
There's Only Two Things You Must Do Today: Breathe In, Breathe Out

Taemin’s POV

I paced around the room nervously. Jonghyun and Carolyn were at the mall today, hanging out as friends. They became really close over the past few days. They text all the time. Not as much as her and I text, but still. I had been trying very hard not to be ‘jealous,’ because I trust her. I trust her. Trust her, trust her, trust her. But…I was still nervous. Umma helped me through it.

“Don’t worry Taeminnie. They’re just friends, that’s all,” Key said.

“I know….but what if he hurts her?” Key let out a laugh.

“Jonghyun can’t hurt a fly. He’s all bark and no bite.”

“But what if he hugs her too tight and crushes her! He is really muscular!”

“Taemin, take my word for it. Mkay? They’ll be fine. Now come over here and have some banana milk and ice cream.”

“No.” With my response Key jumped up.

“What?! Are you really THAT worried?” The horrified look on his face was quite amusing.

“No, but I want to wait until Carolyn gets back so I can share it with her.” Key’s face softened.

“You learn so well. You used to hate sharing! Now look at you!” he smiled.

I sat down on the couch and threw my head back. “I miss her.”

“You only miss her because she is with Jonghyun.”

“And I haven’t seen her in two whole days!”

“What are you going to do when we leave for Korea? You can’t take her with you. Bri and I go days, sometimes weeks, without face chatting or texting. Onew and Becca, go longer.”

“I…I don’t want to think about it.”

“Taemin-ah, you need to be realistic. She goes fine without seeing you for a while because she knows that’s how it’s going to be. You are going to be on the other side of the world from her.”

“I don’t want to leave.”

“You don’t have a choice. You signed a ten year contract with SM. It’s only 2011. March at that! You still have several years left. Until then, you have to go where ever they tell you to go. We have a week and a half left here, instead of moping, spend it with her.”

“Now I miss her more!... I’m texting her.”

“Taemin. Don’t interrupt.”

“Fine. I’ll call.” It was too late for Umma to stop me. I had already dialed her number.

“Hello? Taemin?”


“…is everything okay?”


“Then why’d you call?”

“I miss you.”

“Aw baby, I’ll be there in like, half an hour. Jjong and I are at Hottopic. I thought it was time for a theme change on him.” She laughed.


“You sure everything’s fine?”


“Okay, then. Well, I’ll talk to you when I get back, mkay?”


“Alrighty then. Bye bye sweetie.”

“Annyeong, Yebo.”

 She hung up.

“See. Now you should’ve waited. You interrupted!” Umma scolded. I just sighed and mumbled to myself.


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banapple195 #1
WOW! I thought that was a random photo from the internet! Its so pretty! ^^
Awww; I don't like goodbyes >.< But that is a beautiful picture!!^^
They have to live :'(
Ahah Jjong seems her boyfriend, not Taemin xD
They're a perfect COUPLE (Tae and Carol)^^
Ahah, Jjong is jealous :b
banapple195 #5
I love Jonghyun in this story!
Jealous puppy^^
Oh, JongHyun, you're so sweet *_*
Aish, i hate long distance relationships..i hope that they can do it *_*
Long distance relationships^^
Key umma/appa! :D