Unexpected News




Chapter 5 – Unexpected News

Bella was up early again the next day to get ready for the practice ahead. Walking downstairs, not even Leeteuk was awake yet.

'Well since they're going to be at practice all day, I better make some sort of lunch they can take along with them. I know! I'll make the bentos!' Bella thought walking quietly into the kitchen already dressed in a loose fitting long sleeved white shirt and black skinny jeans with her glasses perched on her nose. While making said lunches, Leeteuk woke up and walked downstairs in nothing but track pants.

"Morning Bella" he said sitting on a stool at the kitchen counter that Bella was preparing the food on.

"Still can't sleep?" Bella asked him starting to put the bentos together.

"No, I swear I need to find something to make me sleep longer. Maybe it's just stress because I know that we have a new album coming out and how much work it's going to be when it does." Leeteuk explained.

"You know what cures stress? A good massage. I can give you one later this afternoon if you want, it might help a little." Bella said starting to spoon fried rice into the individual containers lined up along the bench.

"Well you my dear, are a woman of very many talents! You can cook, clean, you have amazing fashion sense from what I've seen in the three days we've known you, you're smart, good looking and, apparently, you can sing." Leeteuk smiled getting up and grabbing a glass of water from the fridge then sitting back down looking at Bella blushing.

"Yah! Who told you that?" Bella said slightly more loudly than she had been talking previously.

"Let's just say a certain rapper sent me a very in detail text message last night proclaiming how much talent you have." Smirking, Leeteuk just looked at Bella who was now flustered.

"Well I suppose I did tell her she could tell you I could sing, but all that other stuff? You're just flattering me aren't you?" Bella moved on to putting various other little snacks into the boxes before sealing them all with lids and stacking them in the fridge ready to take to practice with them.

"No dear, I'm not flattering you. You could make a very good impression on the company if you would try out for an audition though!" Leeteuk put his glass down still looking at Bella.

"I told the girls this yesterday! I came here to get away from all the people wanting me o do things! I got sick of being the smart one that everyone always looked at, the one that everyone always wanted to be! I came so that I could get some peace." Bella looked down slightly blushing, hiding her face.

"Okay, okay. You don't have to audition, but you came to the wrong place if you want peace! I swear, if the press got their hands on he truth inside this building, the whole world would be affected!" Leeteuk emphasised his point with hand gestures.

"I know that, but I'm okay with it. I just want to be here to help, not to become one of the famous people." Walking back over to the fridge, Bella pulled things out to start making breakfast for the boys before they all woke up.

"Well, can I at leat hear you sing?" Leeteuk gave Bella his best Aegyo face.

"Only if you promise to let me give you a massage tonight. Then you might actually get a full nights sleep!" Bella folded under the cuteness that was Leeteuk's face at that moment. "What do you want me to sing?"

"I don't know, sing something you know well." Leeteuk smiled at getting his own way, and a win/win situation for himself. He was going to hear Bella sing, and he was getting a massage tonight.

"Well I know SHINee's songs pretty well, pick one of them for me. I don't want to show you up at your own songs now do I?" Bella laughed still cooking away in the kitchen not even fazed by Leeteuk's shirtless figure.

"Do you know the songs from their newest album?" Leeteuk asked leaning his elbows on the counter he was sitting at.

"Okay. You know how much I love Korean music, and you ask me if I know SHINee's new album. Of course I do babo!" Bella jokingly insulted Leeteuk. Laughing, said man started talking again.

"Well sing Love Pain for me then!" Leeteuk said still laughing as Bella smirked and started singing.

