Done and Dusted





Chapter 16 – Done and Dusted


~3Weeks Later~


            “Finally!!!” Donghae said flopping ungraciously onto the couch in the living room.

            “You said that right!” Shindong said also flopping onto the soft material of the seat.

            “I’m just glad it’s done.” Ryeowook said, currently snuggling into Yesung’s side looking very worn out.

            “So you guys are done already?” Bella asked swinging after hearing the sounds of the 10 men arriving home.

            “Yup! And it only took us 4 weeks!” Sungmin said. “And you know what else?” He asked literally bouncing up and down on the spot. “We get out new looks for the Bonamana music video tomorrow!”

            “Well I better come along to that!” Bella said laughing at a pouting Heechul. “What’s wrong Chulie?”

            “He’s worried about what the stylist noonas are going to do with his hair.” Leeteuk said leaning over and hugging his still pouting boyfriend.

            “You remember what they did during the U promotions! Those hair extensions were hell! I ended up having to cut them out in the end!”

            “Do you know how many girls were jealous of you then?” Bella asked, trying to hold back from laughing more. “They’d kill for those!”

            “And we all know Teuk loved them!” Kyuhyun said getting a loud round of laughing from the room, and a very red face from Heechul.

            “Okay, that’s enough teasing guys, do you know when the others are due back?” Bella asked thinking of what to make for lunch while sitting down and swinging her legs up to rest on Siwon’s lap.

            “In about half an hour I think, or at least that’s what Mimi said last time he called.” Eunhyuk said.

            “Bummie said ‘bout the same, he just texted me.” Sungmin held up his phone with the message from one of his lovers on screen just as the house phone rang. Leeteuk stood up to answer it, leaving the others to talk. He came back about 10 minutes later with a smile on his face.

            “That was the hospital, they want Bella to go back for another X-ray to see how her leg is healing.” He said sitting back down where he was immediately sat on by Heechul. “I filled in the paper work when you fractured it, so they called here.”

            “Well once the others get back, one of us will take you down.” Siwon offered.

            “As long as all 15 of you aren’t there this time! You’ve seen what’s been happening online, the Elf’s are still going crazy over the rumours about me.” Bella smirked. “They don’t even know the half of it!” In the last 3 weeks, the rumours were still being thought of and circulated, especially new ones about the addition of a new member to F(x) because Bella had been seen with Amber quite a bit when they went out together.

            “I’ll take you.” Yesung said the now sleeping Ryeowook’s head. The smaller boy was worn out, having come down with another cold the week before.

            “Thanks ‘Sung. You guys relax, I’ll make lunch.” Bella stood up, swinging into the kitchen. When she came out, announcing lunch was ready, she laughed.  The other boys were home. Having gotten used to the boys spontaneously being all over each other, Bella just whistled to get their attention. Okay lovers, lunch is ready, and welcome back guys, how was filming?”

            “Good! We’re done for the week.” Henry said placing a last kiss on Donghae’s lips before spinning round from where he was straddling the older boy.

            “Well that’s good to hear, you’ll have a bit of time to rest. How’re you feeling Kangin?” Bella asked the man who had come down with a cold at the same time as Ryeowook. It was a miracle that they all hadn’t come down with it by now.

            “Much better thanks to you Bells.” Kanging said, being the only one who got away with calling her that, no matter how much she protested.

            “Glad to hear it, now all of you, eat up! You can all make out again when ‘Sung takes me to the hospital.” Bella said grinning.



They took Leeteuk’s car, since Yesung didn’t have his with him at the moment.

            “Ah, welcome back Miss White.” The same doctor that had treated her before asked, motioning for her to sit on an examination table. “How’s the leg been?”

            “Mostly itchy, stopped hurting about a week after I did it, but I’ll be happy when I can get off these crutches!” Bella chuckled when the doctor smiled. Yesung was standing next to the table, a slight smile on his face.

            “Well, we’ll soon see whether we can get it off sooner rather than later.” The doctor smiled, then took her to get the x-ray. 15 minutes later and they were back in the room, the doctor putting the x-ray up on the light box on the wall. “Well, well, we have a fast healer here! The fracture must not have been as bad as we first thought. It’s almost completely healed. We can take that cast off right now if you want.”

            “Yes please!” Yesung chuckled at Bella’s plea. He was still very quiet, but thought of Bella as a sister, and was very open with her, even if he still spoke softly.

            “Well okay then. Just sit tight and we’ll have it off in no time.” He walked over to a cupboard in the room and pulled out a small plaster buzz-saw. ‘Now, this isn’t a real saw, the blade just buzzes to get through the plaster.”

