Fun Day In




Chapter 10 – Fun Day In

The first thing Bella heard when she woke up in the morning was the soft murmurs of voices coming from around her room.

"Ah, and sleeping beauty awakes!" Came the voice of Heechul from the right side of the room.

"You should count yourself lucky that I only just woke up and am still to sleepy to jump on you for saying that Chulie." Bella replied trying, but failing to sit up before Donghae helped her.

"Well at least we know the drugs haven't affected your sense of humour." Kyuhyun laughed as Heechul took a step backwards out of real fear that Bella would do what she had said.

"Ignore them dear," Leeteuk stepped into the conversation. "How did you sleep? Is the pain gone?"

"The pains okay with the meds, but I didn't get much sleep last night, another reason why I don't like hospitals. I'll just be glad when I an get out of here and back into a soft bed." Bella said yawning and rubbing her eyes.

"Well the doctor came in a little while earlier and said you could leave when you woke up." Leeteuk said happily, smiling.

"Good, the sooner I get out of here the better!" She answered back a little more awake now.

"Well we just hope your leg heals fast noona!" Ryeowook piped in from his place on the foot of the bed. There was a knock on the door and the doctor from the previous day walked in.

"Your awake. Good! You can go if you want now, they are bringing around breakfast, but I wouldn't trust it if I was you." He said smiling before handing over some papers and a box to Yesung. "Here's the pain medication, just make sure she takes one every morning and one at night and she should be fine. The cast will have to be on for about 8 weeks though. It would usually be 6, but this is a bad fracture and it might take longer to heal."

"8 Weeks? But that will only be 2 weeks before you guys release the new album!" Bella wined. "And I really wanted to help you guys with the dances!"

"Well looks like you'll be back-seat dancing for a while!" Eunhyuk said chuckling.

"Yah! You guys are going to be the death of me one day!" Bella answered back in mock faint making everyone laugh. The doctor had disappeared, but returned with a wheelchair and a pair of crutches.

"I' afraid its hospital policy, you have to leave in a wheelchair, but here's the crutches to take home!" He said and then left.

"Well are you guys just gonna stand there? Or are we gonna get back home so I can sleep? And I'm pretty sure you guys have a schedule today, so lets get going!" Bella said happy to be leaving the whiteness of the hospital.

After getting dressed back into the clothes from the day before and settling herself in the wheelchair, Siwon pushed it down the hallways and elevators with the rest of the boys following in a group, down to the front door where Leeteuk was waiting with the group van.

"Okay, think you an manage without the chair now?" Siwon asked as they neared the door.

"I'm sure I can." Bella smirked and grabbed the crutches Shindong had been carrying for her, slipping them under her arms and using them to make her way over to the front passengers door of the van with a little help from Yesung when she stumbled. Getting in, the drive back to the dorm was filled with jokes, talking and even a little impromptu sing along to a song on the radio. But when they got there, it was to find Bella asleep in her seat.

"She must have had a real bad sleep last night if she slept through us singing!" Sungmin said laughing softly as to not wake the sleeping girl.

"Well come on, can someone grab the crutches? I'll carry her up." Leeteuk said undoing said girl's seatbelt and picking her up against his chest. When they got to the dorm, they walked inside and Leeteuk placed her on the couch softly, careful not to bump her leg.

"Come on, we're late to schedule already, we've got to get going again." The man said ushering the boys back out quietly.

"But who's going to look after her for today?" Ryeowook asked concerned.

"Don't worry, I've already got that covered." Leeteuk winked.

When Bella woke up for the second time that day, it was to find her head cushioned on something soft and warm. Opening her eyes, she was face to face with the maknae of SHINee.

"Hello noona!" The boy said, grinning as he blinked cutely.

"Well hello there Tae. What are you doing here? And why am I laying on you exactly?" Bella asked sitting up quickly and wincing as she remembered her leg.

"Leeteuk Umma asked if I could look after you today cause they have a schedule. And you're laying on me cause you didn't look very comfortable just sleeping on the couch." He said back.

"Then you're an aweful nice dongsaeng to be looking after me by yourself." Bella smiled sitting up fully, careful not to put weight on her leg again. Laughing, Taemin stood up, grabbing the crutches from next to the couch and handing them to Bella.

"Key umma is in the kitchen." He said still smiling. "I might be good, but I don't think I could cook as well as he can." He turned towards the kitchen. "Umma! She's awake!" Which caused the other boy to come running.

"Ah! Bella!" Key said giving her a half-hug as she was now standing up with her crutches.

"Hehe, hello Key." Bella hugged back as well as she could.

"Well don't just stand there! Come and eat! You must be starving not eating breakfast. It's lunchtime as it is now!" The younger boy said helping Bella over to the dining room table and sitting her down before placing a bowl of rice down along with a huge amount of side dishes which Bella, along with Taemin, tucked into quickly.

"Wow, that was some seriously good food Key!" Bella said after finishing. "I've never had traditional Korean food before."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it then!" Key said cleaning up the table putting the dirty dishes in the kitchen to be washed.

