You're indeed Trouble, Trouble, Trouble

The Last Song

Miss Choi stared at Soeun from head to toe. "What happened?" she asks sharply. "Where have you been?! I told you to assist Mr. Lee, didn't I?" she snapped. Soeun bit her lip.

"I did, and..." 

"And what?" 


Miss Choi raised her pencilled eyebrow. "Is there anything you'd like to say, volunteer?" 

"Nothing.. nothing ma'am." 

"Now get back to your work!" 

"Work? As in...?"

"... serving Mr. Lee, yes."


"NOW!" she snapped. Soeun had no excuse of escaping. Ah, right! She thought. That jerk's lunch! Soeun's heels clicked towards the direction of the resort's five-star restaurant. I haven't even spoken to the chef... whatever. He'll just eat whatever I bring him. 

"Oh, Soeun-ah!" One of the sous chef called when she saw Soeun entering the kitchen. "Early lunch?" Soeun smiled bitterly. I wish! 

"No, unnie. Some guest's 'special request'." The sous chef gave her a questioning look. "VIP?" 

"I wouldn't consider him one.." 


"The resort owner's grandson.. you know him?" the sous chef stopped rolling the pastry she was handling.

"Aaaah... him. He's known to have picky tastebuds, you know." 

"Seriously? So he's really like that, huh.. Unni! Do you know what he actually eats? What he doesn't?" wait, wasn't I going to give him whatever? 

The chef smiled. "Soeun-ah, don't you worry. I'll help you prepare everything, okay? You go grab a bite first, arasso? You're too skimpy! Go!"

"Really? Thank you, unni! Sorry for troubling you.." Soeun mumbled. 

"Aniya, it's okay. I couldn't afford seeing you get yelled off by the young master. We know him too well!" 

"Thank you so much, unni! I owe you one!" Soeun skipped happily out of the kitchen. Mission accomlished! 


The ringing sound of his suite's bell echoed across the room. Junho stretched his legs on the bed. "Come in!" he called, quickly changing his expression. A straight-faced Soeun came in, pushing a cart of food specially for Junho. The temptacious smell was killing him. He was very hungry. 

"Your lunch, your Highness." Soeun rolled her eyes. Junho had to stop himself from laughing, and kept his cold expression. 


"Eat!" Soeun ordered. Junho laid his arms wide, slouching. "Feed me."

"NEH?!" Soeun's round eyes went wide. "Am I your personal... Aish!" she had no choice but to give in. Grabbing a spoon, she sat on the edge of his bed. "Mwoya..." 

"Aaaaaaaaaaah..." Junho opened his mouth wide. 

"Are you a baby?" 

"Oh, so you're calling me 'Baby', now?" he sneered. "Tsk. I knew you had feelings for me since the start.. but isn't this too advanced?" 

Soeun put down the spoonful of food she was holding, gritting her teeth. She heaved a huge sigh before proceeding to feed him again. "Weird jerk!" she hissed to herself.

"Anyways..." Junho continued. "I've decided on what to call you, personal maid."

"What?! Personal slave, now?"

Junho put his fingers on his chin. "Not bad... but no." 


"I'll just stick to personal maid!" he stuck his tongue. "Fooled you!" Soeun pouted. Pfft. What a punk. At least I got the hang of it. She cleared . "Fine, then!" she said, standing up. "Can I go now?" Junho pretended to think for a while. 

"You know about the little beach dinner, tonight?" he asked. 

"Neh. What about it?" Soeun asked suspiciously. 

"Accompany me." 


"Stop assuming too fast." he said. "I'm not taking you as my date." 

Soeun blushed. "I wasn't! Who would, anyway! Then what?" she added quickly. 

"As my personal maid, of course." Junho raised his eyebrow, grinning. 

"WHAT?! What do you want me to do there?! Serve you? Tag behind you??" 

Junho shrugged. "I don't know. Yeah, maybe." 

Soeun narrowed her eyes. "Yah... so is that all, eh?"

"Yup. And don't wear your uniform."

"Then what?! I thought you said.." Junho stood up, interrupting her words. His height was towering over the petite Soeun.  Junho placed his finger on her lips. "Do as I say, okay?" he whispered softly into her ear. Soeun felt like her heart wanted to burst, but she kept still.

"I.. I'll be going." she retreated and pushed the food trolley outside, heart still beating. Junho smiled to himself. "I'll be drinking alot tonight!" he yelled.

Soeun's face was still a beetroot red when the elevator descended to the ground floor. Pabo.


Soeun checked her watch. 8:15! She stomped on the spot. Where is that jerk?! Why did I even drag myself into thi---

The familiar cologne pierced her nostrils. "Missed me?" Junho winked. Soeun glared, staring him head to toe.

"I know I look handsome. Stop flattering me with your stares." She had to admit.. he actually did, compared to how she saw him earlier. Junho ran his fingers through his hair. He held out his arm. 

"Hold." He ordered. 


