Grand Tour




Chapter 2 - Grand Tour

After the girls had left the dorm and the boys had settled down, they all sat back down in the lounge and continued to talk. It was getting later into the afternoon and the boys were getting hungry.

"Hey Bella, do you by any chance cook?" Henry asked the new maid in his own accented Korean. "'Cause I'm pretty sure I speak for us all when we I say that we are sick of fast food!"

"Here Here!" came a chorus of voices from the couch opposite the lounge chair that Bella was now sitting in quite comfortably. She laughed.

"Of course I can! How do you think I survived university?" Crossing her arms and looking at Henry with a smirk she continued. "Why? Are you guys getting hungry? Well I suppose it is getting to that time of the day. How about I make you all lunch, and then you can give me a tour of the dorm, and we can sit down and get to know each other a bit better? But first, you better show me the kitchen otherwise there wont be any food!"

After jostling around for a few minutes, it was decided that Ryeowook would help Bella make lunch. Him being the only one of the 15 that had any experience of cooking. Walking Bella through the dining room joined to the living room to the kitchen, Ryeowook showed Bella where everything was and they got down to the cooking.

"So what do you guys like to eat? " Bella asked Ryeowook who was rifling through the huge fridge in the corner of the room. That thing had to be 3 times larger than any other fridge she had seen. 'Well I guess that's what you get when you have 15 men living in the same house' she thought to herself.

"We all love junk food, but I guess that's no good for lunch." Ryeowook laughed.

"Well let's see what you have in that fridge of yours and we can get started."

About 20 minutes later, Bella and Ryeowook were carrying huge stacks of sandwiches into the dining room with plates for everyone in the other hand. Looking over to call the 15 to eat, what Bella saw surprised her. All now sitting on the ground, there were now 3 Playstation 3's set up with nearly all of the boys playing at the same time. With the exception of Heechul, who was pouting at the screen, Zhou Mi on whom Enhyuk was sitting, and Ryeowook who was placing things on the table like nothing was wrong. Shaking of the strange sight, Bella snapped them all out of their videogame-educed trance calling them to lunch.

Only after every sandwich was gone did the boys sit back contentedly all thanking Bella and Ryeowook for the delicious lunch.

"Well that's got to be the most healthy thing the we've all eaten in a long time." Siwon said as all the others agreed.

"I'm glad then." Laughed Bella. "As you guys have to start eating a bit healthier. Otherwise how are you going to dance properly?" Everyone laughed at that.

"Well if you keep making us food like that, I'm sure all my little ones will keep eating properly." Leeteuk laughed as well. "Well I can see that we're all finished, so why don't we do what Bella said earlier and get to know each other a bit better and then we can give Bella a tour of the dorm and show her where she will be sleeping?"

Moving into the lounge, everyone sat down and got comfortable.

"Well where do we start. Anything you want to know about me?" Bella asked sitting down in the impromptu circle that had formed on the floor. "You can ask anything, I'm not shy about many things."

"Where did you live in Australia and what did you do?" Asked Kyuhyun who had until now been very quiet.

"Kyu! That's rude! You shouldn't just ask straight away about personal stuff!" Sungmin said shocked at his boyfriend's outburst.

"No really, I don't mind at all! But to answer that you first have to understand that most people in Australia live on the coastline, right next to the ocean. I myself lived in a small coastal town about 3 and a half hours from the capital city. As to what I did, I am a trained languages teacher, but I also taught music and just finished a university degree in fashion design." Bella answered not holding anything back and smiling as she answered.

"Well that answers that one fully doesn't it?" Kyuhyun said smiling before laying his head on Sungmin's shoulder.

"Wow!" Kibum said looking shocked. "You can't have been in university for 12 years! How old are you?" At this Ryeowook leant over and slapped him upside of the head softly.

"Now that was rude Kibum! You should know you never ask a lady's age!" He said settling back into his spot nearly on top of Yesung who was now smiling softly at the outburst of the maknae.

"Okay, okay. Guys! I did say I wont mind answering anything that you throw at me! I am in fact only 23 years old, well, 24 if you go by Korean ages." Bella answered stifling a laugh at Ryeowook's actions.

"That's really young to be a fully fledged teacher and have a fashion design degree." Hangeng said laying down so he had his head on Siwon's lap.

"Yeah! It should have taken you more than 12 years to do all of that shouldn't it?" Siwon retorted running his hands through his boyfriend's hair.

