Movie Time




Chapter 7 – Movie Time

Walking into the Super Junior dorms, everyone went their own way to their rooms to shower and change before the movie night. Bella walked through her room and into her bathroom to take a shower.

'God the fans are crazy! I mean I took us 15 minutes to get into the studio, but it took us like 25 to get out!' She thought to herself while washing her hair with strawberry scented shampoo. 'Well I guess that's what you get for being one of the most famous boy bands in Korea.' Getting out of the shower and walking back into her room, Bella dressed in a pair of loose track pants and a black t-shirt and walked down stairs still rubbing her hair with a towel. As she walked into the living room, she came face to face with the 5 boys who had left practice earlier that day.

"So what's going on with you guys?" Bella asked them walking over and sitting down on the couch.

"Well we all got cast in the drama they put us up for." Henry said looking a little down.

"Yeah, and it totally pisses me off that we're not gonna be in the new album!" Kanging said grumpily folding his arms and slumping back onto the part of the couch he was sitting on.

"I suppose it's not the best thing, but there will always be more albums guys! There won't be many other drama's will there?" Hangeng said taking on the role of cheering the disappointed boys up.

"Where's everyone else?" Kibum asked standing leaning against the wall of the living room.

"We got back from the studio not long ago, they're all in their rooms showering. Oh, and the guys from SHINee dropped by after you left and the two Umma's decided that it would be nice to have a movie night to cheer everyone up and relax a little." Bella said finishing drying her hair with the towel she was holding.

"Well I suppose we all better clean up if we have visitors coming then hadn't we?" Zhou Mi said standing up and walking for the stairs.

"Yeah, see you in a little bit Bella!" Henry said now happy he was going to see his friend Taemin.

Bella walked back up to her room to put away her towel.

'Well if we're having people over, I better go to the store and get some popcorn and junk food, mind you not too much, cause then I think we would have a few very hyper boys on our hands.' Laughing to herself, Bella pulled on a pair of black ballerina flats and walked back into the living room where there was now a very cute looking Ryeowook sitting on the couch.

"Hey Ryeowook, I was just gonna go to the store now that I know where it is and get some junk food for tonight. You wanna come along?" She asked the pouting boy who's face instantly brightened.

"Sure! Just let me tell Teuk where we're going." Running up stairs, he came back a few moments later with a blush on his face.

"Why are you blushing? I thought I was the one that did that!" Bella laughed softly when Ryeowook's blush increased.

"Well I think anyone would blush at what I just heard!" He said. Understanding what he meant, Bella laughed.

"Did you tell him?"

"I left a sticky note on his door. I thought that was the safer option." Now laughing, Bella and Ryeowook walked out the door and into the elevator to go to the store.

Walking up and down the isles, Bella and Ryeowook chucked popcorn, soft drinks, chips, chocolate and other assorted junk into the baskets they were carrying.

"Noona, you know you have to be careful right?" Ryeowook said suddenly looking worried.

"Why is that? And you know you don't have to call me Noona all the time!" Bella said laughing.

"But I like calling you Noona!" Ryeowook said pouting and looking like the eternal maknae that he was. "But you do have to be careful now that you live with us. Our fan group are pretty okay with anything we do, but then there are some that definitely would not like it."

"Okay, I'll be careful, just as long as I don't have to hide from the world that is!" Bella laughed reaching over to hug the boy now standing next to her. "You like calling me noona? Ah well, I guess I like being a big sis though!" Ryeowook joined in the laughing.

"Come on, I think we have enough to get us through the night!" He said smiling walking quickly over to the cashier to pay for the food. "Taemin is going to go crazy on this stuff!"



Bella almost tripped when she walked back into the dorm attempting to walk through the living room.

"Whoa there!" Eunhyuk said running and steadying her before she fell onto the floor, which was now covered in DVD's. There must have been at least one hundred of them strewn across the floor with Kyuhyun, Eunhyuk, Henry and Shindong rummaging through them.

"Thanks Eunhyuk! Thought I was gonna get that one!" Bella said now right on her feet and picking her way through to the dining room table to put down the bags she was holding. "That's quite a DVD collection you guys have there isn't it?"

"Oh this isn't the half of it!" Smiled Kyuhyun still seeming to be looking for a certain DVD case in the pile on the floor. "We were the first ones down so we thought we would look for a movie to watch tonight!"

