I Promise I'm Not a Stalker. Usually.

There's Only Two Things You Must Do Today: Breathe In, Breathe Out

Taemin’s POV


When she said her name my heart skipped a beat. I barely knew this girl…but I was fascinated with her. I smiled

again,in response she did too. My brain exploded. She was so beautiful. She looked so delicate. Physically she was

well built, sturdy. But her eyes and smile were so fragile. I stepped toward her, in which to my surprise she responded

with stepping backward. I’ve never had a girl move away from me before, unless it was by force. She obviously didn’t

know who I was. I wasn’t disappointed, rather relieved. That skips all the drama.


“So, where are you from?” was all I could think of. She glanced away and said,


“Why do you want to know? I barely know you…”


Omo, I realized then how incredibly stupid I’d been. Of course she didn’t know me! Who would give a stranger such information?


“Sorry...I know…I just…Mianhe…” I looked away, trying to hide my flushed cheeks. I also realized I just spoke in

Korean…not only that I used informal Korean! I didn’t even know her! How rude! Ugh. Way to go Taemin…just make a

WONDERFUL first impression will you. My mental sarcasm must’ve shown on my face for she giggled.


“It’s alright. Um, do you have a facebook maybe?” I laughed to her question.


“No, sorry…but I do have a cell phone!”


“Okay! Do you want my number?”


“Yes!” DAEBAK! I was so excited.


As she told me her number, I whipped out my phone to see fourteen messages from Key umma. Aish! I was in trouble!


She must’ve noticed the change of my mood, because she stopped talking.


“You okay…? Wow…I just realized I never got your name! Jeez, I was going to give my number to a guy I don’t even

know the name of!” She cursed herself for being so incautious. It was precious.


“It’s okay, I’m fine; my friends are looking for me is all. My name is Taemin.”


“Taemin? That’s an interesting name. Where are you from? I noticed your accent. “


“South Korea.”


“Korea? Woah! That’s awesome!”


“Thank you! Sorry, I have to go…what did you say your number was?”


“Oh right,” She finished giving her number when a horn honked behind us.


“Oh gosh!! I’m late!” She whipped around and ran towards the car.


“Bye Taemin!” She got into a blue Subaru and when it drove out of sight I turned and ran into Macys. I flipped

open my phone just in time to see two missed calls from Key. Whoops.



Carolyn’s POV


I got into the car and saw my dad looking not very pleased.


“Sorry I got caught up, hurry! Drive!


When we started to drive away I noticed Taemin watching us. Usually I’d be really creeped out, but he seemed like a

really sweet guy. He didn’t give off a bad vibe or anything or I wouldn’t have given him my number.


Once we got to church I quickly took out the newly purchased card and signed it adding a comment or two. We had

missed the precession in, but my brother was speaking when we scooted into the pew. At least we didn’t miss that! I

sat down next to my mom when my phone buzzed. I glanced around making sure no one was looking when I pulled

out my phone. I had a text from an unknown number. It read: “Kalolin?” I stifled my laugh then replied: “I

think you mean Carolyn?” I waited a few minutes after I hit send to put my phone back. When I did, it

buzzed. Figures. I read the message. Another laugh had to be held in. This kid was adorable. “Ah, yes, Carolyn. I like it :) Thank you, it’s Taemin.” I typed back, “Yes, I was hoping C:” I hit

send then my mom nudged me. Ah. I was  caught. I’d have to wait to text him back until the end of mass. I hoped

to be able to talk to him more later.

He seemed…interesting.

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banapple195 #1
WOW! I thought that was a random photo from the internet! Its so pretty! ^^
Awww; I don't like goodbyes >.< But that is a beautiful picture!!^^
They have to live :'(
Ahah Jjong seems her boyfriend, not Taemin xD
They're a perfect COUPLE (Tae and Carol)^^
Ahah, Jjong is jealous :b
banapple195 #5
I love Jonghyun in this story!
Jealous puppy^^
Oh, JongHyun, you're so sweet *_*
Aish, i hate long distance relationships..i hope that they can do it *_*
Long distance relationships^^
Key umma/appa! :D