New Girl On The Block



Note: For the purposes of this fic, all of Suju live in the one dorm, which is right next to F(x)'s dorm. Also, Hangeng is still with the band, Kibum is still acting but is still living with the others and Kangin has not gone off to the army. The timeline may be a bit out as well for their albums, but that's just cause I want it to be that way!

Chapter 1 – New Girl on the Block

"Listen up guys!" said the leader of Super Junior, Park Jung-su known better as Leeteuk to his fans and band mates, pressing stop on the sound system that the band was practicing to.

"Oh come on Teukie! We were nearly finished anyway!" said Heechul as he came out of the crouch he had been holding for the dance.

"Yes 'Rella, but our manager had just informed me with the most peculiar news we have ever heard." He paused for a moment before continuing. "We are getting a maid."

"WHAT!" the rest of the band echoed around the room before settling down into quiet murmurs between themselves.

"Well apparently our manager, as well as the manager of F(x) has decided that we are in need of someone to keep house for us. She should be here this afternoon or tomorrow if her flight doesn't get delayed."

"Flight? Where is she coming from?" Asked Sungmin sitting on the floor next to Kibum. "And what are we gonna do about her finding out about all of us?" he said moving into Kibum's arms whilst Kyuhyun joined them laying his head on Sungmin's shoulder.

"She is coming from Australia apparently, and out manager has said that she not tell anyone anything that we tell her and that she will be very discreet about it." He said leaning into Heechul as he spoke.

"YES!" yelled Henry in English from inside Donghae's arms whish were wrapped around his waist. "What?" he asked in Korean when everyone in the room looked at him strangely. "At least she will be able to speak English better than you guys!"

"Well does she speak Korean?" asked Ryeowook sitting in Yesung's lap and playing with a ring that Yesung was wearing.

"Or at least Chinese or Japanese?" Hangeng piped up from his place holding Siwon's hand leaning against the wall of the rehearsal studio.

"She speaks Japanese fluently and very good Korean, although her first language is English as Henry has stated." Leeteuk laughed looking at Henry who was now blushing and hiding his face in Donghae's shoulder.

"Oh come on Henry, no one thinks any worse of you for being excited, we know you get deprived of English when you're in Korea." Laughed Zhou-mi while hanging his arms around Enhyuk's neck from behind using his height to his advantage.

"Well at least someone will be able to understand your English rants now!" said Kangin smiling.

"Yeah, besides Amber next door." Shindong added smiling as well.

Leeteuk's mobile interrupted their conversation as it rang. Picking it up and saying a few short words, he replaced it in his pocket and addressed the group.

"Looks like our new addition is early. Her plane just got in and she is on her way to the dorms now." He said looking at his band mates. "So I suggest we all get home quickly and make ourselves look a bit more presentable before she gets here. We don't want her first impression of us to be bad do we now?

Arriving back at the dorms, the 15 singer/dancers ran off to their respective rooms to take showers and make themselves look a bit better before the new maid got there. Showers in the dorms were a pretty easy occasion, all except for Sungmin, Kyuhyun and Kibum's room. Seeing as all three were in the same room, unlike the others who were in twos, and the fact that they all loved long showers, there was often yelling and teasing trying to get in first. It was half an hour later when Kyuhyun and Kibum emerged to join the others downstairs when a knock came from the door.

"You guys go sit in the lounge, I'll get the door, and where is Sungmin you two?" he pointed at the two boys that he roomed with.

"He'll be down in a second, had to find a clean pair of pants." Kibum answered. "You know it's laundry day, all of us have hardly any clean clothes at he moment."

"Well hopefully he will be down here soon, because I think that our new member is here." He said smiling widely walking over to the door and opening it.

From the lounge room, the 14 other members of the band could see the girl standing in the doorway. Standing around the same height as Ryeowook, she had very short bright red hair, almost as bright as Heechul's wig from Don't Don, and was wearing a pair of tight, black jeans with a band tee with a flannel over the shirt. Topping it off was a pair of red glasses sitting on her nose.

"Come in, please. The other guys are waiting in the lounge." Leeteuk said waving his hand towards the arch leading to the room he had mentioned.

"Thankyou!" she said walking through and into the lounge standing in front of the massive lounge in the room. "Well, guys, I guess I better introduce myself." Speaking perfect Korean she continued. "My name is Isabella White, but you can just call me Bella. As your manager has probably already told you, I am from Australia and I really look forward to working for you!" she ended slipping into accented Korean as she spoke.

"Well, Miss Isabella, we better introduce ourselves as well." Heechul spoke up from his place sitting on the arm of the couch.

