It's Gonna Be A Long Day




Chapter 3 – It's Gonna Be A Long Day

Waking up was not always an easy thing for Bella to do, but for some reason, she rolled over to look at her clock.

'Really? Only 6:30? Why am I awake at this ungodly hour? Oh well, may as well get up and get the washing done before the boys wake up. I might go to the shop as well, depending on when they wake up.' She thought to herself climbing out of bed still in her baggy track pants and tank top walking out of her room and downstairs into the living room. What she found there surprised her. Leeteuk was sitting on the couch with a large book in hand reading. Glad for the partial darkness still concealing her state of undress, she walked into the living room.

"Couldn't sleep?" Bella asked.

"Not often that I do." He replied smiling warmly. "I worry so much for them all that I don't have a full nights sleep very often. But I'm used to it so don't worry."

"Well, what time do you expect the rest of the family to be up" Bella said crossing her arms to ward off the slight chill that was still in the air. 'Not sleeping? We'll have to do something about that. We can't have him tired all the time. I swear he is like a mother hen'

"Not for about another 2 hours or so. Since we have the morning off of schedule, we usually sleep in a bit." Still smiling he set the book he was reading down and sat up. "Why are you up so early?"

"To be honest, I have absolutely no idea." Bella said.

"Might be jetlag. You know, different time zones and the such." He answered standing up. "Well what are you going to do until the children wake up?"

'Children? That's it, Leeteuk is now officially the mother of Super Junior' Bella thought while she spoke.

"Well I was going to go and do some early morning shopping before they all woke up so we can have breakfast, and then get the laundry on while we get this place cleaned up."

"I'll come and help you with the shopping. I mean, if you're shopping for 16, you just might need the extra hands to help carry it all. I'm just going to go have a shower and get changed. Oh, and don't worry about the sound waking anyone up, they all sleep like logs!" Leeteuk laughed lightly.

"Are you sure? You don't want to get some more sleep? I'm sure I can handle it on my own." Bella asked worried.

"There is only one flaw to your logic there my dear Bella." Teuk said smirking.

"Oh and what would that be?"

"You don't know where the shops are!"

"Okay, Okay! I see your point" Bella said laughing. "I'll go do the same and then we can go!"

The two met back in the lounge room about 15 minutes later dressed and ready to go.

"It won't take too long will it?" Asked Bella.

"Maybe an hour and a half or so, we should be back before the others get up, but just in case, I'll leave them a note." Leeteuk said jogging over to the dining table and scrawling a quick note on a piece of paper and leaving it on the couch where the rest of the band would find it easily.

"Okay, lets go!"

'Urgh…What time is it?' Thought Donghae trying, but failing, to sit up in his bed due to his Canadian boyfriend attached to his waist.

"Henry," He poked the sleeping boy's cheek.

"5 more minutes Hae." Grumbled Henry only tightening his hold on Donghae's waist.

"But its like 8:45, and we promised we'd help the new girl clean the house before practice." Donghae pouted and suddenly rolled out of bed taking Henry with him.

"Aigo~ Okay, Okay, I'm awake. Lets go." A now disgruntled Henry said walking out of the room still in his boxers and singlet.

"Well that always works" Donghae smirked to himself.

Walking down stairs, Donghae found Eunhyuk and Zhou Mi already up and sitting on the couch watching TV. Zhou Mi had Eunhyuk's head in his lap and was rubbing his neck softly.

"Morning" said Henry who plopped down on Donghae's lap now wide-awake after walking around a bit.

"Where's Teukie umma? Henry asked Zhou Mi who motioned to be quiet because Eunhyuk had fallen asleep again.

"He went shopping with Bella really early this morning. Here, he left a note," he said handing over a piece of paper that was sitting next to him on the couch.

'Gone early morning shopping with Bella, she needed the extra hands after all~! Be back soon~!" Reading the note, Donghae passed it back to Zhou Mi and sat back with his arms around Henry.

"So when do you think they'll be back?" Henry asked.

"I don't know, there wasn't a time on the note, but I'm guessing with the way Teuk sleeps these days, they've been out for a couple of hours at least." Answered Henry's living seat.

