinet under the TV's."

"Then can we play DDR? I haven't played in so long!" The boy said grinning.

"I don't see why not. Hey Kyu, can you help me set them up?" Leeteuk said getting up with Kyuhyun to set up the gaming console from under the TV's on the wall.*

"You guys have DDR? You have no idea how much I love that game!" Bella said now smiling.

"You play too noona?" Taemin asked helping to set up the mats on the floor.

"Yeah! But the game is like impossible to get your hands on in Australia!" She answered still smiling at the mention at one of her favourite games.

"Okay! All set up! Lets get dancing!" Kyuhyun said. "Who's going first?"

"Well since Taemin thought of it, he can go first." Leeteuk said sitting back down on the couch while Heechul curled up next to him.

"Thankyou Teukie umma! Bella, you wanna play with me?" Taemin asked the girl sitting next to him.

'Of course! You wanna battle or play doubles?" She said jumping up and standing on a pad next to Taemin.

"How about a battle? You good with Butterfly as the song?" He asked tapping his foot on the down arrow to get to the song.

"But are you okay with it on extreme difficulty?" Bella retorted laughing when the younger boy tapped up the difficulty. "I'll take that as a yes then!" Everyone else in the room gathered around to watch the two battle it out. Stepping furiously on the arrows, both Bella and Taemin were getting every tap perfect.

"Are you sure these two aren't robots or something?" Eunhyuk asked whoever was listening because they were all staring at the two dancing.

"If I didn't know better, I would say yes." Minho said looking over the youngest member of his group and smiling as the song finished in a tie.

"Good game Tae!" Bella said shaking hands with him.

"I could say the same noona! A perfect tie!" Jumping off the pad he sat down on top of Minho panting from the exertion of the game as Amber agreed to have a game against Ryeowook.

"I'll go get the drinks from the kitchen. I'm sure everyone is gonna be thirsty after this!" Bella walked through to the kitchen, grabbing the bottles of soft drink off the bench along with the cups and bringing them out to the dining room table and pouring herself a cup. She walked back to the couch and sat down next to Yesung who was now sitting as well, watching Amber dance along with his boyfriend.

"Ryeowook really is a good dancer isn't he?" Bella said sipping on her drink while looking at the two dancing. But it wasn't Ryeowook she was watching.

"You like her don't you?" Yesung said a softly looking over at the girl sitting next to her.

"Wha? ….No." Bella stuttered blushing.

"It's plainly clear that you do. You've been blushing at everything she says all night Bella." Yesung said back.

"Well…..okay, so maybe I do, but how can I do anything? I've been here 3 days! And she's famous. I'm just the housekeeper." Bella said looking over at the girl tapping her way through the song.

"So? I'd known Wookie for 2 days when I asked him out. You never know what can happen when it comes to love." Smiling, he watched Bella stare at the rapper who had just finished her song and was clapping hands with Jonghyun and the other boys. "Just give it a go. And if it doesn't work out, then we'll be here for you. You're more than just a housekeeper Bella, you're part of the family now." And with that Yesung got up to walk over and kiss his boyfriend to congratulate him on his dancing skills.

"Can everyone quiet down a little?" Came Minho's voice from the end of the couch where a sleeping Taemin was curled up in his lap.

"Guess he's still tired out from the promotions, poor thing." Key said walking over and pushing a piece of hair out of Taemin's face. "I guess we should get going. We'll see you soon?" He said while Onew scooped the boy into his arms saying goodbye to the others.

"Be sure of it." Leeteuk said smiling. "I think it's time some of us got to bed as well. Be safe." He said walking the 5 boys out the door.

"Well I suppose I should be going too." Amber said yawning.

"You can't sleep in a dorm all by yourself!" Leeteuk said walking back into the room sounding mother-like again. "Why don't you stay here for the night? You don't mind sharing for a night do you Bella?" Bella looked at Yesung who smiled softly.

"Of course not. It's up the stairs, 4th on the right." Bella smiled while Amber thanked her, yawning again, then walking up the stairs and disappearing around the corner.