"Well it is true that it should have taken me at least 13 years to get the degree's that I have, but due to circumstances during high school, I skipped the 8th and 9th grades and went straight to the 10th. Then when I finished the 11th in half a year, the principal just decided to let me take my Higher School Certificate at the end of the year and got me into university when I was old enough to apply. So I would have been 17 then, and since then I did a triple degree in languages, music and teaching, and I just finished my fashion design course while I was teaching at a school in my home town."

Everyone just stared at her like she was a crazy person until Zhou Mi cleared his throat.

"Well I'm impressed! If you're so smart, why did you accept the position here in Korea?"

"To be honest, I got bored. The kids I was teaching didn't want to learn and I thought that getting off of that path for a while would do me good. And so here I am!" Grinning, Bella looked around at the 15 faces still staring at her in shock.

"Well I'm sure that you've had enough interrogation from us for the moment, I think it's only fair that we answer any questions that you have." Zhou Mi said in a very polite manner.

"I think that's fair." Leeteuk laughed.

"Well just to clear things up a bit, could you tell me who is with who? If you don't mind me asking that is." Bella said blushing slightly. "Just so I know whose stuff goes with who's". Leeteuk took it upon himself to answer.

"Well, I am with Heechul…."

"Yeah, cause he's the only one who can control the almighty 'Rella" Laughed Donghae while the others joined in. After a few moments, Leeteuk cleared his throat, glaring at Donghae, and continued.

"As I was saying. Donghae is with our little American here." He said pointing to Hae and Henry who was now hiding in Donghae's shoulder.

"Don't worry Henry" Bella said in English to him as he looked at her from the corner of his eye blushing.

"Okay." He answered still hiding his head. Moving around the circle he continued while wondering what Bella had just said.

"Our maknae over there is with Yesung, Zhou Mi and Eunhyuk are together, Hangeng and Siwon, we have our little group of three comprised of Kibum, Sungmin and Kyuhyun. And then of course we have our two bachelors Kangin and Shindong." Leeteuk finished leaving quite a few blushing.

"Well that clears that up!" Bella laughed looking at the blushing boys. "I was sure that I was going to have to figure that out by myself, not that it's hard to tell" She said laughing slightly.

"It is a bit obvious isn't it?" Enhyuk said laughing as well from his position once again on Zhou Mi's lap while everyone joined in.

"Well apart from that, is there anything really important I need to know? Like is anyone allergic to anything or not eat anything?"

"I'm pretty sure that we don't know of any allergies, and as for food, we eat ANYTHING!" Heechul made a sweeping, circular gesture with his hands and arms. Laughing, Bella stood up.

"Now we've settled all that, how about that tour?"

Walking up a set of stairs close to the front door, the boys lead Bella along a long landing with multiple doors set in the wall. Shindong, who had volunteered to lead the tour, pointed to each door as they went past them.

"Okay, so Leeteuk and Heechul's room is the first one, Donghae and Henry are next, then Ryeowook and Yesung." He then walked past one door and continued.

"Kibum, Sungmin and Kyuhyun, Siwon and Hangeng, Zhou Mi and Enhyuk, my room, and then Kangin's room! And if you will kindly follow me back this way a bit…" Everyone turned and walked back the way they had come. Shindong stopped at the door he had skipped over.

"This will be your room! If you don't like it then I'm sure we can rearrange something to change it" Smiling nicely, he opened the door. Bella took to the quiet man straight away and walked into the room pulling her roller bag behind her.

Looking around the room, she instantly liked it. It was painted a light shade of cream with darker skirting boards and trims. There was a queen-sized bed in the middle of one wall waiting to have a quilt thrown over it and a dressing table and desk sitting against one wall. There was a door in the back wall leading off to an en-suite.

"I love it!" Bella squealed while walking over to the bed and sitting on it. The boys all looking on fro the doorway smiled.

"Well we'll leave you to get settled in. Just come downstairs when you're done okay?" Leeteuk said smiling from the doorway when everyone had left and slowly closed the door leaving Bella to unpack.

ping her suitcase, the first thing Bella was faced with was a mass of black and red covering everything else in the case. Pulling out the said coloured quilt, she threw it onto the bed before pulling the second item, her laptop, out of the case and putting it on the desk with its power cords before opening the closet and packing all her clothes in.