It was at that moment that Sungmin, Kibum and Kyuhyun walked down the stairs, only to be followed by Kangin, Shindong, Hangeng and Siwon, and finally, a very disgruntled Heechul. A few were still sleepy and curled up on the couches, but most had gotten down to talking about practice that day when Leeteuk and Bella walked through the door with boxes in their hands.

"Yah! You guys are up!" Bella said setting the boxes she was holding down.

"Shhhhh!" Zhou Mi who still had a sleeping Eunhyuk in his lap, and a still sleepy looking Kibum holding a sleeping Kyuhyun shushed her.

"Sorry~" She whispered. "So how are we all? Ready for breakfast?" A chorus of whispered yes' was heard. "Well as soon as Umma gets here with those other boxes of food, I'll get you all fed."

"Umma? I thought I was the only one who called him that?" Henry said still sitting on Donghae's lap.

"Well it only sorta happened this morning so…." Bella trailed off.


'Hey Leeteuk?" Bella said once the two of them had gotten to the store not far from the dorms. "Is there any foods that the guys really like?"

"Well I know for a fact that we eat about anything, but I think the favourite in the house would have to be fried rice." He said picking up various items from the shelves of the store.

"Well, I'll have to cook that soon!" Bella laughed. "After all, I do want to make a good impression on you guys. I might just be here for a while yet!"

"Trust me when I say the children already like you." He laughed and smiled. "You'll be here for as long as you like."

"Can I ask you something really, sorta weird?" Bella said out of the blue.

"Sure! Anything you want."

"Why do you call the guys your children?" she asked sweeping quite a few bags of rice into their trolleys. "You sound just like an Umma with how you worry about them."

"Well I suppose you could call me that." He stood up straight and puffed out his chest. "Leeteuk, Umma of Super Junior~!"

"Well Umma, I think we better get on with this shopping."

End Flashback

"Yeah, it happened this morning." Bella laughed quietly while said Umma walked in the door with almost too many boxes for him to carry. Putting them down, he walked over to Heechul and kissed him on the forehead lightly.

"Morning sleepyhead." He said as Heechul attempted to pull him down onto the couch to use as a pillow.

"Well I see most of everyone, but where are Yesung and Ryeowook? Aren't they up yet?" Bella said mentally checking off each member.

"I'll go check on them." Leeteuk said managing to get out of Heechul's sleepy grasp and walking upstairs to said boys' room.

"Well while Umma is doing that, how about breakfast?"

Leeteuk walked back downstairs 10 minutes later finding all the boys sitting at the dining table with Bella just about to serve breakfast.

"So what's happening with Yesung and Ryeowook?" she asked Leeteuk who sat down too.

"Yesung said that Wookie isn't feeling well. And because of that he didn't get much sleep last night, so he's sleeping now while Yesung refuses to leave his side."

'That's so cute~!' Bella thought. "Well you guys dig in, I'll take a plate up to Yesung and Ryeowook." She said putting some omelette that she had cooked onto a plate. "And by the time I come back, I expect all of you to have finished~!" She said taking the plate and walking upstairs knocking on Yesung and Ryeowook's door softly.

"Yesung? You awake?"

"Come in." Came a soft voice that until now Bella had not heard. She walked in to find Ryeowook curled up on Yesung's lap whilst Yesung sat against the bed head the eternal maknae's back.

"I bought some breakfast up for you. How's he doing? Leeteuk Umma said he wasn't feeling well last night." Bella said sitting the plate on the bedside table.

"Yeah," came the soft reply of Yesung's voice. "He was up really early this morning with a bit of a fever. But I think it's gone now." A soft sigh came from the boy sitting on his lap and he immediately looked down.

"How are you feeling?" Yesung said still rubbing his boyfriends back.

"Sick~" He answered sleepily while sitting up slightly still on Yesung's lap and coughing.

"Well I know you all promised to help clean the house, and I know I've only been here a day, but I think we can make an exception." Bella said smiling Yesung seeing how much he cared about his boyfriend. "I also think you should stay back from practice, it looks like you've got a bit of a cold" She reached over and put her hand on his head. The fever was back. "And you're running a fever again. Do you want me to tell Leeteuk that you'll both be staying back?" Yesung just nodded and turned his attention back to the once again sleeping boy in his lap. Bella made to walk out the door but Yesung's voice stopped her.