"Okay everybody, off to bed now!" Leeteuk took charge, herding the protesting boys upstairs and into their rooms to get some well needed sleep. All this time off was a rare commodity, and they needed to catch up on their sleep before their schedules started up again. Kissing Heechul on the lips softly, he told him he'd be up shortly before turning back to Bella who was the only one now left in the room. "I do believe my dear, that you owe me a back massage. Come on, we can talk at the same time."

"O..Okay." Bella said. "Just sit down on the couch facing sideways and I'll get started. You might even get a full nights sleep tonight!" She laughed sitting down behind the leader on the couch and getting comfortable before starting on Leeteuk's back.

"Did Yesung say something to you?" The boy in front of Bella asked leaning into the hands working on his back.

"How did you know?" Bella asked in a soft voice working the kinks out of the leaders back.

"He's the matchmaker of the group." Leeteuk smiled. "Plus it's blatantly obvious that you have a thing for Amber, so of course he would get involved." He smirked.

"Well if it's so obvious, why did you offer for her to stay the night….In my room!" Finding a particularly hard knot, she pressed on it causing Leeteuk to jump slightly.

"Well like I said. She can't stay in a dorm by herself! She's only 20!" Leeteuk sighed. "Plus I think she likes you too."

"But…but… why should she like me?" Bella said blushing, which Leeteuk couldn't see due to his position on the couch.

"Well Amber isn't the sort of person the start talking to someone right away. Sort of like Yesung in a way. You saw how shocked the boys were when she walked right up to you and shook your hand when you first arrived." He said closing his eyes to enjoy the hands now smoothing over his back softly.

"So that's why they all looked at us so weirdly. But that isn't the point, the point is that I've only been here 3 days! I've met some of my favourite idols, which I thought would never happen, had them treat me like a sister, not some random fangirl, and you're telling me that the famous Amber Liu, who I have idolized since her debut, has a crush on me?" Bella said all in one breath, breathing in deeply after she finished.

"That pretty much sums it up, so…. yes." Smirking again, Leeteuk turned around to face the girl sitting behind him. "You have to understand Bella. You are someone we trust now. You know our biggest secret and we thank you for keeping that, but you have to think of yourself, not just us. If you want to go for it, then go on! We'll be behind you the whole way." Getting up, Leeteuk stretched. "Wow, you have a way with your hands! I don't think I've been so relaxed since after we released Sorry Sorry!" Turning to walk up the stairs, he looked back over his shoulder. "Don't worry about it, just go with it and see what happens." And with that he disappeared up the stairs and out of sight.

'Wow, did I just have a relationship talk with the famous Leeteuk of Super Junior? Gah! I cant believe I just straight out told him that I have a crush on her. Well I suppose I better get to bed, after all, if the boys are gonna be dancing again tomorrow, they're gonna need a big breakfast.' Thinking of what to make for breakfast the net morning, Bella waled into her room to find Amber sleeping on a spare futon-like bed on the floor at the end of Bella's bed.

'Where did she get that from? Well never mind that, she's cute while she sleeps. Looks just like and ordinary girl, not a famous singer.' Bella smiled remembering Leeteuk and Yesung's words. 'I'll just have to see how it goes then wont I?' Climbing into her own bed, Bella took off her glasses, set them on her bedside table and put her head on the pillow, slipping into sleep easily.

The first thing Bella felt when she woke up that morning was that she was pleasantly warm, snuggling against the thing warming her.

'Wha? I don't remember taking a hot water bottle to bed last night.' Opening her eyes, and looking though, she found herself curled in the arms of Amber, who was still asleep, with an arm slung around Bella's waist.

'Oh god, she must have slipped in during the night. Now how do I get up?' Reaching over to grab her glasses, the movement must have disturbed the sleeping singer who stirred, but still didn't wake up.

'Great, not only do I have my crush clinging to me in my sleep, but I need to get up and get breakfast ready for the boys!' Bella thought, blushing at the girl clinging to her still.

"Amber….Amber.." She whispered. "Amber, let go, I need to get up."

"5 more minutes 'Toria." Amber said still in dreamland, but rolling onto her back and relinquishing her hold on Bella's waist.

