



Chapter 6 – Surprise!

"So how do you guys start a dance battle? Isn't it a little unfair seeing as you all know your own dances?" Bella asked the boys that remained in the room still sitting on the floor.

"Well there are some rules of course!" Shindong said happily from his spot across from Bella.

"And what would these rules be then?" Bella again asked, it was Siwon that spoke up this time.

"Basically, you can challenge anyone here to a one-on-one battle, the rest of us pick a song then judge you and the winner picks another person until we have an overall winner. But whatever is picked, if you have a solo dance, you cant use it." Siwon paused for a second. "I suppose that doesn't count this time since you aren't in the band, so it'll be even more fun!"

"So who starts?" Bella asked looking over at Donghae who was texting on his phone looking very suspicious.

"I think Sungmin should start this time round." Leeteuk said smiling at said boy who jumped up. "So who are you gonna challenge?"

"Kyuhyun!" Was his immediate response. Kyuhyun jumped up as well with a smirk on his face and turned to their leader for a song request. "What are you gonna make us dance this time Teuk? Last time we went against each other, it was Gee by SNSD!" Bella started laughing.

"Umma! You made them dance Gee? So many people would die to see that happen again!" Seeing the smile on Bella's face, he made a decision.

"Bella, how about you choose a dance?" He said seeing her still laughing.

"Really? Well I have the perfect one then!" Smirking evilly, she announced the song choice. "Too Late by Co-Ed School if you would boys." Everyone laughed.

"Good one! Go on guys! Get going!" Eunhyuk laughed.

"There's only one problem there Hyuk." Sungmin said. "Where's the music?"

"I've got that covered!" Donghae said walking over to the sound system with his ipod and plugging it in. "I always come prepared!" And with that the dancing began.

Kyuhyun eventually beat Sungmin and then chose Siwon to battle. Dancing to Bingeul Bingeul by U-Kiss, Kyuhyun went down as well. Picking Eunhyuk, Siwon was defeated to Bad Girl by B2ST and then Leeteuk beat Eunhyuk with Where U At by Taeyang.

"Bella. You wanna have a shot?" Leeteuk asked the girl who had until now been sitting laughing her head off at some of the dancing coming from the boys.

"Sure! Why not? What song though?" Donghae came to the rescue straight away.

"Well since you like SHINee so much, how about Lucifer?" He said with a suspicious looking smirk on his face.

"YES! That would be so awesome!" Bella said jumping up and running to the centre of the room with Leeteuk. "What's with Donghae's smirk Umma?" Bella whispered to the leader while Donghae was finding the song on his ipod.

"I don't know, but for our sakes, I hope it's not something bad!" He whispered back as the music started and they started dancing. Donghae had taken out his phone and started texting again.

The boys watching the two compete were so rapt in how good a dancer Bella seemed to be, that by the end of the dance, no one had noticed the new additions to the room. As the music stopped and Bella and Leeteuk took the final pose of the dance, clapping was heard from the doorway.

"So you're the one Donghae Hyung had been texting me about constantly." Came a surprisingly familiar voice. Turning around, Bella looked in shock at who, or whom, was standing in the room near the door. Turning to Leeteuk she spoke.

"Is that really who I think it is?" She said still in shock.

"Yes Bella. That is Jonghun and the rest of SHINee." He said looking over to Donghae who put his hands up to ward off any wrath.

"Hey! I thought it would be a nice surprise!" Donghae said in his defence walking over to Jonghyun and slinging an arm around him. "When I heard Bella here sing this morning, I couldn't help myself but tell Jjong here!"

"And then I thought since we were stopping off here to drop off some stuff, we thought we would come and meet this mysterious girl." Came the voice of SHINee's resident diva and Umma, Key.

"She's so cute!" A bouncing ball of human latched itself onto Bella's waist looking up at her adorably. "Hiya there! I'm Taemin!" He said stepping back and bowing before running over to Key who was watching amused. "Umma! Can we keep her?" Bella blushed bright red.

