I Hate Hospitals!




Chapter 9 – I Hate Hospitals

~12 Days Later~

"Yah! Has anyone seen my glasses?" Bella yelled into the dorm of the boys she was staying with.

"Have you tried the last place you put them?" Came the loud shout of Sungmin from his room next to Bella's.

"I'm serious Minnie! I can't see 10cm in front of me without them!" Still without her glasses, Bella carefully walked out of her room, trying not to run into anything. While walking slowly along the wall to the staircase, she bumped into an open door. "If I don't find my glasses in the next 5 minutes I swear…"

"Are these what you're looking for?" Heechul stood behind the opened door holding said glasses in his hand.

"One of these days Chulie, you're going to wake up and find your favourite pair of jeans ripped to shreds." Bella threatened while snatching the glasses out of his hands, putting them on and walking downstairs to the rest of the boys in the dorm.

In the last two weeks, Bella had become even closer with the boys and they now felt and acted like a real family. Bella took care of the boys like brothers, cooking, cleaning and helping them practice.

"Teukie! Save my jeans! Bella's going to tear them!" Heechul ran to his boyfriend who was standing in the kitchen leaning on the counter sipping coffee.

"If you're going to taunt her, make sure you can take the consequences." Leeteuk stated simply while Heechul hid behind him. Bella laughed.

"Don't worry, I won't attack your jeans if you promise to never take my glasses again."

"Okay! Okay! I wont do it again. Just don't hurt the jeans!" He said still hiding.

"You know that we only have vocal practice today don't you?" Eunhyuk walked into the room also grabbing coffee.

The boys had been given the lyrics to their new album about a week after Bella had arrived, and along with their dance practices, their schedule had been hectically busy, leaving the boys very tired.

"Yeah, we only have vocals this morning, then we can do whatever we want for the afternoon for once!" Kyuhyun said walking into the room with Sungmin's arm wrapped around his waist. The rest of the boys drifted into the room one after the other, all except for Kangin, Kibum, Zhou Mi, Henry and Hangeng who were off for a 3 day on set shoot.

"You know you guys work too hard sometimes." Bella said sighing and sitting on a stool. "Am I invited along to this practice?"

"You know you always are noona!" Ryeowook bounced across to her and hugged her.

"Haha, thanks Wookie." Bella said hugging the younger boy back.

"Well we aren't going to get there without us getting a move on!" Leeteuk said once everyone had finished their coffee. Seeing as they had eaten before getting dressed, they were ready to go.

"Well come on then guys! What umma says goes! Down to the van!" Bella said also pushing the boys along.

"But appa! I haven't even finished my coffee!" Donghae said being made to put down his cup and walk out of the dorm.

"What did I say about calling me that?" Bella shot the boy a smile that was almost a threat.

"Not to…." Donghae trailed off pulling a pout as they entered the elevator.

"That's right, now get that voice warmed up Hae, you don't want it to crack while you're singing now do you?" Bella said whilst a few people laughed.

Bella loved the songs on the new album. The title song Bonamana a little weird without the synthesised sounds over the top, but still good none the less. It along with Boom Boom were the most upbeat songs, most of the others were slower, more like ballads than anything else and it was every fan girls dream to watch Super Junior rehearse in private.

"You guys are getting really good at these songs! I don't know how you memorise the lyrics in a few days, but damm you do a good job." Bella applauded the now panting boys. "And Wookie! Your solo is perfect!"

"Hehe, thank you noona!" Ryeowook skipped over to hug her for the second time that day before retreating back into the arms of Yesung who pecked him on the cheek.

"Hey Umma! How long are you guys gonna be?" Bella asked Leeteuk who was talking with Eunhyuk and Kyuhyun.

"Probably about another hour or so, then we can go grab lunch and decide what to do with the afternoon." He answered back laughing as Heechul grabbed Sungmin in a head lock.

"Well is there an extra room where I can go and have a little play around with some dance moves?"

