You Better Date a White Rabbit Next Time

There's Only Two Things You Must Do Today: Breathe In, Breathe Out

Taemin’s POV

Jonghyun, Minho, and I were standing outside the movie theater waiting for Carolyn to arrive. Brianna was supposed to drop her off fifteen minutes ago. Aigoo….it was too cold to be fifteen minutes late. Jonghyun thought so too.


“Aish! Where are they? I’m cold. This isn’t fair. Why can’t we wait inside? Taemin-ah, I don’t like her. She’s late. You know what they say about late people! Why can't she be a white rabbit? Those things are always on time! Taemin, you better date a bunny next time. Gah. It’s coooold. Why is it cold? It’s not fair! Why do we have to meet her? I don’t understand. I’ve met the other two girls! Why this one? Why am I single? I’m cool…Come on. We all know it! Well, Minho-yah is pretty cool too…but I’m at least muscular! Look at me! I’m beautiful…why is she late? Taemin-ah. I really don’t like her. I’m too beautiful for this.”


 “Jonghyun-hyung. Please be quiet. Taemin and I are waiting patiently. Why can’t you? You are older. Stop acting so immature.” I mentally laughed at Minho’s scolding. He patted my head then whispered, “Don’t worry. He doesn’t mean it. He’s just a Dinosaur. You know what they say about dino’s brains. They’re the size of walnuts!” We both quietly laughed. Jonghyun just stood jumping angrily in his spot.


Suddenly, I saw a head lights cutting through the darkness.


“Omo! Is that them?” Jonghyun asked, eyes squinting from the light.


“I don’t know. We’ll see.” I responded, annoyed by his change of mood. The blue truck pulled up next to us. The door swung open and Carolyn hopped out. She turned and yelled something into the car. She waved and slammed the door behind her, then skipped over to me.


“Hello, sweetheart.” She said with a smile and a peck on my lips.


 “Annyeong, yebo~” I hugged her. She giggled then turned to Jonghyun and Minho.


“Hi! I’m Carolyn!”


“Hey, I’m Jonghyun, and this is-”


“Minho. My name…is Minho.” He said shooting a glare Jonghyun’s way. Jonghyun just shrugged it off and continued with a smile:


 “We heard a lot about you! But Taetae here never mentioned how pretty you are!” I hit him while he laughed.


 “Well, thanks! And he didn’t?” She jokingly pushed me with a laugh.


“No! I did! I totally did! I know you’re very pretty~” I grabbed her waist. I the smooth fabric on her stomach. My chin sunk into her shoulder. “Also, I like this shirt…it’s so soft.”


 “Thanks! It’s Brianna’s. She gave it to me!” It was a simple tee shirt that was blue with red lining. I couldn’t understand the logo on the front though. The shirt was long on her, going half-way down her thighs. Half-way up her calf were black snow boots. You could barely see her skinny jeans! I felt quite awkward wearing my sloppy clothing while she dressed up for the occasion. “Um, do you want to go inside? It’s kinda cold…” she said, huddling up next to me.


 “YES.” Jonghyun yelled, dashing through the doors, into the lobby. Minho held the door for Carolyn and me.


 “Thank you, Minho- oppa!” she said, prancing through the door, hand in mine. As I was pulled through I smiled.


 “Kamsahamnida, hyung.” Minho just smiled and patted my back.


 “Ah, Taeminnie is growing up…”


I love Jonghyun <3

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banapple195 #1
WOW! I thought that was a random photo from the internet! Its so pretty! ^^
Awww; I don't like goodbyes >.< But that is a beautiful picture!!^^
They have to live :'(
Ahah Jjong seems her boyfriend, not Taemin xD
They're a perfect COUPLE (Tae and Carol)^^
Ahah, Jjong is jealous :b
banapple195 #5
I love Jonghyun in this story!
Jealous puppy^^
Oh, JongHyun, you're so sweet *_*
Aish, i hate long distance relationships..i hope that they can do it *_*
Long distance relationships^^
Key umma/appa! :D