Of Miniskirts and Makeovers




Chapter 11 – Of Miniskirts and Makeovers

"Come on guys! You're late to your schedule!" Bella yelled through the dorm as boys ran around scrambling to get ready in time to get to their practice.

"Yah!" Leeteuk yelled running to the door with the other members of Super Junior. "Sorry to rush off on you like this Bella, but you know, being famous and all that takes it's toll."

"Don't worry umma, now go! And keep the rest of them in line! Key will be here to take me out soon so I'll see you later." Bella said watching the other boys emerge from their rooms and run to the door waving and hugging the girl goodbye before running out to the elevator.

'Stupid power surge knocking out all the alarm times last night! Now they're all half an hour late to practice! It would have only been 20 if it hadn't been for Chulie doing his hair.' Bella laughed to herself closing the door that the scrambling boys had left open in their haste and swinging her way over to the dining room table on her crutches and sitting down in front of her laptop that she had bought down earlier. 'Let's see what the fans are saying.' Just to pass time, Bella had been keeping up with the theories surrounding her living in the SM Dorm. They ranged anywhere from being a trainee learning from the boys, to being the girlfriend of numerous boys. Logging on to the news stream the fans were posting on, she was glad to see things settling down a bit, until she came across a story from the previous day.

'Super Junior seen with mysterious girl at hospital!'

'Oh god, they have pictures this time!' She thought to herself looking through the pictures of the boys wheeling her out of the hospital and getting into the van smiling and laughing. 'Well umma said to ignore it and to tell him if it got worse. Hehe, I'm even thinking of him like a mother now!' There was a knock at the door.

"It's open! I know that's you Key!" Bella said loudly as said boy skipped into the room wearing an all black outfit consisting of flare jeans, a muscle shirt and a vest over the top.

"Ready to go?" Key asked walking over and hugging Bella.

"Ready as I've ever been, just let me grab my shoes, well shoe at the moment." Bella said laughing, grabbing the left ballet flat from her pair and following the younger boy out to the elevator. "So where are we going?" She asked.

"Lotte department store. Don't worry though, there's lots of elevators and places to sit so you wont get tired." Key answered smiling as they went down another floor.

"Aren't you worried about getting recognised in such a big place?" Bella asked her second question and they got out of the elevator on the ground floor walking out, or in Bella's case swinging, to the road where a taxi was waiting. Key laughed.

"It's really not to bad you know, most of the fans know we like our space and just admire us from afar. But every now and then you got the completely obsessed ones that cling, so you're better off calling me Kibum today." He said helping her into the taxi telling the driver where to go.

"But with that hairstyle, you're gonna get noticed even more!" Bella laughed. "You know, you should grow it back out, I think I liked the Ring Ding Dong hair better."

"Oh believe me I will, I'm not really big on this style either, but you can blame the stylist pedo-noonas for that one." Key laughed.

"So they do exist! Well I'll have to have a word with them now wont I?" Key laughed harder. "Yah, I'll save you from the pedo-noonas!" Bella said sending Key into a laughing fit.

"I'd pay to see that!" He chocked out still half laughing as the taxi stopped and he helped Bella out, paying the driver.

"Wow! It's huge!" Bella looked up in amazement at the large shopping complex in front of them. "There's nothing like this back home!"

"Well you're in for a treat then! Oh, and I have a little surprise for you too! But first, it's off to the hair dressers because that will probably take the most time." Key was almost talking to himself.

"Yah! Earth to Kibum-ah!" Bella said waving a hand in front of the boy's face snapping him out of his conversation with himself.

"Oops, sorry about that Bella noona." He said also switching to the more formal speech. "Sorta got lost in my own little world there didn't I?" He chuckled. "Well off to the hairdressers." He said leading the way into the huge building and over the elevator. "Let's see, the salon I usually go to is on the 5th floor." Pushing the button, the machine started moving up. "So noona, what colour is your hair naturally? I can see a little bit at the roots, but not enough to be able to tell, and I'm sure you can't have hair that bright naturally!"

"To tell the truth, I'm blonde. I just never really liked it so I always dye it." Bella answered back as the elevator dinged and the doors opened.

"So that's why you attempted that stupid dance move. Blonde moment!" Key skipped a few steps ahead laughing while Bella pouted.

"Yah! You better start respecting your elders Kim Kibum!" Bella laughed as she caught up to the 19 year old boy who was still laughing.

"Okay, okay! I give, I wont make any more blonde jokes!" He said looking ahead. "The salon is just over there." Bella looked over and saw a salon, smaller than the other huge stores in the department, but still stylish.

"Looks nice!" Bella said smiling.