'Thank god for that, I don't think she could look any cuter than that!' Bella thought blushing, getting out of bed and walking downstairs. When she got down however, it was to find most of the members of the band already awake, or in Heechul's case, half awake, already eating cereal and drinking coffee.

"Why are you guys awake already?' Bella asked pouring herself a cup of coffee and sitting down next to Sungmin at the dining table.

"Got a call from the choreographer, apparently manager hyung contacted him, and he's coming back this morning to re-work the dance routines for the new album." Siwon said sipping his own coffee.

"Why didn't you wake me up? I could have made you all breakfast!" Bella said looking at the boys sitting and standing around the room.

"To be honest Bella, we did try, but a certain someone looked too cute curled up on the bed with another certain someone, that we didn't want to wake you up." Heechul said while the others started laughing.

"Hey guys, be nice! Now Bella, we're probably gonna be gone the whole day, so if you need us, all our mobile numbers are on the list next to the phone." Leeteuk said pointing to the phone with the aforementioned list.

"Okay, will you be home for lunch?" Bella asked.

"Probably not, so you have the dorm to yourself for the day!" He answered back getting up and pushing people towards the door. "We'll see you this afternoon." And with that they were all out the door, after a quick hug from Ryeowook that was.

After finishing her cup of coffee, Bella walked back upstairs to her room, only to find Amber still asleep on her bed.

'Wow, she must have been tired, it's, like, already 10:30! Well I can't wake her up, so I'll just surf the net until Victoria and the others get back, then I'll give them a call to come get her.' She thought walking quietly into her room, grabbing her laptop and sneaking out again walking downstairs to the lounge room. Sitting down on the couch and resting the computer on her lap, Bella opened the internet and started browsing. Her e-mails were getting pretty choked up so she started going through the various messages from friends and websites she was subscribed to. One of those updates caught her notice. 'Strange girl seen with Super Junior at Rehearsals'. She clicked it open, and there in front of her, were pictures of herself with the boys walking into the practice rooms.

'I know Ryeowook warned me about this, but I didn't think it would be this much of a trouble.' Bella thought looking through the comments for the story.

'Who is she? Is she another Trainee or something?'

'Don't tell me they're adding a girl to SuJu?'

'Is she dating one of them?'

'She can't have them! We're the fans not her!'

The comments just got crazier and crazier as she read, and by the time she had read them all, someone was knocking on the door.

"Coming!" Bella said closing the laptop, still a bit concerned at what she had read and walking over to open the door to Krystal standing there.

"Hey Bella, is Amber here by any chance? We just got back, but she wasn't home and she isn't upstairs playing games with Jonghyun hyung either." Krystal sounded a bit distraught.

"Yeah, she's here. We had a movie night last night and Leeteuk ended up telling her to stay the night here because you guys weren't home." Bella explained as a look of relief washed over the other girls face.

"So where is she?" Krystal asked walking into the dorm when Bella invited her in.

"She's still asleep in my room." Bella said indicating for Krystal to follow her upstairs. When they got there, as expected, Amber was still fast asleep, wrapped in Bella's red and black doona on the bed. "I don't know how she ended up there, I woke up and she was in my bed this morning." Krystal laughed.

"Unnie, don't worry, she does this a lot. You should see how many times I've woken up with her in between Luna and me!" she said walking over to the sleeping girl.

"So she sleepwalks?" Bella asked looking at the younger girl now poking Amber on the cheek to wake her up.

"All the time! Come on Amber! You know we have to leave again this afternoon to go and film a CF!" Krystal said still poking the girl on the cheek.

"Urg, Krys! Okay! I'm up." Amber sat up glaring at the girl who was until recently poking her repeatedly.

"Morning sleepyhead! Or should I say afternoon? You know you sleepwalked again don't you?" Krystal said laughing as Amber glared at her again.

"So?" Amber looked around, only just noticing where she was and blushed. "Oh, that's right, I stayed after the movie night didn't I?"

"Yes! And now you have to come home so we can get ready to leave again!" Krystal said attempting to pull her older band mate out of Bella's bed.

