Surprise Visit



Chapter 15 – Surprise Visit


Amber woke up first, looking over to the clock before looking down at the still sleeping girl in her arms, clinging slightly to her shirt from the night before. It was only 5:30 in the morning.

            ‘Why am I awake this early? God, we don’t even have a schedule today! I was planning on sleeping in.’ Amber thought to herself smiling when Bella shifted in her sleep and murmured Amber’s name. ‘Wonder what she’s dreaming about. Must be good since she’s smiling in her sleep. She looks so relaxed while she is, I don’t want to wake her up, maybe I should send a text to Leeteuk to explain what happened.’ Amber stretched out her arm behind her to find where Bella had put her mobile before falling asleep the previous night. Grabbing said piece of technology, she turned it on only to find a few texts from the older boy already, mainly asking if everything went okay and if she was safe. Amber sent one back saying that she was fine and that she’d be home later in the morning. When the reply came, Amber laughed softly.


To: Bella

            From: Umma

            ‘;) Everything must have gone well if she’s asleep right now, anyway, we’re going to be gone in about half an hour, Kangin, Hangeng, Kibum, Henry and Zhou Mi are all going to the gym. Manager said we have to start recording today :) Don’t you dare do anything bad to my daughter!’


            ‘Why does he think I’d do anything? I’m not like that, guess he’s just protective of her like he is the rest of the guys.’ Amber put the phone down and returned her arm that she had been using to it’s place on Bella’s lower back, rubbing circles softly. Bella curled into Amber even more, her head snug between Amber’s neck and shoulder, breath hitting her collarbone. Amber stayed that way for the next half an hour, just watching Bella sleep, until she couldn’t take it any more and leaned down to place a soft kiss on her temple. Bella stirred and opened her eyes yawning.

            “Morning.” She said smiling and leaning in to kiss Amber who met her half way. They slowly moved their mouths against each other, Bella still half asleep.

            “Morning bao bei.” Amber said once they had parted.

            “How long have you been awake jagiya?” Bella asked now starting to wake up herself looking for the time. Amber chuckled.

            “Jagiya?” She said, eyes questioning. Bella blushed.

            “Well you have you’re nick name for me, why not have one for you?” Bella said as her girlfriend laughed.

            “I suppose that’s all right then. But I’ve been awake for about 45 minutes.” Amber said yawning.

            “45 minutes? But it’s only like 6:15 in the morning! You should still be asleep. Yah! What are the guys thinking? I didn’t even tell them where I was!” Bella started panicking looking around for her phone.

            “Don’t worry, I already texted Leeteuk and told him every thing that happened. They left about 15 minutes ago though, they got told suddenly that they start recording today.” Amber said calming Bella with the hand on her back, rubbing in circles again, underneath her shirt. Bella calmed down straight away, closing her eyes and sighing at the rub on the back.

            “You’re lucky that I’m still half asleep and very partial to back rubs and massages and have a broken leg, otherwise you’d be getting tickled into oblivion right now for not waking me up.” Bella closed her eyes again, sighing more as Amber slipped her hand up and down her back.

            “And what are you going to do now?” Amber asked;

            “Well as much as I don’t want to, I am going to get up, go back to my dorm and have a shower before getting a cup of coffee and eating something since it looks like I don’t have to cook for the boys today.” Bella said smirking.

            “Oh really, and what about before that?” Amber pecked Bella’s lips before moving to Bella’s neck. Bella shivered when she felt Amber’s lips kissing her neck.

            “Well I suppose I could fit you in for a while.” Bella rolled onto her back after which Amber returned to kissing her lips, slowly leaning over and straddling the older girl who made a small noise which Amber pulled away at.

            “You okay? Am I moving along too fast for you?” Amber looked down at Bella who was now blushing.

            “, just I’m still getting the fact through my head that I am now dating a celebrity and I mean…,” Amber shut her off with a quick kiss.

            “Don’t worry about it, just go with it, I know we cant tell anyone but people in the industry, but just relax and let me take care of you bao bei.”