"Should be, I don't think anyone else is here at the moment." Siwon answered for the leader who had turned back to talking with the two boys. "Go try next door. It's a bit smaller than this room, but if it's only you, it should be fine."

"Thanks Si." Bella said picking up the water bottle that she had bought with her. "Just come get me when you guys are done." And with that Bella walked out the door and into the room next-door waving goodbye to the boys.

'Ah, they're so good. Never in my life would I have thought that I'd be listening to them sing in private! And on top of that, I have a date in two days!' she thought to herself while walking into the smaller room. 'Now let's see, what do I feel like dancing to?' Flicking through her ipod now plugged into the sound system, she came across B2ST. 'Perfect, I'll give Bad Girl a run through, and Soom. Maybe even start memorising Beautiful.' Starting the first song, she walked over and started dancing.

~15 minutes later~

'I swear these guys must be so fit! How do they do shows 3 hours long let along 2 songs!' Bella had worked her way through the two songs and was about to move onto the third. 'The dance looked simple enough, nothing jumpy, but I wonder if I can pull off the move Junhyung does in the MV. I could work it into the routine.' She was thinking as she changed the song to Beautiful. 'I know, I'll stick it in in the chorus!' Starting to dance, Bella got to the chorus, attempted to pull the dance move, and fell.

"YAH!" She screamed clutching her leg in pain.

The boys had just finished listening to Ryeowook run through his solo song again when they heard a scream.

"YAH!" Hearing it, they all dropped what they were doing and ran into the room next to theirs finding Bella sitting on the floor clutching her leg and crying.

"Bella!" They all yelled rushing over. Leeteuk reached her first and leaned over.

"What happened?" He said quickly while the other members reached her. "Did you hurt your leg?" he asked seeing her hands still clutching at her shin.

"Y…Yeah…I..I..think so." She said through the tears still coming out of her eyes.

"Can you stand up?" Donghae asked crouching on her other side putting a hand on her shoulder.

"I…I'll try." She said. With Leeteuk and Donghae on either side of her supporting her, she managed to get onto her feet, but she couldn't put any weight on the injured leg. Bella could see Shindong on his mobile talking quickly to someone while the two boys sat her on a chair taking care not to bump her leg.

"I called an ambulance, I thought it would probably be better than us driving her there and getting attacked by fans in the Emergency room." Shindong said once he had hung up the phone. "They should be here in a couple of minutes, we aren't that far from the hospital after all."

"Thanks Shindong." Leeteuk said then turned to Kyuhyun. "Do you think you could go grab an icepack from the freezer in the break room?" He asked and the maknae rushed off to do as he was told. Bella still had tears running down her face from the pain she was in.

"Hey there, don't cry." Sungmin said coming over and giving her a light squeeze around the shoulders.

"Yeah, you'll make us cry as well noona." Ryeowook said doing the same thing as Kyuhyun ran back into the room with and icepack wrapped in a tea-towel. Placing it on her leg, Bella jumped and let out a cry as the cold made her leg throb even more.

"The ambulance is here." Siwon said as he guided the paramedics into the room from the doorway. Leeteuk and Donghae once again supported her as they lifted her onto the gurney that the paramedics had rolled in with them.

"Are any of you family?" One of the paramedics asked while the other gave Bella some pain reliever.

"No, but we consider ourselves just that." Leeteuk said looking around at the worried faces in the room and continued to answer the paramedic's questions.

"Will one of you accompany her to the hospital?" the man asked. Just as Leeteuk was about to speak, Yesung spoke up.

"I'll go with her." He said walking over and standing next to the gurney taking Bella's hand.

"Okay, I suppose we can allow it this one time. Even if you're not family the other paramedic, who was female, said looking at how tightly Bella was squeezing Yesung's hand.

"Go Sung, we'll meet up with you at the hospital." Ryeowook said walking over to hug Bella.

The trip in the ambulance only took about 10 minutes and Bella was wheeled into the Emergency room of the hospital still in a great deal of pain.