"Well I'll let you guys choose, since the only real Korean movies or show's I've watched are dramas." Bella said starting to transfer the food she had bough back to the kitchen for later and to start on dinner. "Do you guys have any ideas about when he others will be down?"

"Judging on the amount of time they've been up there already, I'd give them about another half an hour or so." Shindong said starting to tidy up the mess of cases on the floor.

"Okay, well any requests for dinner?" Bella asked getting a glass of water for herself fro the fridge.

"We wont mind what you make!" Henry said smiling while everyone else in the room nodded in agreement.

"Well I better get cooking hadn't I?

Bella was halfway through cooking a very large pot of spaghetti, having decided that I was something easy and quick to make, when she remembered she hadn't called the girls from F(x) to ask if they were coming over.

'I bet Leeteuk keeps all the phone numbers next to the phone.' Bella thought stepping over to the phone on the wall near the doorway from the kitchen and looking through a small hanging list next to it. Running her finger down the list, she came to the number for the dorm next door and smiled to herself. "Such a responsible Umma." Picking up the phone, dialling the number and walking back over to the stovetop, she let it ring until a familiar voice answered.

"Hello?" It said sounding slightly tired.

"Hey, Amber, it's Bella next door." She said through the line.

"Oh hey Bella!" Amber perked up. "What brings you calling?"

"Well they guys here had a bit of a shock today, Henry, Zhou Mi, Hangeng, Kangin and Kibum all got cast in a drama suddenly and now the guys are feeling a little frustrated that hey have to re-work the new album. But the guys from SHINee showed up and we all decided that we'd have a movie night to help relax a bit. I was wondering if you and the girls wanted to come over too?" Bella explained.

"Well I'm the only one home at the moment. The others had a photo-shoot and wont be back till about lunchtime tomorrow. I'll still come over though!" Amber said happily.

" I'm glad for that! I thought I was gonna get left in a dorm full of guys and me being the only girl!" Bella laughed. Amber joined in continuing.

"What time do you want me over there?"

"The others are coming down around 8, so anytime around then. I'll talk to you later then?"

"Count on it." And with that Amber hung up the phone while Bella finished cooking.

"Hey Shindong! Could you see if the others are ready to come down yet? And if they refuse, just say that dinner is ready!"

After Shindong had told the boys still upstairs that dinner was ready, they all happily came downstairs, determined to not miss a meal made by their talented cook. As they were eating, the 5 members that had disappeared earlier that day explained what had happened to them that day.

"So you really wont be in the album then?" Ryeowook said pouting slightly in disappointment.

"Unfortunately, no sorry Wookie." Kibum reached over to ruffle said boy's hair smiling softly then going back to eating.

"Have you rung the instructor the get him back to re-work the dance umma?" Bella said turning her head to the right to talk to the leader.

"Not yet, but I'll call him tomorrow, he should be able to come within the week. But lets get away from unhappy topics! Talking of calling people, did you call the girls yet?" He said spooning spaghetti into his mouth and humming in enjoyment.

"Yeah, but only Amber is coming over, the others have a photo-shoot and wont be home till tomorrow." Bella answered also eating her food.

"Ah, I think they said something about that earlier in the week. Oh well, we can always have more movie nights!" Leeteuk smiled.



Eight o'clock rolled around faster than everyone had expected and soon enough there was a knock coming from the door. Walking over and answering it, Bella found the five SHINee boys and Amber standing outside. But what they were wearing surprised her.

"Come in! But why are you wearing pyjamas?" She said letting the 6 people into the dorm and walking through to the living room.

"Well since we are having a movie night, we decided that we should make it into a slumber party Noona!" Taemin said happily bouncing over and hugging Bella for the second time that day.

"That sounds like a good idea!" Sungmin said suddenly jumping up from his place laying over Kibum and Kyuhyun on the couch and running upstairs to get changed.

"Well since you guys are in yours, I don't see the problem." Leeteuk said also getting up just before everyone else did as well. All walking up the stairs, Bella was left in the living room with SHINee and Amber. Taemin who had now let go of Bella and had attached himself to Jonghyun's waist was wearing white track pants and a singlet shirt of the same colour. Jonghyun wore blue, Key: pink, Onew: green, and Minho wore black. Amber wore much the same thing, but with a large t-shirt on.

"Are you gonna get yours on Bella?" Key asked stepping into Minho's arms and making him sit down on the couch.

