The Date






Chapter 12 - The Date


Key helped Bella upstairs and pushed her into the bathroom to take a shower after they had had a drink.

            “By the way Bella!” Key called through the door if the bathroom. “Amber likes strawberries!”

            ‘How did he know that nearly all the shower products are strawberry scented? I’ll have to ask him about that at some point.’ Bella thought to herself laughing at Key’s comment from her place in the shower. It was a decent sized shower, so Bella had room to move around without bumping her leg in the process. She got out after using the strawberry body wash and washing her hair, dried off and got into the jean shorts and white blouse that Key had picked out earlier grabbing her crutches and swinging into her bedroom where said boy was waiting.

            “I knew they’d look good on you!” Key said walking in a circle around Bella pushing her forward slightly so she sat on the edge of her bed. “Now I have to get this makeup and hair done quickly cause I’m pretty sure that the hyungs are already waiting to see you downstairs and Amber rang me not too long ago to tell me she’d be here at 6:30. She said she doesn’t have your number.”

            “I never thought of it before, but my phone probably doesn’t work in Korea! And I hate to admit it, but I’m not really used to wearing makeup. I own it sure, but I’ve never really worn it.” Bella said watching as Key hung up the jacket that GD had given her.

            “Well I’ll talk to Teukie-hyung about the phone, but I’m sure just some light natural make up and some straightening would do for you. You don’t really need any makeup at all!” Key got to work after grabbing the makeup from a small bag that Bella pointed out in her bathroom. He applied some light foundation, and then black eyeliner ending in small flicks at the corners of Bella’s eyes then quickly ran over her now shorter and brighter red hair with the straightener. “There we go! Now come on, it’s like 6:15 already.” He said grabbing the jacket and helping Bella downstairs to the 10 boys sitting in the lounge room waiting. As she swung in, the boys all turned to look.

            “Wow Kibum! She looks gorgeous!” Sungmin said clapping his hands.

            “You-are-so-gorgeous.” Heechul said next in broken English, which made everyone including Bella laugh.  

            “Very good Chulie, but I think you need to work on that.” Bella laughed as the boys continued complimenting her. They sat talking for a while longer about the boys practice and the upcoming new album until there was a knock at the door.

            “Right on time.” Key said looking at his watch. “6:30 exactly.”

            “Well wish me luck!” Bella said being helped up off the lounge by Shindong then swinging her way over to answer the door where a shy looking Amber was standing. “Hiya!” She said greeting the younger, but taller, girl.”

            “Hi there yourself! You’re looking good. Let me guess, Key right?” Amber said in English looking over Bella who now had the black jacket on as well and was blushing.

            “How’d you guess?” Bella laughed also speaking in English with her cheeks still stained red before turning to the boys. “Are you sure you’ll all be okay for tonight?” She asked them in Korean.

            “We’ll be fine! Now go have some fun!” Leeteuk said all but pushing her out the door.

            “Okay Okay! We’ll be going. I’ll see you all later tonight.” Bella said swinging out the door and closing it.

            “Sorry I haven’t been in contact very often the last 2 weeks Bella. We’ve been busy writing lyrics for a new album. And what happened to your leg!” Amber said in English holding the elevator door while Bella swung in before pushing the ground floor button.

            “Nah, it’s fine. I can understand you being famous and all.” Bella smiled. “And I fractured it dancing two days ago.”

            “Ouch, no too badly I hope! How’d you do it?” Amber asked looking over the red cast that was wrapped around Bella’s right leg and half covered in writing.

            “I was dancing to Beautiful by Beast, and being me, I tried to pull off the dance move that Junhyung does in the MV.” Bella explained as the elevator dinged and the doors opened.

            “But you broke your leg instead of your arm?  Ah well, It’ll heal, at least it wasn’t any more serious or I would find myself having a rather boring night now wouldn’t I?” Amber said, still talking in English making Bella blush.

            “That just about sums it up! But I love getting the signatures! Nearly all of the guys have signed it, even GD did!” Bella said stumbling a little in excitement while swinging her was over to a car that Amber had pointed out.