"Looks like there are a few people still ahead of us waiting." Yesung said looking around the room before looking over to Bella. She had her eyes shut and was holding his hand less tightly now. The pain medication the medics had given her must be working. "I'll see what I can do to get you in quicker okay?" Bella nodded, acknowledging that she had heard him, but still kept her eyes closed. Yesung walked over to the nurses station and got the attention of the female sitting behind the bench.

"Sorry to disturb you, but I was wondering if there was any way to get in quicker?" He asked the nurse politely as she looked up and gasped.

"You're….you're…." She trailed off, obviously in shock.

"Yes, I'm quite aware of who I am, now about my question?" He asked again.

"Of, of course, I'll call one of the doctors down from a higher level for you." The nurse said blushing under Yesung's gaze.

"Thankyou very much." He said grabbing a pen and a piece of paper off of the desk and quickly signing it before handing it to the blushing nurse and walking off. He really didn't like using his place as a famous singer to get his way, but he'd make an exception for the girl that had wormed her way into the hearts of all of Super Junior.

"There should be a doctor here soon Bella." He said softly sitting back down next to her and taking her hand again. Five minutes hadn't even passed when they were called in and the doctor began to examine Bella's leg.

"Looks like it could be broken, what were you doing when you hurt it?" The doctor asked nicely while he set up a drip to keep up the pain medication. Bella was still sort of out of it from said medication so Yesung answered for her.

"She was dancing, but I don't know how she would have done this." He said softly.

"Well we better get it X-rayed then, just to check if it is broken." The doctor said. "Just wait here for a second and I'll organize it for you." He walked out the door and a few minutes later came back with a nurse to take Bella for the test.

"I'm afraid you'll have to wait outside sorry sir." The nurse said while she and the doctor got ready to move Bella to another room for the x-ray.

"Of course." Yesung turned to Bella, "Don't worry, I'll just be outside in the waiting room, the others should be here by now too." He smiled as Bella nodded in understanding and then walked out into the waiting room, where sure enough, the other remaining 9 members of Super Junior were waiting, fending off fan girls ever now and then. Ryeowook jumped up when he saw Yesung walk out.

'Is noona okay?" The younger boy asked still with a look of worry on his face.

"The doctor just took her for an x-ray, he thinks her leg could be broken Wookie-ah." He said more formally since they were in public, which also meant no kissing.

"So she's okay now?" Leeteuk also asked.

"Yes hyung, they put her on a drip with medication so she's in less pain now. Oh, did someone call the others to let them know?" Yesung asked referring to the five boys away filming.

"Yeah, I called Henry, he said to give her their best wishes and that they'd see her when they get back." Donghae said as the doctor walked into the room, pushing through the nurses who were crowded around the door looking at the boys.

"Ah, sir?" He said and Yesung turned around while the others looked up from their seats at him. "She appears to have a fracture of the tibia, and needs to have a cast. Could I ask, are you family? She needs someone to sign the medical papers for her."

"No, I'm not family, Bella lives with us." Yesung said gesturing to the other men in his group.

"I'll sign." Leeteuk said getting up to take the papers that were given to him by the man in the white coat.

"Well I can see she will be looked after very well." He said taking the signed papers and continuing. "You can come see her now. She's still a bit groggy from the medication though, so she might not be fully awake." Gesturing for the 10 to follow him, he led them through the throng of nurses, telling them to get back to work, and up and elevator to a private room.

"Thankyou doctor." They all said and bowed before walking into the room and closing the door.

"Noona!" Ryeowook ran over to give Bella a hug, who was now siting up with her leg propped on a pillow.

"Hey there Wookie." She answered back, hugging the boy before he stepped back and let the others all hug her in turn before suddenly bowing her head. "I'm sorry for causing everyone so much worry." She said looking up again.

"Hey, don't worry about it." Heechul said. "It was an accident, but you sure did give us all a fright there!" He laughed, getting Bella to laugh too.

"What were you doing that this would happen?" Leeteuk asked, curious to know what happened to his newest child.

