Not the Reality I Wanted

There's Only Two Things You Must Do Today: Breathe In, Breathe Out

Jonghyun’s POV

 Thrilled is not the word I was looking for when I watched Carolyn hug Taemin on arrival. I know. She’s Taemin-ah’s girlfriend. I respect that. I’m happy being her friend as long as she’s happy. I just wish I could be bestfriends with her. Not many people really get close to me. Or at least they think we are close, but it’s one sided. Bummie is the only close friend I actually like. I like the other members, but we aren’t close like Kibum and I are. Carolyn is just about at the same level as Key. Which is scary. Mostly ‘cause it took forever for Key and I to get close. Then this girl waltzes in and just….takes over me. I hate to admit it. But every time I see her name blinking on my phone from a text or a call, my heart speeds up. I knew from the moment we got into the lobby at the theater. When I got to see her. Really see her. I was psyched that I got to sit next to her; talking to her was so easy. We hang out often, mostly with Taemin, but tonight having it just be her and me…it was amazing. I loved being with Carolyn. She was just so cheerful…

 Yet dark. I couldn’t explain it. She wasn’t depressing, but she had a quality to her that just screamed “dark”. I liked it.

Taemin obviously did too.

If he didn’t then he wouldn’t like her at all because her attire consisted mostly of dark band tees and cargo pants. Taemin always said that he wanted a girl that was like a sunflower; a noona with long hair and a bright face and personality. He liked feminine. Every once in a while Carolyn would wear something feminine and flattering. But by the way Taemin reacts; he adores her just fine without all the girly stuff. I obviously didn’t mind it. That’s why when she went for that dress I was more than thrilled to buy it for her. It would look great on her.  I was really excited to wear the clothing we bought out somewhere. It’s so different than the colorful skinnies I always have to wear. I liked this new style. Her style.

I sat on the lone chair, across from the couch which was occupied by Taemin and Carolyn. They were so cute cuddling and giggling together, talking about the mall and other petty things. I didn’t think I was making any sort of face, but I was told otherwise.

“Jonghyun. What’s that face for?” Taemin looked over from Carolyn to me.

“Mwo eolgul?”

“Geu!” he pointed to my face, leaning forward from Carolyn.

“Mwo ya, yigae! MWO EOLGUL?!?!” From the corner of my eye I could see that Carolyn’s face froze when I stood up in anger. “Omo! Did I scare you?” I quickly moved to her side. She reared back from me into Taemin.

“Y-yeah…but could you please speak in English around me? I feel so stupid…”

“Ne- I mean, of course.” I smiled at her, earning a hand to my cheek then a soft hug.


Taemin didn’t look too amused.

“Jealous Taemin!” She laughed, her aloof mood regaining.

“Exactly, now come here, you.” His arms slid around her waist and pulled her back from me. She playfully yelped and giggled.

“Noo Taemiiiin!” She whined with a smile. He snuggled in to her. Her face lit up. “I have an idea! It’s not TOO late! Wanna watch a movie?”

“Great idea! What movie?” Taemin looked at her from the side, seeing as how she was positioned between his legs in front of him. They took up the whole couch sitting sideways like that.

“Ummm….I don’t know. What do you have?”

“Nothing you’d know…TV?”

“All agreed?” she looked at me. My nod signaled her movement to get the remote.

“No, don’t leave me!” Taemin tugged her back.

“Then how do I get the remote?”

I sighed. “I’ll get it.”

I spent the night watching a disgustingly cute couple kiss and cuddle. Why are they so perfect for each other? This is not the reality I wanted.

-so yeah Carolyn is amazing and everyone loves her- xD Im so unrealistic...and cheesy...ehhh well a girl can dream right? ^^;

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banapple195 #1
WOW! I thought that was a random photo from the internet! Its so pretty! ^^
Awww; I don't like goodbyes >.< But that is a beautiful picture!!^^
They have to live :'(
Ahah Jjong seems her boyfriend, not Taemin xD
They're a perfect COUPLE (Tae and Carol)^^
Ahah, Jjong is jealous :b
banapple195 #5
I love Jonghyun in this story!
Jealous puppy^^
Oh, JongHyun, you're so sweet *_*
Aish, i hate long distance relationships..i hope that they can do it *_*
Long distance relationships^^
Key umma/appa! :D