"Y..yeah, just give me a second." She blushed and ran upstairs to her room. 'God, Amber is in the same dorm as me, with her pyjamas on, and looks utterly hot. Wait… I fangirling? I AM! God I cant help it, now where did I put my 'pyjamas that other people can see me in?' Bella thought to herself pulling out a pair of purplr track pants and a tight-ish stretchy sleeping t-shirt and putting them on walking back downstairs while the other boys made their way down as well.

All sitting down on the lounge and floor in the living room, they started chatting.

"So what movie did you end up choosing Henry?" Bella asked sitting down on the floor while the others sorted themselves into their little groups, or in SHINee's case, a sort of pile in front of the couch.

"The Matrix! With subtitles of course." He said laughing slightly sitting in-between Donghae's legs.

"Ah! I love that movie!" Bella said happily clapping her hands in child like glee. Amber laughed at this.

"You know, I've never seen it." She said sitting herself down next to Bella.

"You, who lived in America, have never seen the Matrix?" Bella asked looking slightly weirdly at the girl now sitting next to her on the floor.

"Well with being a trainee and all, I never really got the time to do much relaxing." Amber said.

"Oh well, now you'll see it. And I guarantee you will love it!" Bella said still blushing then getting up quickly. "I'll get the food from the kitchen. You can start the movie if you want!" she said walking around and through the mass of bodies in the room to got to the kitchen.

"I'll help Noona!" Taemin said piping up at the chance of eating sugar.

"Okay, come on then!" She said walking into the kitchen with the boy following her. "Do you know how to make popcorn?"

"Yep!" Taemin said still smiling grabbing the packet that was given to him and putting it in the microwave to cook. "Ne, Noona?"

"Yes Taemin?" Bella answered.

"Did any of the guys fully explain what's going on with me and the other guys?" Bella blushed.

"Yeah, Heechul explained it to me. Though I gotta say, it did come as a bit of a surprise." She answered.

"Just checking is all. It sorta is a bit of a weird situation." Taemin said pouring the now ready popcorn into a bowl on the kitchen counter while Bella poured out chips and various lollies into other bowls. "Oh! Noona, just a warning, but don't let Jonghyun hyung get at the blue lollies!"

"And why is that Tae?" Bella said shortening the boy's name. "You don't mind me calling you that do you?"

"Nope! Not at all. It's nice having a noona to talk to! But Jjong hyung gets a little 'showy' when he has the blue ones." Taemin explained to his noona.

"Showy? What do you mean?" Bella asked stepping over to the fridge and grabbing a few large bottles of soft drink out and placing them on the bench along with a large packet of plastic cups.

"Well he gets a little worked up, and then starts making out with someone." Taemin blushed.

"Ah, I see, so lets keep the blue ones in here okay?" Bella said blushing as well.

"Agreed! Come on! I can hear they started the movie already!" The younger boy said picking up the popcorn and a bowl of chips and walking back into the living room while Bella followed with the lollies and some chocolates.

Once settled down in their previous places, Bella next to Amber and Taemin sprawled over Minho and Jonghyun, they started watching the movie as the bowls of food were passed around.

"There's drinks still in the kitchen if you want them guys." Bella said grabbing a handful of popcorn and munching on a few pieces while watching Trinity pull off some pretty neat flips in the movie. Everyone just hummed or made a noise of approval still engrossed in watching the action on screen.



About two hours later and the movie had finished, everyone clapped like they were sitting in a movie theatre.

"So what did you think Amber?" Bella asked getting up and stretching.

"Well let's just say that I will be getting the other two very soon! I t was really good." Amber answered also stretching in her position on the floor.

"So now that the movie is over, what are we gonna do?" Jonghyun asked with Onew sitting on his lap.

"Well I believe that we had a promise from our dear Bella here that she would grace us with her voice at some point tonight." Key said sitting up from where he had been laying down. Bella laughed softly.

"So what do you want me to sing?" She asked the room who had now all thrown their attention on her.

"How about you choose this time? I chose for you last time." Leeteuk said with his arms around Heechul who was smiling happily.

"Okay! Well you guys have only ever heard me do a group song, and the boys from SHINee haven't even heard me sing yet! How about a solo song?" Bella said grabbing her ipod from the dining room table and plugging it into the sound system near the TV. "Just a second." She said while finding the song she was looking for. "What about a G.NA song?"

