A Broken Piece


Amu was now pursuing her dream to be a medical doctor someday. Together with Keito, They pursue their dream together., Amu was having contact with Umi, but since they are both busy with their own courses and subjects are getting more hard, communicating with each other became lesser than usual. 


"Keito." Amu said as he looked at Keito. 

Keito looked at Amu and said "Hmmmn"

Amu looked at him and said. "I think Umi cant move on."

'Move on to whom?" Keito asked.

Amu looked at him and pointed at him. "YOU!"

Keito bowed down and sighed . "Souka." then walked ahead of Amu.

Amu looked at him as he walked towards their room.. 


Umi went into her room with her guitar. She sits at her usual sit on the last row of the room. There she tends to sketch or just doodle something on her notes. Well, she was a scholar of that school, and was a dean's lister so professors dont mind her doing like that. She brought out her  pink cattleya notebook with a front cover of blue abstract guitar and brought out her pen. She took down notes and looked around. She looked at the window and saw a guy walking at the hallway. She smirked as she looked at this guy being followed by more than 3 girls.

"What he is doing around there outside neglecting studies." She said and continued writing. 

The class had ended so she fixed her things right away. She was about to go out the room when her professor talked a her.

"Sawashima Umi desu?" Her professor called her. She looked back and said. "Hai Sensei?"

Her professor looked at him and said. "Iam assigning you to be the president of the Music Club." 

Umi eyes widened and said. "Why me?" while poiting at herself.

"You have all the qualities to be the president Ms. Sawashima. Im depending on you." Her professor said and walked out of the room. "So I need you to report tomorrow. After class to meet the others." then closed the door.

Umi walked out the room and thought of the things. 

"Why appoint me all of sudden and requiring me to report just like that. " Umi told herself. She was going down the stairs when someone bumped into him because of running upstairs.

She looked at him and said. "Heyyy!" 

The guy looked at him and smiled. "Hi." Then ran again. 

Umi looked at him fiercely and said. "CHOOOOOTOOO MATTTE !" she screamed.

The guy stopped for a while and said. "Nani?" 

Umi walked upstairs and showed her guitar keito and uma gave her. "You see this?" As she showed him the broken keychain.

The guy looked at it and said. "Well, I can pay for that or even buy you a new one. Just leeave me alone first okay. Im in a hurry." The guy said then ran again as he saw someone following him.

Umi looked at them and smirked. She looked at her keychain and walked. She went into the library and looked for a book. She sat down on a table and scanned the book. She was reading when she saw the keychain again. 


"Umi chan." Amu said as she was running towards her. 

Umi looked at him and smiled. "Amu chan. Why crying. You dont want keito to see you like that right?" She said while wiping her twins tears. 

Keito came and told her. "Just let her." Then he came bringing her a hanky.

Umi looked at Keito and said. "you also wanna cry?" she teased.

Keito looked at her and said. "Whatever."

Umi looked at them and said. "So farewell for now. I will contact you when I get there okay?" 

Keito and Amu nods. Umi along with er baggage turned around and waved. Amu stopped her and gave her something.

Its a blue guitar keychain. Just like the guitar she loved when she was still ten. She cried and said. "Who made this." 

Amu pointed at Keito and said. "He do."

Umi smiled and said. "You did this?'

Keito smiled and said. "Well I arranged the strings." he smiled and put his hands around Umi's neck. "Better take care there."

Umi nods and Amu hugged her. "I will miss you"


While she was reading her tears fell down to the book. Someone tapped the table when she stopped crying.

"Nee gomen." A voice said.

She wiped her tears as this person went beside her and get the keychain.

"You crying?" He asked.

Umi didnt look at him and said. "None of your business."

The guy offered his hanky to him and he remembered Keito. "keito?" she said.

She looked at the guy and said. "Who are you?" 

The guy smiled at him and smiled. "Yuri."




Yuri hold onto the keychain and said. "Sorry for this. Im sure this is a very important thing for you." He said.

Umi looked at him and said. "Whatever. Move."

Yuri looked and said. "Why?"

"Do I need to answer that?' Umi said and stood up.

Yuri moved and looked at her went out of the library.


Umi was walking hastily away the library as Yuri looked at him.

"Nee. What's...." Yuri said as he stopped her ..."your name..." he added and smiled and turned to look at the keychain. "At least I have this." Then he also stood up to go home. 


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I'll be on a long hiatus for this story ! gomen ne :(


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littleangelcrown #1

this is very wonderful story :D
Chapter 20: This was a really Good story (l)
Chapter 20: awwwwwwww~
so sad it's over...it has a cheesy and funny ending...
i loved it lhabx...wahaha xD
ckossi #4
Chapter 20: Aw~! That's so cute! I'm sad it's over, but I liked it.
ckossi #5
Chapter 19: oh no! i cant wait to see what happens next! i hope chinen and umi stay together and get married still. keito should realize he already missed his chance, no matter how much i love the guy.
ckossi #6
Chapter 18: Oh :( keito and amu broke up. I hope they get back together because I like umi with Chinen.
ckossi #7
Chapter 17: That's sad. I can't wait to see the next one to see what happens. I love this story a lot.
owmygosh...i almost cry as a read this chapter...!
i thought Umi was really gonna die...how about Chii...???
phew...good thing she was still alive...
ckossi #9
Aw~! Chinen tried to save her~!!!! SO SAD BUT SO CUTE AND SWEET~!
ckossi #10
Go Chinen! Keito better stay with Amu! Can't wait for the next one!!!