            “I know, I’ve done this before.” Bella smiled, but still grabbed Yesung’s hand as the doctor started up the saw and started cutting the red fibre-glass off Bella’s leg. It only took a couple of minutes, but Bella squeezed Yesung’s hand more than a few times when the saw cut right through the plaster.

            “Now, you’ll still have to be careful with it. You can walk on it again, but don’t try dancing for another week or so. And make sure to stretch it regularly to strengthen your muscles again.”

            “Thankyou doctor.” Yesung said helping Bella onto unsteady feet. “I’ll make sure she does.”



When they got home, of course, the boys were all either on the couch snuggled up together watching TV or all over each other again, so Bella just quietly made her way upstairs to take a shower.

            ‘I’ll surprise them I think. But, aish, I forgot how much having a cast .’ When she got out, she grabbed a pair of black skinny jeans and a long sleeved white top with a v-neck, before dressing and walking down stairs without crutches and flopping on the couch next to Kibum who was laying across Kyuhyun and Sungmin’s laps being doted upon by his two lovers when he looked up.

            “You’re back Bella! And without the cast too! Now maybe we can get you into some tighter clothes every now and then!” He laughed while all the guys looked over.

            “Wah! Noona doesn’t have a cast anymore! Does that mean you can dance with us now?” The now wide-awake Ryeowook exclaimed, still in the arms of his boyfriend.

            “Not for another week or so, sorry Wookie,” Bella ruffled the boy’s hair. “But it does mean that I can do a lot more around here now.” All the boys congratulated her before turning their attention back to each other or the TV, mostly each other. Pulling her phone out, Bella decided to text Amber, they hadn’t seen each other for 2 days because of meetings and such.


            To: Jagiya

            From: Bao Bei

                        ‘You at home? I have a surprise for you! :) xoxo


Amber was quick to reply.


‘Sure am! Want me to come over? Or are you coming over here?


“I’ll come over, I think the guys are getting a bit too involved for me to be sitting in the room with them XD”


“Okay, see you soon Bao Bei xoxo”


Grabbing a pair of shoes, which Bella could finally use both of again, she headed next door and knocked. Victoria answered.

            “Bella! Nice to see you again. I suppose you want to see Amber? She’s up in her room, oh! And without the cast too!” Victoria was always the most polite of the girls, like the leader she was. Bella walked up the stairs and to the door of Amber’s room, which was open. Amber was sitting at a desk, facing away from the door, on her computer. Bella knocked.

            “Come on jagiya! I swear you’re on that thing 24 hours a day now when you don’t have a schedule!” She walked over laying her hands on Amber’s shoulders before sliding them around to circle her neck and resting her head on one of Amber’s shoulders.

            “Just talking to the fans. Now, what was this surprise you wanted to show me?” Amber closed the computer’s top and swivelled around in her chair so Bella’s arms were now encircling her from the front. Bella sat herself on Amber’s lap and pecked her on the lips.

            “Now now, where’s the fun in that? Can’t you see what it is?”  Amber thought for a moment.

            “Well it could be the fact that you don’t have a cast anymore, but I’m not sure, give me a clue?” She said smirking when Bella hit her on the arm lightly.

            “Someone told you didn’t they?!!” Bella said slightly put off that she hadn’t been the one to tell her girlfriend about it.

            “Well I’m not naming anyone for the sake of them eating for the next week, but yes. Don’t worry though! You’re still adorable without it.” Amber leaned in and kissed Bella, moving her arms around the older girl’s waist to get a better grip and make sure she didn’t fall. Straight away, Bella relaxed into the kiss, moving her lips against Amber’s and tightening her hold with her arms. Bella pulled away when air was needed and rested her forehead on Amber’s.

            “If you keep doing that, I may just overlook this little discretion and forgive you for knowing about the cast.” Bella laughed before Amber kissed her again, both hands rubbing circles on Bella’s lower back.

            “Well how about I kiss you again, and then we can go and have some coffee downstairs and watch a movie until you get the all clear from someone.” Amber smiled, Bella running her fingers over the neck her arms were looped around.

            “Sounds good, you think the others are okay with us making out on the couch?” Bella said, chuckling as her fingers brushed a sensitive spot on Amber’s neck that made her shiver.

            “Judging by the way Krys and Luna were molesting each other on the way to their room about 2 hours ago, and the fact that Toria and Li are probably doing the same thing, I would say no, they wouldn’t mind one bit.” Amber smirked, before leaning forwards and pushing her lips to Bella’s again, and then pulling away, standing up and forcing Bella to stand up at the same time. Bella wobbled a bit.