"Oh and Bella." He said smiling softly. "Thankyou." Bella just smiled back warmly and walked downstairs to a now empty table and 13 full boys.

"So how is he?" Leeteuk asked looking concerned in his motherly fashion.

"He's still not feeling well, and he has a fever again." Bella said. "I told Yesung that they are both excused from cleaning duties since it looks like he's not going to leave Ryeowook while he's sick." Bella laughed while smiling. "He really does love that kid doesn't he?

"Well they are the ones who have been together the longest out of all of us." Siwon said.

"That explains it. Oh, and Umma, Yesung said that they probably wont be at practice either since Ryeowook is still running a fever." All the boys turned and looked at Bella in shock for the 2nd time in the two days she had been there.

"You mean Yesung actually spoke to you? Our Yesung? Like the Ice Queen Yesung?" Hangeng almost yelled, remembering at the last moment that Ryeowook was upstairs still asleep.

"Yeah. Why?" Bella looked around the table confused.

"Don't worry." Came the reply from Sungmin. "Geng is just jealous because it took 3 weeks for Sung to talk to him." He laughed.

"Yeah, Yesung doesn't take well to new people. Lets just say that you, my dear, are a very special someone if he talked to you this quickly." Kibum said smiling.

"Well that does make me feel special." Bella blushed. "He being my bias and everything." She hadn't meant to say the second sentence, but luckily, said it quietly enough that only Leeteuk, who was sitting next to her, heard.

"Okay, everyone! Now, we did make a promise to our newest family member here, so we better get on with it!" Leeteuk said getting up and ordering the boys to go and change into some old clothes to clean in. Heavens knows what they could find in this place. "And try to be quiet!" He added at the end.

Getting into every nook and cranny proved to be a huge task, even for 14 people. By 11:00 however, the dorm had been given a full once over and all the washing had be done thanks to Bella doing 30 minute cycles of laundry.

"All that leaves to do is get the washing sorted, and since I don't know what belongs to whom yet, you guys can go for it and put your own stuff away this time. As for cleaning your rooms," Bella paused for a moment. "If there is anything you don't want me to find, I suggest you hide it in your closet now, because while you guys are at practice, I will be cleaning your rooms." She laughed loudly as Eunhyuk, Heechul, Kyuhyun and Kangin ran upstairs right away.

'Wonder what they're hiding?' Bella thought still smiling when everyone else started laughing as well.

After all the boys grabbed their washing, all thanking Bella quite a lot, and put it all away, it was lunch time. Bella made sandwiches again and set them on the table before once again taking a plate upstairs to Yesung and Ryeowook. Knocking, she walked in to find not just Ryeowook asleep, but now Yesung had drifted off as well still holding the younger boy in his lap.

'I better not disturb them. Aigo~ They look so cute together like that! I can see why they've been together so long.' Bella quietly walked over, putting down the plate she was carrying to pull a blanket over the two before picking up the plate again and walking back out of the room as quietly as she could.

"Well Bella, we're going to head off now. We should be back by about 8 o'clock-ish." Leeteuk said gathering up the members once Bella had walked back downstairs.

"Make sure that those two don't sleep all day though. Otherwise we will have one very hyper Wookie and a very Grumpy Yesung on our hands tonight." Laughed Shindong.

"Okay, you guys practice well! I'll see you tonight." Bella waved the boys out the door and then turned to the next task at hand.

'Guess I better get it over with. I'm only going to clean these boys rooms once though, then they can do it themselves!'

Well there's the third chapter~! I swear I'm on a roll lately! 2 chapters in a week! Please keep on reading if you like it!

(And I swear there will be some later in the story for all you lovers out there!)

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Chapter 17: Please update like ASAP!
Congratulations on getting featured!
congrats! ^^
-theirmusicismylifee #5
Congrats on getting featured ~
Congrats c:
eLement-forever #7
Congrats :D