

Amu and Keito arrived on Tokyo. Well they had some conversing time with their parents for them to go together. But in the end they end up going together. They arrived the airport early because Amu was too excited to arrive at the airport early that she didnt slept the whole night. 

"You really miss Umi chan nee" Keito told her as Amu was looking at the window of the airplane.

Amu nodded as she was amazed of the fluffy clouds she's seeing. "Uwaaa ~ I love this formation." She said as she grabbed Keito towards the window.

"It looks like you." Amu said as he copy Keito's expression.

Keito looked at him and said. "urusai!" and smiled at her.

"Just kidding." Amu said and continued her fantasies on the clouds as she points at it one by one.K

Keito was just looking at her laughing girlfriend who was now totally amazed of the cloud formation.



They arrived at Japan 5pm in the afternoon, Umi was not there because she didnt even contacted her that she was coming, but Umi knows that Amu will come visit her that week. 

"Nee Where are we going to stay for 4days?" Keito asked.

Amu looked around and grabbed a cab. "On my aunts house."

"Really?" Keito said as Amu stopped a cab.

"oh yess, so lets go." Amu said as she grabbed Keito's arm inside the cab.


They arrived at her aunt's house and Amu ran towards her sisters room.

"Umiiii chan! Tadaima!" Amu said barging inside her sisters room.

Umi sat up as she heard her name. "Umii chan?" She said while looking at her door and saw Amu coming in.

"Amuuuu!" She said excitedly as she went to her sister hugging her tight. "Why did you?"

AMu hugged her and said. "Because I want to see your guy!"

Umi break the hug and said. "Ohhh Yuri?"

"So Yuri is the name nee?" Amu said then Keito came in.

"HelllloOOO!" Keito said while smiling.

"Keito kun!" Umi said. "Youre here together." She added.

Keito nodded as well as Amu. "hai!" Amu said

Umi began to sadden but she just coped up. "So how are you two?"

Keito butted in and said. "Well we're here to ceck out on that guy."

Umi smiled and said.'Oh~ so even you know that guy huh" Umi said

Keito walked towards her and said. "Of course i do." Then he placed his arms on Amu's shoulder

Amu looked at Umi and said. "you know that we're together now right?" She asked.

Umi nodded and said. "Of course and I was betting on you two really."

Amu smiled and said. "I really missed you my sister" as she went to hug her.

"Ohhh can i join?" Keito asked.

"Of course not ! " The two said n unison.

"Sisters bonding." Umi said.

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I'll be on a long hiatus for this story ! gomen ne :(


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littleangelcrown #1

this is very wonderful story :D
Chapter 20: This was a really Good story (l)
Chapter 20: awwwwwwww~
so sad it's has a cheesy and funny ending...
i loved it lhabx...wahaha xD
ckossi #4
Chapter 20: Aw~! That's so cute! I'm sad it's over, but I liked it.
ckossi #5
Chapter 19: oh no! i cant wait to see what happens next! i hope chinen and umi stay together and get married still. keito should realize he already missed his chance, no matter how much i love the guy.
ckossi #6
Chapter 18: Oh :( keito and amu broke up. I hope they get back together because I like umi with Chinen.
ckossi #7
Chapter 17: That's sad. I can't wait to see the next one to see what happens. I love this story a lot.
owmygosh...i almost cry as a read this chapter...!
i thought Umi was really gonna about Chii...???
phew...good thing she was still alive...
ckossi #9
Aw~! Chinen tried to save her~!!!! SO SAD BUT SO CUTE AND SWEET~!
ckossi #10
Go Chinen! Keito better stay with Amu! Can't wait for the next one!!!