Los Tres SHINee Amigas!

There's Only Two Things You Must Do Today: Breathe In, Breathe Out

Carolyn’s POV

It was movie night. The theme for the month was Disney Classics. Since Brianna was visiting from college, we let her decide what movie to watch. She picked Lion King. Aladdin was her second choice. Although we hadn’t seen Lion King in what seemed like forever, we barely watched it. Becca and Brianna wanted to know all the dirt on Taemin and me, the “new” SHINee couple.

“What is there to know?”

“Everything!” they said simultaneously.

“Do you like him?” Brianna asked taking a handful of popcorn from the bowl.

“Well, of course! Hence my seeing him almost every night an-”

“-and kissing him.” Becca cut in with a wink.

“Shush~” I blushed. “Hey! I’ve heard quite a lot about you guy’s dates with Key and Onew. I heard things that you all accidentally left out.”

They shuffled a bit in their spots on the bed.

“Yes, well…” Becca’s face turned slightly red. Brianna just giggled.

“Fine, if we tell you everything from now on, will you tell us?” Brianna proposed.


“Okay. Settled.” She sat back in her seat and high-fived Becca. I just sighed.

“My friends are so silly.” They both stuck out their tongues.

“Aw, but you love us!” Brianna said leaning forward for a group hug.

 “Los tres SHINee amigas!” Becca said.

We all looked at each other, and then shouted at the same time:

“COLD HEART, BABY!” We burst out into a fit of laughter. Becca got up from her bed and made her way to the desk in her room. She shuffled some CDs on her desk then plopped one into the CD player. She pressed play, and then jumped onto the bed. A.MI.GO started to play.  We all stood up on her bed and started to dance and sing at the top of our lungs. The movie was completely forgotten in the background of our self-concert.

After we sang and danced to every song on the CD, we collapsed on the bed.

“We should do this more often.” Brianna said between gasps for air.

Becca and I looked at each other and just laughed.

“Maybe once we all graduate school and college then we can do this more often. Only then we will be in Korea with our boys.” Becca smiled at her own words. I could feel the smile creeping on my face as well.

This was a good night.


I am so bad at this whole updating on a regular basis thing. xD

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banapple195 #1
WOW! I thought that was a random photo from the internet! Its so pretty! ^^
Awww; I don't like goodbyes >.< But that is a beautiful picture!!^^
They have to live :'(
Ahah Jjong seems her boyfriend, not Taemin xD
They're a perfect COUPLE (Tae and Carol)^^
Ahah, Jjong is jealous :b
banapple195 #5
I love Jonghyun in this story!
Jealous puppy^^
Oh, JongHyun, you're so sweet *_*
Aish, i hate long distance relationships..i hope that they can do it *_*
Long distance relationships^^
Key umma/appa! :D