Eiii? Nande?


It was the first meeting for the music club. 

"Naaaa ! Should I really attend this stupid meeting?' Umi said as she was walking towards the room where the meeting will be held. 

If I would see that Yuri bastard I will freak out again. She told herself

She was looking at the door and saw the shadow of Yuri...... maybe she wants to avoid Yuri so much that even his shadow she perfectly knows it. 

She was standing at the door when someone tapped on her back. She looked at her back and was surprised that she almost fell,gratefully Yuri was there to catch her.

"eiii Yuri?" She said was standing up. 

Yuri smiled and said. "You're so clumsy.' He said and mocked her head.

Umi hold her mocked head and said. "Youuuuuu!"

Yuri grabbed her hand and said. "Ikouuuzzzzzou!" 

Umi released him and said. "I dont want to be the president of that club."

Yuri was surprised to hear somthing like that from Umi. 

"I cant even handle myself? So how can I handle the whole student body?" Umi added.

Yuri looked at her and said. "You have a problem? Want to talk somewhere?" He asked.

Umi didnt answer which made Yuri have his own answer to his own question. He quickly grabbed Umi's arm and ran towards a secret place only Yuri knows. Well he's been hiding to all the girls who are following him nee.

"Nee Doko ni?" Umi asked while looking at the place. "I never saw this place before."

Yuri looked at her and said. "My secret place though." then he laughed.

"You're really a BAKA!" Umi protested as she mocked Yuri' head.

"Tssss." Yuri said. 

Pffffftttttt! Umi let out her tongue out to tease Yuri. 

Why being like that? Yuri told himself.

"huh?" Umi said as if she heard something.

"Nothing . " Yuri pretended.

Umi was looking around and was really amazed of the place. She was really surprised to saw one like that.

"Neee.Why did you left the meeting also?' Umi asked him.

Yuri looked at her and said. "Want to know why?" 

Umi looked at him and after one second Yuri pushed her on the wall and locked her there. 

"Eiiiii. Nande?" Umi asked while blushing.

"Ohhh~ You're blushing." Yuri teased as he was leaning closer to her. 

Umi looked away and closed her eyes. 

Yuri laughed and released Umi from her grip. "You're so funny when you turned like a tomato." he said as he laughed.

"Okay !!!! Done laughing?" Umi said then walked out. 


She's so kawaiiiiii when she's blushing.....eii? Does this mean that............Yuri told himself.


Umi walked out the place and went to their room. Opened her Cell and emailed her sister.

From. Umi

          Twinnniiiieeee :( OhMy !!!! Why am I feeling like this. I wish I can talk to you face to face. There some guy who teased me so badly that I think Iam falling for him? Oh no !!!! Twinnnnie... Lets chat later or maybe tomorrow..... 


She looked at the door and saw Yuri walking, when she saw him , she hurriedly felt her heart beats very fast that its very hard to breathe. So she grabbed her bag and ran away from that room.

She hold her chest telling herself. "Why my heart beats this fast. I didnt felt this to keito...." She kept asking herself.

"That stupid bunnnnny!" Umi shouted and she hurried home. Cutting classes


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I'll be on a long hiatus for this story ! gomen ne :(


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littleangelcrown #1

this is very wonderful story :D
Chapter 20: This was a really Good story (l)
Chapter 20: awwwwwwww~
so sad it's over...it has a cheesy and funny ending...
i loved it lhabx...wahaha xD
ckossi #4
Chapter 20: Aw~! That's so cute! I'm sad it's over, but I liked it.
ckossi #5
Chapter 19: oh no! i cant wait to see what happens next! i hope chinen and umi stay together and get married still. keito should realize he already missed his chance, no matter how much i love the guy.
ckossi #6
Chapter 18: Oh :( keito and amu broke up. I hope they get back together because I like umi with Chinen.
ckossi #7
Chapter 17: That's sad. I can't wait to see the next one to see what happens. I love this story a lot.
owmygosh...i almost cry as a read this chapter...!
i thought Umi was really gonna die...how about Chii...???
phew...good thing she was still alive...
ckossi #9
Aw~! Chinen tried to save her~!!!! SO SAD BUT SO CUTE AND SWEET~!
ckossi #10
Go Chinen! Keito better stay with Amu! Can't wait for the next one!!!