            “Still not used to having my weight on two legs again.” She laughed, grabbing the hand that Amber offered to her and following her downstairs. Amber was right about Victoria and Sulli, who were curled up on the couch in the middle of a very heated kiss, hands roaming. Bella giggled as she and Amber walked past them to the kitchen to grab some coffee. “What movie are we watching?”

            “There should be something on TV, I think I saw an add for one this morning.” Amber smirked. “Not that it’ll be getting watched much anyway.” Bella blushed. The walked back out and sat on the couch, Bella’s legs over Amber’s lap while they drank their coffee and half watched the TV, stealing a kiss every now and then, while Sulli and Victoria had retreated to their room. It seemed like hours later, maybe it was, when Bella’s phone vibrated from her pocket while she was straddling Amber, Amber’s hands under her shirt on her lower back, and lip locked.

            “And that is probably Teukie calling to give me the all clear.” Bella said pulling away from Amber, who pouted, but moved her lips to Bella’s collar bone, softly while Bella answered her phone chatting for a few seconds before hanging up. “It was Chulie wondering where I’d run off to. We obviously haven’t looked at a clock for quite some time seeing as it’s now 5pm.”

            “And let me guess,” Amber said against Bella’s neck, “They want food.”

            “Spot on.” Bella chuckled, “I guess I should go feed them, Chulie might try putting pink hair dye in my shampoo if I don’t feed them.” Amber chuckled, nipping Bella’s neck softly before speaking.

            “Well oh glorious chef, you better go then.” Smirking, she leaned up the give Bella one more kiss before letting her up and walking her to the door. “We have practice tomorrow and the day after, but you can always come watch me get all sweaty.”

            “Sounds good the me.” Bella laughed. “I’ll text you later.” And with one more kiss, was off down the hall to the boy’s dorm.





After making dinner for the 15 guys, they and Bella were all sitting in the living room watching TV for a while before deciding to turn in for an early night.

            “Hey Umma,” Bella said, turning from where she was sitting, snug in between Kyuhyun and Henry. “Do you mind if I get some of my stuff shipped over from Australia? I’ve been craving to play my instruments lately, and I left all my CD’s and DVD’s at home.”

            “Of course not! Just get it delivered to the lobby downstairs and we’ll bring it up when it gets here.” Leeteuk said.

            “What instruments are you getting sent over?” Henry asked beside Bella.

            “Well I play piano, as Wookie has seen, ah, I have an acoustic, a bass and an electric guitar, which I can play well, and a violin, which I was still teaching myself to play when I took the job here.” She explained, seeing Henry’s eyes light up at the mention of a violin.

            “Why didn’t you tell me that you played violin earlier?! I can teach you!” He smiled widely at the thought. “To be honest, I’d sort of forgotten that you were a music teacher.”

            “Don’t worry about it, because of my age, a lot of people think that I’m still in university.” Bella said looking at the clock on her phone. “You guys gonna go the bed soon? It’s getting close to 11.”

            “Suppose we should, I mean we don’t have to be at the make up studio until 9:30 tomorrow morning, but I was thinking breakfast out tomorrow would be nice.” Donghae said, while Henry, who had crawled onto his lap, yawned.

            “Sounds like a good idea to me.” Zhou Mi said, also yawning.

            “Well okay, you guys don’t worry about setting alarms, I’ll wake you all up at about 7. You deserve a break for at least a day.” Bella said suddenly getting and armful of Kyuhyun and Ryeowook.

            “We love you noona!” They both chorused at the same time, before Sungmin pulled Kyuhyun off, and Ryeowook retreated to Yesung’s arms. Bella laughed.

            “You guys can really be sweet sometimes, you know that? But okay, I’m off to bed, see you in the morning!”





I’M APPOLOGISING SO MUCH LATELY!!! But there’s been stuff happening lately in life, my grandfather is in hospital on life support and has been for about 3 weeks, which means that I didn’t get much done in my holidays as I would have liked. And now I’m into my last term as a high school student, which means trial HSC exams he week after next and then about 4 more weeks of school, 2 weeks of holidays, and then a month of the actual HSC exams, so I’ll try to get some more chapters up, but beware, there might be a few big time skips!  

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Chapter 17: Please update like ASAP!
Congratulations on getting featured!
congrats! ^^
-theirmusicismylifee #5
Congrats on getting featured ~
Congrats c:
eLement-forever #7
Congrats :D