            “Let me guess, Kibum again? I thought I recognised the jacket from somewhere! But how did Kibum get his hands on it? It’s a one of a kind.” The younger girl asked helping Bella into the passengers side of the car before running around to jump in the drivers seat.

            “Well when he took me shopping, he took me to GMarket, and apparently Kibum likes scaring people because when I turned around, GD was standing right there! I almost had a heart attack!” Bella said before looking around at the fancy insides of the car. “Wow! You really own this thing?”

            “Well… It’s ‘Toria’s car, but she let me borrow it since we were going out for the night.” Bella blushed at the ‘going out’ part. Oddly enough, Bella didn’t feel nervous at all sitting in a fancy car about to go on a date with one of the best female rappers in Korea. Okay, maybe just a little.

            “So where’s this carnival?” Bella asked changing the subject.

            “About a 20 minute drive. You wanna put the radio on? There’s bound to be something good on at this time.” Amber said. Bella reached over and flicked on the radio, filling the car with music. There was a song just ending.

            “Aw!!! We missed SHINee!!!” Bella pouted which Amber grinned at.

            ‘She’s so cute without even realising it!’ Said girl thought.

            “Don’t worry, I’m sure they’ll come on again, being as popular as they are. Oh hey, you know this one?” Amber asked as the next song came on.

            “Oh! This is the new TRAX song isn’t it? I’m so used to hearing their old stuff like Paradox and Knife that I didn’t recognise it for a second! But I’ve heard it a few times so I know the words.” Bella said starting to bop as the song went on but suddenly stopped as Amber started singing along.


so ONE hadeon TWO my girl
THREE nuni busin rorellai oh
hey lady FOUR my love FIVE bunman mannajullae?

jigyeowotdeon ibyeol sangcheo nunmul modu Stop
neo wonhandamyeon eodideunji I will go
Uh! neol barae neol wonhae na Wanna Wanna wonhae neol


nuni nuni neoman baraboge haneun Girl
nae mami mami neoreul gadeuk chaewobeorin geol
badajwo nae mam aetage neol Waiting Baby
nuni nuni neoman barabogo inneun Boy
nae mami mami geunyeo maeum ppaeseobeorin Boy
Oh jebal nan deo jichineun geon No More Baby
o! naui yeosin


I keep waiting I keep calling wae mari mari eomneun geolkka
modeun geol da jundaedo bujokhan Girl

gidarideon neoui jeonhwa daedap modu Stop
nal dugeundugeun aetaeudeon simjangmajeo Stop
sigyedo sigando neol jomajoma gidaryeo


nae nuni nuni neoman baraboge haneun Girl
nae mami mami neoreul gadeuk chaewobeorin geol
badajwo nae mam aetage neol Waiting Baby
nuni nuni neoman barabogo inneun Boy
nae mami mami geunyeo maeum ppaeseobeorin Boy
Oh jebal nan deo jichineun geon No More Baby
o! naui yeosin


(wouwouwo wa naegero wouwouwo Oh Baby Girl)

Baby Baby nae mam modu arabeorin Girl
I love you love you nae mam modu gajyeobeorin geol
nae pume neol kkok yeongwonhi aneulge Oh
Baby Baby sesangmodu gajin neoui Boy
na neoreul neoreul yeongwontorok jikyeojuneun Boy
Only One neoman barabolge Love You Venus
o! naui yeosin


Bella had to shut when she realised she was staring slack jawed at the girl driving who had just finished singing.

            “Bella?….. Earth to Bella!!!?” Amber said quickly glancing over from the road at the girl who was still staring.

            “I don’t know why they haven’t given you a solo song!!!! You have such a good voice! And not just for rapping.” Bella clapped her hands and it was Amber’s turn to blush.

            “Well I didn’t think my voice suited anything but rapping really.” Amber said concentrating on the road again still blushing.

            “Well I think that was as good as any of the others in f(x).” Bella said as the radio continued to play the newest songs. The rest of the car trip was filled mainly with singing along to songs on the radio, and before they knew it, Amber was pulling into the parking that was set up for the carnival.

            “Wait there a sec and I’ll come ‘round and help you out.” Amber said taking the keys out of the ignition and getting out of the car, jogging around and opening the passengers door, helping Bella out who was now blushing at all the attention she was getting from the female rapper.

