The Date - Take 2





Chapter 14 – The Date, Take 2


            5 games of Mario Kart, and a Wii Tennis competition later, Bella was sitting on the couch in the SHINee dorm watching Onew loose to Minho when her new phone started ringing.

            Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry, Naega naega naega munjuh
             Nehgae nehgae nehgae bbajuh bbajuh bbajuh party baby’

            “Judging by that ring tone, I would say one of the boys is trying to get on to me.” Bella laughed at the personalised ring tone while Minho continued beat Onew on the Wii. Looking down, she found a text from Leeteuk. “Umma said it’s safe to go back down now, but I think I’m gonna play it safe and wait a while longer.” Taemin laughed at this.

            “Don’t worry Noona! It’s fun having you here!” Taemin had returned to his hyperactive self after waking up completely. Bella had helped him study for a while, and he was now sitting on Key’s lap on the couch next to her while Onew’s sangtae kicked in and he tripped while serving a ball in tennis.

            “Yah! Watch it Jinki! We don’t want out leader injured.” Jonghyun stepped in to help him, and deciding that enough was enough, convinced Minho to help him pack that gaming console up.

            “How about some lunch? Bella, do you want anything?” Key said getting up, making Taemin crawl over to Bella’s lap, while the other boys nodded their agreements.

            “I’ll just grab some fruit if you have it thanks, I made everyone pancakes for breakfast and I’m eating out tonight.” Bella said laughing when the boy on her lap hugged her. “You really love skin ship, don’t you Tae?”

            “Well it helps when he knows that the girl he’s hugging isn’t going to try and him.” Minho laughed while Taemin stuck his tongue out.

            “All right you two, knock it off.” Key said sticking his head out from the kitchen, coming back in about 15 minutes later with sandwiches for all the boys and a bowl of fruit for Bella. After watching the boys trade jokes and feed each other, Bella decided that it was probably safe enough to venture back downstairs.

            “Well I should be on my way guys, thanks for having me today.” Getting up, Bella grabbed her crutches and was hugged by everyone, thanking her for the fun with the games, especially Taemin.

            “Do you have to go Noona?” Taemin said using aegyo to try to get his now favourite noona to stay. Bella reached up and ruffled her hand through the younger dancers hair.

            “Sorry Tae, but you can always come visit.” She said making her way to the door where Onew let her out giving her a last hug before Bella swung off waving as he closed the door.

            ‘Well that was fun. Yah! I wish I had a picture of Tae asleep like that, he’s too adorable.’ Bella thought making her way back to the elevator and back to the Super Junior dorms when her phone went off again.

            ‘Just move it to the beat it ain’t that hard, Heat’s rising up party’s just begun.

            You don’t have to be afraid I’ma show you how, Sing it with me now La cha ta


            ‘And that would be Amber I’m guessing.’ Bella chuckled at how well the boys had set up the phone for her. Looking at the screen while she was in the elevator, sure enough there was a text from the female rapper.


To: Bella

From: Amber

            Hey bao bei, hope you’re okay after last night, sorry that had to happen :( But anyway, I’ll pick you up about 7:00 tonight, wear something nice :)


Bella smiled. ‘Something nice? I’ll have to have a root around in my closet. Wonder where we’re going.’ She walked back into the Super Junior dorm to be welcomed by most of the boys now sitting in the lounge watching TV, cuddling with their partners, all smiling.

            “So is it safe to come in now?” Bella asked getting laughing as a response.

            “It’s safe dear, don’t worry.” Leeteuk said from his place sitting on the floor against the couch with Heechul sitting in between his legs.

“How are the boys?” Donghae asked, Henry on his lap looking very sleepy. “Good, they were just waking up when I got there, but we played some games

on the Wii, but I think I’m going to be used as a pillow every time I visit now, Taemin apparently thinks I’m quite comfy.” Bella laughed. “So what are we doing now that everything is out of your systems?”

            “They have a marathon of Boys Before Flowers running on TV, so we thought that we’d have a lazy day, seeing as they gave all of us the day off.” Siwon said while running his hand through Hangeng’s hair.

            “I love that show! And I suppose, it is only 1:30, I’ve got a bit of time before Amber comes to pick me up.” Bella said sitting down on the couch, Zhou Mi and Eunhyuk moving across to make space for her to sit down.