"Sounds good!" Kibum said while the others agreed.

"Only one thing though, could I prevail upon someone to do the rap for me? I cant exactly do that and sing at the same time now can I?" Bella said finding the song.

"I know it." Amber said smirking.

"Perfect!" Heechul said clapping his hands. "Now we can watch two pretty girls sing! Bella blushed at this causing a fair few of the people in the room to laugh, Amber included.

"Don't worry noona!" Ryeowook said happily. "He's always like this."

"Okay it's settled then. On with the singing!" Key said clapping his hands together once obviously excited while the other boys of his group nodded their heads happily.

"Well here goes nothing!" Bella said and started to sing.

Bella: Geojyeo julke jal sara

Dok baro yaegihae
Nae nuneul chyeodabogo mareul hae
Heaheojijan geumalhaetni
Nawa geutnaego shipeungeoni
(Ara) neon yeojaga saenggingeoya
(Ara) neon naegeh shiljeung nangeoya
(Daman) nunmuri chamaojiman

Geojyeo julke jal sara
Geumalbakke nan mothae
Ijeo julge jal sara
Na eobtshido haengbokhae
Nega beorin sarang
Nega gajyeoga
Namgimeobtshi gajyeoga
Miannhadan maldo hajima
Nae keokjeong hajima

Amber: Yo,Sorry My Sweety
Nal deonagandaneun ne ipsuli
Oneuldara wae iri
Weonmangseureoweo boineunji
Neol butjabayahaneunde
Mali naojil annha
Neon imi meoleojineunde

(Ara) nareul da jiulgeoya
Bella: (Ara) nan nega cham miulgeoya
(Daman) modeungeol daarmyeonseodo

Geojyeo julke jal sara
Geumalbakke nan mothae
Ijeo julge jal sara
Na eobtshido haengbokhae
Nega beorin sarang
Nega gajyeoga
Namgimeobtshi gajyeoga
Miannhadan maldo hajima
Nae keokjeong hajima

(You) naega saratdeon iyu
(You) naega weonhaetdeon jeonbu
Neohanaman barabwajudeon najaha
(Why) wae nal deonaneungeoya
(Why) wae nal beorineungeoya
Eochapi ireolgeomyeonseo
Wae nal saranghangeoni

Hokshi geunal saenggak na
woori cheoeum mannan nal
Ajikdo nan saenggakna
Nega haetdeon yaksogi
Naman akgyeojugo
Naman jikigo
Naman saranghandago
Nan mideosseo neoye geojitmal
Nan mideotdanmalya

(Oh) Oh Oh Oh Oh
Saranghagin hangeoni
(Oh) Oh Oh Oh Oh
No No No No
(Oh) Oh Oh Oh Oh
Ijeo julge jal sara

By the time Bella had finished, everyone in the room was looking on in wonder and amazement.

"Wow…..just….wow!" Key said shocked by the performance.

"Yah! Noona! You're so good!" Taemin said while Bella blushed profusely. Everyone started clapping and Amber turned to her and held out her hand.

"Good one girl." She said shaking Bella's now outstretched hand watching the girl blush. 'We are gonna have to get her over that blushing thing if she keeps it up like this, but then again, it is quite cute' Amber thought sitting down while everyone congratulated Bella.

"I can see why Hae over there kept texting me now." Jonghyun said smiling. "Damn girl, why have you not auditioned for a company yet?"

"I guess I just don't want to be famous at the moment." Bella answered sitting back down on the floor next to Amber.

"That's a shame! Oh well, the way you're going, I'm sure one of the idiots you're living with will knock some sense into you one day." Minho said laughing at the glares he received. Trying to get off the topic of auditions to make Bella more comfortable, Taemin spoke.

"We've watched a movie, now how about some games?"

I'm sorry it took me so long to get this chapter out and for it being so long! But it was my first week back at school and I really didn't have any time to write properly, so it took me all week to just write this chapter! And it would have been a mega-chapter had I not decided to split it up into like 2 or 3 parts! But I should be fairly regular getting about a chapter out once a week!

Oh and please comment/review and leave some feedback! It really makes me happy and keeps me in a writing mood. XD See you next time!

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congrats! ^^
-theirmusicismylifee #5
Congrats on getting featured ~
Congrats c:
eLement-forever #7
Congrats :D