            “You didn’t need to do that ya know.” Bella said pulling the crutches up under her arms while Amber locked the car tucking the keys into a pocket of the cargo pants she was wearing along with the red and white t-shirt and navy vest.

            “Yeah, but hey, I can see you’re tired from swinging around on those things all day.” Amber said pointing at the crutches under Bella’s arms.

            “True, but still.” Bella said blushing. “Aren’t you gonna get noticed in a place like this?” Changing the topic, Bella and Amber made their way in the gates only to be hit with the noises of the fair ground.

            “Well for your sake I hope not too much!” Amber laughed. “Nah, don’t worry about it, if we do get mobbed and separated or something, just meet me back at the entrance.” Bella blushed.

            “I’m not a kid you know!” She said pouting again.

            “Bella, of course I know that, but it’s so fun getting you worked up.” Amber smirked as they paid for their tickets, or rather Amber did after much protesting from Bella that she could buy her own, and started walking towards the games set up along one side of the huge showgrounds while Bella blushed.

            “Well seeing as you’re technically my dongsaeng, I’ll let you get away with it this time, and only because I’m injured.” Both girls laughed.

            ‘So what do you want to do first?” Amber asked her looking around at the many games.

            “That one looks fun!” Bella said excitedly pointing at a wall of balloons where the young girl attending it was holding a bunch of darts. “That’s one of the ones they have back in Australian carnivals. Although never on this scale!” The wall was covered in at least 200 balloons all waiting to be popped. They walked over and gave the young girl a ticket each, and were each given 3 darts to throw.

            “Oh, I hope I get that little stuffed wolf! It’s adorable!” Bella said aiming her first dart and throwing, only to have it land between two balloons. Pouting, she threw the second one, hitting a balloon, and the third hit another. “Ha! Not so blind as people think I am!” She said until she found that she hadn’t gotten enough points to get the wolf pouting while Amber chuckled.

            “Okay, my turn.” She said, while Bella looked on amazed as Amber landed all three darts in balloons, getting enough points to get any of the biggest prizes.

            “How did you do that?!” Bella asked shocked. Amber tapped her nose.

            “That’s for me to know, and you to find out. Now close your eyes.” She said. Bella closed her eyes and was surprised when something soft was placed in her arms. Opening her eyes, she saw the stuffed wolf that she had wanted.

            “You got this for me?” Bella asked blushing hard. “But you had enough points to get anything you wanted.”

            “Well just consider it as part of the apology then.” Amber said smiling as they made their way along playing more and more games, winning some, but mostly loosing, but even so, it was lots of fun. “It’s a pity you cant go on the big rides with your leg the way it is.” Amber said as they were walking around looking at the other various rides in the grounds.

            “If you want to go on one, don’t let me stop you! Go ahead!” Bella said looking on as Amber was staring up at the large ride whizzing around high off the ground.

            “You sure? How about we grab something to eat first, then we can have another look.” She said looking over at Bella who seemed to blanch at the sight of the large ride.

            “Yeah, that sounds good.” She said still holding the stuffed wolf awkwardly while balancing on her crutches. Amber led her over to a small café-like shop that was set up near the entrance for people to eat at. Amber went to the counter and ordered Gimbap and Kimchi for them to eat. When the food came, they sat eating and talking happily.

            “So you still wanna go on that ride?” Bella asked finishing off her food while Amber did the same.

            “If you’re okay with waiting. I mean, this is meant to be a big apology date for sleepwalking into your room 2 weeks ago.” Amber said not thinking about what she had said.

            “So this is a date then?” Bella asked blushing.

            “Ah, it is if you want it to be.” Amber said also blushing while they started making their way towards the bigger rides.

            “Well I guess it’s a date then.” Bella said smiling softly making Amber smile as well.

            “If you want, there’s the Ferris wheel, we can both go on that one, but you have to go buy the tickets separately.” Amber said looking over to the other side of the show grounds where said ride was positioned.

            “Ah, o-okay.” Bella stuttered.

            “There’s a seat over near it, I’ll go get tickets and then meet you there.” And with that Amber ran off to get tickets for the ride. Bella swung over to the seat Amber had mentioned and sat down waiting for her to come back. She was looking around when she noticed a group of girls walking in a straight line towards her. When they reached her, they just stood.