Oori han jang beorigo
Dashi oneul neol 
andwae saenggak cheoreom andwae
Sal su eopseo sal su eopseo gaseum gadeuk love pain
Mam gipeun gosen namaseo
Neol dashi chatneunda you, you, love pain

*Jiool sudo eopseo beoril sudo eopseo ddo harureul beotigo
Ni anae nan gadhyeo nae maeumman jichyeo, no, no, no
Niga eopneun haruga himdeunji
Sal su eopseo sal su eopseo gaseum gadeuk love pain
Malhal su eopneun beoril su eopneun
my love pain

Neon naebang gadeuk hyanggil 
I want to know you
Eejen amugeotdo hal su eopge mandeunda
Noonmuleul chamneunda


Eoril jeok nappeum beoreut gochideut neol jiweodo
yakeul samkideut oh yeah
Heureun deo samkinda

Kkeuneul su eopneun love of my life

ana ana ddo haruga jinago
apa oneuleun deo apa, no, no, no, no
Ijeuryeodeon maeumi eoneu sae 
Sal su eopseo sal su eopseo gaseum gadeuk love pain
Gajil su eopneun sangcheoman juneun
You're my love pain

It sounded a bit strange without music to sing to, but by the time Bella had finished singing, applause erupted from the doorway of the kitchen. Apparently everyone in the dorm had woken up to the sound of singing and had come downstairs in various states of undress to see who had been the one creating the sound.

"I can see now why Amber was impressed!" Said Leeteuk clapping with the others. As the clapping dyed down, Bella was left feeling very embarrassed.

"Yeah, who knew?" Sungmin chirped in while all the others smiled and congratulated Bella while Yesung smirked.

"Well don't get any ideas. Any of you!" Bella said waving a butter knife that she had been using in the air. "Otherwise you may never hear me sing again!" And with that all the boys agreed not to piss off the one feeding them.

Breakfast went fairly fast and by the time Bella had commanded them to all go and get dressed properly, it was 9:00.

"Why do we have practice ALL day?" Heechul whined sitting on the couch with Leeteuk the first ones ready to go.

"Because we need to know all our new dances so we can get this album recorded, released, and then have some peace and quiet of course silly." Leeteuk said kissing Heechul's pout.

"You two are so cute together. I can see why all the girls love shipping you two." Bella said suddenly before covering with her hands thinking about what she had just said.

"Well now, who's a major fangirl right there?" Heechul smirked.

"God, I did not mean to say that out loud." Bella blushed still covering .

"You did. You have. And now I know how much of a fangirl you are!" Heechul laughed at Bella blushing.

"Yes 'Rella, but you have to admit, at least she's not like the other fan girls that throw themselves at us and want us to marry them!" Leeteuk joined in the laughing. The other boys slowly made their way down stairs and gathered in the lounge room.

"Teuk. How is it that every time we walk into a room, Bella is blushing? Are you doing something to her?" Ryeowook questioned their leader pouting and looking very much like the eternal maknae he was. "Because if you are, I'm going to have to do something about it. We can't have Noona blushing all the time right?" Bella blushed even more at this, noticing now that she had not been using polite terms while in the dorm.

"Ah! I'm so sorry Leeteuk oppa! I've been so impolite since I've been here!" She spoke rushing through her words.

"Bella, Bella! Don't worry! We don't really worry about it unless we're in public or just being nice!" Kyuhyun spoke up quickly. Bella sighed.

"Well that's a relief! I thought I was in some trouble there!" They all laughed while Leeteuk tried to everyone up and out the front door to go to the practice studio for the day. "So where is this studio that you keep speaking of?" Bella asked carrying a bag that unbeknownst to the singers, carried their lunched for the day.

"It's about a half hour drive to the studio but we better get going quick! Otherwise someone else may steal our practice space! Oh, and I suggest you bring an ipod with you if you don't want to be deafened in the bus." Eunhyuk suggested as Leeteuk had finally gotten everyone up and ready to leave.

Running back to her room quickly and grabbing her ipod, Bella met the other members in the hallway outside the dorm and they all headed down to the garage on the lowest level to get in the bus.

"So I noticed that the building the dorm is in has a couple of levels, who lives on the other levels.?" Bella asked Donghae who she was sitting next to in the bus while Leeteuk drove to the practice studios.