"Ah! Sorry for Noona being so shy!" Ryeowook said walking over to stand next to Bella. "She's a big fan so she's a little nervous."

"Don't worry about it! We're all family here! Minho said walking over and shaking hands with Bella.

"And with the way you just nailed our own dance, I'm certainly very impressed." Onew added also shaking her hand.

"Well then." Bella said laughing slightly and blushing. "We should all get along well then shouldn't we? By the way, my name's Isabella White, but you can just call me Bella. I'm the housekeeper for these guys" she motioned to the remaining members of Super Junior, "and F(x)."

"Housekeeper? Sorry Tae, but it looks like she's already taken." Key said looking over at the still blushing girl standing now talking quite happily to Minho, all nervousness now seemingly forgotten.

"So how long have you been here Noona?" Taemin asked Bella smiling happily while they all sat down to get aquainted.

"Yah! You're so much more adorable in real life!" Bella squealed before hugging the younger boy. "Oops! Sorry bout that! I've been a fan ever since you guys debuted. But I've only been here for three days now."
"That's okay Noona!" Taemin said hugging back, then running over and jumping onto Minho's lap. "We get fans all the time, but you seem to be different for some reason!" Key looked over to Leeteuk and asked the question Bella had heard 2 times already.

"Does she know?" he asked looking serious.

"Of course she does! How do you think we all get along in the dorm?" Leeteuk said talking to the other Umma in the room.

"So you guys to huh?" Bella asked looking over at SHINee who all nodded smiling.

"So that's why you seem different!" Taemin said still smiling from his place on Minho's lap. "You're like part of the family!"

"I suppose you could call me that!" Bella laughed. Shindong's stomach took this chance to rumble. "Is it that time already?"

"'Suppose so." He answered standing up looking like he was getting ready to go out.

"Where are you going? When the other Super Junior members and SHINee got up and started packing up.

"To go buy lunch!" Sungmin said bouncing along with Taemin and Ryeowook.

"Didn't you guys notice the huge bag I bought with me today?" Bella stated matter of factly pointing to the bag she had bought with her.

"What's in the bag then?" Sungmin asked looking curious.

"Lunch of course! Teuk Umma over there saw me making it this morning, I'm surprised he didn't mention it!" Bella said looking over at Leeteuk who walked back over.

"Ah! Silly me, maybe we should just make you the Umma, then everyone would know everything!" He laughed.

"Well why don't you all sit down. Oh, but what about Hangeng, Zhou Mi, Henry, Kibum and Kangin?" Bella asked.

"Manager Hyung will get them lunch while they're out today!" Leeteuk said.

"Well that leaves 5 extras! You guys have perfect timing!" Bella said smiling at the boys from SHINee. "I made bentos for everyone. You gonna stay for lunch?"

"We wouldn't want to refuse an offer of a home made lunch after being on tour for that long now would we boys?" Key said sounding just like Leeteuk. "Of course we'll stay!

About half an hour later, all the boys in the room were finished eating and the members of SHINee were praising Bella's cooking skills.

"Maybe we should come over more often!" Key said sitting back leaning on Jonghyun.

"Really! It's nothing! I just cook and clean. That's all I do." Bella said modestly cleaning up the containers from lunch.

"But Donghae Hyung texted Jonghyun Hyung this morning saying that he had found someone who could outsing us at our own songs! You have no idea how frustrated he was!" Taemin said laughing at the glare that Jonghyun sent his way.

"I was just surprised at the fact that Hae here found someone who could sing! I mean, she has to be good if Hae thinks she can outsing us hasn't she?" Jonghyun said while hugging Key.

"I swear, I didn't know Donghae was telling you that I sung! Gah Donghae you are gonna get it!" Bella said to Jonghyun suddenly getting up and play tackling a now laughing boy.

"Yah! Like I said I thought it would be a nice thankyou for everything you've done for us so far!" He replied fending off Bella who stopped and smiled while everyone else laughed.

"Well if that's the case, you're forgiven for going behind my back!" Bella got up puling up the singer with her and sitting back down next to Taemin who was still on Minho's lap.