            “Okay, now,” Bella leaned up and kissed Amber on the lips. “Can you give my back another rub? It’s still sore from those stupid crutches, I’ll be happy when I get rid of them.” Amber climbed off Bella, sitting against the head board of the bed while Bella moved to sit with her back to her, grabbing her phone in the process. Amber put her hands on Bella’s shoulders and started rubbing, Bella relaxing from her previous worries.

            “So you feel better with the whole thing now?” Amber asked Bella who sighed, closing her eyes to lean into Amber’s hands. “You know, the whole dating a celebrity, living with celebrities thing?”

            “Well if you keep doing what you’re doing now, I will feel much better.” Bella smirked with her eyes still closed. “But unfortunately, I do have to go and have a shower, jeans are not the most comfortable thing to sleep in you know.” Amber chuckled.

            “Well seeing as you have the day free, and I do as well, you wanna do something?” She asked relinquishing her hold on Bella so said girl could get up and grab her crutches.

            “What did you have in mind?” Bella asked stretching her arms up, revealing a strip of skin between the top of her jeans and shirt which Amber ran her hand along, getting a shiver out of the older girl.

            “I thought that since you haven’t been in the city long, I could show you around, we could even drop in on the guys in the studio if you wanted.” Amber climbed out of the bed, also still in her clothes from the day before and kissed Bella on the cheek.

            “I think that would be a great idea jagiya.” Bella turned her head to catch another kiss from Amber, which lasted longer than it had been intended to.

            “Just give me 10 minutes to have a shower myself and we can go back to your dorm bao bei.” Amber pecked Bella on the cheek again and then grabbed some clean clothes and walked into her bathroom. Bella laughed and looked down at her phone. There was a text message.


            To: Bella

            From: Almighty Key

‘So I heard things went well ;) Come see us again when you get the chance all right?


            ‘Leeteuk must have been talking to Jjong.’ Bella thought flicking the reply button and writing back.


‘I’ll come over the next chance I get, and yes things did go well, Amber asked me to be her girlfriend!!! Now I just have to get used to it :)’


Key texted back almost immediately.


‘OMG! That’s it, I’m calling a meeting of the Diva council and you have no choice but to come! I’ll let you know when!’


Bella didn’t reply because she was laughing. Amber chose that moment to come out of the bathroom.

            “What are you laughing at bao bei?” She asked now showered and dressed in black jeans, a black tank top and long sleeved denim vest.

            “What can you tell me about the ‘Diva Council’? And why does Key want me to go?” Bella got up swinging out of Amber’s room with her and down the stairs, Amber leaving a note for the others when they woke up.

            “Well all I can say is if Key wants you there, you better go. They’re the Divas from every company you could imagine, but mostly the big ones. They’re the ones who mainly buy all the clothes and stuff for the other members.” Amber explained quietly, kissing Bella on the cheek as they made their way to the dorm next door.

            “So they’re basically all shopping crazy?” Amber laughed and agreed as they made their way into the Super Junior dorm with Bella’s key. “I’ll be down in about 15, you can go grab coffee and something to eat if you want.” Bella leaned in and planted her lips on Amber’s, tilting her head to deepen the kiss, closing her eyes when Amber swiped her tongue across Bella’s bottom lip. Bella pulled back and gave her a light tap on the shoulder. “If you keep doing that, I’m not ever going to get a shower now am I?” Amber laughed.

            “Okay, go have your shower, clocks ticking.” And with one more peck, Bella went to her room and jumped in the shower.



It took her while, but after showering, she picked out a black off the shoulder top that left one shoulder bare, and her favourite pair of jeans, a pair of flares that had probably seen better days, but were comfy, before grabbing the jacket GD had given her. When she got back downstairs, Bella found Amber sitting on the couch sipping a cup of coffee with a plate of toast sitting in front of her.

            “I see you made use of the kitchen jagiya.” Bella said sitting down next to Amber and stealing a piece of toast off her plate. “You know you’d be about the 3rd person to use it properly.” She said around a mouthful.