"Hold. My. Arm." Junho repeated. Soeun looked around. People were starting to stare, some whispering. She felt hot, and uncomfortable.

"I..." she hesitated.

"Personal maid, why is it so hard for you to hold my arm?" Junho linked his into hers. Soeun's heart had that familiar thump-thumping again like earlier. 

"What are you doing, right now!?" she whispered. "People are staring!" she checked for any signs of Miss Choi. Who knows if her hawk-eyes are glaring at her from somewhere. Soeun was relieved that she wasn't. They walked through the loud crowd of people, eyes on them.. towards the drinks bar. Junho sat down, followed by Soeun.

"M.. Mr. Lee?" Soeun called. Junho turned. "Hm?" 

"Are you... are really going to drink? I mean.. were you serious? Because I don't.. um.. drink that well." Junho laughed.

"Who the hell asked you to drink WITH me?" 

Soeun pulled her arm furiously, breaking the awkward air. "Then?!' 

"You're my personal maid, remember? Just sit there."


"Just shut up and sit there. Try not to complain too much. These people know me. Bartender?" he called the lady in black with the plunging neckline.

Soeun squirmed in her seat as Junho took shot by shot. "Mr. Lee.." she whined. The music blared louder, drowning her words. 

Junho mumbled gibberishly. Soeun sighed, staring around her. He's obviously drunk.

"Are you alright.. Mr. Lee?" Junho stood up, staggering. His plan was going excellently. He pretended to take another shot again. Soeun stopped him. "Mr. Lee.. I think you should stop.." she said worriedly. Junho pretended to unsteadily make his way towards the small beach hut far outside. Soeun chased after him. 

"Mr. Lee! Where are you going?!" she panted. The night was really dark, and chilly. Soeun could hear the faint sound of waves. Soeun took her heels off. Soeun peeked inside the wooden hut. "Are you okay, Mr. Lee?" she called. It was dark and dusty. Soeun shivered. 

"Yah.. I.. think I'm drunk..." Junho slurred. Soeun went closer. There wasn't any source of light, only the moonlight shone through the windows. 

"Mr. Lee.. let's get out of here. I'll... I'll take you to your room.. I don't have a good feeling about this.."

BAM! A loud sound startled her.

"What was that?!" she sqealed. "Mr. Lee... palli!" she whined, tugging his arm. Soeun quickly bolted for the door. "It's locked shut!" Soeun panicked. "Ottoke?!" 

"Scared, are you?" Junho sneered, laughing. 

"YOU!" Soeun glared in the dark. "You planned this!" Junho shrugged.

"If I were to be trapped inside a hut alone with a woman, I'd rather do it with a foreign supermodel." he said coolly. 

"YAH!!! What are we going to do now??" Soeun banged the door, pacing back and forth and tried the door again. 

"We? Since you asked.." Junho stood up. "Hm.." he his lips, taking of his blazer. "Since it's only the two of us.. I think maybe I'll change my mind about the supermodel. You.. in that dress.. hot." 

Soeun paused for a second and let out a little gasp. She only just noticed. "HEEEEEEEEEEEEELP!" she screamed. Junho cupped .

"Shut up, will you?!" 

"Unfffffhhhhhhhhhhhh" Soeun tried to break free. "Leht meffff guhhhhhh!" her muffled voice begged. 

"Let's continue where we started, shall we?" Junho growled, pushing Soeun against the wall. His manly strength overtook hers and she had nowhere to go. Soeun's chest heaved up and down, her eyes wide. 

"Continue?!?! When did we even start?!?! What are you thinking about?!" sweat beads started to form on her forehead as Junho moved in closer. 

"Playing hard to get, ey?" He asked in a deep, low voice. "Do you know what I'm known as, among ladies?" Soeun felt like crying. "What?" she gulped. 

"Three Seconds." she could feel his warm breath in hers and flinched. 

"Neh? Why even?" she asked, holding her breath.

"Do you really want to know?" he purred.

Soeun shook her head furiously, her face hot. Junho's lips were about an inch farther from her face. "Please.. Mr. Lee..." 

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I added a new trailer :) it's not good but do enjoy!


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junsolover11 #1
Please please please update this :(
junsolover11 #2
Author-nim please update huhuhu i super love your story!!!
please update soon! it's too looooooooong already :( don't keep us waiting for longer
Drewhajri #4
Please update, missing this story...
zuulfah #5
Chapter 27: authornim !!!!!!! you know its realy amazing story... I lov it soooo much, pleas update soon !!!!!!
adonis90 #6
Chapter 27: Please update soon ;~~~~~~;
bobobibi #7
Chapter 27: please update soon. i really love ur story :)
Sone4eva88 #8
Chapter 27: Yahhhh author nim!!!!!!! I hate you for not making Junho and Soeun tgt...Please make them be tgt in the next few chaps juseyo...!!! *Pouts*
ultimatebookworm #9
Chapter 27: HI! I'M DYING!!! pls update this wonderful story someday <3
Mayrah20_5 #10
pleaseee updateee soon ;(