            “So where is she taking you Noona?” Ryeowook asked sitting in Yesung’s arms on the floor in front of Bella.

            “I have no idea, but she sent me a text saying to wear something nice, so it might be a restaurant or something.” She paused and looked around. “Where’s Kangin and Shindong?”

            “They went to get ice-cream.” Sungmin said sleepily from his place laying on Kibum and Kyuhyun.

            “Ah, so you three are here.” Bella smirked and the three laughed. “Don’t worry about it, I can completely understand you all wanting me out of the dorm for the morning.” Everyone laughed and then settled down to watch the drama on the TV.



Kangin and Shindong came back after half an hour with ice cream and everyone ate and watched the drama until about 6:00 when Bella decided it was probably a good idea to start getting ready. Telling the boys, she made her way up stairs and into her room, thinking a quick shower was in order seeing as she had been playing the Wii all morning with SHINee. Getting in, she grabbed her strawberry body wash and scrubbed, remembering what Key had said about Amber liking strawberries, and then got out, stumbling a bit because of her cast. She wrapped a towel around herself and then swung back into her room to find something to wear.

            ‘Well a dress is out of the question till this thing is off my leg, can’t wear heels with it, so I guess it’s jeans and a nice top.’ Bella thought to herself rooting through her wardrobe finding a pair of loose, slightly faded blue jeans, and a short sleaved blue, plaid button down shirt. She stood in front of the mirror in her bathroom and looked herself over.

            ‘Quite nice if I do say so myself.’ She thought. ‘I’ll have to get someone to help me with  make up though.’ Looking over at the clock, she saw the time. ‘God! It’s 6:45 already! Better be quick then.’ Bella grabbed some eyeliner and eye shadow, slipped on the left shoe of a pair of red converse, then swung downstairs.

            “Hey could someone give me a hand with makeup please? Amber’s gonna be here in 15 minutes and I’m really no good at doing it myself.” Bella said sitting back on the couch in the same place as before. Zhou Mi hopped over.

            “Sure, what do you want done?” He asked kneeling down in front of Bella, their heads almost at the same level because of his height.

            “Just some eyeliner and eye shadow. Thanks Mimi.” Bella smiled and gave the makeup to the Chinese boy and he applied it to her eyes in much the same way as Key had the previous day, with little flicks at the corners, and then some light blue eye shadow.

            “There we go!” Zhou Mi said standing back up and then sitting down on the couch again only to have Eunhyuk curl up in his lap.

            “Thanks again, are you guys right for dinner? I mean, I haven’t cooked dinner for you guys for a couple of nights now!” Bella said looking around the room at all the boys.

            “Don’t worry dear.” Leeteuk said. “We can take care of ourselves for a couple of nights, you go and have some fun, you cant really do much with that cast, so do what you can.” He smiled when some of the other members nodded their approval, well the ones not asleep already that is.

            “Thanks umma.” Bella said as there was a knock on the door. She stood up and swung over to the door, and of course, Amber was standing there, smiling.

            “You ready to go bao bei?” She asked looking Bella over smiling even more.

            “Yeah, just let me grab my wallet.” Bella quickly swing over to the dining table, grabbed her wallet slipping into her back pocket and then made her way back over to the door where Amber was still waiting. “Okay, let’s go!” Amber led her down to the garage and to the same car she had used the night before. “So where are we going?” Bella asked after Amber had helped her into the car, he cast still making it hard for her to get in and out for herself.

            “You might have heard of it before, it’s a restaurant called Top Cloud.” Bella looked shocked.

            “But that’s one of the most expensive places in Seoul! Gah! Everyone likes spending money on me don’t they?” Amber laughed.

            “It’s not far, so it’ll only take about 10 minutes to get there.” Amber continued. “And don’t worry about the money, seriously, I’m pretty sure that you’ll be in the business one day, so you can worry about it then.” Bella grudgingly agreed and put her head back listening to the radio. When Amber pulled into the car park for the restaurant, Bella looked amazed at the high rise.

            “I feel so underdressed now.” She pouted as Amber helped her out of the car and into the foyer, taking the elevator up to the level of the actual restaurant.

