Jealous Much?

There's Only Two Things You Must Do Today: Breathe In, Breathe Out

Taemin’s POV

Jonghyun ordered our tickets and insisted on paying. Minho bought the popcorn and I paid for the drinks. Carolyn complained that she didn’t get to pay for anything. Both Jonghyun and Minho agreed with me that it would be rude to have the younger lady pay.

When we got into the auditorium, Carolyn sat in between Jonghyun and me. Minho sat on my other side. We were both a little uncomfortable with Jonghyun sitting next to Carolyn, since his temper earlier today was short, but we decided to put faith into our hyung. While the previews were playing, Carolyn and Jonghyun wouldn’t stop talking. They seemed to really click. I didn’t want to be the jealous boyfriend…but I felt ignored.

“Minho hyung…?”


“Carolyn and hyung are getting along really well…”

“That’s good. I was afraid that they’d fight or something.”

“No! Not good! She is ignoring me for him!”

“Taemin-ah, did you even try to talk to her? Tap her shoulder, if she waves you off and keeps talking, then yes, she is ignoring you. But if she responds well, then it’s all good.”

“…but I don’t want to interrupt.”

“Then why are you complaining? It’s a good thing she is getting along with him. Not many people do. Aren’t you happy that your most critical band mate approves and likes your girlfriend?”


“Not But’s. If you aren’t going to interrupt, let her be.”


“You’re welcome.”

I waited until the movie had started to actually try and talk to Carolyn. She was still whispering to Jonghyun.

"Umm....Carolyn?" I tapped her shoulder. She told Jonghyun to wait a moment then turned to me.

"Yes?" she smiled.

"A-are you ignoring me?"

"What? No! Why do you think that?"

"Well, you barely talked to me this whole time."

“Aw, sweetie. I'm just trying to get to know your friends! I already know Key and Onew quite well. And obviously I can't talk to Minho from over here, but Jjong is right next to me..." She stopped talking when she saw my eyes grow wide.


"'s easier to say than Jonghyun." I rolled my eyes while standing up angrily.

"Sure. Of course. This is what I get!" I stormed out of the theater. I heard Carolyn call my name. But I didn't care. I couldn't believe she was so close to hyung. She probably liked him! Hyung is such a man . Once I got to the lobby I found a bench by the food counter. Minho sat down next to me. I didn’t even see him following me.


"I don't want to talk about it."

"Taemin. What are you doing? You wanted her to meet us, and now you’re mad she is making friends?"

"Hyung, she called him Jjong."

"So does Kibum."

"But that’s Umma! Not my girlfriend."

" Taemin, she like you, ne?"

"I thought so! But now I'm not so sure!" I huffed then placed my head in my hands.

"Dramatic Taemin."

"I'm not dramatic! I'm realistic."

"If you are realistic, then you are calling your girlfriend a ."

"No. I'm calling hyung a ."

"But if she were to go after ever guy she meets-"

"Not every guy!"

"Taemin. Let me finish. But if she were to go after ever guy she meets, like you are implying, then you are calling her a ."


 "Taemin, you messed up. Go apologize. Your girlfriend is confused and devastated because she thinks she did something wrong, when she didn't. Go do the right thing." Minho walked back to the auditorium. I sat there a while longer. Thinking about what I had done. She didn't do anything. I just assumed. Gah. I turned into that jealous boyfriend I didn't want to be.  Why am I so stupid? I ran back inside and up the steps, two at a time. When I got to our row, I saw Carolyn leaned over with her hands covering her face, and Minho and Jonghyun patting her back. Jonghyun looked pissed when he saw me.

"What the hell Taemin?!"

"Shut up." I demanded. Minho moved to his seat, leaving my seat next to hers open.

"...yebo?" She looked up.

"I'm so sorry Taemin! I didn't mean to hurt you!" She threw her arms around my neck.

"It was my fault...I'm sorry. I always come to conclusions too fast."

"Do you forgive me?"

I laughed, "There isn't anything to forgive; you didn't do anything."

"I should have paid more attention to you, instead of just talking to Jjong-uh- Jonghyun."

"Hey, you can call him that. I don't mind."

" sure? If you don't want me to that’s fine! Really!"

"No. I'm positive." I pulled her onto the seat on top of me to hug her. When I pulled away, I could see Jonghyun watching us from the corner of my eye. I knew by the look on Carolyn's face, Minho was looking as well. She didn't seem to care because she placed her hands on my cheeks and pushed her lips to mine. When we broke apart, she giggled. I grinned and kissed her cheek. I looked over at Minho to see him beaming. He ruffled my hair then turned back to the movie. Carolyn's face was in the other direction. I turned to see what she was fixated on and almost laughed. Jonghyun wasn't watching. He was doing the opposite actually. He had his head turned in the other direction with a poker face. I could see a smile form over her face when Jonghyun looked over. She waved and he copied her. I don't think Carolyn had noticed, but he didn't seem at all thrilled by our makeup. I decided that I was just assuming again and turned back to Carolyn. She hopped over to her own seat; the short-haired girl cuddled my arm, leaning against my shoulder.

" Saranghae." I whispered.

"I love you too, Taemin." She nuzzled into my arm then went on watching the movie.


My cheesyness strikes again!! ^^

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banapple195 #1
WOW! I thought that was a random photo from the internet! Its so pretty! ^^
Awww; I don't like goodbyes >.< But that is a beautiful picture!!^^
They have to live :'(
Ahah Jjong seems her boyfriend, not Taemin xD
They're a perfect COUPLE (Tae and Carol)^^
Ahah, Jjong is jealous :b
banapple195 #5
I love Jonghyun in this story!
Jealous puppy^^
Oh, JongHyun, you're so sweet *_*
Aish, i hate long distance relationships..i hope that they can do it *_*
Long distance relationships^^
Key umma/appa! :D