"So are we going to get to hear this amazing singer?" Minho said while Taein suddenly bounced over onto a startled Bella's lap.

"Yeah! Noona must be pretty good to pull off Love Pain!" Bella blushed and squealed again.

"You sure like skin ship don't you Taemin? But I don't mind cause you're so adorable!" Hugging the youngest boy in the room, Bella caught a glance of a smile coming from Key.

"I'm sure that you'll get to hear her! How about we have a movie night tonight? That way we all get to relax, catch up and have a bit of fun at the same time!" Leeteuk suggested. "We can invite the girls over as well!" Everyone agreed as Leeteuk's phone rang. Grabbing it he answered.

"Hello? Ah! Henry! So what's happening?…That's great! But does that still mean that you guys are out of the new album?….Oh, well, we cant help it,…..okay, see you back home soon!" He hung up. "That was Henry. The guys have been cast in the drama which means that they definitely wont be participating in the new album. But good news is that they're shooting most of the drama in Seoul, so they'll be home most nights!" He explained.

"I meant to ask where those five were." Onew said.

"Yeah, we got a call this morning saying that they were going to meet our manager to see about parts in a drama. But being cast means that we now have to redo the whole dance for out new album!" Leeteuk said looking a bit down.

"But look on the bright side! We'll come over tonight, play a few games, eat popcorn and have some fun! That'll make you feel better wont it hyung?" Taemin said happily cheering up the Super Junior Umma.

"Okay then. It's settled! Come over around 8? We were meant to have practice again tomorrow, but I guess we'll have to get the instructor back to help re-work the dance, so we can have the day off tomorrow! You guys don't have anything on do you?" Leeteuk said getting up and dusting off his pants. "You might even get to hear our dear Bella here sing!" He looked over at her and smiled.

"Okay! We have about a week off so we can come over! We'll see you guys tonight! And I hope you will grace us with your voice Bella." Key said getting up with the other members of his band and getting ready to leave.

"Yah! See you tonight Noona!" Taemin jumped up off of his place on Bella and followed the others out of the door.

"Well they're exactly how I thought they would be!" Bella said also getting up. "Ah, could you guys clarify things for me a bit though?" She asked the boys in the room. "Which of those guys are partners?" Heechul laughed softly.

"Well you see Bella, where we all have the one, or two that we want to be with, the guys in SHINee are a bit more….open with their relationships." He explained.

"What do you mean." Bella was confused. "From what I saw, Taemin is with Minho, and Jonghyun is with Key."

"Correct, but what 'Rella meant was that the guys are sorta, all together id you catch my drift?" Donghae said smirking. "With the exception of Onew and Taemin of course."

"So they're all dating each other? That is like a fan girls dream come true!" Bella said blushing at the same time. "And they're open about it?"

"Well of course the public don't know, just like with the rest of us, but yeah, they're all fine with it." Kyuhyun said hugging Sungmin. Bella laughed.

"That's good then, just means that I can be open with them as well! Are we gonna stay here longer or do you guys all want to go home yet?" She said packing the boxes from lunch back into her bag.

"I suppose if we're gonna have a movie night, we all better get home and showered before the others come over. And we have to ring the girls and find out if they're coming too." Leeteuk said gathering together his things.

"Good idea! I don't want to be all stinky when the girls come over, cause trust me when I say that dancing to Lucifer in a long sleeved shirt was not the best idea!" Everyone laughed and also got their things ready to go.

"Everyone ready? Let's go then." Leeteuk said walking through the door and out to the van.

So sorry it took me so long to get this chapter up! Mianhamnida! But SHINee had finally made an appearance! I've been wanting to write them in since the very beginning so I was happy when I could! If you guys want to see any other bands in here just let me know and I'll try my best to fit them in. I go back to school next week so I may be a little slower, but I will still be writing!

This chapter is dedicated to xXBeninekoXx on for being such a faithful follower of this story!

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Congratulations on getting featured!
congrats! ^^
-theirmusicismylifee #5
Congrats on getting featured ~
Congrats c:
eLement-forever #7
Congrats :D