            “Really? Are you telling me that no one out of 15 grown men can cook?” Bella laughed, hand covering .

            “Yup. Well Ryeowook and Hangeng are showing promise though.” She popped the ‘p’ sound and then continued. “Any coffee for me?” Amber jumped up, and was back a few seconds later with another mug in her hands which she handed to Bella before sitting back down to continue eating.

            “I thought I could show you around the shopping district, and maybe all the places to eat. Although I think the boys will like you dropping in, plus you get to see them recording.” Amber said draining the last of her coffee.




The two girls finished eating and drinking, then made their way down to the basement, finding Victoria’s car once again, and taking off. Amber showed Bella all the shops and restaurants close to the dorms, and then drove a bit further to find the studio that Super Junior was recording in that day. They walked in to the large building, being guided through lots of hallways after Amber showing her ID card at the front desk, to find Ryeowook in the sound booth recording his solo song. The others were sitting in the room outside listening.          

            “Bella!!!” Sungmin jumped up straight away. Bella laughed.

            “Hiya guys!” She said going around the room hugging the boys in turn.

            “What are you doing here?” Leeteuk asked.

            “Well seeing as the dorm is clean I didn’t have anything to do, Amber decided to take me out and show me around.” Bella said sitting in a chair, only to be picked up and placed on Amber’s lap when she sat down as well. A lot of the boys looked a little shocked, all except for Leeteuk, Yesung and Heechul.

            “So when did this happen?” Donghae asked with an eyebrow raised looking at Bella now sitting snugly with Amber’s arms around her waist blushing.

            “L..l..last night.” Bella stuttered.

            “Ah, so it did go well.” Eunhyuk said laughing.

            “Of course it did.” Amber said kissing Bella on the cheek causing her to blush even more. Ryeowook walked out of the sound booth at that time.

            “Noona!!!!!” He almost yelled running across the room when Shindong was called in to record his parts. “We thought something bad had happened when you didn’t come home last night!!”

            “Sorry to worry you guys like that.” Bella blushed and Amber chuckled. “I was sorta tired after dinner last night and ended up falling asleep in Amber’s dorm.”

            “Don’t worry about it.” Siwon said smiling at the two girls.

            “Thanks guys.” Bella said snuggling back into Amber’s arms more since it was a little cold this time of year, being autumn. “So who made the decision to start recording early?”

            “That would be the head of the company dear. He decided that we’ve had too much free time and we need to get a move on if we want to get everything in done by the release date.” Leeteuk said sitting down on a couch in the room.

            “So you’re gonna be super busy?” Bella asked looking a bit disappointed.

            “Yeah, but you can come along to our schedules if you’re not too tired.” Eunhyuk said happily smiling.

            “That sounds like fun! I finally get to see you guys perform in person. I’ve been here nearly 3 weeks now and I haven’t seen anyone perform!” Bella pouted which Amber took as an open invitation to give her a peck on the lips.

            “That’ll change soon bao bei, every time a group or artist releases a new album, there’s a heap of performances, tv shows, radio shows and lots more to do.” Amber laughed at Bella’s sudden perk of excitement.

            “We just have to keep the fans from trying to attack us then.” Kyuhyun said, a PSP in his hands that Bella hadn’t noticed before.

            “Yeah, we don’t want a repeat of me getting glomped!!” Ryeowook said pouting with his hands on his hips. Yesung stood up to hug him from behind. The boys continued talking among themselves for a little while longer, until Amber interrupted them with her phone ringing. Answering it, she spoke a few words, then hung up.

            “Sorry guys, gonna have to run. That was our manager, we have a meeting about a comeback early next year. I’ll see you later okay?” She turned her head to Bella. “And I’ll see you very soon bao bei.” Bella nodded and Amber kissed her on the lips, just a chaste kiss, as they were in a room full of people.

            “Okay.” Bella stood up and sat down where Amber had been, Amber leaning down to kiss her again, then smiling and leaving at a slight jog with a wave.

            “I was wondering why Key called the Diva council together.” Heechul said smirking. “I guess that’s the answer.”

