SHINee Day





Chapter 13 – SHINee Day


Bella was reluctant to wake up the next morning as she was dreaming about the previous night with Amber, but soon enough, she was woken up by something jumping on her bed.

            “Bella!!! Come on!!! Get up!!! We’re back!” Came the Canadian accented English of Henry.

            “Yah! Okay I’m up already! And watch the leg!” Bella said pulling her injured leg out of the way of the bouncing boy. “Welcome back Mochi.” Bella sat up and hugged the boy who had now stopped bouncing and gotten off the bed. “Give me 15 minutes and I’ll be down to cook breakfast for everyone. I think I’ve got the hang of those things now.” Bella pointed at the crutches next to her bed.

            “Okay, it’s only 7:00, I don’t think the others are up yet, we just got back now, and I can tell you, that some people wont be coming out of their rooms today!” Henry bounced out the door, probably to go and wake Donghae up. After getting up and taking a quick shower, Bella dressed in some loose track pants and an off the shoulder top, grabbed her crutches and hopped down the stairs carefully, now that she had figured out how to do it herself. When she walked into the lounge room she smiled. Eunhyuk was straddling Zhou Mi as they were kissing on the lounge. Bella managed to get halfway across the room before they noticed her. Eunhyuk jumped off of Zhou Mi, while said boy chuckled.

            “Don’t mind me, just passing through.” Bella said while Eunhyuk blushed bright red. “No really, I don’t mind what you do in front of me, just as long as you’re not going all out, okay?” Eunhyuk buried his head in Zhou Mi’s shoulder, while Zhou Mi turned and returned to kissing his boyfriend. Bella kept going into the kitchen and went about making breakfast for everyone. 45 minutes later and the boys started filtering down stairs drawn by the smell of the huge stacks of pancakes that Bella had made for them. “Yah! Whoever’s out there, I’m gonna need some help carrying all this!” Bella yelled out the door of the kitchen into the living room.

            “I’ll help, what do you need me to do?” Ryeowook stuck his head into the kitchen.

            “I’ll help as well.” Yesung walked in after his boyfriend pecking him on the cheek then walking in smiling at Bella, picked up two plates of pancakes, and walked back out to the dining table.

            “Thanks Wookie.” Bella hugged him before swinging out to the table where 13 boys were seated. “Where’s Sungmin, Kyuhyun, and now that he’s back, Kibum?” Most of the others laughed.

            “Let’s just say that we don’t expect to see them anytime soon.” Heechul said while eating a slice of his pancake. Bella laughed.

            “Hehe, okay, I’ll leave a sticky note on their door after breakfast.” Bella said still chuckling while everyone started eating.

            “Sooo,” Donghae started, “How’d last night go?” He asked raising an eyebrow while eating leaving Bella blushing.

            “Why? What did Bella do last night?” Henry asked looking confused along with the other 3 boys (excluding Kibum) that hadn’t been there for a few days.

            “Bella, had a date last night.” Heechul said smiling.

            “Yup! A date with Amber!” Ryeowook piped in.

            “Amber? You mean the Amber that lives next door and has refused every person that has asked her out since her debut?” Hangeng said looking shocked.

            “Is there any other Amber Geng?” Bella said blushing slightly. “And yes, it did go well Hae, except for a few crazy fans, so we’re going out again tonight.” Everyone smiled, happy for the two girls. Leeteuk had an apologetic look on his face, and Bella mouthed ‘thank you’, because he was the only one who knew exactly what had happened with those crazy fans the night before. Everyone was starting to finish eating and cleaned up their plates themselves.

            ‘I’ve taught them well.’ Bella thought to herself smiling at the boys as Henry walked back in with a marker in his hand.

            “Can I sign your cast now Bella? And I think the other 3 want to as well, you can always grab Kibum’s later.” Henry said uncapping the marker and bouncing slightly as Bella rolled up the leg of her jeans so the younger boy could get at the cast. He signed her leg with a quick flick, leaving his signature in English with a smiley face next to it. Bella laughed.

            “You’re too adorable mochi!” She leant over and ruffled a hand through his hair before the other 3 boys who were present came to sign their names as well. Zhou Mi signing Mimi, Hangeng: China man, and Kangin: Racoon. Bella laughed at Kangin’s signature while she remembered watching Full House. So what are all of you up to today?” She asked looking around the room at the couples now all standing together, some just sharing hugs, some kissing and a few making their way back up stairs. Leeteuk was the one to come over and whisper to her.