20 minutes of clothes packing saw Bella with all her clothes in the closet and he laptop booting up.

'Wow, only 2:30, may as well have shower, get all the sweat off from the flight' Bella thought to herself grabbing her toiletries and towel, walking into the en-suite and turning on the shower.

Meanwhile downstairs, the boys had settled back into the living room and were once again playing video games while talking about the newest addition to their little, well, not so little, family.

"So what do you guys think of her?" Asked Leeteuk while mashing a button on the controller of the PS3.

"I like her" Smiled Ryeowook who wasn't playing at the time.

"Yeah, she's so cute! And did you she the way she acted around Amber? Maybe we'll get another romance going in the process." Said Heechul while winking at Yesung who didn't say anything but smirked.

"Well if she keeps cooking like that, I automatically like her!" Shindong also smiled while tilting the controller he was holding.

"Okay can we have a general consensus please?" Leeteuk said putting down his controller. "All for?" Everyone put their hand up.

"Well we don't need the other side of the vote will we?

Getting out of the shower and getting dressed into another pair of black skinny jeans, and a loose fitting band shirt, Bella walked over to her laptop and opened her emails. Looking through at the many messages from other teachers and websites, she closed it off and walked downstairs to find a repeat of the lunchtime fiasco.

Sitting on the floor, couch and various chairs, the boys nearly all had a controller in their hands.

"So what are we playing" Bella said walking up behind said boys making them all jump slightly.

Still slightly shocked at Bella's soundless entry, Eunhyuk spoke up.

"We're playing Call Of Duty 4 online, you wanna play?" he said handing his controller over to Bella.

"Sure, but I have to warn you, I was the reigning champion in uni!"

2 hours later saw only Bella and one other person still in the game with everyone watching on. Yesung had just about gotten Bella down, but a quick flick of the thumb saw Yesung go down and Bella proclaimed winner of the long match.

"How….how…HOW DID YOU DO THAT?" asked Kangin loudly. "Nobody has ever been able to take down Yesung!"

"Well I suppose that's what you get when you work in a game store for your entire high school life isn't it?" Bella answered reaching over to shake Yesung's hand. "Good game!"

Yesung took the offered hand smiling slightly and shaking it, but still didn't say anything.

"Wow, is it that time already?" Bella said looking at the clock on the PS3 that now read 6:45. "Lets see about some dinner."

After cooking a very, very large dinner, Bella bought it out to the dining room and once again had to pull the boys away from their games to eat.

"Okay guys! I've made something my mum used to make me all the time when I lived at home. Tuna pasta bake. There's plenty here, so eat up!" All the boys dug into the meal and when they were finished, all, once again, congratulated Bella on her wonderful cooking skills.

"It's no biggie guys, though I may have to go shopping soon. You don't seem to have much more food in the house and with your appetites, we're gonna need a bit. What are you guys doing tomorrow?"

"Well we only have to go to practice in the afternoon. What time was it Teuk?" Said Heechul directing his question at Leeteuk.

"It's not until 1:00, so we have the morning to ourselves!" He answered.

"Well what needs the most attention in the dorm at the moment guys?" Bella asked.

"CLEAN CLOTHES!" was the only thing that was said at that moment. Bella laughed.

"Well if that's the problem, why don't you guys take all your dirty clothes to the laundry tonight, and I'll wash the tomorrow before I give this place a good once over cleaning?" Bella said still laughing lightly. "And then the day after tomorrow, I'll go over and bug the girls. I'm guessing they're not as bad as you lot!"

"Hey!" most of said boys said loudly at the statement.

"Well it would hold true you know." Leeteuk said looking around the table at his adopted family. "We can be pretty bad sometimes. But Bella," he turned to look at her. "I'm sure that we will all pitch in to help get the job done. Won't we boys?" He said in a very motherly like tone that caused all to agree. "Well it's settled. We will all help with the cleaning tomorrow, but for now I think it's about time to go to bed. I can see quite a few of us yawning already." Looking at Ryeowook who gave a large yawn.

"Okay, just be sure to pt all your washing in the laundry before you do go to bed. I'll clean up here while you do that and then we can all get some sleep, I have a feeling tomorrow is going to be a long day. But before I do clean up, where is the laundry?"

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Chapter 17: Please update like ASAP!
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congrats! ^^
-theirmusicismylifee #5
Congrats on getting featured ~
Congrats c:
eLement-forever #7
Congrats :D