            “Yah! Don’t hyung!” Sungmin said pouting.

            “Okay, okay, everyone settle down.” Leeteuk said pecking his boyfriend on the cheek, which seemed to calm him down. “We’re gonna be here for a while dear, you can go explore if you want, there’s a cafeteria down the hall and to the right, and you can make use of any rooms you want with this.” He handed Bella his ID card with a small note attached explaining who she was.

            “Thanks oppa.” Bella smiled at Leeteuk laughing at what she had said.

            “You sound so awkward calling us older boys oppa, how about you just go with hyung instead?”

            “Okay hyung. Wow, I sound weird saying that.” Bella laughed and then stood up with her crutches, Ryeowook slipping out of Yesung’s grip at the same time.

            “I’ll go with her! I’ve done my parts for today, come on noona! I’ll show you around.” Ryeowook said smiling at Yesung and the others and walking out of the room with the younger boy.



            “So you and Amber noona?” Ryeowook asked, sitting down with Bella in the cafeteria with a cup of coffee. Bella smiled.

            “Yeah, and I’m pretty sure your boyfriend already knew. Well I knew Teukie knew already, and Heechul knew cause he’s apparently on the Diva Council with Key who I told this morning.”

            “Ah, the dive council huh? Has Key called a meeting?” The younger boy asked then continued when Bella nodded. “Well you can expect a few famous faces then. There’s Key of course, Heechul, GD, who you’ve already met, Yoseob from Beast and then there’s the biggest diva of them all.”

            “Who?” Bella asked interested.

            “Kim Jaejoong. Although it might take a bit longer to get them all together since JYJ is in Japan at the moment.” He looked over at Bella with gaping open. “Did I say something wrong noona?”

            “No….no, just, are you freaking serious? Kim Jaejoong? THE Kim Jaejoong?? I’m gonna meet him?! I think I might faint right here and now.” Bella dramatically pretended to faint making Ryeowook laugh.

            “Of course! He’s the biggest diva out there! And I’m sure he’ll love you. Especially with that colour hair.” He said pointing at Bella’s bright red hair that was slightly wavy, as she hadn’t straightened it this morning.

            “Well now I cant wait!!” Bella laughed along with the boy. “So how long will it take you to record the whole album?” She said sipping her coffee.

            “Usually about 4 or 5 weeks, with everything else in between, I mean we still have to film the MV for Bonamana and No Other, and get our new looks! I’m pretty sure they want to cut my hair again.” He gave a small frown, which Bella chuckled at.

            “Well whatever happens, you’re still adorable. Now how about you show me round this place?” The made their way out of the cafeteria and down a series of hallways, Ryeowook leading the way and showing Bella all the practice rooms and recording studios until as they passed by one room, Bella stopped in her tracks awestruck.

            “Noona, why did you stop?” Ryeowook looked questioningly at the older girl who had stopped in front of a music practice room and was staring into it. “There’s nothing special about that room.”

            “Nothing special? Wookie, you do know that that right there is a full grand piano right??” Bella swung into the room and ran a hand along the black, closed top of the instrument still looking in wonder.

            “Yeah, there’s plenty of them here.” He said as Bella sat down on the piano bench, leaning her crutches against the piano next to it.

            “Am I allowed to play? Please say yes!!! I’ve only ever played on a baby grand.” Bella pouted using aegyo on Ryeowook who laughed.

            “Go ahead!” He said and sat down on another chair in the room secretly pulling out his phone to record the performance. Bella placed her hand on the keys and started playing a slower song, but after a few moments, began to sing as well, which surprised Ryeowook.