"Well I think I'm going to go have a shower, seeing as I haven't had one since yesterday." Bella said grabbing her crutches and making her way to the stairs. "Ah, Tae, do you think I could get a little help here?" Realising that she wouldn't be able to get up the stairs on her own, Taemin walked over and helped her up. "Thanks Tae." She smiled and hopped into her room grabbing some clothes on her way to the bathroom.

When she came out dressed in some baggy track pants and a singlet shirt, it was to find Key and Taemin in her room talking animatedly over what seemed to be her wardrobe.

"Ah, guys? Why are you looking through my clothes?" She asked sitting down on her bed.

"Well Leeteuk just happened to let it slip that you have a date with Amber tomorrow!" Key clapped his hands excitedly. "And Heechul made me promise to dress you nicely as the hyungs have schedule again tomorrow."

"Teukie Umma warned me about this! Apparently Chulie is hell to go shopping with." Bella turned to fully face to boys still standing.

"Of course he is! He's the infamous Heechul! But never you worry, seeing as you can't wear skinny jeans cause of your cast, and you cant go out in track pants, I am going to take you shopping tomorrow." Key crossed his hands over his chest and smiled.

"You don't have to do that!" Bella started, but Key cut her off.

"Yes I do, I made a promise to a hyung, and I always keep my promises. Plus I love shopping!" Bella sighed in defeat.

"Okay, Okay, I give, you can take me shopping tomorrow, but how about for now we just sit down and watch some TV or something? I bought some of my DVD's with me from Australia." She said as Key pumped his fist in the air in triumph and Taemin wondered over to Bella's DVD's to take a look.

"No way! Noona, you watch anime?" Taemin said excitedly spying several of the Japanese shows sitting on a shelf. Bella laughed.

"Well when you speak the language, it's kinda hard not to." Smiling, she stood up grabbing her walking aids and hopped over to the youngest boy in the room. "Let's see, I bought Loveless, Junjou Romantica and Vampire Knight with me, know any of them?"

"You're standing here, asking Taemin if he's watched an anime series." Key said. "He's obsessed with it! You should see his wardrobe, there's figurines, books and anything you could think of!" Bella laughed at Key's face.

"Well there's something we have in common!" She said grabbing Loveless off the shelf and giving it to Taemin to look at.

"I've never seen this one! Can we watch it?" Taemin looked exactly like a small child, except for the face that he was taller than Bella.

"Okay, just help me get down the stairs and we can!"

Watching their way through the anime series, Taemin loved every second of it.

"This is really good noona! Do you think I could borrow it?" He said from his place sitting in front of the couch that Bella was laying on with her leg propped up.

"Of course Tae, it's just lucky that it turned out to have Korean subtitles on it." She said. "But on one condition."

"What?" The boy asked.

"You let me play with your hair." Bella smiled as the boy laughed and Key joined in. "Oh come on! You look so much more grown up with that long hair of yours, you should keep it that way!"

" Okay, but only if I get to do yours!" Bella laughed and agreed, sending the boy to grab her hair straightener from her room seeing as her hair had grown out in the two weeks she had been in Korea.

"You know you've gotten yourself into it now haven't you?" Key said smiling as Taemin came back with the straightener. Bella just chuckled.

"Come on Key, you're getting yours done too!" Bella said plugging in the straightener and letting it heat up before starting on Taemin's hair. She was just finishing putting a braid around the front of his hair when Key spoke.

"I know you don't like doing it, but would you sing for us?" Key asked.

"Yeah noona! There's no one here but us! You can sing something in English!" The younger boy said looking at his hair in a small mirror and exclaiming. "Oooh, I like it! You need to learn how to do this umma!" Bella laughed.

"It's the way I wore my hair when it was waist length a couple of months ago. And I suppose I could sing something for you." She paused for a second thinking. "I know exactly what to sing, and I don't need music for it either!"

"Okay! Now get over here so I can do your hair while you sing." Key said scooting over behind Bella with the hair straightener and starting on her now almost shoulder length hair.

Well you done done me and you bet I felt it
I tried to be chill but you're so hot that I melted
I fell right through the cracks, now I'm trying to get back

Before the cool done run out I'll be giving it my bestest
And nothing's going to stop me but divine intervention
I reckon it's again my turn to win some or learn some

But I won't hesitate no more, no more
It cannot wait, I'm yours

Well open up your mind and see like me
Open up your plans and then you're free
Look into your heart and you'll find love love love love

Listen to the music of the moment people, dance and sing
We're just one big family
And it's our God-forsaken right to be loved loved loved loved loved

So I won't hesitate no more, no more
It cannot wait, I'm sure
There's no need to complicate, our time is short
This is our fate, I'm yours

I've been spending way too long checking my tongue in the mirror
And bending over backwards just to try to see it clearer
But my breath fogged up the glass
And so I drew a new face and I laughed

I guess what I be saying is there ain't no better reason
To rid yourself of vanities and just go with the seasons
It's what we aim to do, our name is our virtue

But I won't hesitate no more, no more
It cannot wait, I'm yours

(I won't hesitate)
Open up your mind and see like me
(No more, no more)
Open up your plans and man you're free
Look into your heart and you'll find that the sky is yours
(It cannot wait, I'm sure)

So please don't, please don't, please don't
(There's no need to complicate)
There's no need to complicate
(Our time is short)
'Cause our time is short
(This is our fate)
This is, this is, this is our fate
I'm yours

Key had finished the girl's hair halfway through the song, but was sitting there in shock as Taemin was as well. They had heard her sing before, but it seemed that no matter how much they heard her sing, it was still amazing.