            “Can I help you?” Bella said switching back into Korean so the girls would understand her.

            “As a matter of fact you can.” A girl with bleached hair said while the other 3 standing with her nodded their heads.

            “Well what is it?” Bella asked now curious as to why these strangers were talking to her out of all people.

            “Why the hell are you here with Amber from f(x)?!” She all but shouted. “What does she see in you that we don’t have? We send her presents, gifts, hell, we’ve even camped outside the dorm!”

            “Hey, isn’t this the girl who had been seen running around with Super Junior?” One of the other girls said recognizing her from a photo on the internet.

            “Yeah, I am, so what of it?” Bella said getting fed up with the way she was being talked at.

            “So what gives you the right to hang around with them?! First of all you’re foreign, and then you cant even walk!” The girl suddenly lashed out and kicked Bella’s fractured leg, causing her to cry out in pain. She had forgotten to take her pain meds before they left for the night. Just as the girl was about to let off another rude remark, Bella heard a shout.

            “Hey! What are you doing?!” Amber said running over putting herself in between the 4 girls and Bella who was still sobbing in pain from being kicked. “What gives you the right to kick an injured person?”

            “But Amber-ssi! We’re your fans! Why do you hang around with her while you could be having fun with us?” The blonde one pleaded.

            “Because anyone who did this, is not deserving of being called my fan.” The blonde looked shocked while Amber turned to Bella, tickets forgotten. She kneeled down looking at the crying girl in the face. “Hey, Bella, bao bei, stop crying okay?” Amber wiped the tears off her face with a thumb. Sitting next to her on the bench and pulling her into a hug, Amber glared at the girls still standing there in shock. “If you ever come near her again, I’ll have you arrested for assault.” That scared the girls sufficiently for them to run off.

            “Y,you didn’t h..have to do that.” Bella said sobbing still in Amber’s hold.

            “Of course I did, they were hurting you! I wont have any of that.” Amber’s hold on Bella only tightened causing Bella to realise what situation they were in and sit up quickly looking around to see if anyone had seen.

            “Sorry,” Bella said when Amber looked a little taken back. “There’s just lots of people, and I don’t want anyone else chasing me around.”

            “Come on, I’ll take you home, we can always come back another time.” Amber said helping Bella up. “Is your leg hurting too much?”

            “I should be fine getting to the car.” Bella said grabbing the crutches that had been laying on the chair next to her. They made their way out of the grounds and over to Amber’s car, while Amber phoned Leeteuk and told him what had happened.

            “Come on, let’s get you home.” Amber leaned over and wiped a few stray tears off Bella’s face with her thumb. “You feeling better now?”

            “It would have been a lot worse if you hadn’t had been there though. But yeah, I’m feeling a bit better.” Bella leaned into the touch and Amber smiled helping her into the car before getting into it herself and starting up the engine.





When they arrived back at the dorms, Amber looked over to find Bella sleeping in the passengers seat of the car. Leaning over and shaking her shoulder slightly, Amber felt bad for waking her up.

            “We’re home bao bei, wake up, I don’t think I can carry you all the way up there.” Bella woke slowly, still a bit groggy from sleeping.

            “Okay,” she said softly going to climb out of the car, forgetting about her leg, yelping when she tried to put weight on it, but relaxing when she felt Amber helping her out and onto her crutches, into the elevator and to the door of the Super Junior dorm. “Hang on, I have a key.” Bella said now awake and blushing at Amber’s apparent nickname for her.

            “Leeteuk said he’d taken the guys out to dinner for a treat before they get really into the recording and stuff for the new album. He said they’d be back late and to not wait up for them.” Amber said walking into the dorm with Bella. “Maybe you should take some pain meds and then have an early night. After what happened, it wouldn’t be a bad idea.”

            “I think that’s a good idea, you want a coffee? You can stay for a while seeing as the date got sorta mucked up.” Bella said putting on the coffee machine to brew.

            “Hey, it’s not your fault those stupid girls had a grudge. But yeah, I’ll say if you’d like me to.” Amber said smiling as Bella poured two mugs of coffee.