            “No offence dear,” he said, “but you may want to go and visit the boys upstairs or the girls today, those 5 have been away for 3 days plus everyone has been taking it easy since you came, and between you and me, it’s probably not a good idea to stay here if you know what I mean.” Bella caught on quickly and blushed bright red. “Thought you’d get it. But here,” Leeteuk pressed a small box into her hands and kissed her on the forehead before Heechul stole him from the room, but not before Bella told him she’d be up with the boys. Bella opened the box to find a brand new iPhone sitting inside. ‘Wow! This is really cool! I’ll have to thank the guys for it later.’ She thought seeing the note saying it was from all the boys.

Grabbing her crutches and pulling the leg of her jeans back down, Bella grabbed a set of keys from the bowl in the kitchen before making her way out of the dorm and getting into the lift to go up to the next level. A few minutes later and she was knocking on the SHINee dorm door and being welcomed in by a yawning Taemin, who perked up a little at the sight of his noona standing at the door.

            “Noona!” Taemin grabbed her in a hug, careful not to bump her leg in the process.

            “Hey there Tae. Are the others home?” Bella asked as she swung into the smaller, but albeit comfy apartment.

            “Yeah, but, Jinki Hyung, Minho Hyung and Jjong Hyung and still asleep. Umma!” He called lightly and Key sat up on the couch.

            “Bella! Good to see you again so soon.” Key said hugging her before putting his arms around Taemin and kissing his cheek. “And good morning to you Tae-baby.” Bella grinned.

            “I knew it! You two are so adorable together!” She giggled while they sat down, Taemin curled up in Key’s lap.

            “He’s always cuddly when he wakes up.” Key said hugging the younger boy, happy to not have to hide anything in front of the older girl. 

            “You’re only just waking up now? My boys were all up about an hour ago.” Bella smiled at the thought of ‘my boys’. She really did think of them all as brothers now.

            “Yeah, had a late night out, and maknae here has been up late studying.” Taemin had his eyes closed again obviously happy in the position he was in at the present time.   

            “Well if you want me to leave, I can go visit the girls.” Bella said worried about intruding on the tired boys.

            “Nah, don’t worry about it, the others will be asleep for a while yet, Jinki had a little too much to drink and I think Jjong and Minho are just flat out exhausted from dancing. Speaking of the girls, Leeteuk-sunbae told me what happened last night, are you okay?” Key asked concerned.

            “Yeah, nothing a few pain killers and some good sleep didn’t fix. Although, we’re going out to dinner tonight. Sort of like a make-up date for the date that didn’t go too well.” Bella smiled to herself at the thought of spending another night with the rapper. Key grinned.

            “So I’m guessing you’re going to be needing another outfit?” He laughed softly, careful to not wake up the now sleeping maknae in his lap who had nuzzled his head into Key’s neck.

            “Don’t worry yourself this time. I don’t even know where we’re going yet, but I’m sure Amber will be texting me if my new phone is anything to go off.” Bella said showing the new phone to the boy sitting opposite her on a lounge chair.

            “Ah, so Leeteuk did get my message about you needing a phone then. You’ll probably find everyone’s numbers already programmed into it knowing how organized he is.” Key shifted slightly to reposition the younger boy on his lap who had slipped slightly. Bella flipped though the contact finding, as Key had said, everyone she had met, and some she hadn’t.

            “They put so many numbers in here it’s gonna take me ages to get through them all!” Bella chuckled finding the Super Junior numbers under their nicknames.

            “I’m sure you’ll get a few surprises too.’ Key said also smiling. “Come on Tae-baby, you’re gonna have to move so I can go get breakfast, I’m hungry and I bet you are too.” Key turned his attention to Taemin who just murmured but did get up after kiss from the older boy.

            “But you’re so comfy umma.” The sleepy boy said rubbing his eyes like a small child.

            “Hey, come over here Tae, you can curl up on me till Key gets back.” Bella said grinning when Taemin’s face brightened a little and he climber into her lap promptly snuggling into her shoulder before closing his eyes again. Key mouthed a thankyou to Bella before coming back a few minutes later to find the maknae comfy with Bella’s hand rubbing his back.

            “He really does love you.” Key said sitting down with a bowl of cereal smiling at the sight. “He talks about his Noona all the time now that you two have found things in common.” He smiled even more. “You seem really good with him. And it’s an added bonus that I don’t have to worry about you stealing him from us.”

            “He’s just too adorable not to love.” Bella said still rubbing the sleeping boy’s back.

            “I’m sure everyone in this dorm would agree with you on that.” Key said finishing his breakfast and putting the empty bowel on the coffee table before curling up to watch this sight in front of him. “He probably wont wake back up for a while now, sorry, he did stay up doing his maths homework until 2am, which was when we got home.”

            “Don’t worry about it, he’s not causing any harm where he is. Why was he up so late studying? It’s a Wednesday and almost the end of the school term.” Bella asked.

            “He has his final math test for the year on Friday and he’s worried about not passing it.” Key explained.