            “Don’t worry, you look beautiful.” Amber leaned over while they were in the elevator and kissed her softly on the lips making Bella blush. When they got to the right level, they got out of the elevator and walked, (in Bella’s case swung) over to the reception. “I have a table booked for 2 for 7:30 under the name Liu.” Amber said to the lady behind the desk, who then led them over to a table right next to the window/wall of the restaurant. Amber helped Bella sit down and then sat down herself.

            “Don’t worry about the prices, just order what you like.” Amber said looking over at Bella who had picked up the menu. Bella chuckled.

            “I’ll just ignore the prices then?” She asked rhetorically while Amber laughed as well.

            “Yup. Do you want a drink?” Amber asked looking at the waiter that was walking towards them.

            “Whatever you think is good.” Bella smiled when Amber ordered them a glass of wine each in perfect Korean, then ordered her meal, before asking Bella what she wanted. The waiter walked off after taking both girls orders and returned not long after with the glasses of wine.

            “You’re Korean is really good.” Bella said taking a sip.

            “And so’s yours.” Amber smiled. “Where did you learn? I had to sort of learn on the run while I was a trainee, so it was sorta hard, you have no idea how nice it is to be able to speak in English every now and then.”

            “I was learning Japanese in high school, but then I found that I really like Korean music, so I started teaching myself, but I learnt most in university in a languages degree.” Bella answered looking at Amber who was smiling.

            “I forget that you’re a teacher sometimes, you really seem to fit more into the music industry over here.” She said smiling even more.

            “Okay, not that I don’t appreciate the compliments Amber, but why do have a grin on your face?” Bella asked laughing a little.

            “Because you’re so beautiful, not to mention modest.” Amber said chuckling at Bella’s blush that rose up. “And you look adorable blushing like that.”

            “Yah, watch it dongsaeng, or you might just have to fend me off from kissing you right here in public.” Bella laughed, but was cut off when their food arrived. They ate, exchanging banter and laughing at each other’s jokes and when they were finished, another waiter came to take their plates and ask if they wanted dessert.

            “No thanks,” Amber said looking at Bella, “I’ve got something planned.” Bella looked confused, but Amber had paid the bill and was helping Bella up looking at the confused look on her face. “It’s a surprise bao bei.” Was all she said leading Bella out of the restaurant. “Come on, the surprise is only 5 minutes from here.” True to her word, it was only 5 minutes before they were arriving at a nearby park. Amber helped her out once again, then walked to the boot and pulled out a basket and blanket and led Bella over to a grassy area under a tree where she spread out the blanket and set down the basket.

            “You did all this for me?” Bella blushed but winced a bit as she hopped down onto the blanket next to Amber.

            “Of course, do you see anyone else around here?” Amber waved a hand around indicating the empty park. Bella winced a little again as she answered.

            “No, but I feel like I’m being spoiled a little.” She chuckled.

            “Well you are, so you’ll just have to deal. Are you okay though, you winced a little when you sat down.” Amber said looking a little worried.

            “Yeah, it’s just that I’ve been on these crutched for 4 days now, and my arms and back are a little sore, I cant imagine what they’re going to be like after the full 8 weeks.” Bella explained moving her left leg under her right.

            “Well we’ll have to do something about that, we cant have you in pain now can we?” Amber said moving to sit behind Bella, putting her hands on Bella’s shoulders and rubbing. Bella instantly relaxed leaning back into Amber’s hands. “That better?”

            “Much, thankyou.” Bella sighed as Amber moved to massage the middle of her back, letting out a small moan that she quickly covered with her hand on making Amber laugh.

            “I didn’t know I was that good, don’t worry, you’re adorable bao bei” Amber slipped her hands around Bella’s waist and chuckled when she leaned back into the hug, Bella blushing every shade of red in the rainbow. “Come on, I did say that I had a surprise didn’t I?” Amber moved one arm to pull the basket over to them and pulled out a container of strawberries, which Bella laughed at.

            “Key mentioned they were your favourite.”

            “And what else did he tell you?” Amber asked opening the container with one hand, pulling out one of the fruits and biting into it, then holding one out for Bella to eat, which she did laughing softly. “Because I think it would be more fun for you to find out yourself.”

            “That sounds like a much better idea.” Bella said finishing the fruit and reaching out to feed one to Amber.