            “I would. How bouts we watch a movie, seeing as the guys are gonna be late.” Bella said motioning for Amber to grab the mugs of coffee as Bella couldn’t carry them on her crutches, while she grabbed a pain tablet swallowing it before sitting down carefully in the lounge room next to Amber on the couch. Grabbing the remote, Bella flicked over to the movie channel where ‘200 Pounds Beauty’ was playing. But before she could settle back, Amber had pulled her back to lay on her.

            “Well you seemed to enjoy the hug earlier.” Amber said smiling as Bella settled back chuckling a little. “How about we go out to dinner? That would make up for the sleepwalking and tonight.” Amber suggested.

            “Sounds good, on one condition though.” Bella said smirking.

            “Oh? And what would that condition be?” Amber asked.

            “You have to tell me what bao beimeans. You’ve called me that 3 times now. It’s not English, Korean or Japanese, so I don’t know what it means.” The older girl said looking serious.

            “Well close your eyes and I’ll tell you.” Amber said cheekily and Bella closed her eyes wondering why.

            “Why am I closing my ey…” Bella trailed off when she felt warm air on her face.

            “It’s Mandarin. It means ‘baby’.” And with that, Amber’s lips were on Bella’s kissing her. Bella was shocked at first, but kissed back after a few seconds, turning her head to adjust to the awkward position they were sitting in. After a minute or two, they pulled away to breathe.

            “Wow.” Was all Bella could say as she sat still laying on Amber’s lap in front of the TV.

            “I could say the same.” Amber said grinning. “So is that a yes to going out to dinner?”
            “Hmmm, let me get back to you on that one.” Bella said smiling then laughing as Amber tickled her sides lightly. “Okay I give! I’ll go out to dinner with you! One more question though, why me? You’ve only known me for about 2 weeks.”

            “Because, bao bei” Amber said smiling at the blush that came from Bella at the nickname, “you are an amazing girl and I would like to get to know you much better than I do at the moment.” Leaning in, Amber touched her lips to Bella’s again, slowly moving them against the others. Bella carefully turned so she was sitting sideways on Amber’s lap so she could deepen the kiss. They had been at it another couple of minutes when a cough came from the entry to the lounge room. Both girls spun their heads to find Leeteuk standing there with his arms folded.

            “Sorry to interrupt, but the others are all on their way up, and I don’t think you want Heechul walking in on this do you now dear?” Leeteuk said watching Amber help Bella off of her lap, kissing her one more time.

            “Tomorrow night sound okay bao bei?” Amber asked and Bella nodded. Amber pecked her on the lips again, turned and walked past a smiling Leeteuk and out the door.

            “Bao bei? Sounds like you two had a good night despite what happened. Looks like it too.” He chuckled when Bella blushed. “Ah, don’t worry, I’m not gonna spill it to the others until you wanna tell them dear. So you feel better now?”

            “Much.” Bella said also smiling. “Well tell the guys good night for me, I’m gonna go to bed before I get grilled for details.”

            “Okay,” Leeteuk laughed before helping her up the stairs. “Sleep well.”

            “Thanks umma.” Bella said closing the door, switching into pyjamas and climbing into bed where all she could think about were the kisses that cancelled out all the bad that had happened that night.




OMG it’s finally finished!!! I’m so sorry it took me so long to get out! I had exams for two weeks at school, and then I got sick, so I haven’t been able to write! I hope this turned out okay, seeing as I’ve never been on a real date, I just went off what I would have liked to do, and I have no idea what carnivals in Korea are like so I based it off the one that comes to the town I live in, which is much, much smaller by the way. :) So please subscribe and leave a comment! And if you could suggest the fic to your friends as well, if you think they would like it! Should have another chapter up in a couple of days time.


By the way, here’s links to what Bella is wearing in this chapter as well as Amber.


The haircut (just imagine it in bright red):

GD’s Jacket:

The shirt:

The shorts (just imagine them to be more form fitting and without a belt):


Amber (Just without the leg rolled up):


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Congratulations on getting featured!
congrats! ^^
-theirmusicismylifee #5
Congrats on getting featured ~
Congrats c:
eLement-forever #7
Congrats :D