Daisuki Keito kun!


Amu was half awake when she saw the email came from Umi. She laughed and told herself It seems things are going better for Umi.

Amu stood up and fixed herself, she remembered their date last day and went blushing and giggling when she remembers it all. She prepare for school and was also waiting for Keito to came.


"Ohayo gozaimasu Amu chan." Keito said when he came in with a big smile on his face.

Amu looked at him and pointed at him. "having a good day huh?" she teased.

"Naaa !" Keito said.

Amu grabbed her phone and whispered something to Keito.

"Hontouuuuu!" Keito screamed. Her mom came in when he heard him screamed. "Douta?" She asked while looking around.

Amu and Keito looked at each other and keito held Amu's hand that made her mother all screamed and shouted."

"OhhhH~ you seem all lovey dovey !" Her mom said.

Amu looked at her hand and said. "Kaaa chan.." she said embarrased of what keito had done. 

Keito winked at her and said. "Anooo~ Can I ask for your answer If I can be your daughter's boyfriend." he said and bowed infront of Amu's mom.

"Haii!" Her mother said eagerly.

Amu looked at her mom and Keito and said. "Nani Kore?"

Keito looked at her and said. "You dont like me or You do like me ?" 

Amu stood quiet for a minute and said. "I do."

"HUHHH? Cant hear you." keito said.

"yesss! I do like you!" Amu shouted.

Keito covered his ears and said. "I did hear that and I accepted it as a Yes from you."

Amu pushed him as his face went closer to hers. "Whatever."


Umi came to school having mixed thoughts to herself.

Nani? What am I thinking? and why Am i thinking about that superficial person who doest care to others. She told herself not knowing she bumped in to the post. Well living her a red bump in her head.


She walked towards her room holding her forehead and feeling dizzy. She felt like checking her cell when she saw Amu's email that made her heart ache for a while. So she holds into her chest and placed her head on her desk.

"Angina Pectoris?" A guy said.

Umi looked around and saw Yuri standing there almost leaning closer to her. "Eiiii ! Nande?"

"Angina Pectoris.." Yuri said as he placed his hands on his chest. "It is when your chest aches...are you feeling like that?" He said while looking at her and saw her holding a cell.

Umi tilted her head and said. "What I mean is that, what are you doing right now?" She said and looked at him from head to foot thinking why Chinen is acting like that. 

Yuri smiled and saw her cell. Keito again? he told himself. He immediately grabbed Umi's phone and read it.

"Neee stop it.' while Amu was reaching for her phone from Yuri's back.

Yuri was reading it and stopped. 

Amu grabbed her phone and said. "you done?" now angry at him.

Yuri faced him and said. "You like him huh?" he asked while looking at the floor.

Umi out her cell in her bag and said. 'None of your business."

Yuri put his hands on the desk of Umi and said. "Why?"

Umi just looked at him and told herself. Why is he asking why? And why does he face me like this? He's serious and not the Yuri I know.

Before Umi would utter one word their teacher came and thought that it was the first time she loved teachers. "Yokattttaaa" she said as she sighed.

Yuri went down to his seat and thought. Why am I being angry like that...I should tell sorry later.


Amu was nervous being with keito who she like for almost many years. 

'Anooo Keito kun." Amu said nervously.

Keito looked at her and said "Nande?"

Amu raised their hands that was been held together. 'We really have to do this?" she smiled.

Keito said and now tighten his grip. "I just want to."

Amu smiled and stayed quiet and uttered. "Daisuki Keito kun!"

Keito was surprised and said. 'huh?"


Keito smiled and said.... 'Hontou daisuki nee Amu chan." and hugged her.

Amu whispered something to him. "you're kinda deaf right now huh!' then she laughed.

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I'll be on a long hiatus for this story ! gomen ne :(


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littleangelcrown #1

this is very wonderful story :D
Chapter 20: This was a really Good story (l)
Chapter 20: awwwwwwww~
so sad it's over...it has a cheesy and funny ending...
i loved it lhabx...wahaha xD
ckossi #4
Chapter 20: Aw~! That's so cute! I'm sad it's over, but I liked it.
ckossi #5
Chapter 19: oh no! i cant wait to see what happens next! i hope chinen and umi stay together and get married still. keito should realize he already missed his chance, no matter how much i love the guy.
ckossi #6
Chapter 18: Oh :( keito and amu broke up. I hope they get back together because I like umi with Chinen.
ckossi #7
Chapter 17: That's sad. I can't wait to see the next one to see what happens. I love this story a lot.
owmygosh...i almost cry as a read this chapter...!
i thought Umi was really gonna die...how about Chii...???
phew...good thing she was still alive...
ckossi #9
Aw~! Chinen tried to save her~!!!! SO SAD BUT SO CUTE AND SWEET~!
ckossi #10
Go Chinen! Keito better stay with Amu! Can't wait for the next one!!!