Diaper Dumplings and Shoe Sales

There's Only Two Things You Must Do Today: Breathe In, Breathe Out

Becca’s POV

 The next morning Brianna drove us to a Korean restaurant she had found on the way here. The inside of the white building was plain, but it definitely had some sort of Asian influence, seeing how the staff was all Asian. Brianna ordered dumplings, while I ordered Miso soup with some other foods on the appetizer list. Carolyn, being the stereotype-lover she was, asked for a plate of Kimchi and Egg Drop Soup.

There were little tofu pieces in the miso soup, and I felt for the little floating dubu. Let’s just say I couldn’t consume such adorable little white squares. I tactically ate around them though.

We all chatted about random things going on in life. We had some catching up to do.


Since we came home with leftovers, we decided to have them for lunch.

“Uck, I thought they were bad the first time I had them!” Brianna said, staring cross-eyed at the dumpling on her eye-level spoon.

“…they remind me of diapers.” I said.

“They smell like them too!” she exclaimed with a sniff. Carolyn started to laugh, I joined in.

“So, I saw you felt the need to abandon your tofu.” Bri said, changing the subject from her diaper dumplings.

“She didn’t want to eat her dubu!” Carolyn chimed in poking my side. I laughed in agreement.

“Speaking of which, remember the one time we skyped, when Becca had first started dating Onew, and she called him ‘dubu’ and I freaked?” Brianna said recalling the memories.

“Hey! I freaked too! For a moment I thought she was dating food! At least you knew he was human!” Carolyn laughed.  Brianna just nodded giggling and pushing the dumplings around in her bowl.

“Oh, and the same night Carolyn had bought the E-Z Biology book, and we all thought it went from E to Z, when in reality it was just the company’s ‘tactful’ way to spell ‘easy’!” 

“It didn’t even help me on my homework…”

“Neither did these diaper dumplings on my stomach!”  Bri took a sip of her orange juice to free of the taste.


The rest of our conversation was about SHINee and our boys. Carolyn mentioned that Taemin wanted her to meet Jonghyun and Minho soon. She was excited to meet them, especially since she has heard a lot about them. But one thing she made clear was how nervous she also was. She was close with Key and Onew, seeing how they have met many times, and she wanted to be on all of the member’s good sides.  Even Jonghyun’s. To be honest, she has only heard the worst about him, and seemed a little frightened. She already spoke to Minho over the phone briefly, and he was a nice guy to begin with. I advised that Taemin just wanted the best for her and that he believed the best of his hyungs and wanted her to meet them.

 That boy fell, and boy, did he fall fast. Onew and Key both had mentioned that ever since Taemin met Carolyn, she’s all he talks about.

“Well, Taemin said that Onew refuses to shut up about his ‘yebo~’ and Key never stops texting Brianna,” was Carolyn’s response. We both blushed.  

“My little sachon and dongsaeng are all grown up!” Brianna said patting both our heads.  


Ring ding dong, ring ding dong, ring diggi ding diggi ding ding ding~


Brianna answered her phone.

“Hello?” She paused. “Omo! Key slow down! Tell me what happened?...uh huh….uh huh…okay…it’s okay. It’s okay baby. Take a deep breath, calm down. Everything will be okay. I’m gonna hang up, then text you. Okay? Deep breaths, baby, deep breaths. Love you, kay, bye.”

Carolyn and I stared at her waiting to hear what had happened. By the sound of it, it wasn’t good!

“What happened? Is everyone okay?”  Carolyn said in a worried tone, glancing from Bri to me.

“Mmhmm, his favorite pair of American shoes was on sale, and this woman got to the last pair before he could. He panicked.”

I slapped my forehead.

“Aigoo, Kibum.” Carolyn said sitting back in her chair.

Bri and I looked at each other, our eyes wide.

“…Did I just say…?”

“Uh huh.”

“Omo! Carolyn you are one of us now!” we both embraced her. “It’s official. You. Are a Shawol.”

“Welcome to the club Unni!” I said with a smile. She just giggled.

“Taemin is rubbing off on me! Aish.”

We all paused.

Our laughter and fangirling could probably be heard across America.

 haha diaper dumplings xD

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banapple195 #1
WOW! I thought that was a random photo from the internet! Its so pretty! ^^
Awww; I don't like goodbyes >.< But that is a beautiful picture!!^^
They have to live :'(
Ahah Jjong seems her boyfriend, not Taemin xD
They're a perfect COUPLE (Tae and Carol)^^
Ahah, Jjong is jealous :b
banapple195 #5
I love Jonghyun in this story!
Jealous puppy^^
Oh, JongHyun, you're so sweet *_*
Aish, i hate long distance relationships..i hope that they can do it *_*
Long distance relationships^^
Key umma/appa! :D