"Well the only others living in the building at the moment are SHINee, but they're out promoting their album Lucifer at the moment. Speaking of which, they should be back today!" He answered pulling out his own ipod and turning it on.

"WHAT?" Bella's voice was loud enough to cause everyone in the bus to look at her strangely. "You didn't tell me that one of my favourite bands was living in the same building as you guys?"

"They've been away a couple of months Noona, so we didn't think of it!" Ryeowook said using aegyo on her to get her to calm down a bit.

"Okay, how can I stay mad when I see you doing that?" Bella laughed patting Ryeowook on the head while he laughed. "Well now that I do know, you know you're going to have to introduce me right? I want to meet my famous, adorable dongsaengs!"

"Well, we'll take you to meet them tomorrow. How does that sound?" Leeteuk spoke up sounding every inch like a mother.

"Okay Umma! Oh, and are we there yet?"

Half an hour later, and the bus had pulled into the practice studios and everyone was inside stretching to get ready for the day.

"I can see why you try to avoid the fans!" Bella stated as she watched the boys get ready after having spent 15 minutes trying to get through the front doors of the building. "They really have no idea how much you hate being tackled do they?" Laughing, Bella started stretching along with the boys when all of a sudden Leeteuk's mobile started ringing from his bag. He walked over to answer it.

"Hello? Yes," He paused. "What?" He paused again. "Okay, I'll send them on over right away." Hanging up the phone, Leeteuk turned around with a worrying expression on his face.

"What's the matter 'Teuk?" Kangin asked looking worried.

"That was our manager. Apparently, SM just got an offer for you, Kibum, Henry, Zhou Mi and Hangeng to act in a drama, and they accepted!" He said clearly upset at their company's decision. Heechul walked over to hug him.

"But that throws the whole new album off!" Kangin all but yelled.

"I know, but they want you, and you have to go see manager-hyung now!" Leeteuk sat down looking at the five who had been chosen. "I'm sorry guys, but we do have to follow the company's orders. You all know that."

"Doesn't mean we have to like it though!" Hangeng smiled. "Don't worry bout it! We'll be fine! We'll go meet with our manager, see what it's all about, then meet you back at the dorms tonight. Okay?" Hangeng could always cheer someone up, no matter how un-happy they were.

"Okay" Leeteuk smiled wearily looking at the 5 packing up their things and walking towards the door.

"We'll be fine!" Henry chirped running back to hug their usually fearless leader.

"I hope so. Call me when they tell you what's going on okay?" Leeteuk said putting his phone away.

"Okay. Let's go guys!" Hangeng said trying to cheer up Kibum and Zhou Mi who both still looked shocked at the news. The 5 all went to say goodbye to their respective partners before walking out of the studio.

"What are you going to do now?" Bella asked sitting down near Leeteuk looking worried.

"Well I suppose we have to wait and see what our manager says, but for today, we could just much around. How about it?" He smiled and looked at the 9 remaining members in the room.

"That sounds fun!" Ryeowook said jumping up a little too fast and stumbling, landing on Bella.

"Yah! Ryeowook! Are you okay Bella?" Heechul rushed over to help them while Yesung helped Ryeowook up.

"I'm fine! Really! I've had worse, trust me!" Bella got up and stretched. "So what do you guys do for fun at times like this?" She asked.

"DANCE BATTLE!" Siwon, Shindong and Kyuhyun all yelled at the same time.

"Well you guys better be ready for a challenge. The didn't call me the crazy fan girl in high school for nothing!" Bella replied smirking.

I'm so sorry! I know that this isn't what really happened, but I want all of the guys to stick around! So I just stuck them all in Kibum's acting career :P If you have any suggestions or questions, just send me a message! And keep reading, next chapter up soon!

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Chapter 17: Please update like ASAP!
Congratulations on getting featured!
congrats! ^^
-theirmusicismylifee #5
Congrats on getting featured ~
Congrats c:
eLement-forever #7
Congrats :D