"No offence you guys, but you're staring." Bella said with her hair now hanging on her shoulders straight.

"Sorry noona, but you're just that good!" Taemin said clapping at the performance.

"He really is right Bella. I didn't understand much of that, but I could just listen to your voice all day!" Key said also clapping. Bella blushed.

"Thankyou guys. Don't you dare say anything about auditions though." She said pointing a finger and pouting while slightly frowning as the two boys put their hands up in surrender.

"Okay! We get it!" They both said in unison.

"Well in thanks for the performance, you can do something for me." Bella said while the boys laughed.

"What noona?" Taemin asked.

"You can sign my cast! I'll have the coolest broken leg around." She said. "There should be a marker next to the notepad in the kitchen. Taemin, obviously excited, jumped up to grab said marker and ran back into the room opening it ready to sign.

"Do you just want my name noona?" He asked.

"You can sign whatever you want Tae." Bella chuckled as the boy wrote his name close to the top of the cast with the word 'fighting' next to it. Key took the pen and signed his name right next to Taemin's, 'Key umma'. "You guys are too cute!" Bella said looking at the signatures while Key pecked Taemin on the lips and then looked at the time.

"Yah! It's 6 o'clock already! Leeteuk said they'd be back at 6:30! And we don't want Jjong burning anything trying to cook again now do we?" Key said getting up.

"You guys go if you have to, I'll see you tomorrow for shopping Key?" Bella said grabbing her crutches and walking with the boys over to the door and hugging them goodbye.

"You know you'll see me tomorrow!" And with that the two left, Key's hand slung around Taemin's waist and vice versa.

'Those two are adorable together, I wonder if Tae is always that innocent though.' Bella thought to herself as she made her way back to the couch to sit down again. Laughing softly at the signatures on her leg, she turned the TV back on and settled down to surf channels until her boys got home.

After 45 minutes of channel surfing, the front door opened.

"Noona! We're home!" Came the voice of Ryeowook whilst other voices filtered through from the boys talking.

"And we bought food!" Shindong said walking into the room first brandishing bags in both hands.

"Hope you like Chinese food." Eunhyuk said walking in with more bags.

"We thought it'd be nice to just order in to save you having to cook with your leg." Leeteuk said walking over to kiss her on the forehead.

"You know, you've gotta stop doing that umma, Chulie looks a bit jealous over there." Bella laughed seeing Heechul glaring at her slightly. "And yeah, I'm right with Chinese." Leeteuk laughed.

"Don't worry about him, a little jealousy never hurt him before." He said while helping the others get all the food out of the bags and putting it on the table.

"Hey Bella, what's that on your cast?" Yesung asked pulling Ryeowook into a back-hug.

"Oh," Bella said remembering the signatures on her leg. "Taemin and Key were here looking after me today and Taemin wanted to sign it."

"I wanna sign it too!" Sungmin jumped up grabbing the marker that the two younger boys had used earlier that day, and ran over to Bella who laughed.

"Go ahead Minnie." Sungmin signed his name, along with the words, 'King of Aegyo'. Making Kyuhyun who was closest laugh. "Anyone else wanna sign?" Bella asked waving the marker. Everyone put up their hands while eating. "Okay, when you're ready."

By the end of dinner, Bella's cast was covered in the writing of Super Junior. Along with Sungmin's addition, Kyuhyun had signed his name with 'evil maknae' next to is, which had made everyone laugh and Sungmin kiss one of his two boyfriends on the cheek. Leeteuk had signed 'Angel', Heechul 'Rella', Yesung 'Cloud', Eunhyuk 'Monkey', Shindong 'Winnie the Pooh', Siwon 'Prince Charming', Donghae 'Fishy' and Ryeowook 'Eternal Maknae'.

"Here Bella, don't forget this, otherwise you won't be feeling well at all in the morning." Leeteuk handed over the pain medication that she had been given at the hospital watching to make sure she took it before shooing everyone to bed with no arguments whatsoever. "Come on, let's get you upstairs, I know 'Rella talked Key into taking you shopping tomorrow, you're going to need some sleep if you wanna keep up with him."

"Okay." She said yawning. "It'll be nice to sleep in a bed tonight. Can you help me get upstairs?"

"Of course dear." He said, helping her upstairs and into bed. "Sleep well."

Well would you look at that! Two chapters in a week! I'm on a roll here, and I'm still going! So there might be a shopping spree with Key coming up in the next few days. But until then, please comment and subscribe, I've been going for 10 chapters now, have nearly 800 views, but only 3 subscribers, so it would be nice to let me know what you think of the story and if you want to see anything more in it! See you next time!

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congrats! ^^
-theirmusicismylifee #5
Congrats on getting featured ~
Congrats c:
eLement-forever #7
Congrats :D