"Okay, okay, go ahead, I'll be there in a couple of minutes!" Amber said getting up and stretching. Krystal just clapped her hands at being successful and showed herself out of the room. Amber ly to find Bella standing in the room as well, blushing profusely. "Well I suppose I should apologise for last night." She said scratching her head and walking over to stand in front of Bella.

"Well if it's something you cant control, don't worry about it." Bella said still blushing.

"But I feel bad for not warning you before hand. So how about I make it up to you?" Amber asked. 'She's so cute! You'd think she was the younger one, not me!'

" Ah…how are you going to do that?" Bella asked blushing even more.

"Well, the carnival is in town. How about I take you?" Amber said looking at the other girl. "Me and the girls are pretty busy for the next 2 weeks, so how about 2 weeks from today?"

"O..Okay." Bella answered.

"Good. It's a date." And with that Amber walked out of Bella's room, leaving Bella standing there in shock.

'Did I just get told I'm going on a date with Amber Liu?'

"Bella! We're back!" Leeteuk said loudly as he walked in the door with the other members of the band.

"I'm in the kitchen! Just a sec!" She replied, before walking out to find 15 very sweaty boys standing in the living room. "Omo, you guys look tired!"

"I think about ready to collapse is more like it!" Eunhyuk said putting a hand to his head while the others agreed.

"How come all 15 of you look tired? I thought that only the 10 in the new album were learning the dances." Bella said.

"Well we cant get out of shape now can we? We went to the gym for the day." Kangin said wiping sweat off of his for head.

"Ah, that explains it then. You guys hungry?" Bella asked walking back into the kitchen and bringing out a stack of plates. Yes' and of course's were hear all around. Bella laughed. "Well go get yourselves smelling a bit better! Dinner wont be ready for about another 10 minutes." All the boys practically ran upstairs to get showered looking forward to eating and then going to bed early.



"Yah! I don't think we can get any better than you're cooking now Noona!" Ryeowook said while eating the lasagne that Bella had made.

"Well I'm glad that you like it, otherwise I'd be out of a job now wouldn't I? Bella laughed and everyone joined in. When they were finished, almost everyone went off to their rooms to get some sleep before they had to get up early again to go and practice, so Eunhyuk had informed Bella at dinner. Everyone left, except Leeteuk and Yesung.

"So how did it go today?" Leeteuk asked sitting down on the couch with Bella and Yesung.

"Okay I guess. Amber didn't wake up until Krystal came and got her because they had filming for a CF this afternoon. But then….. I guess something did happen." Bella said her cheeks colouring slightly.

"What happened?" Yesung asked interested as well.

"Well when Amber woke up and realised that she had sleepwalked and ended up in my bed, she decided to make it up to me. She's taking me to the carnival in two weeks time." Bella explained still red in the face.

"That's good! Just don't let Heechul know until the day you go." Leeteuk said smiling, and then smirking when he mentioned his boyfriend.

"Why?" Bella asked.

"Because he'll go crazy and want to take you shopping. Which I can say from experience, is not a fun thing to do." Yesung chuckled.

"Yes. He does get a bit over the top now doesn't he hyung?" He said while Bella laughed.

"Well apart from that, I went online this morning, and it seems that the E.L.F.'s have picked up on my presence already and judging by the comments they've left, a lot of them don't like me. Some of them even think I'm a trainee!" Bella said looking slightly worried.

"Don't worry about it. If the fans don't like you, then they're no fans of ours." Leeteuk smiled. "Now come on, the next week is gonna be tiering and we need all the sleep we can get."

I'm sorry it took so long to update this, but a lot of stuff happened including my umma being involved in a car crash about 2 weeks ago. She's okay, but with school at the moment, i'm finding it harder and harder to write, so please leave a comment or a review as it makes me happy and keeps me writing.

*Yeah, forgot to mention that there are 3 TV's on the wall, one big one in the middle, then 2 smaller ones on either side. How else would they have 3 PS3's hooked up?

**Oh, and i bumped Amber's age up 2 years cause it would be weird having her an 18 year old asking a 23 year old on a date XD

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congrats! ^^
-theirmusicismylifee #5
Congrats on getting featured ~
Congrats c:
eLement-forever #7
Congrats :D