"I told you, just call me Bella, and there is no need to introduce yourselves, I've been a big fan of you guys and F(x) for quite some time now." Pointing to each man in turn she named them. "Okay, so we have Donghae, Henry, Ryeowook, Yesung, Zhou mi, Enhyuk, Hangeng, Siwon, Kibum, Kyuhyun, Kangin, Shindong, Heechul and Leeteuk. But we seem to be missing Sungmin."

"I'm here, I'm here! What did I miss?" Sungmin said rushing down the stairs his hair still wet from showering. "Oh, well I did miss a bit didn't I?" Seeing Bella he squeezed down on the couch between Kyuhyun and Kibum.

"Minnie, this is Isabella White. She's our new maid." Kibum informed him.

"Just call me Bella." She said extending her hand for a handshake. Taking her hand, Sungmin shook it and then leaned back onto the couch. "Well now that we are all here, is there anything else you would like to know about me?" Bella asked leaning on the rolling suitcase she had wheeled in after her upon her arrival.

The 14 sitting on the couch turned to their leader and the oldest in the room as if to all say the same thing to him.

"Well since it seems like these guys are too shy to talk to you, there is one thing that we all want to know. As I'm sure our manager has told you, we have certain….secrets, that we do not want the public to find out about and we are counting on you to not betray the trust we put in you."

Bella chuckled. "If you mean the fact that you guys are all together, then yes I know, and I have no problem with it." She said standing up straight and crossing her arms.

"Well that's a relief." Ryeowook chirped in jumping straight on to Yesung's lap whilst the others rearranged themselves into their respective little pairs and the group of three.

Bella laughed again. "It's good that you guys don't feel the need to hide around me, and for that I wont hide around you. To tell you the truth, the reason I understand you guys being together so well is that I would face the same predicament if I was with someone back home."

"So you're gay as well?" Heechul spurted out quickly without giving any thought to it before blushing after realising what he had said.

"Yes Heechul, I am gay, so you don't have to worry about me going all fan girlish on you, well your hair and clothes may not be safe, but the rest of you is." She said smirking.

The guys all laughed while Heechul nearly fell of the lounge arm shocked. "We'll have to see about that!"

Just as the laughing started dying down, there was another knock at the door. Leeteuk walked over to get it again.

"Sorry guys, forgot to mention I told the girls to come over after Bella had gotten here." Opening the door, he ushered the members of F(x) into the dorm. "Bella, this is…" he never got to finish his sentence as Bella started talking.

"Krystal, Luna, Su li, Victoria and of course Amber. I was wondering when I was going to meet you ladies."

"Well looks you don't need any introductions then." Amber walked over and shook hands with the girl still standing in front of the couch while the men on said couch looked visibly shocked.

"I'm Isabella White by the way, but just call me Bella." She said waving at the other girls who were looking just as shocked as the men sitting near them. "What's with them?" she said pointing to everyone in the room.

"Dunno. Anyway," Amber said. Turning to Leeteuk she spoke directly to him. "Does she know?"

"Yup. You girls can relax now." He said smiling as Krystal took Luna's hand and Victoria Hugged Su li.

"Well there's a sight for sore eyes." Bella stated smiling at the girls.

"Hey, guys, did you notice that Bella and Amber are wearing nearly the exact same thing?" Su li piped up pointing at aforementioned girls, causing everyone in the room to look at them.

"Wow, they are!" said Donghae getting up and walking around them in a circle scrutinizing them. "Everything except the hair and glasses are the same!"

The two girls were indeed dressed quite the same. Where Bella had a flannel on over her shirt, Amber had one tied around her hips. And in place of the black jeans on Bella, were green ones on Amber. Looking each other over, the two girls laughed.

"Well I can see we are gonna get on fine!" Bella laughed while the others joined in.

"I'm sure we will." Smiled Amber before turning back to her still laughing band mates. "We better get going, its getting later and we still have work to do on those new lyrics."

"Okay, well I'll come over tomorrow and have a look around after getting this place righted." Bella said as the girls turned to leave. Leeteuk walked over and opened the door for them wishing them a good night. As they walked out the door, Bella spoke in English. "See ya round guys!" Amber, being the only one who understood properly out of the girls, looked back over her shoulder and winked. Bella blushed, which Yesung saw, but only smirked and stayed silent.

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Chapter 17: Please update like ASAP!
Congratulations on getting featured!
congrats! ^^
-theirmusicismylifee #5
Congrats on getting featured ~
Congrats c:
eLement-forever #7
Congrats :D