            “So you wouldn’t be against a proposition of mine?” She said swallowing and hugging Bella from behind again.

            “And what would that be?” Bella asked leaning back and looking out over the park. Amber leaned forward so she was whispering into Bella’s ear.

            “Officially becoming my girlfriend.” Amber whispered right into her ear. Bella stopped thinking, and couldn’t do anything but turn her head and push her lips onto Ambers, tilting her head to gain better access to the rapper’s mouth. Amber pushed back and they only parted when they ran out of air. “So I can take that as a yes then?” Amber asked laughing as Bella nodded quickly her eyes closed.

            “Yes, yes and yes again.” Bella moved to turn around, Amber helping her, before wrapping her arms around Amber’s neck and leaning into the hug that Amber gave her.

            “Come on, we’ll go home, it’s starting to get cold.” Amber said packing up all the things she had bought and taking them back to the car, helping Bella in, but not before stealing another kiss making the older girl blush and look around to make sure no one was watching before returning it fully. They drove back to the dorm and Amber parked, helping Bella out and up to the floor of their dorms. “You wanna come in, Victoria, Sulli, Luna and Krystal have gone out on a double date, so no one else is home.”

            “Okay, I don’t think the boys would appreciate being interrupted in their ‘activities’” Both of the girls laughed, Amber opening the door for Bella to go in and then following, basket in hand.

            “So you had a good night?” Amber asked, sitting down, pulling Bella into her lap and wrapping her arms around her.

            “Well I got taken to one of the best restaurants in Seoul, then had strawberries fed to me, and am now the girlfriend of the most amazing girl in Korea, I don’t know.” Bella grinned before leaning forwards, hands once again around Amber’s neck. “Of course I did silly.” She said before leaning in to kiss Amber, said girl’s arms moving around her waist to pull her closer before breaking the kiss to mumble against Bella’s lips.

            “It’s not gonna be easy you know bao bei. Dating a celebrity that is, we have to keep it under wraps from the media.” Bella pecked her lips.

            “I know, but I’m doing a pretty good job at keeping every one else’s relationships quiet, so I think I’m pretty good.” Amber just leaned in and gave her a harder kiss, running her tongue along Bella’s bottom lip making her give another small moan, breaking away to cover again.

            “I told you it’s okay bao bei, you don’t have to hide it.” Amber moved back in, running her tongue against Bella’s bottom lip again in another kiss, then pushing it past them when Bella opened her lips slightly allowing her access. They kissed for a few more minutes, before Bella pulled away and buried her head into Amber’s neck yawning slightly. “Was that a little to fast?” Amber sounded worried.

            “No, just a little tired is all. But I’ll get used to it, running around doing housework just takes it out of you a little.” Bella said against Amber’s skin.

            “Well if you’re tired, you can lay down in my room if you want. Or at least until you get an all clear from the boys.” Amber said, laughing a little as Bella’s breath tickled the skin of her neck.

            “That sounds good.” Bella yawned again pressing a kiss to Amber’s collar bone, then standing up so Amber could get up as well.

            “Come on, it’s up the stairs, last room.” Amber helped her up and to her room, laying her on the bed, then turned, but turned back when Bella snagged her shirt.

            “Where are you going?” She asked.

            “Just let me leave a note, for the others, then I’ll be back okay?” Amber said getting a nod of approval, leaving then returning a few minutes later, taking off her shoes and climbing onto the bed with Bella, both still fully clothed, but she pulled a blanket over them both anyway, it was getting closer to winter now anyway. Bella moved closer, leaning up for a long, slow kiss, just moving their mouths against each other, Amber’s arm around Bella’s waist, slipping under the older girl’s shirt to run over the small of her back.

            “Thankyou.” Bella said pulling back and curling in closer to Amber and slipping into sleep. Amber watched as Bella slept, hands clutching Amber’s shirt until she fell asleep herself, arm still around Bella’s waist, her back.





I know I promised this a couple of days ago, but it’s here now, and that’s all that counts right? I so love writing lovey-dovey fluff, and I just heard f(x)’s new album (Which is totally awesome by the way) which made me get a move on and finish this for you guys.


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congrats! ^^
-theirmusicismylifee #5
Congrats on getting featured ~
Congrats c:
eLement-forever #7
Congrats :D