First Kiss


Keito and Amu walked hand in hand together while going to school, both of them blushed as they looked at their hands. The silence broke when Amu talked.

"Neeee. You're blushing." Amu teased keito as she pnched his cheeks.

Keito held her hands and said.'Naaa ~ You're talking as if you're not blushing though." 

Amu hold her face and smiled. "Baka!~"

Keito put his arms around her shoulders and said. "Is that bad for me to blush and hold my girlfriends hand?"

Amu began blushing again and now she felt her heart go pumping faster. She closed her eyes as keito leaned towards her. but she heard his laugh and mocked him off.

'You're mean!~" She said and walked but keito grabbed her arm and hugged her.

"Naa ~ Yamete.." Amu said she smiled.

Keito released her and looked at her. "Okay! We'll ba late...~ You're soo...." then he ran away from her.

Amu looked at him and said. " So childish ~" 



Its already time to go home, fortunately their professor was on his off and the class was dismissed early. Umi looked at her watch.

"12:30?" Umi said as she looked at her watch. "Still early to go home." She said. The she looked at her phone. 

"So finally,.... Finally I can forget about him.....completely.." She said as tears fell down her eyes. The she remembered Yuri. She remebered when he loked her with his arms. She wiggled his head and said.

"nooo....nooooo..." the someone entered the room.

She turned around to look at who it is. "Yuri?"

Yuri came in and said. "Hai~ Can we talk?"

Umi nodded and wiped her tears making Yuri dense.

"Hey~ You okay?" He asked while going towards her looking at her closely maybe inches apart or centimeters only.

Umi stopped crying and looked at Yuri. She gulped and said. "Nande?"

Yuri walked backwards and said "Gomen ne ~"

"Gomen ne?" umi wondered. Well for Yuri, it was hard for him to say thank you that easily. Specially at her!

"Hai Gomen ne~" Yuri said and bowed.

Umi smiled and said. "Hey ~ Hey ~ ! What happened to the arrogant you?" she .

"Am i arrogant?" Yuri asked while scratching his head.

Umi smiled and tapped his shoulders. "just joking~"

Yuri looked at Umi and said seriously "Hey~ Clumsy!"

"Dont call me that." Umi shouted at him.

Yuri sat at the desk and said. "Stop liking him."

"Huh~?????!" Umi said in shocked. Eiiii? What is this stupid's guy thinking about? 

Yuri looked at her and stood up. "I said stop liking her."

Umi stood silent and said. "Who~?"

"That Keito guy!" Yuri said just like whispering.

"Keito???" Umi said and then she felt silent again. "You dont know anything so stop butting in!~" She said and pushed Yuri slamming him on the wall.

"Itttai!" Yuri said as his back slam on the wall. Umi looked at him and went towards him. "ei? Daijoubu?" she asked while examining him.

Yuri smiled and said. "Stop liking him and instead like me...." 

Umi looked at him as she holds onto his arms. "Eiiii?" she shouted and mocked him on his head. "What are you talking about."

Yuri went closer at her and his lips touched hers. Umi stood silent and realized that he had kissed her and she pushed him away making her blush....

"nani kore Yuri !" Umi shouted.

Yuri looked at her and said. "" he said as if he was shocked also.

Umi looked at him and walked out the room while covering his lips. 

Nande? That was my first kiss!

Yuri was left at the room smirking. Neee ! It was a good first for me... But. I didnt expect my reflexes would be that fast. 


Keito and Amu spent the whole day together and even went together where one was there. 

Keito accompanied Amu in the library because she was searching for something for their thesis, she climbed at the ladder and reached for the books on top of the shelves. Keito did offered his help for her but....

"Its okay I can do this." Amu said as she tip tooeing to grab the book. But the ladder slipped and she fell down.

She fell on the floor and keito was on top of her.......And the most shocking thing is... 

EiiiiII~ Keito's kissing me! Yaaaaaaaaabaaai! she told herself while her eyes widened so big and so round.

Keito looked at her as he held onto her neck and his other hand is around on her waist. Is this real? Why Am I kissing her. he asked himself


They stood up and Keito looked at her. "I told you i would help you right. You just dont listen." Keito said as he was blushing.

Amu stood silent for a minute as keito offered his hand to help her. She grabbed it and found herself being so close to keito. She gulped and said. 'Anooo~ Arigatou!"

"Arigatou for what~?" Keito teased. "For the kiss?" he laughed.

Amu smiled and said. 'baka !!!!" 

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I'll be on a long hiatus for this story ! gomen ne :(


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littleangelcrown #1

this is very wonderful story :D
Chapter 20: This was a really Good story (l)
Chapter 20: awwwwwwww~
so sad it's has a cheesy and funny ending...
i loved it lhabx...wahaha xD
ckossi #4
Chapter 20: Aw~! That's so cute! I'm sad it's over, but I liked it.
ckossi #5
Chapter 19: oh no! i cant wait to see what happens next! i hope chinen and umi stay together and get married still. keito should realize he already missed his chance, no matter how much i love the guy.
ckossi #6
Chapter 18: Oh :( keito and amu broke up. I hope they get back together because I like umi with Chinen.
ckossi #7
Chapter 17: That's sad. I can't wait to see the next one to see what happens. I love this story a lot.
owmygosh...i almost cry as a read this chapter...!
i thought Umi was really gonna about Chii...???
phew...good thing she was still alive...
ckossi #9
Aw~! Chinen tried to save her~!!!! SO SAD BUT SO CUTE AND SWEET~!
ckossi #10
Go Chinen! Keito better stay with Amu! Can't wait for the next one!!!