
There's Only Two Things You Must Do Today: Breathe In, Breathe Out

Taemin’s POV

A couple weeks went by and Carolyn and I hung out almost every day since. Becca came along too everyonce and awhile. But I still had yet to introduce her to the guys. I was scared. What if they didn’t like her, or worse! She didn’t like them! But I knew it’d have to happen sooner or later…the anticipation to that time, though, was strangling. I decided I should ask her if she wanted to meet them, and if yes, when. So tonight when I saw her at the movies I was going to ask.

When I got to the theater I saw her standing in line for tickets. We were going to see Cabin in the Woods. She picked it out, and it sounded good, but a little scary. Eh, better for me I guess. Maybe if she got scared she’ll hide in my shoulder. Kekeke.

As I got closer I noticed she was wearing a Slipknot T-shirt. I chuckled to myself then grabbed her waist from behind. She jumped a little, but then I saw a smile on her face from over her shoulder. I had my chin placed tactically where her neck met her shoulder. 

“Hello there~” I whispered.

“Why, do I know you sir?” She turned around and smiled.

“Hmm…not sure but you do look familiar.”

“Ah, I see. If you say so!” She pecked my cheek.

To be honest, I was looking forward to my first real kiss with Carolyn. I wanted to kiss her on our first date, but I knew that would be inappropriate. I kept thinking the right moment would come and I would know…but it hadn’t happened yet.

And not only that, I’ve never kissed another girl! Well, that’s not true. I had this one girlfriend before SHINee’s debut, but she only pecked my lips once or twice. But I never kissed her back. I wanted a real kiss. A deep, soft one. With passion. Like how Onew and Rebecca kiss! Or Key and Brianna! I wanted to have that, and I finally found the girl I wanted to do it with.

I felt like this was the right moment. I figured I’d ask her about meeting the hyung’s after the movie. I leaned in and puckered my lips. I wasn’t sure how to make the move. I had my eyes closed, that is until I fell into thin air!

I stumbled forward and glanced around. I saw her up at the ticket window ordering our tickets. My face went red. Aish. That’s embarrassing. I tried not to get too worked up over it. After all, another chance could arise during the movie.

I quickly followed her to the theater. As I walked in I remember that we hadn’t gotten popcorn!

“Yah! Carolyn!”


“What about popcorn?” I pouted.

“Well, do you want some?” She pinched my cheek, “Taeminnie~”

I blushed. “Yeeeaaaassss,” I whined, making the best puppy dog face I could. “Pwease?” I blinked trying to put as much aegyo as I could into the act. She giggled and squeezed my hand.

“Go find us a seat, I’ll go get the popcorn,” I went to say something but she cut me off, “Yes, with extra butter.” Aigoo! She read my mind!

“Do you want something to drink with it, Tae?”

“Water would be nice.”

“Okay! I’ll be back. Go find us seats. I don’t want to-”

“-sit too close to the front, I know.”

She smiled then turned to go. Then it hit me. This was it. The perfect time to kiss her. I could to this!

I grabbed her arm and spun her around. Her face was filled with shock.

“Tae-!” I cut her off by crushing my lips against hers. I squeezed my eyes shut. I felt the need to do something with my hands, so I cupped her face. I wasn’t sure if I should try and move my lips against hers or not, but I couldn’t resist. I turned my head slightly, bumping her nose with mine along the way. I knew I was doing something right when I felt her tongue brush against my bottom lip and her arms slide around my neck. I smiled into her lips when I felt her playing with my hair. We slowly broke apart, both smiling.

“I’ll go get the popcorn then…” she whispered. I just nodded then watched her go through the doors to the lobby. I skipped a few steps forward then did a double fist in the air. I couldn’t stop smiling.

I picked the perfect seats for us.

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banapple195 #1
WOW! I thought that was a random photo from the internet! Its so pretty! ^^
Awww; I don't like goodbyes >.< But that is a beautiful picture!!^^
They have to live :'(
Ahah Jjong seems her boyfriend, not Taemin xD
They're a perfect COUPLE (Tae and Carol)^^
Ahah, Jjong is jealous :b
banapple195 #5
I love Jonghyun in this story!
Jealous puppy^^
Oh, JongHyun, you're so sweet *_*
Aish, i hate long distance relationships..i hope that they can do it *_*
Long distance relationships^^
Key umma/appa! :D