"Well I was dancing to Beautiful by B2ST, and I thought I could do the dance move that Junhyung can't pull off in the MV," she paused for a moment, "and I fell onto my leg."

"Ouch! You're not in pain any more Bella?" Eunhyuk asked while the others made themselves comfortable around the room.

"No, since they've put me on this drip, I've been fine, but I would really like to get out of this place, I hate hospitals." She said laughing slightly. "Do you think one of you could check when I can go home?" Leeteuk smiled when she called the dorm home.

"Sure, I'll be right back my dear." Leeteuk said getting up before leaving the room to find a doctor to ask about Bella leaving.

"So why do you hate hospitals?" Siwon asked from his place leaning against the windowsill.

"Well lets just say this isn't the first broken bone I've had." Bella said. "I've broken both my elbows before, not at the same time mind you, and my left wrist before."

"You've broken 3 bones already?" Sungmin looked shocked and pulled an aegyo face. "You must be really tough." Bella laughed.

"Nah, it's not a big deal, I mean it hurts, but seeing as I've never broken a leg before, I don't know how I'm going to cope with this one. Especially cause of the stairs in the dorm."

"Don't worry, we'll help you around the dorm." Kyuhyun said smiling happily as Leeteuk walked back in the door.

"The doctor said that they want to keep you in overnight for observation sorry dear." Leeteuk said walking over and sitting in the chair next to the bed. "The doctor is coming now to put the cast on though."

"Damm, and I wanted to sleep in my own be tonight." Bella said accidentally bumping her leg. "Ouch."

"Yah, don't worry noona! We'll come back in the morning to pick you up and take you home." Ryeowook said siting on the end of the bed cross-legged.

"Yeah, and then you can relax, we'll get take out so you don't have to cook." Shindong said sincerely.

"You guys don't have to do that! I didn't hurt my arms after all!"

"Bella, we insist, you are going to relax if you want to get to that date of yours." Leeteuk instantly covered his mouth with his hand, his eyes begging forgiveness for what he had said.

"Date?" Heechul almost yelled, while everyone else just looked shocked.

"Hehe, yeah, about that." Bella scratched her head opening to explain when the doctor walked in with a nurse to put the cast on Bella's leg.

"So Bella-ssi," The doctor said after applying the white fibre-glass gast to her leg, "Would you like the cast to be water proof?" He asked.

"Well I suppose it would be better if it was, it'll make showering easier." She answered back.

"Okay, then pick a colour!" He said pulling out some coloured rolls of fibre-glass bandaging. Seeing the red one Bella chose it straight away. The doctor and nurse left after the cast was finished which left the 10 boys all asking Bella the same question.

"So what was this about a date?" Heechul asked for everyone except Leeteuk and Yesung who already knew.

"Well you know the movie night we had a couple of day after I got here?" They all nodded. "And you know how Amber sleep-walked and ended up in my bed?" They nodded again. "Well to make it up to me, she is taking me to the carnival in two days time." Everyone started talking at once before Leeteuk shushed them.

"Guys, come on, it's getting late, let's go home, eat, get some sleep, and then we can pick Bella up in the morning before we have our schedule. Okay?" It was obvious that what he had said was not a question and everyone nodded once again before filing past Bella to hug her and say goodbye.

"We'll see you in the morning. Have a good sleep." Leeteuk said before kissing his only female child on the forehead, closing the door on his way out.

'Well I hope this doesn't ruin the date Amber has planned for us.' Bella sighed. 'Oh well, better do as the umma says and get some sleep, hell, I'm gonna need it.'



And once again I am late in getting this up, but I was home from school today because of some stupid guys spraying deodorant in my classroom yesterday and causing me to have an asthma attack. So here's the next chapter! And you might be in luck tomorrow as it's Friday, so I might even have another chapter up by then too Please leave a comment! I really like to know what you think about my fics and it keeps me going.

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congrats! ^^
-theirmusicismylifee #5
Congrats on getting featured ~
Congrats c:
eLement-forever #7
Congrats :D