            “Ah, well if he needs help he can always ask me, I don’t mean to brag but I am a bit of a math wiz.” Bella blushed at her own statement, and even more when Key laughed.

            “I’ll be sure to tell him, or you can yourself if you’re staying longer. Is he really alright there while I go get changed?” Bella nodded, only just realising that both boys in the room were still in pyjamas. Key in a singlet and track pants and Taemin in the same pants, but with an oversized t-shirt on.

            “I told you, he’s fine, it’s probably every fan girl’s dream. Now go get changed.” Bella told Key who left and walked back in 5 minutes later in jeans and a v-neck t-shirt with 3 sleepy-looking boys in tow who all curled up on the couch, Minho laying his head on Jonghyun’s lap, who in turn had his head on Onew’s shoulder. They all smiled at the youngest member still asleep on Bella’s lap, and apparently not moving any time soon.

            “Morning boys.” Bella said chuckling as Onew put a hand to his head. “Onew, go mix lemonade and orange juice together and drink it.” The leader looked at her with a strange look. “Just trust me, it’s plain to anyone you have a bit of a hang over and it helps.” Onew stood up to do as she said, happy to do anything to get the head ache to go away, Jonghyun moving to hug Minho.

            “Thanks for that Bella,” Minho said smiling. “I didn’t want to have to put up with a cranky Onew today.”

            “No problem, works all the time for me. You guys don’t mind me hanging around today do you?” Bella asked them while Onew came back into the room looking a bit better already, holding a glass of the mixture Bella had recommended.

            “Well judging by the way Minnie there is happy cuddling you, I don’t think you’re going anywhere anytime soon.” Jonghyun said looking the most awake apart from Key.

            ‘Thanks, cause I don’t think I’m gonna be going back down stairs until I get an all clear from Teukie-umma later.” Everyone awake laughed softly. “You guys go get cleaned up and eat, Key and I are right here.” The three boys all stood up went back down the hallway all walking into the same room, closing the door. “So you all share a room?” Bella asked.

            “Yup, and it’s great, saves room as well.” Key laughed at the look on Bella’s face.

            “You have no idea how much I want to fan-girl at the moment. I mean, literally every SHINee pairing is real, and I’m not allowed to tell anyone.”

            “And we know you won’t.” Came a small voice against Bella’s neck. Taemin was obviously awake.

            “Didn’t mean to wake you up Tae, Key’s back now, and the others are awake.” Bella said stilling her hand on the younger boy’s back.

            “Don’t worry, but no offence Umma, but Noona is even more comfy than you.” He said laughing, before snuggling back down, now awake enough to not to fall asleep again.

            “You might become quite a common fixture then hey Bella?” Jonghyun said coming back into the room kissing Key before grabbing him and sitting him on his lap, hugging him from behind. Onew and Minho emerged a few seconds later, and did much the same thing, kissing Key good morning before Onew snuggled into Minho’s shoulder.

            “By the way, thanks for that drink earlier.” Onew said smiling. “Where’d you learn that?” He asked.

            “Trial and error.” Bella laughed. “Took me a while too.” She then turned to all of the boys. “Anything special planned for today?”

            “Nothing really, just gonna recover from last night, maybe play a few games.” Jonghyun said the other nodding in agreement.

            “Shouldn’t you be at school though Tae?” Bella asked.

            “Got the 2 days off before my math exam since I don’t have any others besides that one. Which means I should be studying more.” Taemin uncurled himself from Bella’s lap getting up and stretching.

              “Well if you need help, like I told Key, you can just ask me.” Bella smiled as Taemin thanked her then skipped off to get dressed and eat something, but not before kissing each of the other boys good morning, lingering on each kiss, smiling widely. He cam back in about 10 minutes later drinking a small bottle of banana milk to find Jonghyun, Minho and Onew all signing the cast of Bella’s leg while she explained what had happened to them.

            “How many signatures do you have now Noona?” He asked settling himself on Minho’s lap.

            “Including the 3 I just got, I have all of you guys now, all of Super Junior and one from GD. Makes me wonder if I’ll meet anyone else.” Bella laughed.

            “I’m sure you will, now that you’re practically in the business.” Onew laughed.

            “Well I’ll be looking forward to that then. Now how about those games?”





Yay for SHINee fluff!!! I love writing adorable!Taemin so much! I’m on a role at the moment, so don’t worry about waiting too long for the next chapter which will be Bella’s second date with Amber. XD


Okay, so I did say in an earlier chapter that there might be in the story, but I’ve changed my mind, I’m going to keep this story clean, and then I might start a series of one-shots off on the side with some more tier scenes okay? And if there’s anyone who wants to contribute, feel free to send me a message! 

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congrats! ^^
-theirmusicismylifee #5
Congrats on getting featured ~
Congrats c:
eLement-forever #7
Congrats :D