"It's where me and the guys go all the time. They're very reliable!" Key clapped his hands. "Come in!" Stepping inside, Bella was amazed, yes it was smaller than what she expected, but that gave it a home-y feeling. There was a waiting area with couches, a TV and magazines and about 10 chairs for clients to be worked on in.

"And you guys come here all the time?" Bella asked looking around as Key waved to one of the hairdressers who waved back.

"Of course! It's has the best stylists around!" He turned to the man who had walked over and hugged him.

"And who is this lovely lady Kibum?" The man asked looking the girl over.

"This is Isabella, she lives with the SuJu-hyungs helping them around the dorm. Bella noona, this is Kangdae, he's the head stylist here." Key said introducing the man.

"Well very nice to meet you Bella. Now Kibum, what can I do for you today?" Kangdae asked.

"Actually, it's what you can do for Bella here." Key motioned to the girl. "She has a date tonight."

"Ah, so a new look then?" Kangdae asked. "Well come right over and we'll get started. Bella gave her crutches over to Key and sat down in the chair Kangdae offered to her. "So are we sticking with the colour and just going shorter?' He asked.

"What do you think Bella?" Key asked sitting down in the chair next to her.

"Well yeah, I think that sounds good, it's getting a little long anyway." She said and Kangdae got started.



Half an hour of cutting and one and a half of colouring later, Kangdae stepped back and admired his work.

"That has to be one of my best styles yet!" He said putting away his scissors.

"It looks great Bella! It really suits you." Key said clapping his hands smiling.

"I love it! Thankyou very much Kangdae!." Bella said also smiling.

"No problems, if you need a touch up, just come straight back, any friend of Kibum's is a friend of mine!"

"Thanks! So where to next Kibum-ah?" Bella asked getting up while Key gave her her crutches.

"Well seeing as that took a little while, how about we grab lunch and then on to the shopping!" He said as they walked out of the salon and over to the elevator again.

"Sounds good to me! How are you paying for all this though?" Bella asked looking a little worried.

"Don't worry about money noona! Teukie-hyung gave me his group's expenses card so It's all covered." Key said waving a silver coloured card in his hand.

"And he's going to all this trouble for me? I'd never have thought that I'd even here let alone having money spent on me left right and centre!" Bella said shuffling out of the elevator and into a huge food court.

"Well you better get used to it! I'm sure that the hyungs are going to spoil you rotten." The younger boy said leading Bella over to a table. "So what do you want to eat?"

"There's so many shops! I don't know what to choose! But a coffee wouldn't go too badly at the moment." She answered looking around.

"Well just sit there, I'll go get coffee and then grab some food for us. You don't mind noodles do you?" Key said standing up as Bella nodded.

"Sounds good to me. Oh, and can you make my coffee a double, I didn't get one this morning with all the running around of the guys. And be careful about fans." She smiled as the younger smiled and walked off to get coffee and food. Deciding that it would probably take a while, Bella pulled her Ipod out of the pocket of the loose jeans she was wearing and put the headphones in her ears. It was about 25 minutes later when key returned with 2 cups of coffee and 2 take away containers.

"Sorry that took so long, I had a little run in with some fans that just wouldn't leave me alone until I gave them my autograph!" He said sitting the food on the table while Bella took out her earphones.

"Don't worry about it! I was just memorising lyrics, seeing as I cant dance for 8 weeks." Bella said taking her coffee and taking a sip. "God that's good coffee, I was in need of a caffeine hit." Key laughed.

"You sure looked like it too! Now eat up, I just got the same as I usually have." He said starting to eat his own noodles.



After eating, Bella and Key took the elevator up to a higher level to start clothes shopping.

"Now this is the fun part!" Key clapped his hands leading Bella into a high end clothing boutique on the 12th floor.

"Kibum! All these clothes are so expensive!" Bella said looking at some of the price tags on tops and pants the boy was picking out for her to try on.

"I told you not to worry! It's all covered, plus you'll look so good tonight Amber wont be able to resist you!" He said with a multitude of tops in his arms. "Now go try these on, we'll find some pants in another shop, I've found these guys sizes are too big." He led Bella through to the change rooms where Bella tried on nearly all the tops he had been holding, before he finally settled on a white fitted, short sleeved button down shirt. After buying the shirt, Key led her to a shop further along on the same level to find some pants.

"Well skinny jeans are certainly out of the question with that cast of yours, but what do you say about a skirt?" Key asked eyeing some skirts hanging in the store.

"No way! Don't even think about it Kibum!" Bella looked horrified at the thought of wearing a skirts so Key backed off.

"Okay! Then what about jean shorts?" He asked holing up a pair.

"I'm fine with them! The look so nice as well!" Bella said looking at the pairs that Key was picking up and was once again led to the change rooms to try them on. It was a little bit trickier because of her cast, but Bella managed to get through 10 pairs before Key decided on a red pair that reached the top of Bella's cast that were knee length.