What have I done 
Wish I could run 
Away from this ship going under 
Just trying to help 
Hurt everyone else 
Now I feel the weight of the world 
Is on my shoulders 

What can you do 
When your good isn't good enough 
And all that you touch tumbles down 
Cause my best intentions 
Keep making a mess of things 
I just wanna fix it somehow 
But how many times will it take 
Oh how many times will it take 
For me to get it right 
To get it right 

Can I start again 
With my faith shaken 
Cause I can't go back and undo this 
I just have to stay and face my mistakes 
But if I get stronger and wiser 
I'll get through this 
What can you do 
When your good isn't good enough 
And all that you touch tumbles down 

Cause my best intentions 
Keep making a mess of things 
I just wanna fix it somehow 
But how many times will it take 
Oh how many times will it take 
For me to get it right 

So I throw up my fist 
Throw a punch in the air and 
Accept the truth that sometimes life isn't fair 
Yeah I'll send out a wish 
Yeah I'll send up a prayer 
And finally someone will see 
How much I care 

What can you do 
When your good isn't good enough 
And all that you touch tumbles down 
Oh my best intentions 
Keep making a mess of things 
Just wanna fix it somehow 
But how many times will it take 
Oh, how many times will it take 
To get it right, to get it right


Ryeowook just sat there with his phone still recording until the last minute, when Bella turned around and he put it away quickly.

            “So what did you think Wookie?” She asked cocking her head to the side when all she got was silence.

            “Still against auditioning for the company noona?” He said laughing when Bella pouted.

            “Well with the way everyone keeps going on about me, I don’t think I’ll have a choice in much longer.” He face relaxed into a smile. “Maybe I will.” Ryeowook jumped up and clapped.

            “Well come on! We have to go tell the others! I think the next one’s in December!”

            “Hang on there a second, I said I’ll think about it.” Bella said laughing along with the boy, standing up with her crutches and following him back down the hallways to the room the rest of Super Junior were recording in.

            “Guys!! Noona said she might audition!!!!” The younger boy yelled as he ran into the room causing the 9 other boys to clap hands and high five each other.

            “Hey! You guys were planning this weren’t you?” Bella looked suspiciously at the 10 boys all grinning at her.

            “Of course not dear.” Leeteuk said still grinning and obviously trying not to laugh.

            “Well I think that you should, hell we all think you should, you’d get in straight away!” Siwon said with his arms folded.

            “I’ll say what I said to Wookie, I’ll think about it.” Bella said crossing her arms as well.

            “Okay settle down guys.” Leeteuk said still smiling. “Come on, lets get home and we can talk about this later, we all need to rest, we still have to record AND practice tomorrow, so all of you to the van now!”



All the boys went straight to shower when they got back to the dorms, all running to their rooms to try to get in first ahead of their other halves. Bella went through to the kitchen and started pulling out things to make a late lunch/dinner for everyone. Humming, she pulled out eggs, meat and rice and had put the water on to boil for rice when she felt a pair of hands land on her shoulders.

            “Need any help?” The soft voice of Yesung said smiling.

            “Ah, if you’re sure you’re not going to burn anything you can.” Bella replied with a smirk, laughing.

            “Well I’m sure that I wont with you here.” He said and went to work at what Bella told him to do. Everyone had come downstairs by the time they were done cooking, and the other 5 had returned home, also taking showers after being at the gym all day.

            “I swear you guys like walking around shirtless way too much.” Bella said swinging into the living room to find Leeteuk, Siwon, Donghae and Kyuhyun without shirts, and the rest mainly in tank tops of various colours.

            “Aww, you know you love it noona!” Henry said in English, laughing. “You can just brag that you’ve seen us shirtless to the fans online!” Everyone laughed after Henry translated his words for them.

            “Well no matter how you’re dressed, that late lunch is ready.” Bella said. “Oh and you’ll have to thank ‘Sung too, he helped me with the food.”



I KNOW ITS BEEN AGES SINCE I UPDATED!!!! But I really just got stuck in this chapter heaps of times XD so forgive me please???

But anyways, the song used here is an original song from Glee
that’s the piano part that Bella plays, but you can look up the full song on youtube J

I’ve got a bit more free time now, so I may have another chapter up very soon, please leave a comment and subscribe!!!


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Chapter 17: Please update like ASAP!
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congrats! ^^
-theirmusicismylifee #5
Congrats on getting featured ~
Congrats c:
eLement-forever #7
Congrats :D