"Perfect! Now for a jacket. How about we go to GMarket and take a look around?" He asked as they walked out of the store.

"Eh? They have a GMarket here? As in the clothing brand of G-Dragon?" Bella sounded excited.

"Of course! And that's where my little surprise is waiting." Key giggled.

"Well let's go!" Bella clapped her hands as well as she could while on crutches, but still looked very excited none the less. They went up another 2 levels and walked into the store. "If I could dance, I would be dancing right now!" Bella laughed looking around the store. "How did you know I love GD? And just Big Bang in general?" Key blushed.

"Well you know yesterday when Tae and I were looking through your clothes?" Bella nodded. "Well I looked through your ipod and found that you had nearly as much Big Bang music as you do SHINee!" Bella laughed.

"Well after you guys and Super Junior, they are my guilty pleasure!" still laughing, she hopped along looking at all the clothes. "So you said there was a surprise involved in this venture?"

"Yes, I did. He's standing right behind you." Key laughed loudly when Bella turned around to find no other but GD standing right in front of her. Bella was so shocked she just stuttered and looked from the man smiling in front of her to Key and back. "Yes Bella, that really is G-D standing there." He said still chuckling.

"Well it is my store! God Kibum! You didn't tell me she was so adorable!" The man said holding out a hand to Bella which she shook her hand shaking slightly. "And I should introduce myself properly." He said smiling. "Kwon Jiyong at your service! But I do really prefer GD."

"Nice to meed you. I'm Bella." Bella said still a bit shaky. She then turned to Key. "You could have warned me! You evil, evil diva!" Bella pouted at the younger boy in the store.

"It wouldn't have been much of a surprise then would it?" He said walking over closer to the two and hugging GD.

"It's been a while hasn't it?" He asked the taller man.

"Sure has! Now what can I do for you? Kibum mentioned he was bringing a friend along today, but he forgot to mention that that friend was adorable!" GD said clapping his hands.

"Oh be quiet you! We're looking for a jacket for Bella here." Key said laughing.

"Then why didn't you say so?" And with that GD and Key started picking out things for Bella to try on. While they were walking around, GD was asking questions and making small talk while Bella was still in a little bit of shock from meeting him. "So what happened to your leg?" He asked holding up a white jacket that Key shook his head at.

"Well the day before last, I had a little accident while dancing and fractured it." Bella said feeling a little more at ease lifting up the leg of her jeans so the cast could be seen.

"Ouch, so you're a dancer?" He asked.

"That's just a hobby, I'm actually a teacher. I teach music, Japanese and Korean." Bella answered as GD shot down the jacket Key was holding up.

"Wow! A teacher? Very cool. So what do you need this outfit for?"

"She actually has a date tonight." Key answered for Bella while she pulled her jean leg down. "A date with Amber!"

"Amber? As in Amber Liu?" He looked shocked.

"Yes is there any other Amber?' Key said smirking.

"Well then, you are in need of a very special jacket for that aren't you?" And with that he ran off only to return a few minutes later with a black jacket in his hands. "This is the one! And no one will ever have the same as it because it's one of a kind!" He turned it around.

"That isn't what I think it is. Is it?" Bella looked shocked again.

"Oh it is." GD smirked. "This is the jacket I wore in the GMarket music video. And now you get to keep it!" He said holding it out for Bella to take.

"But I couldn't! It's yours!" She said.

"And now it's yours. You need a special jacket, and which is more special than this one? And don't you dare say no, because you're too adorable for that face to frown." Bella blushed at his comment.

"Well who can say no to you? Thankyou for this!" Bella said still blushing.

"No problems, and now that we have that sorted, can I sign your cast?"



Bella sat in the taxi on the way back to the dorms admiring the latest signature on her cast.

"I can't believe you introduced me to GD! And look how cutely he signed my cast, it even has a little love heart next to his signature!" Bella said as the taxi pulled up. Getting out Key carried the bags over to the elevator in the lobby.

"I'm glad you liked your surprise then!" He said as the elevator dinged and they got off on the Super Junior dorm's level and went inside.

"Are you staying?" Bella asked.

"Of course! Who's going to do your makeup for you?" Key said helping Bella over to the couch to sit down. "I'll go get us some drinks, then we can start getting you ready, it's already 5:00pm!."

And that concludes Bella's shopping trip with Key. And yes, I just had to stick GD in there cause I love him so much! But don't worry, he'll be back along with the rest of Big Bang! And a few others XD Please leave a comment and maybe suggest this fic to some others! I love writing it, but I do like knowing whether or not people like it!

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congrats! ^^
-theirmusicismylifee #5
Congrats on getting featured ~
Congrats c:
eLement-forever #7
Congrats :D